How to sew a removable cover on the sofa with your own hands: pattern, instructions, photos, video

How to sew a removable cover on the sofa with your own hands: pattern, instructions, photos, video

If you need to sew a removable cover on the sofa, read the article. It has many options and instructions.

Ullo furniture plays an important role in the house. It creates a cozy atmosphere, sets the tone of the interior and allows you to feel comfortable. It's nice to sit with a cup of green tea in a deep, soft chair after a hard working day. I also always want to comfortably spend the evening with the family, sitting on a large home couch and watching your favorite comedy.

Read on our website another article on how to remove stains from the upholstery of the sofa from water, urine, vanish, after cleaning upholstered furniture. It gives useful and effective advice.

Each housewife seeks to ensure their furniture durable operation. It is also very important to maintain the appearance of the sofa. Its upholstery regularly has to undergo various troubles in the form of cat hair, a spilled drink or children's boots. This article is intended for those housewives who want to keep the beautiful upholstery of the sofa for many years. The cover can be made with your own hands, which is much more pleasant and convenient. In this article, look for instructions for sewing covers for different types of sofas. Read further.

Production of a removable cover on the sofa: Materials

Sofa cover
Sofa cover

The choice in favor of a product created with his own hand is also good in that the hostess can independently choose the material - color, texture and density. When choosing fabric, remember that its main characteristic should be the ability to hold dust and particles of dirt.

As recommended fabrics for the manufacture of a removable cover on the sofa, consider:

Material for sewing a case on a sofa
Material for sewing a case on a sofa


  • This breathing fabric from natural components.
  • Very suitable for the house in which there are children - hypoallergenic.
  • It is easy to take care of him, besides it does not create static stress.
  • As disadvantages, you can name the facts that cotton quickly creeps and wears out.
Material for sewing a case on a sofa
Material for sewing a case on a sofa


  • Soft material.
  • Often decorated with embroidery, embossed drawings.
  • Like cotton, hypoallergenic, does not create static electricity.
  • Washing in the washing machine is allowed.
Material for sewing a case on a sofa
Material for sewing a case on a sofa


  • The composition of this fabric includes polyester and cotton.
  • It has an advantage over other tissues, due to resistance in front of the liquid (waterproof), fading and domestic pets.
Material for sewing a case on a sofa
Material for sewing a case on a sofa


  • It is considered a substitute for suede.
  • It has synthetic components in its composition, created in Japan.
  • It is characterized by high strength, hypoallergenicity and easy care.
Material for sewing a case on a sofa
Material for sewing a case on a sofa


  • Soft and plush to the touch.
  • It has wear resistance and high strength.
  • Washing in the washing machine is allowed.
Material for sewing a case on a sofa
Material for sewing a case on a sofa


  • It is made at enterprises with high -tech equipment.
  • It has high density and strength.
  • It is best suited for the interior in classic, baroque and empire styles.
  • Care is allowed with a washing machine and dry cleaning.

Having decided to make a sofa cover with your own hands, keep in mind that the case for the case is required to meet some requirements. It should be hypoallergenic, not to create static stress, depending on preferences - soft or stiff, resistant to wear and moisture repellent.

Remember: When you choose the fabric, do not ignore the two nuances: this is whether the children are present in the house, and where the furniture will be located for which the cover is sewn. Depending on the location of the furniture, you can consider designer tips for the choice of fabric.

Read more:

Czech on the sofa in the children's room
Czech on the sofa in the children's room
  • For a children's bedroomor Just a children's room The materials should be environmentally friendly, in no case synthetics. It is also necessary that they are easy to care and clean. Shenll, cotton, microfiber or velor tissues are great.
  • In adults bedroom Washed -resistant material is suitable - in addition to microfiber, Shenilla and velor, you can pay attention to Flok. They must also be environmentally friendly, as they will most often come into contact with the human body.
  • In the living room or kitchen Choose fabrics that are comfortable in operation and easy to care - leather (or eco -skinned), velor, jacquard tissues, or microfiber.

So, the fabric was picked up. Now you need to decide on the size of the case. Read further.

How to determine the size of the case on the sofa?

Determine the size of the case on the sofa
Determine the size of the case on the sofa

The correct measurement of the furniture, for which the case will be sewn, is extremely important. By measuring and the information received, it will be possible to determine how many parts will be needed for the pattern and what sizes they should be. How to determine the size of the case on the sofa?

Determine the size of the cover
Determine the size of the cover
  • The simplest method for sewing this product is considered crossing with an old sofa cloak.
  • To do this, spread the old “cover” at the seams to the main components of the parts, and then transfer the obtained “stencils” to a new fabric.

Important: To calculate the volume of the material that is needed, measure the length and width of this interior item. Next, two lengths and two widths obtained from measurement, fold together.

If you do not know where the boundaries pass along which you need to shoot measurements, then use this cheat sheet:

Determine the size of the case on the sofa
Determine the size of the case on the sofa
  • Width - The distance between the two armrests.
  • Length - the distance between the points of contact of the sofa with the floor and in front. That is, you have to measure the height of the sofa behind, the back of the sofa from the front side, the depth of the seat and the height of the seat.
  • Armrests.  Length - The distance between the extreme point of the armrest and the point of contact with the back. Width - the distance between the contact point of the armrest with the floor and the contact point of the armrest with the seat.

Now let's figure out what tools you need. Read further.

What are the tools for sewing the case on the sofa: List

Tools for sewing a case on the sofa
Tools for sewing a case on the sofa

Tools for sewing are an indispensable material. And it is desirable that they be of high quality. What are the tools for sewing a case on the sofa? Here's a list:

  • Sewing machine. Of course, without it it is impossible to create an even seam and a line. In addition, you can use a hand machine - it is very convenient and easy to work on weight.
  • Roulette. With its help, all measurements and markings on the fabrics are made.
  • Scissors. Make sure that the blades are sharp - otherwise creases and fringe are formed on the fabric during cutting.
  • Sewing needles. Professional tailors have a huge number of needles in their arsenal - from small to large. The newcomer in this case will be needed all the more - with their help you will pin the details to each other, try on and mark before directly sewing the product.
  • Simple pencil and a piece of chalk. The pencil will be needed to apply segments to a paper pattern. And chalk - for strokes on fabric. By the way, if there is no chalk, you can use a small thin piece of old soap. It should be dry.

We get to work. Below you will find tips on creating a case on a simple sofa. Read further.

Sewing the case on a simple sofa: instructions, tips, photos

Czech on a simple sofa
Czech on a simple sofa

There are three main options for the correct sewing cover on the sofa:

  • With a pattern
  • Without a pattern
  • We’ll open in place
The method of sewing the case on the sofa without a pattern
The method of sewing the case on the sofa without a pattern

A method without a patternAs in the photo above, it implies sewing a case on an elastic band. And for him it will need much more fabric than in other methods. The calculation will be the width, composed of five ships, and the length is three lengths of the sofa.

The method of cutting in place when sewing the case
The method of cutting in place when sewing the case

Crossing method in place It is distinguished by its simplicity and profitable use of the material. This method does not leave a large amount of waste, and in general, does not require a lot of fabric. However, it is suitable only for standard upholstered furniture. This method implies sewing a sofa cover without armrests. This can be a folding or non -insured sofa of the “Book” mechanism.

Cutting method by pattern when sewing the case
Cutting method by pattern when sewing the case

Pattern method It has several serious advantages. The fact is that all the fabric purchased by the pattern is used without a trace, and therefore the case sits on the sofa perfectly. In addition, it will be an original addition to the interior and unique in its kind.

Pattern on a simple sofa
Pattern on a simple sofa

Advice: Start sewing with a lighter model and method. Avoid rounded lines, as it is more difficult to work with them, especially a beginner. Stop on the old fabric, which is not a pity to use and throw it away.

Tips for sewing and instructions:

  • The simplest is considered a pattern on a regular rectangular sofa.
  • After you measure measurements, transfer them to paper, given the direction of the shared line. Now transfer the drawn details to the fabric with chalk (or soap). If there is no sufficient amount of paper, you can use newspapers or carbon copy.
  • Glue each part with them and cut it with scissors. You can adjust the pattern - connect the cut parts with tape, and fill the voids with paper.
  • When the pattern is ready, proceed to cutting on the fabric. But first, the material must be ironed.

Important: After washing, cotton and woolen products are shrinking - first wash them so as not to make mistakes in the parameters.

We continue:

  • Fold the ironed material in the inside.
  • Drawed details skop with pins. Now circle all parts in small parts along the contour.
  • Then step back a couple of centimeters, and circle it again. You need to cut the parts along the second, extreme line.
  • Sew the parts cut out of the fabric with an easy seam - remember that after trying on, you will need to sew them on a typewriter.
  • Try the resulting product. Check if you were mistaken in the calculations, whether everything is sitting, as planned.
  • Now you can grow a product on a sewing machine.
  • Do not forget to process the internal seams with an overlock.
  • Think about whether your product is needed.
  • If so, cut, sew and sew it to the cloak.

Speak the fasteners and the edge of the case. You can decorate the product to your liking.

DIY Corner Corner Corner: Pattern, Instructions, Video

DIY Corner Corner Corner
DIY Corner Corner Corner

A case on a corner sofa with your own hands is sewn by an order of magnitude more complicated. The process is divided into two main methods. Here's a pattern:

Pattern for sewing a case on a corner sofa
Pattern for sewing a case on a corner sofa
  • 1st method - implies a cloak on the attached corner sector. Such a sofa needs to sew five details - the main one, on the premium, on the back and armrests.
  • 2nd method - For furniture with an inserting corner part or for a whole model. Such a product should have two details - on the “wings” and the corner of the interior item. After these parts are sewn with each other. Detailed sewing instructions:
DIY Corner Corner Corner: Instructions
DIY Corner Corner Corner: Instructions
Try on the sewn part of the case
Try on the sewn part of the case

When you start to grind the details, make a pliss. So the docking seam will be invisible. If you lack experience, then select the color that visually hide the seam. Read more the process of sewing the case for this type of sofa, described in the video below:

Video: How to sew a cover on a corner sofa with your own hands for the evening?

Simple cover on the sofa eurobook with your own hands: instructions with a pattern

Simple cover on the sofa Eurobrnizhka with your own hands
Simple cover on the sofa Eurobrnizhka with your own hands

There are two details on the sofa of the Eurobrniki - if you do without a back, or three - if you want on the back too. Here's a pattern:

Simple cover on the sofa eurobook with your own hands: Pattern
Simple cover on the sofa eurobook with your own hands: Pattern

The capes on the armrests of the Eurobrins are cut out in place. Keep in mind that under the armrests the covers should have a clasp on the castle with a runner-otherwise the design of the sofa-book will force them to creep, and will ultimately break. In this case, the elastic band also does not move - only lightning will fix.

Otherwise, the sewing algorithm for such a model does not differ from the above. Here are the instructions for sewing a simple case on the sofa Eurobronka with your own hands:

  1. Cover the fabric by the pattern above.
  2. Start flashing from the corners. As done, shown in the central part of the pattern.
  3. The cape is pulled out with an elastic band. On the right in the figure this is visible. But do not forget to make the armhole under the mechanism. This is a simple straight section for the lever.
  4. Get the armhole of the trouser ribbon.
  5. From out. Pull the sides with an elastic band.

The remaining details are even easier. It doesn’t matter in what order you will do this - one by one, you will quickly collect the cover in one beautiful product.

Video: sewing covers on the sofa with your own hands

DIY sofa case on the back of the sofa: Instructions

With your own hands on the back of the sofa
With your own hands on the back of the sofa

The case on the back of the sofa is sewn easier than the entire such item of the interior. At the measurement stage, remove the measurements from the back from the back and front sides, as well as from the sidewalls. Consider the shape of this part of the furniture - the rounded will require a little more fabric. Above the text you will find an image, which shows how to remove the measurement. Here are the instructions for sewing the case on the back of the sofa with your own hands:

With your own hands on the back of the sofa
With your own hands on the back of the sofa
  • Now transfer measurements to a paper sheet. You can glue the back with paper - it is easier to navigate as the cape will sit.
DIY sofa cover on the back of the sofa: Remove the measurements
DIY sofa cover on the back of the sofa: Remove the measurements
  • After that, you can transfer the product to a piece of fabric. Circle with a small one, retreating a couple of centimeters into the seams.
  • Cut out the outlined part and combine with an estimated seam.
  • In the process of trying on, carefully study whether the case is sitting as planned.
  • You can start firming the product on a typewriter.

In fact, you need to sew a rectangle with the size of the back of your sofa. You can use tapes for mounting a cape or other decoration.

DIY sofa cover without armrests: instructions with a pattern

DIY sofa cover without armrests
DIY sofa cover without armrests

DIY sofa cover without armrests: instructions with a pattern

Sewing the cover on the sofa without armrests implies a premium to the planned volume of the fabric cut for a couple of meters. There will be a nuisance if it turns out that the material is lacking. Especially for models without armrests. Here are the instructions with a pattern for sewing with your own hands:

DIY sofa cover without armrests: pattern
DIY sofa cover without armrests: pattern
  • First of all, remove the measurements from the furniture.
  • Now transfer the resulting parameters to a paper sheet.
  • After that, redraw drawn on the material with chalk. Just do not forget to take into account the allowances along the edge and seams.
  • Put with a needle and thread or pin them in several places with pins.
  • Try the product for furniture. Correct the errors if they are available, planning where you need to stitch. Carefully remove the unfinished cloak.
  • Then stitch the seams on the typewriter with out. Parties.
  • Turn out the product "on the face".

Ready - you can put on the product for the interior and enjoy the updated textiles and the interior.

DIY GRAIN CASHOL on an elastic band: Instructions


The sofa cover on the elastic band has a great advantage over the usual cloak. The fact is that, through such a fastening, the cape is securely fixed on furniture - does not move, does not comment and is not going to the "accordion". For those who are tired of the eternal amendments of the sofa cover, the elastic band is an ideal solution.


So, in general, you have to sew a cover on your sofa as an ordinary cover. However, there are several nuances. Here are the instructions and features of sewing the case on the sofa on the elastic band with your own hands:

  • In addition to the main measures, additionally measure the bottom of the furniture around the perimeter.
  • Take fabrics a little more.
  • During the cutting, retreat in the lower part (where it is supposed to be an elastic band) a little more than you usually retreat on a hem. For example, not 2 cm, but fifteen or twenty centimeters. It depends on what width you will purchase an elastic band.

Further, everything is extremely simple. When you make a pattern, retreat below about twenty centimeters. It will be a bend for elastic. Otherwise, everything is according to the usual algorithm of actions, as described above.

DIY sofa armrest covers: Instructions

Covers for the armrests of the sofa
Covers for the armrests of the sofa

Prepare tools and materials:

Tools for sewing a case for the armrests of a sofa
Tools for sewing a case for the armrests of a sofa

Now proceed to create a product. Here are the instructions for sewing covers for the armrests of the sofa with your own hands:

Pattern for sewing a case on the armrests of a sofa
Pattern for sewing a case on the armrests of a sofa
  • Attach the paper to the armrests and draw.
Pattern for sewing a case on the armrests of a sofa
Pattern for sewing a case on the armrests of a sofa
  • Now transfer the template from paper to the fabric with chalk. Do not forget to retreat two centimeters for allowance and seam.
We cut the fabric for sewing the case on the armrests of the sofa
We cut the fabric for sewing the case on the armrests of the sofa
You need to sew in this way
You need to sew in this way
  • Now you need to try on a cover for armrests.
Try a finished cover
Try a finished cover
  • To do this, connect the details with each other with an estimated seam. Try it and evaluate whether to correct something.
The cover is ready
The cover is ready
  • If everything is in order, proceed to stitching parts on a sewing machine.
  • After that, do not forget to process the edges and internal seams with an overlock.

So easy and simply you can sew a case for your upholstered furniture.

The case for the armrest
The case for the armrest

It is only a little patience and the necessary tools. And the memory will remain for many years. Do it yourself is always warmer, softer and more beautiful. Show imagination and make covers on the sofa, armchairs, stools and other interior items. Textile adds to the room of comfort and comfort. Good luck!

Video: How to sew a cover on the sofa per evening?

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