How to clean the sofa from dirt at home? How to clean a leather, suede and fabric sofa?

How to clean the sofa from dirt at home? How to clean a leather, suede and fabric sofa?

Ways to clean the suede, leather, white sofa.

Most housewives dream of cleanliness in the house, but young children and inaccurate guests often upset the housewives at home, leaving unsightly traces on the upholstered furniture. Most often, on the upholstery of seats and sofas, you can find traces of food, urine and children's paint or felt -tip pens.

How can you clean the sofa at home?

The choice of a cleaning agent depends on what upholstered upholstered. If the pollution is simple and uncritical, they can be removed with soap solution. But most often you have to resort to radical methods.

Vanish, a solution of vinegar and soda, hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice and all kinds of solvents cope well with spots. There are also unusual products for cleaning the sofa: callous bread, pencil eraser, sunflower oil.

How to clean a leather sofa?

The skin is one of their most expensive upholstery, so it requires a careful attitude. To clean the skin, it is necessary to evaluate the degree of pollution and choose the right tool.

Substances for cleaning the sofa of leather:

  • Soap solution. This substance is used when there are no visible spots and significant contaminants. Soap you need to take liquid with moisturizing additives
  • Vinegar. This tool is effective in relation to dark spots from food and drinks
  • Starch. It is good for them to remove the spots of fat or vegetable oil
  • Scotch. No matter how strange it sounds, traces of felt -tip pen or ballpoint pen are removing well with tape. This is right away, if you have small children in your house
  • Cleaning tools. These are special solutions that can be purchased with the sofa. They contain safe solvents and moisturize the surface of the skin
  • Ammonia. This is a good remedy for removing complex contaminants, but it dries the skin, so after using it moisturize the surface of the sofa

How to clean a suede sofa?

Suede is very beautiful and expensive upholstery, but you need to carefully care for it. Be sure to remove crumbs, dust and villi from the surface of the sofa once a week. You can use the usual vacuum cleaner.

Try to water the upholstery from suede, otherwise the filler can be drew.

Funds for cleaning the suede sofa:

  • Special substances for cleaning suede shoes. These are hard brushes and special sprays. They restore the color of the upholstery and contain caring oils
  • Vinegar. A solution of vinegar is removed from food, only after cleaning the sofa must be wiped with a damp cloth
  • Ammonia. This is a radical cleaning method. Typically, this solution is removed stains of fat or oil
  • A mixture of detergent and vinegar. Stains from tea or coffee are removed well with this solution
  • Salt. With its help, you can reduce the spots from the wine. Try to withdraw stains while they are fresh

How to clean the sofa from leatherette?

To leatherette - attractive and inexpensive material. It lends itself well to cleaning, so many housewives fell in love. It is advisable to use it for upholstery of kitchen furniture.

Objects for cleaning the sofa from leatherette:

  • Soap solution. It is enough to apply it to the surface and wipe it with a cloth. You can use dishes wash products
  • Cold milk. This substance can be removed from a light sofa from a leatherette. Just soak the fabric with milk and rub it with a sofa. Rinse the remaining milk with cold water
  • Vodka. With its help, you can remove complex and hard -to -tribute spots. Pre -praise the sofa vodka in an inconspicuous place. Sometimes the dye can wash and you get light spots
  • Soft brush. It is used if the surface of the sofa is relief

How to clean a fabric sofa?

Type and cleaning products depend on the fabric. The most practical can be considered jacket upholstery. From its surface, any pollution is removed using a sponge moistened in a soap solution.

Fabric sofa cleaning tools:

  • Vanish. This is a universal tool that contains soft soap components and surfactants. It is they who push out particles of dirt from the surface of the fabric
  • Dr. Bekman. This is a soft remedy for cleaning the sofa from stains. It is usually used pointwise to remove specific spots and pollution
  • Antipyatin. This tool is sold in the form of soap. For cleaning, the product is wetted with water and all contaminants are processed with this soap foam

How and how to clean a white sofa at home?

White upholstery is one of the most impractical. It is difficult to bring out even the most harmless spots from her. Often after using facilities for cleaning, spots remain.

Funds for cleaning the white sofa:

  • Shaving foam. With its help, you can remove the spots of fat and ink
  • Ammonia. The product is perfectly whiten, but on fabrics with the addition of elastic fibers can leave yellow traces
  • Hydrogen peroxide. This is a soft bleach with which you can remove traces of fatty foods and even wine
  • Aspirin. With this medicine, blood spots are removed
  • Acetone or alcohol. These are solvents that can be used to clean white tissue from fat and oils

How to clean the sofa vinegar?

Vinegar is an inexpensive and affordable remedy for cleaning the sofa. With it, you can get rid of dirt, traces of animal paws and even fat spots. It is advisable to use fabric upholstery to clean.

Instructions for cleaning upholstery vinegar:

  • Pour a spoonful of soda and washing powder into a bottle. Pour 50 ml of vinegar. Add water and shake the container
  • Put on a spray bottle and treat the surface with a solution
  • If the stains are old, you can leave the composition for several minutes
  • After that, treat the fabric with a damp pull
  • You can spill upholstery

How to clean the sofa vanish?

Vanish is a common tool for cleaning upholstery, it can be purchased at any store. The solution is characterized by a pleasant smell and ease of use.

Instructions for cleaning the sofa vanish:

  • Pour the cap of the substance into warm water and immerse the sponge into the solution
  • Swear the liquid. Apply foam to a pre -moistened sofa
  • Leave the foam for a few minutes. Grind the stains with a brush if necessary
  • Sprinkle up the upholstery or wipe with a damp cloth
  • Dry the upholstery with a hairdryer or turn on a fireplace or a heat screw near the sofa
  • Do not apply a lot of water. So, you can ruin the foam filler

How to clean the sofa steam cleaner?

If there are many noticeable spots on the couch, try to remove them with an antipyatin or some kind of special tool. If you hope that the steam cleaner will return your furniture a pristine look, then you are mistaken. Typically, a steam cleaner is used to clean the sofa of dust, ticks and small contaminants.

Cleaning the sofa of a steam cleaner:

  • Type clean water into the tank. No detergent needs to be poured
  • Direct the steam to the spot at an angle
  • With microfiber, wipe the softened dirt
  • Dry the upholstery with a hairdryer

If there are old stains of fat or coffee on the couch, apply a mixture of baking soda and water before cleaning the steam cleaner.

With very strong pollution that you could not remove with folk methods and chemicals, invite specialists.

Video: Cleaning a sofa steam cleaner

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Comments K. article

  1. Great article! Thanks to you, I ordered a leather sofa cleaning at home.

  2. Recently completed repairs, and clean it independently, there is no time.

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