How and what to remove, remove old blood spots and fresh blood from white and colored clothes, fabric, mattress, sofa, sheets, carpet: methods, folk recipes, tips, recommendations. Chemicals from stains of old blood: names, instructions for applying

How and what to remove, remove old blood spots and fresh blood from white and colored clothes, fabric, mattress, sofa, sheets, carpet: methods, folk recipes, tips, recommendations. Chemicals from stains of old blood: names, instructions for applying

Methods of excretion of blood stains.

Many housewives believe that getting rid of blood stains is quite difficult. Partially this is true. The speed and complexity of removing stains depends primarily on how soon you rush to fight pollution.

How and what to remove, remove fresh blood from white and colored clothes, shirts: recipes

Before washing clothes, you should remember that with 42 ° C, blood protein turns. That is, the blood when heated from the liquid turns into a mass with lumps. Therefore, do not substitute a little thing under a stream of hot water. It is necessary to initially try to wash the blood with cold water.

Methods of taking blood stains:

  • Put a stain under a stream of cold water and wait until the main part of the blood is washed off. If a little blood remains, soap the speck of household soap. After that, rinse with cold water.
  • Starch. This method can be used if the stain has dried. Just moisten pollution with water and sprinkle with potato starch. Wait for the complete drying of the flour and shake it. Rinse the product in cold water.
  • Salt. Take cold water into the basin and throw 2 tablespoons of salt. Soak clothes in the solution, and then wash with household soap.
How and what to remove, remove fresh blood from white and colored clothes, shirts: recipes
How and what to remove, remove fresh blood from white and colored clothes, shirts: recipes

How and what to remove, remove old blood spots from white and colored clothes, shirts: recipes

It is quite difficult to remove old spots. This can be done by soaking or using special substances.

Methods of blood excretion:

  • Peroxide. To remove the spot, moisten it with cold water and pour hydrogen peroxide on it. Wait a few minutes and rinse with cold water. Wash with the use of laundry soap.
  • Ammonia. Moisten a dried stain with ammonia and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse clothes thoroughly in cool soapy solution. Fipe at low temperatures.
  • Bura. Soak the clothes for several hours in a cold solution of drill. Apply laundry soap for pollution and rub.
How and what to remove, remove old blood spots from white and colored clothes, shirts: recipes
How and what to remove, remove old blood spots from white and colored clothes, shirts: recipes

How to wash blood from a sofa tissue?

This is not easy to do, since when washed off with cold water, blood will be smeared over the entire surface. To do this, moisten contamination with cold water and pour a little starch. Wait for complete drying and shake off the rest with a brush. The field of this apply a soap solution and rub the pollution. You can clean with a vacuum cleaner with a wet cleaning function.

How to wash blood from a sofa tissue?
How to wash blood from a sofa tissue?

How to remove old blood spots from the mattress?

The main difficulty is that there is a filler inside the mattress, which also absorbs blood. That is why when trying to wash off blood, it is smeared. Therefore, washing is a useless venture. The best method is a hydrogen peroxide solution. Apply it on a wet spot and wait for the formation of foam. Take it off with a white cloth. When the foam ceases to form, wipe the pollution with a soap sponge.

How to remove old blood spots from the mattress?
How to remove old blood spots from the mattress?

How to remove the old blood spots from the sheet?

The easiest way is to soak in cold soapy solution. Just immerse the sheet in a low temperature soap solution and wait for the blood to dissolve. After that, you can apply soap and rub the fabric.

How to remove the old blood spots from the sheet?
How to remove the old blood spots from the sheet?

How to bring out old blood spots on the carpet?

It is not easy to get a stain from the carpet. After all, the fibers are thick and blood eats into the thread. To get started, wet the stain and pour starch. When it dries, sweep everything with a brush. Rinse with cold water. You can use the carpet cleaning tool. Perform wet cleaning with a vacuum cleaner at the end.

How to bring out old blood spots on the carpet?
How to bring out old blood spots on the carpet?

How to remove old blood spots on shorts, jeans?

It is not easy to remove blood from a denim. After all, the canvas is very dense. Initially, set the pollution under the stream of cold water and wait. Sile up the spot with household soap and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water again.

How to remove old blood spots on shorts, jeans?
How to remove old blood spots on shorts, jeans?

How to remove old blood spots on a jacket?

Blood from a raincoat or baloni is removed simply. Cold water and soap will come to the rescue. If a jacket made of dense fabric and light, you can use peroxide. Pour it on pollution and wait 25 minutes. After that, rinse and put the “cold water” mode in the washing machine.

Please note that along with peroxide, paint can be washed off. Therefore, before the procedure, it is worth checking the resistance of the paint.

How to remove old blood spots on a jacket?
How to remove old blood spots on a jacket?

How to remove old blood spots on silk?

Silk is very toe and delicate fabric. Therefore, ammonia and peroxide are not suitable for breeding spots, because they can ruin the fabric. In this case, it is advisable to use stains for delicate fabrics. Starch and soaking in cold soap water are also suitable.

How to remove old blood spots on silk?
How to remove old blood spots on silk?

Chemicals from stains of old blood: names, instructions for applying

Now the market has a sufficient number of stains for a variety of fabrics. First of all, you should get acquainted with the instructions for use and do not use hot water.

Review of blood stains:

  • White.The cheapest product containing chlorine. It can only be used on cotton fabrics. To withdraw the spot, a little product is poured for pollution and left for 15 minutes. After that, everything is placed and washed in normal mode.
  • Vanish. There are several options for this tool: for color and white things. Select a tool that corresponds to the type of fabric. First of all, you should rinse the stain in the cold will, and then apply a stain of it. Then you can wash in the car with the addition of a stain coin.
  • Antipyatin. It is realized in the form of soap and liquid. Moisten the spot with cold water, and then spread with soap. It is necessary to leave for a third of the hour, and then wash the clothes.
  • Evika. This is also a domestic stain. With it, you can remove blood from the sofa and carpet.
Chemicals from stains of old blood: names, instructions for applying
Chemicals from stains of old blood: names, instructions for applying

It is not difficult to remove blood spots if you wash in a timely and cold water. Do not allow blood drying out, such a spot is more difficult to remove.

Video: Blood spots

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