How to cope with children's whims: the reasons for the hysterical in the child per year, at 2, 3, 4, 5 years old, how to respond and prevent?

How to cope with children's whims: the reasons for the hysterical in the child per year, at 2, 3, 4, 5 years old, how to respond and prevent?

A small child may have hysteria and whims, but it is important for adults to behave correctly. The article tells how best to mom and dad react to crying at different age of his children.

All his life, a person goes through crisis stages. But what are the problems of the child at the very beginning of his life path, for example, in the first, third, and even fifth year of life? Your baby is capricious, does not obey, and you do not know what to do? Perhaps he has a crisis of some age.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to educate gratitude in children: 13 best tips and exercises."

From this article you will find out what crisis periods have children up to school age, and also understand the reasons for the problem and you will know what to do. Read further.

Causes of children's whims and hysteria

Children's whims and tantrums
Children's whims and tantrums

When a baby appears in the family, the same question often sounds in the house: “Why is he crying again? Just acting as a ward or maybe something hurts? ". Children are growing up, learning to speak, and the whims still continue to bring to the complete despair of their parents. Everything that adults call whims is felting on the floor, scattering things, refusing to do what you tell you - this is how children react to their inner state or “malfunctions” in the outside world. What are the causes of children's whims and tantrums?

  • When the child began to show his whims, it is necessary to observe his condition for several hours. Often whims may indicate the origin of the inner ailment. Adults also feel the approach of a cold, only do not allow themselves to be capricious.
  • However, most often with capricious reactions, children break through the path to permissiveness. If the child is forbidden to do at a party what he is used to doing at home, he will begin to yell, demanding his laid.
  • Another situation is a word "it is forbidden" With the same frequency is pronounced at home, visiting and on the street. Girls and boys, due to the early understanding that such a life cannot continue, expand the boundaries of screams and tears.

The most difficult situation is when some significant adults say "can"and others - "it is forbidden". In this case, whims are not just the rudiments of manipulation, but also the question: "So what should I do?". It is worth knowing:

  • Children's behavior - This is a reflection of their spiritual state and home environment.
  • The smallest family members are acutely experiencing conflicts between parents, mother and grandmother, etc. Moreover, they perfectly understand that if it were not for the tense atmosphere between adults, they could spend more time with close and loved people.
  • There are whims, but fake. We are talking about stubbornness, curiosity, the desire to be independent. Stubbornness cannot be called bad behavior. The first has its own orientation - it expresses desires.
  • The child explores how his behavior affects adultsand then applies different practices to achieve his own. It would be nice to listen to the requirements of a little man and think why he puts them forward.

Why is the whims often confuse curiosity?

  • To explore the world, you need to expand the boundaries of the permittedWhich, in fact, is doing the baby: there are enough things that do not give him, says words that cause irritation among his parents, climbs where he was banned.
  • Kids like to check the boundaries of the permitted. In such a "game" they feel like researchers. Psychologists in such cases indicate the manifestation of research instinct. When the desires of children come across adult fears, screams, tears, insisting on their own are used.
  • Karapuzov in a hurry to become independent, can be determined by the following phrase: "I myself!" Because of these words, some mothers have hair on end. After all "I myself!" - These are pasta thrown into a pan, raising a fountain of hot spray, a plate flying to the floor, small fingers pressed by the door, etc.
  • Children do not agree with adult logic And therefore, they are often puzzled by revaluation of their capabilities. From here, resentments are taken due to the fact that access to certain things and places is prohibited. It grieves even more when adults reduce everything after them. Here the life circle is a conversation. Even one -year -old crumbs need to explain why an adult man is better not to be at the oven.

Explaining why you should not do anything, let your little boy or girl try everything that you can really try. For example, saying "When something is being prepared in the oven, it is very hot", you can bring a small handle closer to the heated door so that the child feels warm. It is impossible to get rid of the whims forever, but there is a chance that some arguments will be heard by the child.

How do whims and hysteria manifest in a child in different years of life?

For newborns, crying is one of the most effective ways to attract attention and convey to the audience their needs or to tell that something bothers them. However, closer to the year, the child begins to understand that tears can be used not only as a means of communication with adults, but also as a means of manipulating them: you can shout and get a thing that interests him.

The following is described how whims and tantrums appear in a child in different years of life. In the year, the baby will just cry and act up. In two or three years, the baby can already shout and express his dissatisfaction with words. At an older age, he already rolls tantrums not only at home, but also on the street, visiting and other crowded places. Read further.

Child year: Why do hysteria and vagaries happen?

Child year: he has tantrums and whims
Child year: he has tantrums and whims

Over a year of life, the baby managed to learn how to take the first steps and somehow speak-this gives him the opportunity to know the world in a new way. If it were not for adult shouts, so interfering with this. So, a child is a year old, why do hysteria and whims happen?

  • It is worth picking up a nail from his father’s box, while he is repairing something, they will immediately take it away.
  • Mom stores her cosmetics in a box, which cannot be reached, they often drive out of the kitchen.
  • It's so insulting that I want to yell!

With an increase in the child’s curiosity, whims are gained, and very often they are provoked by adults themselves. Here are the most common example:

  • The uncertainly stomping baby fell, he did not hurt, and he did not even have time to understand what happened, but his mother was already afraid to run in fright.
  • The baby begins to cry, but not because he feels pain, but because the fall caused so much fuss.

Now the child will cry whenever his parents are hurrying to him with unnecessary help.

Child 2 years old - hysterics and vagaries: Reasons

It should not be a surprise to parents that in certain age periods their child becomes irritable. At the age of 2, the baby, for example, is angry from the fact that adults do not understand him, and he himself cannot yet express his desires in words and explain it really that it does not suit him. Hysterics and whims begin.

After hearing a children's cry, first try to find out its reason:

  • Maybe the water in the bath is hot, perhaps something fell into the eye.
  • You can manage to shove a whole plate of porridge and only then discover that it is overlapped.
  • Without a sufficient vocabulary, the peanut could not say that it was tasteless, so he swallowed a nasty mass with tears in his eyes.

Do not forget that your baby is a person, albeit still small. He has his desires and he also has the same, his mood often changes. So whims may well be caused by overwork, change of situation, and physical malaise.

A child at 3, 4 years old: how to respond to whims and tantrums?

At the age of 4, there may also be whims and tantrums
At the age of 4, there may also be whims and tantrums

At this stage, many children often think:

  • "I am an independent person, and no one is a decree to me".

A child in 3 and 4 years old grabs everything himself, without prior training. Alien advice is ignored by them, and help is rejected. Therefore, it is not surprising why the parents are horrified, hearing the next exclamation: "I myself!". How to respond to whims and tantrums?

  • First of all, the baby proves that he is able to do everything to himself, to himself, and only then to adults.
  • Because of this, stubbornness begins to dominate other character traits.
  • When something does not go according to the baby’s plan, he begins to scream, throw things, and sometimes he himself fall to the floor.
  • The techniques that distract his attention in the past will suddenly stop working.

You need to talk with the baby and explain why, what is happening and how. Calm down yourself and switch the attention of the crumbs to something else. Drive the child from the place of irritation, and after a few minutes he will calm down.

A 5 -year -old child: how to prevent and cope with hysteria and whims?

The whims at this stage of life are very similar to the whims of three -year -old babies. True, a 5-year-old child matures more and consciously trying to manipulate loved ones. He had enough time to find out where, in what situations and with whom the screams help, and when trying to change anything is useless. How to prevent and cope with tantrums and whims at this age?

  • Here, parents will only help ignoring attempts to manipulate them.
  • At the same time, it is important to always respond to the requests of the baby.
  • If the request cannot be fulfilled, explain why. Knowing the reason for the refusal, the child will not perceive the violation of his plans so painfully and gradually understand that it is not necessary to scream in order to be heard.
  • Be attentive to the child, he feels it. Play with him, read. Believous contact is very important: hugs, kisses - this should be a lot, then the baby will not want to be capricious.

The child is not a continuation of the parents. By some point, the worldview paintings of adults and children cease to coincide and there is a need to build a new level of relations. Otherwise, problems cannot be avoided. If the baby asks for help, always help him. Even if you are sure that he will cope on his own. So he will feel support and will begin to understand that next to him there are his real friends in life, and not people who constantly educate and harm. Good luck!

Video: SHDK: How to deal with children's tantrums? Hormonal ointment - Dr. Komarovsky

Video: How to wean a child from tantrums? Dr. Komarovsky

Video: hysteria in children - how to cope with children's tantrums? The advice of a neurologist

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