What is hysteria and who are tantrums? How to recognize hysteria and behave correctly?

What is hysteria and who are tantrums? How to recognize hysteria and behave correctly?

In this article you will find out who the tantrums are, how to find them out and how to behave with them correctly.

Previously, tantrums were recognized by demonstrative fainting and convulsions, but today you will not see this. However, hysteria has not gone anywhere and it is still present in our lives. Let's figure out who are hysteria and why they turn life into a performance.

What is hysteria and who are hysterics: concept

Who are tantrums?
Who are tantrums?

Try to say the word "hysteria" and a crowd of fans will come to mind who are happy for the next goal of their team. But it is better to try instead to remember if you know such a person who always seeks to pull all the attention. He always tells events in detail so that everyone is interested. When talking with him, it becomes noticeable that other people do not interest him, and his wardrobe is often defiant and extravagant.

His mood changes literally in a minute. Now he laughs, and in a minute he cries. They say about such people - “hysteria” or “tantrum”. And if you call someone that, then he will be very offended. But only the word itself did not immediately come to everyday vocabulary and began to be used as a kind of insult. First of all, it was used in medicine.

So, frequent sharp mood swings, fainting, memory failures and paralysis were just called hysteria. Hippocrates believed that this condition was manifested exclusively in women. This is due to the fact that with long sexual abstinence, the uterus receives mobility and “walks” through the body. This leads to compression of the organs and from here such unusual conditions arise.

But for many centuries, doctors had an opinion that hysteria was just simulators. That is, hysteria was not recognized as a disease, and people simply pretended. And it is true, all the symptoms appeared only when the audience were not dangerous. Even if a person depicts a fainting, then he falls softly. And this does not contradict the norms of behavior. For example, in the 18th century, if a person fainted with people, then he was considered a true aristocrat.

Can men be tantrums?

Male hysteria
Male hysteria

Of course, women are most often subject to hysteria. Although sometimes a similar condition is found in men. According to psychoanalysts, hysteria irritates the female side and this appears only pain in the abdomen, which indicates the desire to become pregnant. As a result, according to the “Dictionary of Psychoanalysis”, the man tries to gain a foothold in the female camp and he shows his video through seduction. In this way, he expresses himself and appears in the eyes of others as an interesting and unusual person.

Such men are impregnable Don Juan, who must be begged to go with a woman on a date. And in general, if he descended to the beauty, then she should be grateful to him and rejoice even more if he agrees to spend the night with her. That is, he considers himself so unique that his others are supposedly unworthy and the fact that he agreed to the meeting can be considered a favor. We must pay tribute to him, despite this behavior of a woman to him and sticks to him.

Is hysteria a diagnosis?

Is hysteria a diagnosis?
Is hysteria a diagnosis?

Only in the 19th century, a neurologist from France Jean-Martin Sharko was able to prove that hysteria was still a disease and urged others to take it seriously. Just one of these was Sigmund Freud, who considered hysteria one of the types of neurosis. He suggested that the whole problem lies in the sexual sphere. For example, if a girl experienced violence in childhood and memories have become so unbearable that now they are expressed in hysteria. Freud believed that for such people it is an orgasm stimulation.

Even later, he concluded that hysteria may be associated with the Oedipus complex when children are attracted to parents. As a rule, girls develop a desire for sex with her father, identifying themselves with their mother.

In the situation with hysteria, Freud believed that the complex was not overcome. Ground -up children are already unconsciously do not want to separate from their parents, and this leads to problems in sexual life. It is the suppression of sexuality that is manifested in bodily symptoms or an too violent emotional reaction. Not everyone is able to endure the phase to endure well, and therefore the majority have historical features. That is why in the portrait of hysteria, everyone sees a little of himself.

How to find out hysteria: signs

  • Constant game
How to find out a tantrum?
How to find out a tantrum?

Each of us wants to be desirable to appreciate it likely. It is important for people to be convinced of this. This is the main feature of hysteria.

Hysterics are usually contradictory. They throw all their strength to ensure that the desired object begins to experience a passion for them, but when this happens, they scare and run away. To move away from anxiety, tantrums make their life similar to a whole performance. In it, everything is a continuous deception of vision. A person constantly plays emotions and turns to the audience, whom he wants to touch.

And as for the spectators themselves, they at first turn out to be fascinated, but gradually relations become more complicated. Yes, the partner is still attractive, but it clearly becomes noticeable that he is indifferent to others, does not fulfill his promises and violates personal boundaries. Hysteria is not clear when it is worth stopping. He does not understand what causes awkwardness with his actions and acts frankly and tactlessly. He is unpredictable and enthusiastic, and constant mood swings are exhausted.

  • His body speaks for himself

Since hysteria is completely preoccupied with sex, his body is a continuous erogenous zone. That is, even an ear or knee can act as genitals at an unconscious level. Such people have increased sexuality and this is expressed by such symptoms as: temporary blindness, colitis, skin diseases. They appear suddenly and also disappear.

For example, when a woman is brought up strictly and inspire that masturbation is a shameful business, then her hand may stop moving from this. This phenomenon is called "glove paralysis." When it occurs, the hand is affected. And the most interesting thing is that the doctor can not always get to the causes.

A woman, as it were, gives herself as a gift to science, showing more and more new symptoms that appear with enviable regularity. Or it becomes healthy sharply. The role of a doctor in such a situation is not only treated, but also to be a partner and an opponent.

Today, when people have already become sexually liberated, the hysteria is not manifested so brightly. It will not be possible to meet convulsions or paralysis, but only the body can still suggest that not everything is in order with the soul.

  • Man or woman
A hysterical woman
A hysterical woman

Many want to become someone else. Hysterics are the best. They may not recognize their sexual essence. That is, when a person does not want to limit himself to the accepted framework and actively fights for who he wants to be, he plays cooler than any actor. Each time, meeting with a tantrum, one cannot predict what he will show now.

Women with such a character are able to vulgarize even platonic relationships without a hint of sexuality. In the morning, she can be like a rival boy, to become a fatal woman during the day, and in the evening-already unnecessary to anyone. Such women have the strangest strategies for the conquest of men and they make them surprise, and even be confused. They are actively conquering, then passively given out, and if they come close, they run away.

Despite the fact that such a woman is just a sexy bomb, she dreams of great love. She knows how to leave mystery and intrigue better than others, but wants a man to see her essence.

They say about such women that they are frigid and therefore can control themselves well. One of the psychoanalysts made opposite conclusions. Rather, such a woman manages to get an orgasm even without the need to reveal her feelings. In other words, she simply does not involve her emotions in the relationship and therefore is much easier for her.

  • Constant dissatisfaction
Dissatisfaction with life
Dissatisfaction with life

Everyone can experience dissatisfaction, but the hysteria is rather a constant and integral state. The woman hysteria always feels the unhappy and the more help is provided to her, the more she asks. That is, she cannot dwell on one and say that she has everything. She constantly invents what she needs more.

At that moment when the object of lust succumbs to her and she understands this, she immediately loses interest. Inwardly languishing acquires such a large scope that she begins to imagine that if all her desires are fulfilled, then he will die from longing.

  • Neurosis is good

Since hysteria is always not satisfied with something, they become grumbling people. Although, it happens and vice versa, they become very active from neurosis and move forward quickly, and also do it better around them.

To find such a world that they will like, they can go into politics or charity, engage in public movements and defend the interests of others. Therefore, it is not worth considering hysterics by hopeless people, they can do a lot of good things, and hysteria inside, which makes you wish for more, allows you to achieve it.

If we conclude from all of the above, then we will succeed that:

  • Hysteries always try to be in the spotlight and suffer, if this does not come out. They are actively looking for love and affection
  • Emotions are changing quickly and they are expressed in the form of theatricality
  • The manner of communication in such people is effective and they like to describe their sensations in details and colors
  • Tend to idealize or for anything to criticize others

How to behave with a hysterical?

How to behave with a hysterical?
How to behave with a hysterical?

First of all, you must understand what can be done so as not to spoil the relationship and not run into the scandal. So:

  • Get ready for theatrical behavior and theatricality. The fact is that the tantrum is not at all capricious, but he has such a character and for him he is considered normal. So there is not even sense to be nervous and hope that it will end soon. In this behavior, tantrums give themselves more confidence and suppress severe experiences. So the artistry of such a person is natural. Agree, you will not be annoying if your friend sees poorly. And here the same thing.
  • Try to sometimes provide an opportunity for the game, but just set restrictions. If you prefer to reject the tantrum, then he will even more actively try to return your attention. Be patient and set your own rules.
  • Always show interest in him when he behaves normally. Sometimes, when the person is sure that you are interested, she will behave normally. Grab these minutes. Approve of normal behavior.

There are things that are categorically impossible to do:

How can you not behave with a hysterical?
How can you not behave with a hysterical?
  • Do not laugh at them. Often, tantrums seem funny and I want to mock. For example, this happens when the baby is a year old at 3 tries to “exhibit” if parents pay a lot of attention to his sister. They often laugh at hysterical men because they are not considered serious rivals. However, such behavior, on the contrary, only provokes such people to actions so that they are noticed. The consequences can be different, up to suicide.
  • Do not take seriously attempts to seduce. Behind them is hardly worth something. Remember, hysteria is more important that it is simply paid attention to and therefore can bring sexuality to any relationship, even workers. In response, many behave accordingly. This will ultimately lead to a sharp removal with surprise and scandal.
  • Do not let yourself be touched. These artists can crush so well on pity that they want to protect them from everything and everything. But you are only a public and if you are easy to win, then you are no longer interesting.

Video: Is female hysteria a disease?

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