When do newborn children have tears when crying? When do children begin to cry with tears?

When do newborn children have tears when crying? When do children begin to cry with tears?
The physiological features of the first months of the child’s life after birth.
Since the birth of the baby, the life of the baby flows in another environment - air. This means that his body has to adapt to it, rebuild the work of organs and systems.

Young parents want their baby to be healthy in all respects. But they forget about the individuality of the baby and his pace of adaptation.

Therefore, it is common for newborns to cry for the first time without tears. And this should not cause excessive anxiety in a young mother.

When do newborn children have tears when crying?

A newborn baby cries bitterly without tears
a newborn baby cries bitterly without tears

The baby in the womb experiences emotions, but does not cry with tears. His eyes are washed by amniotic fluid and retain health.

From the first hours of airspace, a reaction to new surrounding conditions in a child is a scream and crying without tears.

A little of anatomy. The body of the crumbs after birth is covered with plaque. It protects the skin and all mucous membranes from the invasion of bacteria and microorganisms.

In addition to the skin, there is also a plaque:
  • on the conjunctiva of the eyes
  • in the lacrimal ducts
Secondly, he forms a gelatin -like crust, which should go out and open the channels for the movement of tears.

Pediatricians and children's ophthalmologists say that their disclosure occurs from the 2-6 weeks of the life of the newborn. Then the young mother will see the first tears when he was crying. In some cases, crumbs are able to shed tears from the first minute of life in airspace.

Why do not tear channels in a newborn immediately open? There are several reasons:
  • not ripe for independent work
  • excessively narrow
  • weak functionality
  • fat gelatular membrane
  • the presence of a pathology or a serious disease
Keep increased attentiveness to the condition of the baby's eyes.

Remove all the discharge carefully with a wool after chamomile infusion, your own milk from the chest or special drops. But before any manipulation, consult with doctors.

In addition to hygiene procedures, an ophthalmologist can prescribe a crumb of lacrimal canal massage. A young mother will fully cope with such a task on her own.

For this:

  • wash your hands with antibacterial soap
  • take a clean cotton pad
  • carefully and moderately strongly press a little bit of a little finger from a point under the inner corner of the eye to it
  • repeat the actions for the second eye
  • perform massage up to 5 times a day
So you stimulate the movement of fluid in the lacrimal canals. She presses on a desired cork, pushing it out.

When an opaque discharge accumulates in the baby's eyes, be sure to wash it, for example, with a solution of furatsilin, and remove it with clean dry wool.

To establish the fact of the obstruction of the lacrimal channels of the newborn, the doctor will conduct a test. The drop in the eyes of the baby with a colored solution, for example, furatsilin, will put cotton turundors in the nose. If after 10 minutes, all the liquid did not leave the eye and the turundals were left almost without staining, then 99% the diagnosis is blockage of the lacrimal canals.

For their cleaning in the conditions of the clinic, a children's ophthalmologist performs a micro operation for a baby under local anesthesia. Special drops in the eye are dripping the latter and triggers. Its task is to push out a traffic jam from the channel or expand it for its free passage. The procedure is painless and gives the desired result.

Tears in newborns: Komarovsky

The kid cries a lot on the arms of his mother
the kid cries a lot on the arms of his mother
E. Komarovsky says that the norm for a newborn crumbs is the maturation of rhogeneous canals at the time of childbirth. Then tears do not accumulate in the eyes, but flood freely. And the young mother does not even have time to notice them.
Such a baby will begin to cry with tears closer to 2-3 months.

If you see tears in the eyes of crumbs or opaque separated earlier, then he has dacryocystitis. In other words, a blockage of the nasolacrimal canal. More often, it occurs on one of the eyes and is capable of manifested on the second after the treatment of the first.

With dacriocystitis, fluid is accumulated in lacrimal bags. It becomes a cozy environment for the propagation of bacteria and the formation of inflammation.

Komarovsky recommends for dacryocystitis:

  • massage of the nasolacated channel to the child,
  • washing the eye with a solution of furatsilin, if purulent discharge accumulates, or saline, if the liquid in the eye is transparent,
  • mandatory removal of excessive fluid from the eye with clean cotton wool
From the position of E. Komarovsky, which he voices in television programs and on the pages of his books, adherence to the teachings of B. Spawk is clearly visible. To it, the first adds its medical knowledge and terms.

For example, that when crying in a child, there is a rinse of the nasolacase canals from bacteria. Because in his tears there are enzymes responsible for their elimination. That is, weeping about 5 minutes to a small person is good for health.

To believe or not, to follow such a position or listen to yourself is to decide.

We add one thing - the sensitivity of the mother’s heart in communication with the newborn is alien to a man, even a certified medical doctor.

Health to you and your baby!

Video: How to do massage of a tearful channel?

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