Wedding bouquet of the bride from chrysanthemum with his own hands. How to make a beautiful bouquet of chrysanthemums and roses, gerber, alstromeria, lilies, irises, eastoma?

Wedding bouquet of the bride from chrysanthemum with his own hands. How to make a beautiful bouquet of chrysanthemums and roses, gerber, alstromeria, lilies, irises, eastoma?

Proper compilation of bouquets from chrysanthemums. Symbolism of flowers.

How to make a beautiful bouquet of a bride from chrysanthemum with your own hands?

Chrysanthemum is a flower that came to us from China. This flower convey the purity and kindness of the heart. The flower adds vital energy, and you can give it for any reason.

A wedding bouquet of their chrysanthemums is a noble, sincere combination for the most solemn moment in life. The florists select a combination of chrysanthemums for the wedding bouquet, so that it retains attractiveness after the celebration.
A beautiful wedding bouquet of chrysanthemums with your own hands will be enchanting and bright. Chrysanthemum is adapted in the cold season, therefore, for a celebration in winter, the ideal option. The combination in the bouquet can be drawn in a variety of shapes and colors.

White chrysanthemums with yellow, pale lilac and bright red are considered an excellent combination.

The form is acceptable: terry or hemispherical. Such a wedding bouquet will be more original than exotic. To make a bouquet with your own hands, it is better to choose an option with wire and ribbons.


A bright, extraordinary bride loves to impress. How to make a bouquet for her? Offer her a bouquet of a bouquet of sunny yellow chrysanthemums, surrounded by bright greenery. Decoration should be made with a transparent fabric and a chic satin ribbon.
If you need a bouquet for the bride for a thematic wedding, conduct a combination of chrysanthemum with berries, flowers. The mountain ash looks perfect and harmonizes the bouquet.

A bouquet of chrysanthemums for the bride will bring fantasility to this day and happiness to the bride.

How to make a beautiful bouquet of roses and chrysanthemum?

Bouquet from chrysanthemum and roses  fits not only for lovers, but and for special dates, congratulations with during the day birth.

All flowers have also mine language. Flower chrysanthemum protrudes symbol eternity. Color gamma also it has mine meaning : chrysanthemum pinkexpresses tender love; orange and terracoti love, but have patience, on the all need time; whitesincere and virgin love; bluepast and warded love; combination red and yellow flowerexpression joy.

Bouquet of roses and chrysanthemum

Rose carries in yourself expression passionate love, romantic mood.Red rose flowermanifestation love, respect;whiteinnocent intentions, clean and death the senses; blackconfession in eternal love; combination red and yellow colorsunity and reunion.

Bouquet of roses and chrysanthemum
  • To do beautiful bouquet from chrysanthemum and roses first we select  combination colors according to symbolism
  • Carefully view quality colors: diameter flowers, available defects, length stem, freshness on the external view
  • To compose beautiful bouquet from roses and chrysanthemum :
  • Delete lower leaves, leave upper and flowers. Carefully delete spikes
  • After processing colors we place it them on the convenient table. To turn under one length stems
  • For additions we select also leaves fern, berries st. John's wort, calendulas or ruskus on the choice
  • We collect flowers in bouquet. Roses we place it on circle between chrysanthemums. Usually need six branches chrysanthemum and three roses
  • We align roses, to they were above chrysanthemum. Add greens on circle compositions, decorated elements
  • All bouquet we bind cord. Cut from  papers elements and wrap on circle bouquet

Video: bouquets of roses and chrysanthemums

Video: Flourist lesson. Composition from roses and chrysanthemums with your own hands

How to make a beautiful bouquet of Herber and chrysanthemum?

Beautiful bouquet from gerber and chrysanthemumdiversity and flavor in one face. Gerbera expresses cheerfulness,humor,positive. Association bouquet only with warm and bright the sun.

Bouquet chrysanthemum and gerber

Gerbera for a long time saves their life capabilities how and chrysanthemum.
Bouquet them these colors can do in diverse options and combinations:

  • Style ombre in bouquet suggests application these flowers in diverse  shade one colors
  • Should take account of regulations floristry : at compilation flowers  with enlarged bud placed in center, small frame bouquet
  • Highly gorgeous will be look composition bouquet in form cascade.

Chrysanthemum and gerbera wonderful combined friend with friend.

Video: How to collect a bouquet of chrysanthemums and Herber?

How to make a beautiful bouquet of alstromeria and chrysanthemum?

Lilies were always personification deep aesthetic love and nobility.
Bouquet from lily and chrysanthemum very diserned and makes solemnity in anyone event. it the most popular flowers u floristov and arrangers.
For togo to do beautiful bouquet from these colors he picks up them color on symbolism.

Bouquet of lilies and chrysanthemums

White lilies with small chrysanthemums will be to look like soul and dynamically. They are they will be passed on deep experiences donor such bouquet.

We do bouquet from lily and chrysanthemum :

  • Cutting budonov we spend in phase loaf. Choose definite variety lily
  • Color chrysanthemum we select  in harmony with lilies
  • We take it several lily yellow and red colors. Leaves also leave, how separate decorative element. Chrysanthemums white colors
  • Pistles lily carefully delete,to not get dirty from bouquet
  • We collect composition together, we brew in leaves, which previously processed
  • Cut rude and long stems
  • We tie it with help burn our bouquet, decorate ribbons
  • Unique bouquet from lily and chrysanthemum ready !
Video: How to make a bouquet in a felt of chrysanthemum and alstromerium with your own hands?
How to make a beautiful bouquet of irises and chrysanthemums? Irises are the most tender spring flowers. Bouquet irisov with chrysanthemums like it any girl. Delight so tender and elegant bouquet can not only on defined reason, but and simply can remind about their own feelings.

Chrysanthemum in bouquet emphasize grace and tenderness yours  feelings.

To do bouquet from blue irisov and yellow chrysanthemum your own hands we take it:

  • Bush chrysanthemums
  • gypsophile
  • blue irises
  • floristic paper.

It will turn out bright floral gift for beloved and close man.

Bouquet with irises and chrysanthemum
  • AT center compositions we place it yellow bush  chrysanthemums
  • Add a little greenery and gypsophila. Greens not must rise above the main ones flowers
  • Around chrysanthemum carefully we place it blue irises, in dependencies from brightness and stages dissolution
  • We fix it assembled bouquet special threads
  • Decorate elements in form curls, god cows, thread balls.
    We envelop flowers in layer colorful papers.

How to make a beautiful bouquet of eastoma and chrysanthemum? Eustoma personifies exotic and protrudes beloved flower florist for compilation bouquets. Her miniature flowers symbolize love and sympathy.
To do bouquet from chrysanthemums and eastoma,we take it eastom in delicate pink, lilac and blue tones,white chrysanthemum.

Bouquet and eastoma and chrysanthemum

We collect elegant and exquisite composition:

  • We take it chrysanthemums, about we wander stems before relevant size eastoma
  • Carefully we have chrysanthemums in center
  • Surround flowers elegant twigs eastoma on everything perimeter, fixing each flower green leaves and elements decor
  • We take it grid,twist in her bouquet. We fix it ribbons or burn.

How to make beautiful chrysanthemums? Bouquet from multi -colored chrysanthemum suitable for recognition in their own feelings. BUT multiception ensemble colors will help change detachment on the smile.

Bouquet of multi -colored chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums able extract delight even from himself stone hearts. BUT myself bouquet will be delight eye on the length long time.

To do bouquet from multi -colored chrysanthemum we use :

  • chrysanthemums white10 things
  • yellow and pinkon 5 things
  • green10 things
  • cream7 things
  • Diameter color it is necessary near 50 centimeters
  • We collect flowers in big okhapka
  • From satin ribbons we do big, chic bow
  • We bind zhgutov chrysanthemums without foil and papers, decorate bow.
    Beautiful bouquet ready!

How to make a beautiful bouquet of white chrysanthemums? Chrysanthemum protrudes universal decoration anyone holiday.Flower always raises mood and will give vital energy, expressing the most crying intentions.

White chrysanthemum suitable for bouquet mom, grandmother, girlfriend.

To do bouquet from white chrysanthemum in european style us you will need it:

  • Big okhapka chrysanthemum, oasis, scissors, polyethylene, basket
  • AT beginning work  cut off a piece oasis, we place it in water
  • Fucked up bar we get it, we process material
  • Create oasis, in  foil on the bottom baskets for ours bouquet
  • Basket, which in basis, for festivities, decorate grid floristic and elements on desire
  • We insert it in composition first leaves fern
  • Chrysanthemums safe before necessary lengths. Cut all leaves
  • Begin symmetric insert flowers in oasis.
    We enjoy bouquet!

Video: spiral assembly technique of bouquet

How to make a beautiful bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums? Chrysanthemum yellow colorswill be sign yours intentions. If a you decided do sentence arms and hearts, she is will be ideal option. Such bouquet express yours trembling and sincere love.

Yellow chrys
Bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums

To do bouquet from yellow chrysanthemum perform simple actions:

  • Cooking three twigs greenery,chamomile,grid,okhapka yellow chrysanthemum, tape, grid
  • We are wearing flowers ,alternating small chamomiles and greenery
  • We fasten it bouquet
  • Decorate floristic grid and silk ribbon.

Sherrovid chrysanthemum: bouquet Sherrovid chrysanthemum and bouquet from her will be appropriate gift on anyone reason. This flower show yours attentiveness and love to man. Yellow chrysanthemums symbolize sunny mood and wealth. Bouquet will be for a long time delight eye.

Chrysanthemum is spherical

Bouquet from sherrovidny chrysanthemum not it has neither one superfluous element. D. la decoration should use only small leaves, berries.
Openwork and expressive budons red chrysanthemum  give souliness to each the moment meetings in beloved man.

Chrysanthemum Tensor: Bouquet Bouquet them terry chrysanthemum looks touching and gently. Them actively use for decorations desktop compositions on the weddings and celebrations.
Bouquet terry chrysanthemum decorate charming the bride. Such original bouquet can do your own hands. Need use flowers, decorative leaves and ripe berries. B. said will be to excite and delight holder.

Green Chrysanthemum: Bouquet Chrysanthemums in green color gammabright and extraordinary combination.

Green chrysanthemums: bouquet

If a you want to bring originality in own the celebration, wedding, green chrysanthemum will be optimal flower.
Bouquet from green chrysanthemum will be to fit in in general palette. Especially, if do such the same butonier groom.

Chrysanthemum pink: bouquet Bouquet them pink chrysanthemum  will do it happy  beloved. So how flowers they say on the your own language, they they will tell per you about yours feelings. Such delightful bouquet give romance, unforgettable impression.

Pink chrysanthemum

Blue chrysanthemums: bouquet Blue chrysanthemumsymbol wisdom and mind, fidelity. If a bouquet was given the bride, girl. He reminds her what she is not only beautiful ,but very smart.
Bouquet from blue chrysanthemum will be great and appropriate gift for men. So how representatives this paul give flowers in calm and tested tones. BUT originality this colors highlight yours extraordinary.

Chrysanthemum purple: bouquet Bouquet purple chrysanthemums will be avant -garde and specific gift. They are will be present mine bright aroma and radiate energy.

Chrysanthemums in lilac and purple shades suitable for gift the best girlfriend. it express her value for you and strengthen friendly relations.

White chrysanthemum meaning Flowers have mine language and symbolism. White chrysanthemums in gift mean innocence and sincerity  intentions donor. Expresses honest and delicate motives.
If a white chrysanthemums in bouquet bridesthis is symbol vulnerability and languor. By meaning chinese rulers, such bride get it blessing heaven.
If a you give bouquet from white chrysanthemum colleague or friend. Flowers express yours freight and truthfulness.

What do yellow chrysanthemums give? Yellow chrysanthemums give, to express own confidence, honesty and tact. Also they are symbol wishes health and monetary well -being.

Chrysanthemum purple

AT Chinese culture bouquet from yellow chrysanthemum protrudes conductor powerful energy. Them have in house for attraction good luck.
Relatives give yellow chrysanthemums to express gratitude on special reason.

How much do chrysanthemums cost in a vase? Chrysanthemum favorite flower floristov. Her appreciated per durability and high sustainability. Bouquet from chrysanthemum maybe stand in vase more twenty days. it most unpretentious flower.

Chrysanthemums in the bouquet

how to save a bouquet of chrysanthemums so that the chrysanthemums stand in a vase longer? Bouquet chrysanthemum will be stand more longer, if per him right look after. This beautiful composition will be delight eye longer, if to follow next rules:

  • Choose spacious and big vAZ. So stems fully placed and good myself they felt
  • Water for vases use without chlorine, only purified
  • Before how lower bouquet chrysanthemum in vAZ cut lower leaflets, a stem a little spread.So flowers will be more intense absorb moisture
  • Location vases must to be without direct hits sun and drafts
  • Water  in vase change each three day and cut stems

Video: bouquet of chrysanthemums and aspidisters

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