How to achieve shine and silky hair? TOP 5 recipes for homemade masks for shine and smooth hair

How to achieve shine and silky hair? TOP 5 recipes for homemade masks for shine and smooth hair

The article tells about the best ways to gain shine and silky hair, as well as an overview and comparison of salon and home procedures.

Shiny, smooth and well -groomed hair is an indispensable attribute of a beautiful woman. But sometimes, in conditions of constant negative impact, it is difficult to maintain a healthy and primordial type of hair, and among many methods for their restoration it is difficult to determine effective and optimal.

How to help your hair become shining and smooth and what procedures will help to quickly restore the hair of the house, and what is better to do in the cabin - about this will be discussed in the article.

What are the main causes of hair fading?

Hair that has lost natural shine is a sure sign of a certain disease or insufficient care. The following factors are distinguished among the main reasons for the fading of the hair:

  • deficiency of vitamins in the diet due to unbalanced nutrition;
  • intensive effects of sunlight
  • the presence of a number of diseases of internal organs (including problems with the liver and intestines)
  • the use of car products that are not suitable for a specific type of hair;
  • frequent staining, chemical curl
  • the use of ironing, forceps, hairdries that dry the hair and stretch moisture

The hair also loses its shine and healthy appearance with insufficient seafront and poor blood circulation, which can be caused by a number of metabolic disorders, frequent stress and severe nervous overstrain.

Why does the hair become dull and lifeless?

The upper layer of the epidermis is covered by the thinnest hydrolypid film, which performs a protective function and prevents moisture loss in the influence of negative factors. The same film covers not only the scalp, but also the surface of the hair. With the correct robot of the selective glands and sufficient secretion, the hydrolypid film resumes over time.

With strong overdrying, frequent staining, long -term location under direct sunlight or the use of low -quality care products, the hydrolypid layer is destroyed and the hair loses its physical properties: keratin scales lift, linked, elasticity, hair becomes lifeless, sown and brittle.

How to care for your hair to give them shine?

Proper hair care involves primarily a healthy and full nutrition, because if the body does not receive the necessary substances and vitamins necessary for the life, then even the most thorough care will not provide the hair of a healthy brilliance and beauty.

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As for the departure directly, in this, experts advise to adhere to the following rules:

  • the selection of care products should correspond to your hair type
  • washing hair should not be frequent (everyday washing should certainly be abandoned)
  • water for washing the hair should not be hot (up to 38 °- 39 °)
  • shampoo should be used without silicones and parabens, lauryl sulfate;
  • after washing it, it is advisable to use the air conditioner and make a mask twice a week
  • give preference to natural drying, not a fen
  • use a professional comb made of natural bristles

TOP 5 recipes for homemade masks for shine and smooth hair

Using hair masks is an indispensable condition for high -quality and full hair care. Today there are countless professional tools and the so -called “masmarket” that can offer a mask for every taste and wallet.

But now they have to judge their positive influence only by trying on the product on themselves and sometimes these experiments do not have a positive effect.

It is good that there is a wonderful alternative - home masks cooked independently and containing only healthy and high -quality components. For shine and smooth hair, the most effective:

  • mask with an egg
  • honey mask
  • cognac hair mask
  • home lamination of hair gelatin
  • hair lamination with coconut milk

Mask with an egg for shine hair

Chicken eggs are a real storehouse of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. They contain cholesterol, amino acids, B vitamins, as well as proteins, which are a building element for the hair rod.

Therefore, a mask prepared from eggs will not only allow the hair to give shine, silkiness and elasticity to the hair, but will also help in the process of restoring damaged hair.

It is very simple to cook the mask, this requires the following ingredients:

  • 3-5 egg yolks (depending on hair length)
  • 2 teaspoons of olive or burdock oil
  • 5 drops of lemon juice


All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and applied to dry hair (on wet hair the mask “flows”) and to the scalp. After applying the mask, the head should be wrapped with cling film and wrapped in a towel. After 30 minutes of exposure, the mask must be washed off with warm water.

Honey mask for shine and smoothness of hair

The benefits for the body of honey are well known, but not everyone knows that this is also a very useful hair for hair. There are many recipes for honey masks of both one -component and containing several ingredients. The easiest to prepare and therefore is the most popular is the recipe containing:

  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil

The components should be thoroughly mixed and applied to clean wet hair, and after 30 minutes washed it off. After that, rinse your head thoroughly with shampoo.

Hair mask with cognac for shine hair

The cognac mask was invented by the beautiful Elizabeth of Austrian, who was famous for his chic hair. And the crowned lady was absolutely rights in its choice, because cognac contains in large quantities tannins, alcohol, acid, which enhance blood circulation of the scalp and ensure the flow of a large volume of oxygen to the hair follicles.

For shine of hair, experts recommend 1-2 per week to use a cognac mask that contains such additional ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon of cognac
  • egg yolk
  • 3-4 tablespoons of milk
  • 8 drops of wheat germ oil
  • 15 gr. beer yeast

To prepare a cognac mask, you should heat milk and dissolve the yeast in it, then leave them for several minutes to “approach”. At this time, egg yolk, wheat germ oil and cognac should be mixed. After the milk is covered with characteristic foam, you can mix all components and the mask is ready for use.

It is desirable to apply the mask to dry hair, distributing and carefully massaging the scalp. After applying, it is recommended to wrap the hair with cling film and insulated with a towel. After 40 minutes, the mask can be washed off with soft shampoo and warm water.

Home lamination of hair with gelatin. Recipe for gelatin lamination

Lamination of hair has become a real revolutionary method of hair restoration and giving it a natural shine, but the high cost of the salon procedure makes it elitist, inaccessible to the broad masses. If you can’t afford the salon lamination, do not despair. There is a reliable, effective and, most importantly, cheap method of lamination of hair at home.

Food gelatin contains a large amount of collagen - a natural component that can cover the hair with a specific protective film. Thanks to this hair, the rod becomes thicker, and the structure is more even, which provides shine, silkiness and volume.

The gelatin lamination procedure is very easy to carry out at home - it does not require special equipment, knowledge or expensive components. Laminating will be required:

  • 1 bag of gelatin
  • water
  • any hair balm or mask

  • If all the components are at home, then you can begin to prepare gelatin mass. To do this, boil a small amount of water and let it cool a little. A spoonful of gelatin must be poured into a small container, and then add 3 tablespoons of warm water. For long hair, the dose of ingredients can be increased in a ratio of 1: 3
  • The mixture should be thoroughly mixed, then covered and defended for 15-20 minutes. At this time, you need to wash your hair, apply air conditioning and dry with a towel. After these manipulations, add half the balm or mask to the gelatin mixture and stir well until a homogeneous consistency

  • The gelatin mass is applied at a distance of 1-2 cm from the roots of the hair, evenly distributing along their entire length. After complete application, the hair should be wrapped in a food film, a towel and thoroughly heated with a hairdryer in hot mode for 15 minutes. The procedure does not end there - the mixture is kept on the hair for another 45 minutes and only then washed off

  • The lamination of gelatin will not give a stunning result after the first application - it will appear after several repeated procedures. It is advisable to carry out such lamination 2-3 times a week and then the beauty and health of your hair will become the subject of universal admiration

Hair lamination with coconut milk at home

Asian beauties for the beauty of their hair long ago use coconut milk, while this product is just starting to enter into everyday life of cosmetic salons. This is a truly healing tool for lamination of hair.

Coconut milk is a product that is received from coconut pulp. It contains a large number of antioxidants, vitamins, macro- and trace elements and perfectly nourishes the hair rod, restoring the structure and providing the beauty of the hair.

You can purchase coconut milk in any supermarket, the price for it is quite democratic, but it can be prepared at home. To do this, the coconut pulp is rubbed on a grater and poured with water, and after insisting for 30 minutes the liquid is ready for use.

For lamination of hair with coconut milk, you need:

  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons starch
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil (can be used and burdock)
  • juice of half lemon

Hairdressers at home. 0002b01d_253198

  • Coconut milk must be heated, after which the remaining ingredients are added there
  • The mass should be constantly stirred until thickened, but preventing boiling
  • Когда смесь немного остынет и станет теплой ее можно смело наносить на волосы
  • You will have to keep the coconut mass for 1.5 hours, so it is recommended to wear a hat to avoid possible discomfort
  • The mixture is easily washed with a conventional shampoo

After the first lamination procedure with coconut milk, you will see a positive result, and with further the procedure, the effect will intensify.

Salon procedures for shine hair

For women who do not want to mess with various home masks and owning sufficient means, salons offer a number of procedures designed to improve their hair and improve their appearance.

Salon procedures have a lot of advantages, because while you will enjoy the vacation over your hair’s health will work a qualified and experienced specialist.

The following procedures will help to return shine and strength to the hair:

  1. Keratinization
  2. Elumination
  3. Glazing
  4. Shinting
  5. Ceratoring
  6. Haircuts with hot scissors

Video: doctor about lamination

Silk glazing hair, photo before and after

Glazing of hair is a salon procedure that involves applying a special mixture to the hair, which contains ceramides in large quantities.

The glaze applied to the hair turns into a thin film, which has protective and aesthetic properties. There are colorless and color glaze, which can change the shade of hair.

After the first procedure, the effect is noticeable: the hair becomes brilliant, elastic and elastic. Due to the fact that the scales of the hair are smoothed, they become more obedient, strong and silky. The effect of the procedure will delight the eye over 4-6 subsequent weeks.

Procedure shielding damaged hair, photo before and after

Hair shielding is a relatively new procedure aimed at improving the appearance of the hair and protecting against negative external factors. Hair is covered with glossy film, which helps to retain moisture inside the hair, preventing overdrying. The appearance of the hair improves significantly, thanks to the shiny layer, the hair becomes incredibly beautiful and delights with its brilliance.

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Due to the procedure, the hair becomes thicker and tougher, which allows you to get additional volume and elasticity. For 3-5 weeks, the effect of the procedure will be preserved.

Keratin hair restoration procedure, photo before and after

Ceratinization allows you to improve the condition of the hair for a long time. During the procedure, a specialist applies a mixture enriched with keratin to the hair. Since keratin is a natural substance that enters the hair structure, it forms a protein film around the hair due to which dazzling gloss and silky hair are achieved.

Brazilian straightening. 00031b08_299883

Also, active substances allow you to smooth the cutics and protect from static electricity. The hair after keratinization will become obedient, even and will acquire a healthy shine, which will survive for several months.

Hair kerattermia. The benefits and harm of kerattermia. Photo before and after

Keratermia differs from keratin recovery in that the procedure has the main emphasis on improving aesthetic hair qualities than to improve their condition.

As with keratinization, a rich protein mixture is used, which is applied to the hair, but, as a rule, it contains formaldehyde. After the formation of a protective film, the hair is aligned with an iron.

The appearance of the hair improves significantly, they acquire shine and smoothness. But formaldehyde in the lamination agent is a carcinogenic substance that can provoke an oncological disease. Also, an inexperienced specialist can apply keratin mixture not very carefully because of which some sections of the hair can suffer from the hot exposure of the iron.

Elyumination of hair. Photo before and after

Elyumination of hair is a revolutionary procedure that consists in “useful staining”. This is provided by a special coloring substance that not only does not have a negative effect on the hair, but also healing and strengthening them.

Elumination is shown to owners of porous and dull hair who want to update their natural color or radically transform without harm to hair.

Elumen color staining allows you to get dazzling shine and the desired color. In addition, the hair becomes elastic and easily combed for a month.

Haircuts with hot scissors. True and myths about this procedure

Ordinary haircuts have long been not relevant-on the crest of popularity specialized haircuts with hot scissors. The essence of this procedure is to use scissors with a cutting surface during haircuts, which is heated to high temperature. This allows you to "seize" the ends of the cut hair rod and preserve all the beneficial trace elements and moisture inside it.

Such a technology allows you to prevent the ingress of various harmful substances from the outside. Thanks to this, the hair becomes brilliant, more healthy, the problem of the sung hair is solved.

The common opinion is that high thermal effect is harmful to the hair is erroneous, because the heating surface is in contact only with the end of the hair rod and does not have a destructive effect on the structure of the hair.

It is also incorrect to think that one procedure for haircuts with hot scissors will solve the problem of dullness and damage to the hair.

The implementation of the procedure itself, which lasts about 1.5 hours, cannot allow to cut each hair, since the hair has a different length and grows in layers. Therefore, for an obvious result, it is necessary to undergo a course of three procedures.

How to make hair smooth and shiny quickly?

If there is no time for long -term events and courses of salon procedures, and you need to get brilliant hair instantly, then there are some tricks that will help transform the hair in a matter of minutes. Wonderful recipes that have come to us from distant times are simplicity and cheapness.

Incredibly useful for the appearance of hair are apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. Thanks to the unique components of these substances, it is possible to solve not only the problem of dullness of the hair, but also dandruff, hair loss and excess sebaceous.

How to use apple cider vinegar to give shine to the hair. The benefits of apple vinegar for hair

Traditionally, in various masks, not store apple cider vinegar is used, but an ordinary broken apple juice. It is used as in the composition of various masks, balms, as a rinseum and vitamin additive to food.

The use of such a beneficial agent contributes to the transformation of hair: they acquire amazing diamond shine, strength and smoothness. Combing the hair after the procedure is easy, as well as put it in a hairstyle.

Lemon juice - instant help to dim hair. The use of lemon juice for shine hair

Lemon is a fruit widely used for healing from the inside and outside. It not only fills the body with vitamins and amino acids, but is also known as a wonderful skin for the skin. In addition, you can use this magical product for the good of the hair.

For dazzling shine, experts recommend regularly use a mask with the following composition:

  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon
  • 1 chicken egg yolk
  • 1 spoon of honey
  • a few spoons of a nettle decoction

By mixing the ingredients and using the mask 2 times a week, you can get natural shine, silky hair and lose dandruff.

Vitamins and nutrition for the health and beauty of the hair

Vitamins can strengthen and transform hair. As a rule, for this purpose, B vitamins are used: B1, B6 and B12.

These substances actively affect the hair, saturate with nutrient components, enhance metabolic processes and growth, and saturate with oxygen. As a result of the use of the vitamin complex, the hair becomes healthy and shiny as from the cover of the magazine.

To saturate the hair with vitamins in a regular shampoo or mask, 2 ampoules of group B vitamins are added by 400 ml. Shampoo. The addition of vitamins is justified to various hair sprays.

How to make silky and shiny hair at home: tips and reviews

Numerous reviews about the use of various means to give the hair shine indicate that even expensive salon procedures do not take the proper effect if the body does not provide a good nutrition and careful care of the hair. Then your hairstyle will delight with its beauty and will cause universal admiration.

Video: how to make hair shiny at home

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Comments K. article

  1. Periodically my hair with shampoo Twins onion with nettle extract 911. Shampoo provides soft cleansing, enhances capillary blood flow, improves hair growth. Gives the hair shine and volume, silkiness appeared.

  2. due to the lack of vitamin, the hair is dim. Changing the nutrition will not help quickly, but taking vitamin yes. Another onion shampoo 911 and really improves the condition of the hair. Both shine and silkiness appear after the third week of use.

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