How to say “thank you” in French and what to answer the word “Mercy”: which option to choose?

How to say “thank you” in French and what to answer the word “Mercy”: which option to choose?

Do not know what to answer the word "Mercy"? Read the article, there are many options in it.

The French are a polite people. They are true epicureans are people who really enjoy life. The highest good of such a people is the lack of physical pain, any anxiety and fear of death. Many people should learn from the French good manners and thirst for life.

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If a person did you a service and you want to tell him "Thanks" Or just want to thank him, do it in French. It will be original and beautiful. More details described below. Read further.

"Thank you" in French: how to say?

"Thank you" in French

In a narrower sense "Thanks" In French sounds like "Mercy" - "Merci" , however, there are more lengthy options. How else to say thanks in French? Here are a couple of examples:

  1. « Merci Beaucoup " — « thank you very much"
  2. "JE Vous Remercie" — "thank you"

Are there any differences? Indeed, for a Russian person, all this sounds the same. In fact, there is a difference - and very significant. The first phrase is neutral, because it is actively used both in business and in unofficial speech. As for the last expression, this is exclusively official gratitude, which can be in use after the meeting, a successful report, etc.

In other words:

  • If there is an appeal to a person on "you", then "JE Vous Remercie" Just inappropriate.
  • However, this expression is relevant for commodity-business relations.
  • Suppose when the customer thanks the sender for the services, or when the supplier delivered the goods to the address.
  • Remembering is quite simple: in communication with friends or peers, one form is used, and communication at work is another.

However, the French are loyal people. They will not put too hard requirements for a tourist who accidentally confused the official and unofficial formulation.

What to answer the word "Mercy"?

Of course, it is important to match your status and the scope of decency. That is why Mercy should not be left without reaction and answer. But what to use as this, so as not to put himself and the interlocutor in an awkward position? What to answer the word "Mercy"? There are several time -tested options:

  • "De Rien" - "It's my pleasure"
  • "Je vous en prie" - "please"
  • "Merci a vous/a toi" - "And than you/for you"

The first phrase is a sufficiently restrained nature, but it can find application in most life situations without any bindings. As for the second, it is more official and sometimes translates as "I ask you to!". The third phrase Merci a vous Used as an answer. Suppose this can be addressed to the cashier in a store or ticket for giving 2 tickets to you and your companion.


  • You: Merci - thanks
  • Cashier: Merci a vous - and thank you

Below are even more options. Read further.

Merci de or Merci Pour: What to choose, which option is correct?

Merci de

In this case, there is a dilemma, which is largely confusing those who study the French language. After all, in addition to the preposition aMerci a vous/a toi, there is a wide range of other options. Merci de or merci Pour - What to choose, which option is correct?

  • It is worth remembering if gratitude is provided for a specific thing or action.
  • For example, for a gift, it is used " pour ” -“ Merci Pour Ton Cadeau ”.
  • But if gratitude is provided for something “abstract” that does not have a binding to a certain time, or material value, then everything is completely different.
  • It is worth saying: " Merci de Votre Attendion " - "Thank you for your attention", "Thank you for listening."

Accordingly, it is very important, thank you for the purchased scarf or for love. After all, the latter is the spiritual concept, but the first is inanimate and material. Therefore, in the case of love, it will be " de ", and in the case of a scarf - " pour ". There is no difference in the Russian translation. How not to make a mistake? Read further.

Merci Plus a noun: which option to choose?

The choice here is relatively simple: de or pour. Merci Plus a noun - which option to choose?

  • Both options are not a rough mistake.
  • Suppose you can say and Merci Pour Votre Attendation. No one will say that such a person is illiterate.
  • But there is one remark. Most often "Pour" Refers to action in the past tense.

For example:

  • Merci Pour Ton Cadeau - The present has already been presented, the action has been performed.
  • Merci Pour L’NVITATION - The invitation has already been received, a person has already made a visit (visited, a chapel, tasted it, etc.).
  • Merci Pour Votre Aide - thanks for the help (already provided); Support, assistance.
  • Bien, Merci Pour La Nourriture - Everything is super, thank you for the treat (already eaten).
  • Merci Pour Ces Images, Nadia - Thank you, Nadia, for the photos (already shown, sent).
  • Merci Pour Cette Belle Lettre de Toi - Thank you for such a wonderful letter (already read, received).
  • Merci Pour La Response Rapide - Thanks for the quick answer (the answer is already given).
  • Merci Pour Tout -Thank you for everything (fully completed action, the destiny of relations with someone).

And here is the pretext de - This is the future time. Gratitude here happens in advance, as if advance. A man a priori knows what service to thank the interlocutor. That is, thanks for the help (future), thanks for the time (which you spend on me in the future, etc.)

  • Generally, "Merci de" - more highly parting and respectful treatment than "Merci Pour."

"Merci d’Anans Pour votregenerosity " -" "Thanks in advance for your generosity. ” There is not only the future time, but also a respectful attitude.

Merci plus verb: How to answer correctly?

Mademoiselle Donovan, Merci de Me Rejoinder

The verb in the infinitating, standing after "Mercy", gives only one option de. Merci Plus a verb - how to answer correctly? Here are the options:

  • Merci de m’Avoir aide -i am immensely grateful to you for the cooperation.
  • Merci de Faire Ca“Thank you very much for that.”
  • Merci de M’envoyer Cette Lettre -i am grateful to you for sending a letter.
  • Merci d‘ Avoir LU Mon Livre -resolutely thank you, I'm glad you got acquainted with the contents of my book.
  • D’ON: Merci de Regarder “First of all, thank you for watching it.”
  • Mademoiselle Donovan, Merci de Me Rejoinder - Madmoiselle Donovan, thank you for agreeing to accompany me.
  • Merci de Me Tenir Informe - Be kind, inform me (about a visit, about the call, about an important date, etc.).
  • ET Mon Temps Est Ecoule, Merci de M’Avoir Ecoute - I finished, thank you for your attention.
  • Merci de Votre Appel Telephonique “I am immensely grateful to you for the call.”
  • Une des - Merci de Nous Avoir Invites - Thank you for inviting us (implied - for your birthday, for a wedding, other celebration).
  • Merci de M’Y Avoir Emmene - Thank you for being my guides to this place.
  • Merci de Inquiete - Thank you for your trouble.
  • Merci Pour la Chaleur de Tes Mots - Thanks for the warm words.

In other cases, it is quite possible to choose: de or pour.

How to answer "Mercy?"

Of course, the location and favor are extremely not recommended to ignore. How to answer "Mercy"? You can use the following phrases:

  • PAS de Probleme - no problem!
  • C’est Vrament Peu de Choses - For me it was not difficult, do not worry.
  • De Rien - It's my pleasure.
  • Bienvenue - please.
  • A votre Service/Service - Always ready for further cooperation!

Now you know how to say "Thanks" in French and what to answer the word "Mercy". Memorize these phrases and shine with your knowledge of the French language. Good luck!

Video: TOP-20 expressions with the word thank you. Learning to thank. French for children

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