What to answer the words "Take care of yourself": options. Why shouldn't the phrase "take care of yourself"?

What to answer the words

They told you “take care of yourself,” but you do not know how to answer these words? Read the article, it has many options that you like.

Our close people and just friends often say warm words. But sometimes we do not know what this or that phrase means. Of course, it is clear that a friend or relative will not wish something bad, but still sometimes I want to know what the words said.

Read in another article on our website about the origin of the phrase "Who is well done? I'm fine fellow!". You will find out where this phrase comes from, what is its source and where you can hear.

This article describes what the phrase “take care of yourself” means. See also that you can answer the person who uttered these words, and you will also find out why it is better not to say such a phrase.

What does it mean to protect yourself?

Take care
Take care

Saying goodbye, Europeans always say a satellite "Take Care" (that is, "Take care of yourself"). But if in their case, these are pure politeness and banal words of farewell, then what about the Russian language? Since our "compatriot" has more sincerity, the wish "Take care of yourself" It can be regarded as a manifestation of care and anxiety regarding who is dear. In other words, the interlocutor experiences a feeling of deep attachment to you and sincerely wants you to always be healthy, desirable, loved, etc.

  • "To take care" In this case, it means to continue to take care of your spiritual calm and physical health, to know the price of yourself as a person.
  • This means that you should be careful about your body, not to risk in vain and act carefully throughout life.

It turns out that the person who wants "Take care of yourself", wants his interlocutor to remain in good health and a good mood for as long as possible, so that success and luck accompany him in everything. Naturally, hearing such a wish is very pleasant. However, the phrase "Take care of yourself" It may be annoyed. After all, it means that a person imposes his own rules of life and wants to somehow adjust the habits of a particular person. In general, the expression is very similar to the actions of a gallant man who pushes the chair so that the lady can sit on him, gives her a hand, etc.

However, the wish can be like "duty" (American "Take Care" From banal politeness), and sincere, when a person pronounces a phrase who really takes care and worries. Also, some do not like the phrase "Take care of yourself"since in their understanding it means:

  • “You are strong, you can handle it yourself. Go and protect yourself "

Of course, this is exaggerated. After all, even a loved one cannot be near 24 hours a day. That's why "Take care of yourself" When parting, you can regard as "be healthy", "Hold the tail with a gun" - That is, a person wants to be in good health. But there is a note of warning:

  • Be careful
  • Neat
  • Follow yourself, etc.

The phrase can be said both sincerely and with tangible irony.

What to answer the words “Take care of yourself” if close people say: options

Take care
Take care

Answers to words "Take care of yourself" not so much. The most banal:

  • “And do not forget to protect yourself. After all, who else to take care of you, if not you? "

Here's how to answer in the case of a loved one:

  • Be sure to take into account, thanks.
  • Thank you for your care.
  • And look around.
  • And you don't sneeze.
  • You are more careful there too.
  • I have you. So you take care of me.
  • Thank you. That's right with today for and start.
  • Thank you, you are so caring.
  • I will save myself for you.
  • Without your participation (protect me), nothing will work out for me.
  • In this matter, I can not do without your support and strong male shoulder (if the phrase refers to a woman).

More restrained answer options:

  • Thank you, I am saved.
  • Your wishes.
  • Who is too store - the trouble will not wrap.
  • Thank you, let your luck protect you too!
  • You will protect yourself with such and such a life!
  • And what should be done for this?
  • The more careful you are, the sooner you get it soon!
  • And who will give the amulet?
  • Take care of yourself!
  • Already saved!
  • I’ll be sure!
  • Better wish the material wealth!

Interesting answers aren't it? And not banal. Below are also described answers. Read further.

What to answer the words “Take care of yourself” if a person speaks so goodbye: does it mean “goodbye forever”?

Some girls believe that if a man or guy tells them "Take care of yourself", that means "Do not see you again"And that they will never see again. In fact, the phrase can indicate that the representative of the fair sex is very dear to him, he cannot be near her for days, but at the same time he will be very worried about her and experiences sincere feelings for her. What to answer words "Take care of yourself", if a person speaks so goodbye:

  • I will definitely, thanks for the care!
  • And you stay nearby. Then nothing will happen to me!
  • I will protect myself. But you will succeed much better!
  • Do you want me to protect myself for you or just like that?
  • You take care of yourself, too. I hope we will see each other?
  • Stay and you don’t have to worry about me anymore.

But many people are sure that such a phrase cannot be pronounced at all. Why? Read further.

Why shouldn't the phrase "take care of yourself"?

Take care
Take care

In most cases, this expression is better not to use, since it is misinformed by another person and sometimes regarded not as banal politeness or care, but as a farewell forever. Why shouldn't the phrase "take care of yourself"?

  • If anyone hears "Take care of yourself", he certainly thinks that the interlocutor will disappear for years, and he will have to take care of himself. There is an opinion that this is a standard male polite refusal.
  • Many women perceive this statement as a solution that reads: “It is all over between us. Live now, as you want and take care of yourself ".

However, this is not always the case. The habit of speaking this phrase comes from the western model of a conversation in which "Take Care" Farewell is just a phrase on duty, which means absolutely nothing. Therefore, do not draw conclusions in advance, but look at the actions of a person. After all, sometimes they speak louder than any phrases. Good luck!

Video: Hold on, take care of yourself ...

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