How to make a delicious cream for a cake made of cheese of mascarpone and cream, condensed milk, ricotta, with eggs, sour cream, chocolate, lemon, curd, custard, protein, oil, creamy-bumpy: the best recipes. Tiramisu cream with masquearpone: Classic recipe

How to make a delicious cream for a cake made of cheese of mascarpone and cream, condensed milk, ricotta, with eggs, sour cream, chocolate, lemon, curd, custard, protein, oil, creamy-bumpy: the best recipes. Tiramisu cream with masquearpone: Classic recipe

Recipes for making cream for tiramisa made of masquearpone.

Tiramisu is a classic Italian dessert. It consists of several layers. The classic recipe uses Savoyardi cookies, oily cheese, coffee and yolks. It is thanks to the fat cream that the dessert is characterized by a rich taste and aroma.

Tiramisu cream with masquearpone: Classic recipe

To get a delicious dessert, you must use the correct ingredients. Very often, savoyardi cookies are replaced by biscuit, but this significantly spoils the taste of the dish.


  • 110 g of sugar powder
  • 280 g of Mascarpone
  • A cup of strong coffee
  • 50 ml of rum
  • 2 pcs chicken eggs


  • In a small bowl with a shoulder blade or corolla, turn the masquearpone into a homogeneous mixture. It is necessary that the cheese is similar to sour cream or cream.
  • After that, separate the proteins from the yolks. Mix the yolks with powder and use a mixer into an air white foam.
  • Using the shoulder blade, carefully enter the foam into the cheese and mix. This must be done strictly in one direction.
  • After that, enter the liquor and coffee with a thin stream. Stir the mass gently. Now the cream is ready to lubricate the savoyardi and prepare dessert.
Tiramisu cream with masquearpone: Classic recipe
Tiramisu cream with masquearpone: Classic recipe

Cream of cream and masquearpone: recipe

The cream is prepared very simple. Despite the high fat content of cheese, the taste of the cream is very saturated and inappropriate.


  • 200 g of cream
  • 250 g of cheese
  • Powdered sugar
  • Liquor
  • Vanilla


  • Put the main product in the vessel and remember it with a spatula. It is necessary that the cheese becomes homogeneous
  • After that, enter the fat cream and knead
  • Take a mixer and beat a white substance a little
  • Pour powder and vanillin. If desired, enter the liquor
  • Using a mixer, turn the mixture into foam. Now the cream can be used for dessert
Cream of cream and masquearpone: recipe
Cream of cream and masquearpone: recipe

Cream made of whipped cream and masquearpone: recipe

The recipe is similar to the previous one. The difference in the texture of the cream used.


  • Cream spray
  • 240 g of cheese
  • Powdered sugar
  • Liquor


  • Using a mixer, turn cheese into a homogeneous and lush mass
  • Pour the powder and continue to whip. Pour in the liquor
  • Now carefully, at small speeds, enter cream from the spray
  • When the whole substance is homogeneous, you can stop whipping it
Cream made of whipped cream and masquearpone: recipe
Cream made of whipped cream and masquearpone: recipe

Cream made of cheese masquearpone and condensed milk

This cream can also be used in the preparation of tiramisu. But this cream is universal, so any biscuit will complement.


  • 200 g of raw condensed milk
  • 510 g of cheese


  • Using a mixer, averaged the masquearpone and do not turn off the device until you get a lush foam
  • After that, pour a thin trickle condenser
  • Continue to pour and whisk until the desired thick consistency is obtained
Cream made of cheese masquearpone and condensed milk
Cream made of cheese masquearpone and condensed milk

Cream made of cheese masquearpone and ricotta

Ricotta is creamy and delicate cheese. He has a softer taste than Mascarpone.


  • 150 g of ricotta
  • 150 g of Mascarpone
  • 100 g of condensed milk

R ecutt:

  • Mix in equal proportions to Ricotta and Mascarpone and beat with a mixer
  • Pour a condensed milk with a thin stream and turn into foam
Cream made of cheese masquearpone and ricotta
Cream made of cheese masquearpone and ricotta

Tiramisu cream with masquearpone and eggs

This is the most common option. How to cook such a cream, you can watch in the video.

Video: cream with mascarpone and eggs

Cream made of cheese masquearpone with sour cream

This is a very tasty cream.


  • 500 g of sour cream
  • 250 g of Mascarpone
  • 210 g of sugar powder


  • With the help of a corolla, beat a delicious sour cream into the foam
  • Graduate the powder gradually and immerse the nozzle of the mixer
  • Beat the foam
  • Now enter a mascarpone whipped in a separate vessel
  • Mix with a spatula until smooth
Cream made of cheese masquearpone with sour cream
Cream made of cheese masquearpone with sour cream

Cream of cheese masquearpone chocolate

This option is for lovers of chocolate.


  • 250 g of Mascarpone
  • 250 g of cream
  • 150 g of sugar powder
  • Chocolate bar


  • Break the tiles of bitter chocolate on pieces and fold in a vessel with thick walls
  • Melt on low heat and set aside
  • With the help of the shoulder blade, remember the cottage cheese mass until smooth and enter the chocolate
  • Beat cream with sweet flour in a separate vessel
  • It is necessary to form a magnificent foam
  • Connect it with chocolate mass and mix
Cream of cheese masquearpone chocolate
Cream of cheese masquearpone chocolate

Cream made of cheese mascarpone lemon

This cream for lovers of spicy products. Autumn is delicious and unusual.


  • ½ lemon
  • A glass of powdered sugar
  • 240 g of cheese
  • 150 g of fat sour cream


  • Squeeze the juice of the half of the lemon, and grate the skin on a grater
  • Now whisk sour cream with lemon mass and juice at large speeds
  • Enter the sugar. In a separate vessel, open the cheese
  • In small portions, shift the cheese to the sour cream mass, and turn everything into a homogeneous substance
Cream made of cheese mascarpone lemon
Cream made of cheese mascarpone lemon

Cream made of cheese mascarpone cottage cheese

An excellent addition to biscuits and sand test.


  • 500 g of cottage cheese
  • 240 g of Mascarpone
  • 150 g of sugar


  • Using a mixer or blender, turn cottage cheese into a homogeneous pasta
  • It is necessary that there is no grain. Pour sugar and rub it until completely dissolved
  • Mash the mascarpone with a spatula and turn it into a pasto -like substance
  • Gently mix cottage cheese with a masquearpone and beat again
Cream made of cheese mascarpone cottage cheese
Cream made of cheese mascarpone cottage cheese

Cream of cheese mascarpone custard

A cheap version of the cream, since there is no cream and sour cream. Great for any biscuit.


  • 300 ml of milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 40 g of sugar
  • 30 g of sugar powder
  • 25 g of flour
  • 250 g of Mascarpone


  • Rub the yolks until smooth and pour sugar with flour
  • It is necessary that there are no lumps in the mass
  • Put the milk on medium heat and bring to a boil
  • Cool quite a bit and enter the egg mass with constant mixing
  • It is necessary that the mixture becomes very thick and homogeneous
  • Put on fire, but do not allow boiling
  • Keep to the required density. It is impossible for the yolks to curl up
  • Mash the mascarpone with a spatula and carefully shift with cream

Products should be the same temperature, so the custard is placed in the refrigerator before mixing.

Cream of cheese mascarpone custard
Cream of cheese mascarpone custard

Cream of cheese masquearpone protein

The cream is very air and delicate.


  • 450 g of masquearpone
  • 2 eggs
  • 170 g of sugar
  • Vanilla
  • Rum


  • Divide the eggs into protein and yolk. Yellow with a small amount of sugar.
  • With the help of the shoulder blade, open the masquearpone until the white elastic mass is obtained
  • Mix with yolks. It is necessary to get a homogeneous substance
  • In a separate vessel, whip the proteins with sugar until a lush foam that does not fall from the corolla
  • Enter rum and vanilla into the cheese mixture, and then in small parts a protein mixture
Cream of cheese masquearpone protein
Cream of cheese masquearpone protein

Mascarpone cheese cream

Fat and delicate cream.


  • 250 g of butter
  • 100 ml of condensed milk
  • 250 g of Mascarpone
  • Vanilla


  • Rub the cheese with a wide spatula until the pasto -like mass is obtained
  • Oil must be left at room temperature until softening
  • Gently enter condensed milk into the oil and rub
  • Mix cheese and oil substance with a mixer
Mascarpone cheese cream
Mascarpone cheese cream

Cream of cheese masquearpone creamy

Delicate cream for biscuits.


  • 100 ml of fat cream
  • 150 g of Mascarpone
  • 150 g of cottage cheese
  • 120 g of sugar
  • Liquor


  • Using a mixer, turn cottage cheese into a homogeneous substance without lumps
  • Pour the cream and liquor into a thin stream, enter sugar and turn on the mixer
  • Remember the mascarpone with a spatula and make a mass of elastic
  • Enter the cottage cheese mass in the masquearpone and averaged
Cream of cheese masquearpone creamy
Cream of cheese masquearpone creamy

What can be replaced by masquearpone in a cream for a cake?

Mascarpone is currently not a cheap product at the moment, so many are looking for more affordable replacement options. There are several products that can be replaced by mascarpone.

Replacement options:

  • Fat cream
  • Thick and not acidic sour cream
  • Fatty pasty cottage cheese
What can be replaced by masquearpone in a cream for a cake?
What can be replaced by masquearpone in a cream for a cake?

Mascarpone is a delicious and fat cheese that has already been loved in our country. Use a product to make delicious creams. This will make the dessert delicate and hearty.

Video: cream for tiramisu

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