How to make a cake and gifts from kinders and chocolate, Raphaelo, Chupa Chups, New Year, in the form of a heart with your own hands: ideas, photo. How to make a simple but beautiful cinema cake?

How to make a cake and gifts from kinders and chocolate, Raphaelo, Chupa Chups, New Year, in the form of a heart with your own hands: ideas, photo. How to make a simple but beautiful cinema cake?

Kinder cake recipes.

What a holiday without a cake. And if you make it from the kinders, and even with your own hands, then the children will not have a limit. But even adults will be appreciated by such a cake. After all, it is not only tasty and interesting, but also looks very beautiful. Let's get acquainted with the variety of ideas of such sweet splendor.

How to make a cake from kinders and chocolate: ideas, photos?

Even a child can do such a cake, because it does not need to bake it. And the ingredients are available and diverse. The main thing is to include imagination. Of course, the first thing you need to get ready frame. It can be of different shapes, and it can be made from cardboard or thick paper or from cut foam.

To prepare such a cake, you do not need much skill. But everything is worth doing neatly and slowly. The main components - These are kinders and small chocolates of Kinder, but you can take another company.

Foam base

  • The most time -consuming in the preparation of such a cake is the basis. Faster, and more pretty it will look if you take a foam. Cut the necessary shape. In this case, the height should be equal to the height of chocolate.
  • You can make several tiers, but this is optional. And if you do something similar for the first time, it is better to dwell on a simpler option.
  • Next, you need to attach our chocolate to the base. Many use glue for these purposes. But any glue is not so harmless, and when the jewelry will come off, the packaging may be damaged, and the frame also deteriorated. Still, at the holiday everything should be beautiful and perfect.
  • Therefore, it will be used by ordinary stationery elastic band. You need to put it on the frame, and then carefully insert it on the chocolate. As a result, there should not be voids or holes, and you need to make sure that everything is even.
Cake from kinders
Cake from kinders
  • So that the elastic band does not spoil the entire picture, then you can decorate with a satin ribbon or openwork braid on top.
  • Put the kinders on top. It is not necessary to fix them. Yes, and not desirable. Again, glue can be damaged by packaging, and then the view will be less aesthetic. The amount depends on the desire and size of your frame.
  • You can decorate on top with flowers. Ideally, alive. Thus, an additional stand is also created so that the kinders do not run away.
  • You can also cover the top of the frame with corrugated paper. And you can even with colored paper, but it should be bright and high -quality. It is necessary to fix it on glue.

Paper base

You can also create a paper -based cake.

Option 1:

  • In this version, you need to spend more time and effort. And also you need to be very neat and accurate in measurements.
  • The first step follows Cut two circles of the same size. This will be the lower and upper part, respectively.
  • Next, you need to measure the required height and cut a rectangle. On each side, leave another centimeter. And make triangles on this site, cut the cloves. After all, we will glue them to our circles. And this is necessary so that the folds do not form.
  • It is better to glue chocolate. Since the elastic band can rush paper. But, if you decide to use cardboard, then you can fix them with an elastic band.
  • Next, the technique is the same - decorate with ribbons and spread the kinders on top.
Cake from kinders
Cake from kinders

Option 2:

  • For this method, only one circle is needed - the lower.
  • In the same way, we cut out a rectangle, but make the cloves only on one side. After all, we will not have the upper circle. As a result, the so -called basket will turn out.
  • In this case, it is better to take not ordinary paper, but more dense. And it will look very beautiful if you use color or with a pattern. We glue with naked chocolates, and in the resulting hole - put kinders.

How to make a cake from kinders and Rafaello: ideas, photo

This cake can be called chic! Moreover, it can be safely presented to a loved one. The process of manufacturing such a cake will not take much time and does not differ much from the previous option.

  • We need chocolate Kinder and a whole box of Rafaello.
  • In this composition, it is better to take a foam base - it is more durable. The paper can even bend.
  • Again, the most time -consuming stage is the preparation of the base. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the box should be in the recess. Therefore, in the foam, it will be necessary to cut the corresponding shape and height of the hole. A box will become there on top.
Cake from kinders and Rafaello
Cake from kinders and Rafaello
  • You can do even easier, take the base slightly below the height of chocolate.
  • Next in a circle, lay out our chocolates and tie them with a ribbon.
  • The top of the foam must be covered with corrugated paper, and, if desired, additionally decorated with fresh flowers or from a satin tape. They need to be mounted on glue.
  • Also, do not forget to attach a beautiful bow to the box itself. After all, this is a gift!
  • By the way, the child can be additionally put near the box and kinder - surprises. He will definitely appreciate it.

How to make a cake from kinders and chup Chups: ideas, photo

Such a cake looks very beautiful if you do in several tiers. And it is not necessary to make it huge. You need to proceed their budget. But the child’s emotions will be indescribable.

  • Of course, Kinder chocolates and Chupa -Chups will be needed, you can also use kinter surgery.
  • The basis for such a cake must only be taken from foam. After all, Chupa-Chups will need to be inserted into something. And in paper it will be hard to fix them.
  • Cut three tiers of different sizes and fasten each other. It will look very beautiful if you wrap each tier in packaging paper with a beautiful pattern. You can connect them with each other using a rod glue.
Cake from kinders and chupa-chups
Cake from kinders and chupa-chups
  • Next, we cover each tier with chocolates, fasten it thanks to the elastic band and decorate with a ribbon. Then we cover each layer along the edge with a chupa -chups. We insert them directly into the foam.
  • At the very top we put the kinder surprises. If you decide to do without them, then you can add a few more Chupa -Chups. Or just decorate with a beautiful bow and flowers. Depending on imagination and requirements.

How to make a cinema cake for a girl: ideas, photo

A cinema cake for a girl is characterized by the presence of various jewelry: flowers, ribbons, butterflies, etc. Of course, it is worth considering the wishes of the child. As a rule, the color scheme includes the presence of pink. A soft toy in the decoration will also look good.

  • The basis can be selected absolutely any form. But it is easiest to work with a round shape.
  • It can be either paper or from foam. Depending on your preferences and the number of jewelry.
  • We fasten the chocolate on the tier. It will look very elegant if you decorate with more than one ribbon. And take one wide, the second a little smaller. Better yet, if you decorate not just a bow, but attach some hairpin. So there will be another gift.
Cinema cake for girls
Cinema cake for girls
  • Next, we spread the kinders along the edge of the circle, and in the center we plant a plush bear. Or any other soft toy that will appeal to your liking. This will be another small gift.

How to make a cinema cake for a boy: ideas, photo

For some reason, many believe that decorations are not so important for boys. But on the festive cake they will be very useful. Only it is worth considering the taste preferences of your baby. Do not refuse openwork ribbons, and even the bow will look cute.

Option 1:

  • We take a round shape. If you take a paper base, then it is better to do with a recess - sweets will fit more. If it is made of foam, then you can additionally decorate.
  • The color scheme is naturally blue or blue.
  • We decorate with chocolate and tie a ribbon. The combination of a large blue and small white tape looks very beautiful.
Cake for a boy
Cake for a boy
  • And on top you can put the machine, tied it with a large bow. If the boy collects hot villas, then he will be very happy about such a cake!

Option 2:

  • Of course, any boy will like it if the cake is in the shape of a machine. To do this, you will need to try very hard. The basis, of course, is to take from polystyrene. It is almost unrealistic to make the car from paper. Well, or you are a big craftswoman.
  • Do not in vain dream of making her believable. It is enough to choose a simple model from the cartoon, for example, Makvin.
  • On the cab, hood and trunk we fasten chocolate. Only on glue.
  • Further, paints, and the ability to draw. We draw eyes and glass. The eyes can, by the way, glue the ready -made ones that are sold in the store.
A machine for a boy
A machine for a boy
  • Wheels can be made of chocolate coins. And you can decorate ordinary plastic plugs. The machine can even stand on them. And on top, on the roof, we lay out our kinders -surprits. Additional jewelry is not required.
  • As an option, you can make a truck. Then much more sweets will fit. But you have to tinker with the cab. And you can make it from cardboard and decorate it.

How to make a simple but beautiful cinema cake?

For such a cake, you do not need to have golden hands, and its cooking will take very little time. The most important advantage is that this is not necessary to mess around and come up with the foundation. After all, this is almost half the case.

  • Of course, you need to buy as many kinders and chocolate as possible. It will look very beautiful if you also pour m & m’s dragees.
  • You can take the most ordinary box from under the cake as a basis. Better round. After all, it is much easier to work with her.
  • If the box is plastic, then you should wrap it in beautiful paper. It all depends on personal preferences.
Cake with sweets
Cake with sweets
  • The most time -consuming will be the fastening of the chocolate themselves to the base. It is better to put them on glue, and tie them with a ribbon.
  • You can pour the dragees on top and put kinders. In this embodiment, the base should be a little cut so that it is slightly lower than the high chocolate.
  • If the supplies of sweets allow, then they can be placed directly into the box. The result is a festive basket with different goodies.

How to make a cinema cake in the form of a heart?

Of course, the round form is not a prerequisite. The form can be absolutely different. Especially, lovers like the shape of the heart. To create it, you will need to try, but the result is worth it.

Option 1:

  • It is easier, of course, to cut the heart out of the foam. Although, with a great desire, a beautiful frame will also be obtained from paper. Wrap our base in bright corrugated paper. Or any other that you have at hand.
  • It will look very beautiful if you glue a strip of another color in a circle. As a result, the so -called ruffles are sinking.
Cake from kinders
Cake from kinders
  • We fasten chocolates around the perimeter of the heart. Decorate with a ribbon. You need to consider the color of the paper. It looks very beautiful in red and white.
  • At the top, attach a bouquet of flowers, which can be made from corrugated paper. Or buy jewelry in the store. A small soft toy will also look excellent and cute.

Option 2:

  • The process of manufacturing the base is more painstaking. And in this option, it is better to make the basis from cardboard. You need to cut the bottom in the form of the heart.
  • Next, you need to glue the required height of the side, to which chocolate will be glued.
Heart -shaped cake
Heart -shaped cake
  • And inside the heart you can lay out kinder-surprises, Raphaelo or other sweets.
  • From the jewelry you can only take a belt -colored ribbon. After all, such a cake will look great.

How to make a cake from New Year's kinders?

There is no limit to the preparation of such a cake. And most importantly, such a cake can be prepared both adults, and as a treat for everyone. And with children, the process of manufacturing is turned into an exciting game.

Option 1:

  • Kohl on the nose of the New Year, then the cake is best done in the form of a Christmas tree. The basis should be done with a recess. After all, the whole family wants to enjoy sweets, so there should be many kinders and sweets.
  • It can be made of thick paper, from foam. But the principle is one - to cut the bottom and the sidewall. Wrap in green paper and fasten together.
  • At the perimeter, attach chocolates, and put as many sweets and surprises as possible inside. No special jewelry is required, because kinders replace all attributes.
Cake for the New Year
Cake for the New Year

Option 2:

  • Take a round base. It is not necessary to wrap in paper. By the way, you can make several tiers, even two. Follow them among themselves.
  • Put chocolate on the lateral part of each tier. You can take a green ribbon, and tie the kinders with them. In the first tier, lay out in a circle of kinter-surgees.
  • And at the very top, put a small twig of the Christmas tree, which do not forget to decorate with toys. And it will look beautiful, and you will get a great aroma.

How to make children's gifts from kinders for the New Year: ideas, photos

For parents, such a cake will become a real find. After all, it can be called two in one - both a gift and sweets. You need to take into account your child's hobbies. And from this already choose the basis and color. And you can make a universal casket yummy. And if finances allow, then surprise your child with a real chest with treasures.

  • For the basis of such a cake, two components will be required - paper and polystyrene.
  • You need to cut a large circle of paper and a little smaller. It will be the bottom of the box and the cover, respectively.
  • They can be decorated with paints or glued with paper. You can take any color.
  • Next, you need to cut the sidewall of foam. Its thickness should be approximately 1 cm and wrapped neatly in corrugated paper.
  • By the way, the lid can also be cut out of foam and glue a large ball to it, which will be a pen. After all, it is also more convenient to get goodies.
Delicious cake for children
Delicious cake for children
  • Get chocolates around the perimeter of the side. If they are attached with an elastic band, then it will be necessary to tie a ribbon on top.
  • And the most important and easy stage is to put a small gift inside, and lay out kinders on top - surprises.
  • And close it all with our lid. It can be additionally decorated with various trinkets.

How to make gifts from kinders on February 14: ideas, photo

What could be more pleasant than such a gift for the holiday of all lovers. Naturally, the form should be chosen hearts, and the red color should be basic. After all, he is the color of passion and love.

  • It is better to make the basis in the form of a box. And for this idea, it is easier to cut it out of foam. The lid needs to be done so that it is easily removed. And you should come up with a beautiful pen.
  • Of course, you should glue in red corrugated paper, and take white color for decoration.
  • Attach the Kinder chocolates on the sides and tie a satin ribbon on top. The use of a wide openwork white ribbon will be very useful, and let the red thin on top of it. Garnish the junction with a bow and a small brooch of beads.
A gift to loved ones
A gift to loved ones
  • Inside such a box, put the kinder surgery and do not forget about a small gift.
  • Girls will be pleased to find a box with earrings, and a man can choose a beautiful lighter decorated with painting.
  • Such a gift will not leave an indifferent second half. And thanks to the lid, he will also be able to intrigue.

How to make gifts from kinders on February 23: ideas, photo

No wonder they say that a man always remains a child. And you do not need to believe that they only love meat. Believe me, if you give your lover such a cake, and even with your own hands, then you will not have prices among other women. He will be ready to carry you in his arms.

Option 1:

  • For a man, it is better to choose a round shape and use a minimum of jewelry. No, you do not need to abandon them at all, but do not overdo it either.
  • It will look very beautiful in blue. Therefore, you can wrap the base itself in blue paper and tied with a white ribbon, or you can leave the base with white and decorate with a blue ribbon, respectively.
  • The frame itself can be made of foam or cardboard, not fundamentally. Cut the bottom and the beech part, and fasten them in a box. Chocolate can not be glued, but put inward with all other sweets.
  • And also it will not hurt to put a can of Pepsi. After all, after sweets, you will definitely want to drink.
  • Tie a satin ribbon in a circle of bases. And do not forget to attach at least in some meters, so as not to move away.
Sweet cake for men
Sweet cake for men

Option 2:

  • Also form a box, but you still need to make a lid. It is not necessary to wrap in colored paper.
  • Glue the kinders in a circle on a bilateral tape. Therefore, a ribbon can not be tied.
  • And if finances allow, then you can put a small bottle of something stronger than a man. Only this should be a good and expensive drink.
  • It is the presence of the lid will help create a small intrigue. After all, outside it will look like a cinema cake, and a surprise will wait inside.
  • Tie the ribbon on both sides crosswise, as a gift is packaged.
  • By the way, do not forget to come up with a device so that you can easily open the box.

How to make gifts from kinders for March 8: ideas, photo

Any woman will be pleased to get a bouquet of flowers on March 8. But you can deviate from banal tulips and please your favorite bouquet of kinders. After all, which girl does not like chocolate, and such an original gift will give a lot of positive emotions.

  • The size of the bouquet directly depends on the size of your wallet. But the more it is, the better. Agree that even such a bouquet looks prettier.
  • Special skills are not required, and there are not many components. You will need packaging paper for flowers, kinders, wire, adhesive tape.
  • First you need to cut the wire into the right amount of stems. Their length should be the same. At one end, it must be wrapped so that you can put an egg.
A bouquet of kinders
A bouquet of kinders
  • The most time -consuming process will be the fastening of kinders on the wire. To do this, tape will help. Carefully wrap the junction. It will look very beautiful if each flower is wrapped in packaging paper. She can even be transparent.
  • Then we collect all the flowers in the bouquet, we also wrap the stems for the guarantee with tape. We wrap it in beautiful paper or wrapper. And also do not forget to tie a ribbon.

How to make gifts from kinders for Easter: ideas, photo

What is Easter without Easter eggs. On this day, it is instructed to delight friends and relatives, as well as exchange gifts. And even on such a holiday you can make an original gift.

  • The most important attribute, after the kinders, will be a basket. If there is such an opportunity that you can make it yourself. And you can do it easier and buy a ready -made basket. Not necessarily large sizes.
  • Next, we wrap each egg in corrugated paper. Do not forget that the colors should be different.
  • The next step is to wrap them in a ribbon. Thus, the paper will hold. You need to do this cross. The junction can be fixed with tape. Ideally, use adhesive tape. She certainly should be golden.
Easter basket
Easter basket
  • On the front side or at the junction, you can glue the sticker that corresponds to the topic. Today they are in abundance, so choosing will not be difficult.
  • We put our kinders in a basket. It can also be decorated with ribbons and ruffles.
  • And most importantly, put a cake in the center.

How to make gifts from kinders for a child: Ideas, photo

A child's birthday is a very serious holiday. After all, the baby is in anticipation, what will be presented to him. And the cake of their kinders will be very useful. The child will be just in the seventh heaven with happiness. To prepare such a gift, you need to take into account the gender, age and wishes of the child. Up to three years, it is better to abandon such an idea. After all, there is a lot of sweet and small details can be swallowed.

  • The variety of such cakes depends only on your imagination. You can make it three -tier, and decorate it as desired. But for the child, it will be more important how many kinder surges he will receive. Therefore, you can make the most ordinary base, but large. And put the kinders inside.
  • The bottom can be cut out of paper, but make the side part out of foam. Glue them among themselves. Get chocolate, and then tie a ribbon. We spread the kinders, it is desirable that with a hill. You can add other sweets. Optional.
Sweet cake
Sweet cake
  • Gently insert candles into the side. That's why it is better to take polystyrene. You need to light them very carefully and make sure that there is no ignition. Like a small advice - put another gift to the bottom. If it is small, of course.

How to make gifts from kinders for a wedding: ideas, photo

It is accepted for the wedding that the bride and bride are cut off and treated them with guests. But what if guests come with their cake. They definitely will not have such a gift. It is advisable to take into account the subject of the wedding. And you can perform in any style and color scheme.

Option 1:

  • For such an event, it is better to make a two -tier or three -tier cake. Still, an important event. It is better to make the basis with foam. And wrap in white corrugated paper.
  • Glue chocolate on the side of all tiers. Tie a red ribbon, for example. Do not forget about beautiful bows.
  • Next, we spread the kinders in the circle of the first and second floor. And on the very top, put the box "Rafaello". Decorate with a large bow.
Cake for the wedding
Cake for the wedding
Cake for newlyweds
Cake for newlyweds

Option 2:

  • You can make it simply, but with taste, as they say. We make the basis in the form of a round box with a lid. Gently wrap everything in white paper.
  • To be easier to open the box, you need to come up with a handle to the lid. And you can use a bow for these purposes. But it needs to be securely fixed.
  • In a circle we glue chocolate, tie a ribbon. And inside we put kinders-surgees and a small present to the newlyweds.

As you can see, the preparation of the cake can be equated with different events. Such a universal cake will be a joyful gift for adults and children. Prepare gifts according to our proposed options and please your loved ones.

Video: Preparing a cup from a kinder surgery

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