How to make a sleep mask with your own hands?

How to make a sleep mask with your own hands?

Instructions for the manufacture of a sleep mask.

Scientists believe that a dark room is needed for a good rest and sleep. Therefore, Hollywood stars and a large number of ordinary people use masks for sleeping. In the dark, the body produces a hormone in the body, which improves stress resistance. If there is no way to fall asleep at night, you have to sleep with the light on, it is recommended to use a bandage on the eyes. 

Why do you need a mask for sleeping?

This accessory is often used during meditation. The fact is that the body has mechanisms that regulate the rhythm during the day. At different times of the day, various hormones are released. Some of the hormones are responsible for the surge of emotions, while others, on the contrary, help not to sleep at a certain time of the day. The degree of activity during the day depends on the level of melatononin in the blood. As soon as the hormone is produced, this suggests that it is time to sleep.

The retina can see the light even when the eyes are closed. Therefore, it is not enough just to close the eyelids to fall asleep. Due to a small number of rays, melanin is produced in a small amount, which leads to a decrease in sensitivity to stress. To completely hide the eyes from the effects of light rays, a mask is used. Now on the market you can find a huge number of masks that differ in drawings and design.

Why do you need a mask for sleeping eyes:

  • Sleep on an airplane or transport 
  • Rest in the afternoon 
  • Lack of curtains, or their poor density 
  • Some of the family members get up early, includes light 
  • Love of households read in the evening with the light on 
  • Yoga classes for meditation 

Types of sleep masks

The material is selected depending on its own preferences. The most popular synthetic fabrics that have high elasticity. Their price is low, much lower than that of natural fabrics. Cotton and silk are more often used. These materials are considered natural, environmentally friendly, do not provoke allergic reactions, do not cause discomfort, and do not rub.

As a filler, you can use several materials. It can be a synthetic winterizer or gel. Gel overlays are mainly used to smooth wrinkles, reduce muscle tone, relax the area around the eyes, and relieve fatigue. Special dressings are often complemented by inserts that solve a lot of cosmetic problems. 

Types of sleep masks: 

  • Gel. Their main purpose is to smooth wrinkles, eliminating swelling. They play the role of lymphatic drainage. 
  • Magnetic. They reduce muscle tone, and also improve metabolic processes in the skin. 
  • Tourmaline - Relax the nervous system, normalize blood circulation. They help eliminate bags and dark spots under the eyes.
  • Fabric, copper oxide - prevent wrinkles, normalize the division of epithelial cells. 
  • Night masks - A simple variety of skin care, which improves well -being. 
Sleep mask
Sleep mask

How to make a sleep mask with your own hands?

To make a similar accessory, you need to choose a pattern, material for manufacturing. As indicated above, it is worth giving preference to natural fabrics. First you need to prepare a paper pattern.

How to make a sleep mask with your own hands:

  • Measure the distance between the outer corners of the eyes, or temples. It is necessary that the cut of the mask is between the outer corner of the eye and the temple. This will completely block the entry of light into the eye area.
  • Attach the pattern to the material and attach with pins. Cut along the contour, accurately such a product from non -woven, which will be used as a filler. Fold the face inward, connect with pins. Prepare a piece of elastic elastic band, which will contribute to holding the dressing in the eyes. It is necessary to choose a length that will not contribute to pressure. 
  • Sew parts of the mask, leave a small segment to turn it out. Attach the gum so that it does not rub. It is best to make slots inside to hide an elastic elastic band.
  • You can decorate such a mask using beads, guipure, lace or stickers. You can make embroidery, thermonacleic in the form of eyes. As soon as the front side acquires the form you want, sew it to the prepared mask.

Fabric sleep mask pattern

The filler is optional, but usually a synthetic winterizer is sewn inside. You can also use fleece or non -woven. The main advantage of this fabric in high density, so it does not pass the rays of light. A synthetic winterizer, as well as felt, are insulation that contribute to the maintenance of heat. In the summer, using such a mask can be quite uncomfortable and hot.

The inner part is an obligatory detail that contacts the skin. It is better to choose natural fabrics. Synthetic tissues are not recommended to use, as they do not absorb sweat, can contribute to the development of bacteria, cause allergic reactions. The width of the mask is usually 18-21 cm, and its height is 7-10 cm. The recess for the nose is made more than necessary, its size is about a third of the entire height. 

Materials for making a sleep mask: 

  • Elastic gum 
  • Cardboard 
  • Ruler 
  • Scissors 
  • Pins to fasten the pattern 
  • Textile 
  • Lace or beads for decor 

To make a template, use a standard ruler. It is necessary to draw a rectangle, a length of 19 cm. Its width will be 10 cm. The angles must be twisted to give the desired shape. Divide the rectangle into two parts along the length, it will be the central line along which the nose is made. Below is a pattern of masks for sleeping from fabric.

A simple option
A simple option
Materials and pattern
Materials and pattern
With the eyes
With the eyes
With ears
With ears

DIY unicorn masks

Girls are very fond of bright products, various accessories and jewelry. Therefore, they cannot pass by unusual "mimic" accessories. One of these is a single mask for sleeping. This is a fabulous character who became popular several years ago. 

For the manufacture of such a mask you will need: 

  • Color and white felt for crafts 
  • Scissors 
  • Glue gun 
  • Ribbon with sequins 
  • Elastic 
  • Pencil 

DIY unicorn masks for sleeping, instructions:

  • At the initial stage, it is necessary to make a paper pattern. Be sure to draw on a sheet of paper bangs, ears, eyes. Cut the parts and put on the color fabric for the manufacture of the mask. Attach in small needles. Cut the patterns, proceed to the assembly.
  • In this case, you can use both an adhesive pistol and sew parts with a needle and thread. Parts to the base can be glued with a glue gun. Attach your eyes, then ears and bangs. It is necessary to glue the bangs and tape, and the gum is best sewn.
  • It is best to choose a white fabric for making a muzzle, so the mask will look interesting and unusual. Please note that in this mask there is no lining, internal fabric, so the felt will touch the eyes. This is a rather dense fabric, so the sun's rays do not penetrate the retina, even if you sleep during the day. To make the mask completely opaque, you can glue another layer of felt. 
Unicorn from felt
Unicorn from felt

A lot of interesting information about dreams can be found in articles:

In the manufacture of the mask, it is recommended to use two or three layers of material. This will ensure a complete overlap of light rays in the retina. It is best to use cotton, satin or silk. You can choose a print with a print or plain. Often use a lining for comfortable use. It must be made of soft, natural fabric. Thanks to this part, the mask retains shape, is soft.

Video: How to make a sleep mask?

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  1. By the way, sleep masks are a great thing to make melatonin more, because it is blocked if at least the slightest light falls into even closed eyes. I definitely put a mask at night and of course I take melatonin from Evalar so that there is even more production of this hormone. Thus, the dream is full -fledged, high -quality and fall asleep like a baby.

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