The love meaning of dreams, where the guy dreams, on the lunar days: interpretation

The love meaning of dreams, where the guy dreams, on the lunar days: interpretation

The moon is the night of the night, and it is not surprising that it is most closely connected with our dreams, which he herself evokes. In addition, the phase and position of the moon largely depends on how and what certain circumstances turn out for us, which will be able to get out of the situation with.

As for the reliability or, on the contrary, the complete unreality of sleep, the day of the week in which a dream was best telled about this. And the most accurate interpreter that gives the most faithful and detailed “report” is the lunar day, i.e. Calculated by the lunar calendar. It is about what dreams mean, in particular, love, depending on the lunar day, that will be discussed.

Why dream the former, beloved, familiar, unfamiliar, guy, man who likes on moon day: love predictions, signs

What do dreams mean on 1 lunar day?

  • That's why they are the first to give an impetus to creation. The first lunar day calls for this. It is provided that your aspirations and plans They are creative, not destructive, you can consider your dream on these lunar days as a certain sketch for the next month.
  • As for love relationships, their creative beginning - in an effort to strengthen communication, Perhaps to legalize this relationship.
  • And if you dream of 1 hp that your boyfriend makes a marriage proposal, then this is precisely a creative intention based on the desire to create a family. Therefore, such a dream can be considered as the direction in which your relationship will develop per month following the first lunar days.
  • Signs say that on such a night it is necessary go to bed with a positive attitude. And the dreams will be appropriate? If the guy you like, you dream in a positive way - this will be the next lunar month, provided that you will draw up a plan on the same day for the next 30 days.
The beginning of the first day
The beginning of the first day

What do dreams mean on 2 lunar days?

  • Dreams on 2 lunar days suggest the directions of the path that you need to go in order to solve the tasks set for you. This is the basis of what prevails in the subconscious, so they need to be treated with maximum attention.
  • If you dream that the guy sympathizes with you - So, this is how your subconscious feeling suggests, and this, as a rule, is always true. And, accordingly, on the contrary.
  • And if you already dream that relations have no prospects, signs are advised not to despair immediately, but to work to change the situation. And to get the most accurate answer to questions about your beloved man, signs 2 lunar days They advise you to clearly raise the question, the tips in the solution of which you want to find.

What do dreams mean on 3 lunar days?

  • Dreams of 3 lunar days give you to understand, How correctly your life energy is consumed. Either you waste your internal forces in vain, or correctly and harmoniously distribute them. This applies not so much to the external situation as to internal sensations.
  • That is why, if in a dream you experience difficulties in relations with a lover, That, according to the signs, it is necessary, when you wake up, mentally imagine the denouement of your dream, be sure to solve the problem with the desired result. Then in reality you can make relationships harmonious and strong.
  • If you managed to cope with the situation during sleep, then you full of vital energy, Which will make your happiness with your loved one possible.

What do dreams mean on 4 lunar days, where a guy dreams?

  • On 4 lunar days, your dreams may be fulfilled, especially if they were colored. A particularly relevant dream is the one in which something was confused.
  • If, for example, the guy confused your hair (or you did it yourself), then it is possible that the same confusion will exist in your relationship. In this case, it is necessary to review them in order to understand in what place the knot was tied and how to untie it.
  • If you experience a subconscious sense of danger - Listen to him, perhaps you should carefully analyze your behavior. As a rule, dreams of 4 lunar days where the guy dreams can touch not just a loved one, but a husband, because Often associated with relatives.
Spend the day with benefit
Spend the day with benefit

What do dreams mean on 5 lunar days?

  • A fairly high probability that positive dreams of 5 lunar days come true, but dreams that carry a negative sediment should be perceived as warning.
  • If the guy upset you in a dream to tears, then do not be upset - this means that yours relations are cleaned, like your internal resources.
  • Also, a dream, dreaming on the fifth lunar day, can show whether your relationship is developing, or are a vicious circle. If you are going somewhere together, everything is safe in the relationship. The dream, who left an unpleasant impression, points to diseasewhich you or your boyfriend have to do.

What do dreams mean on 6 lunar days?

  • The dreams that dreamed that night should not tell anyone, because they can carry the prophetic beginning. They can be interpreted as a prediction or warning sent by higher powers.
  • Often dreams for 6 lunar days indicate some inexperienceboth in life circumstances and in relations. This understatement should be corrected as soon as possible, especially if you dreamed of one of your former partners-it means that the point in your novel was not final, and you are still in some kind of duty to it.
  • Analyze everything between you and think about what exactly it is necessary to complete it completely.

What do dreams mean on 7 lunar days?

  • Dreams 7 lunar days where the guy is dreaming, often true, they do not always come true. But almost always they carry hints, indicating what is the main thing in life.
  • If an unfamiliar man dreams that night - pay special attention to what he says, because it is on this night that our subconscious mind is most frankly with us, and the words of a stranger can become both an impetus for illumination, so direct indication to what should be done. If your dream was heavy - tell him the water, better running, and she will take him with her.
About the seventh day
About the seventh day

What do dreams mean on 8 lunar day?

  • Often dreams of 8 lunar days are said about unrealized opportunities, unresolved problems, delayed in a long box. The same applies to relationships. Perhaps you do not dare to make them understandable for both for too long, and such underglory interferes with gaining happiness.
  • If you see yourself with a guy in some hopeless impasse, it means that your relationship really went into it and without reassessing tasks and values \u200b\u200bthey can’t get out of there. If you, on the contrary, are in a dream in the mountains, open field, at sea - Your relationship will continue to develop. You can even pose a clear question about your joint future before going to bed and get an answer.

What do the dreams mean on the 9th day?

  • Most often 9 lunar dreams say about the internal conflictwhich occurs in the subconscious, as well as caused by character traits.
  • Such dreams are often unpleasant, sometimes even terrible. Therefore, everything that you dreamed about this night regarding your relationship with a guy should not be perceived literally. This is a manifestation of your internal problems and contradictions, and not disagreements in relationships.
  • Do not attach much importance to the images that have appeared to you on the 9th lunar day, but simply say the cherished words: "Where the night is there and a dream" And try to quickly throw out the heavy pictures of the dream from your head.

What do dreams mean on the 10th day?

  • This night is connected with everything that makes your family - relatives, children, and, of course, with the spouse.
  • Particular attention should be paid to such dreams to those who dreamed of a late spouse. This usually happens when a person should be transmitted to some secret knowledge or warning.
  • Sleep 10 lunar days can be like a fairy tale and be the same light and bright. If the dream left a difficult impression, you should think about it, but do not wait for its literal incarnation. The most correct will be in the evening 10 lunar day Tune in to communicate with the departed.
Characterization of 10 days
Characterization of 10 days

What do dreams mean on 11 lunar days?

  • The night when the interpretation of dreams is very close to their content or at least to the emotional background. So, a positive dream in which you dream of a guy, a beloved (or even unfamiliar) man, indicates that you do everything right in a relationship and in life as a whole.
  • If you see quarrel with lover, mutual resentment - You should think what you are doing in your life is wrong. Perhaps the crack in the relationship is determined precisely by your wrong position in relation to the partner.
  • In general, favorable dreams of 11 lunar days are characterized by realized life, and sometimes quickly enough, literally in three days. If you did not have a dream at all, then you very tired and need restwhich provides you with providence.

What do dreams mean on 12 lunar days?

  • Sleep 11 lunar days shows you your attitude to the priorities of your life. If you dream of some material benefits, which means that they form the basis of your worldview, which cannot but affect the nature of your relationship with a man. Perhaps you seem to him too mercantile, And from this the connection between you cannot become sincere and strong.
  • If you are literally flying in the clouds in a dream, then most likely a lover considers you a bad mistress, unable to correctly distribute family income and conduct an economy. In a word, it is necessary Balance between values, to the achievement of which we must striveSo that the relationship is harmonious. Bright dreams of this night can be performed for a week.
When you see a dream, pay attention to the priorities
When you see a dream, pay attention to the priorities

What do dreams mean on 13 lunar days?

  • A very crucial day to understand the correctness of the selected path and the need for changes in one direction or another.
  • Dreams of 13 lunar days contribute to understanding and development. And the main hint for this awareness is a dream, which indicates not only at those moments where an error is made, including in personal relationships, but also offers a hint in order to correct the situation and move off the dead point.
  • Most often, such a dream acts as warning And it is a prophetic. It may be fulfilled after 8 days.

What do dreams mean on 14 lunar days?

  • Usually, the dreams of 14 lunar days do not attach much importance - they, as a rule, they do not come true and do not predict anything that would have been in reality.
  • The only thing that can tell the dreams of this night - the presence of some hidden gift you havethat will help you in life, and the development of which you should do. Therefore, do not try to interpret such dreams - neither good nor disturbing. Just don't think about them.

What do dreams mean on 15 lunar days?

  • The dream of a dream of 15 lunar days largely depends on what in what emotional state you are in this period. Therefore, a bright and bright vision with the participation of a lover says that you internally feel that everything is in order, your feelings are mutual and have a prospect.
  • And on the contrary, a heavy and gloomy dream indicates that subconsciously you understand: something in a relationship is not so. Perhaps this is a crack that has appeared recently, maybe Undergovernment or deception.
  • In the latter case, you should carefully analyze all the moments that seem anxious to you to understand what exactly needs to be fixed.
  • Try not to tell anyone about good dreams of this night - then they may well come true.
Shows your emotional state
Shows your emotional state

What do dreams mean on 16 lunar day?

  • The middle of the lunar cycle dictates its own rules. Everything that you dream can be interpreted both literally and exactly the opposite.
  • For example, if you dream of a nightmare, then in life, on the contrary, everything will be successful. If the guy leaves you in a dream - in reality, he will love you even more.
  • In general, dreams of 16 lunar days determine, how much you are tense emotionally And they suggest that it's time to relax and relax.
  • And unpleasant dreams, by the way, are designed to take on the negative, which is present in your mind, and take it away.

What do dreams mean on 17 lunar days?

  • This time is closely connected with female energy And in many ways - precisely with the sexual. It is in a dream that higher forces help us understand, will we realize this energy harmoniouslywhether it helps to communicate with representatives of the opposite sex or, conversely, enshrines us.
  • And the interpretation of such dreams is simple. If the dream is light, bright, positive, then your sexual energy works for the good of you, and relations with men are perfect. If a dream carries a heavy precipitate - be more free and creative, this will help your popularity in men and close partnerships.
  • In general, the dreams of 17 lunar days prophesy success and may well come true over the next three days.
On this day, it is important to evaluate your female energy
On this day, it is important to evaluate your female energy

What do dreams mean on 18 lunar day?

  • Such dreams reflect ourselves, and it is precisely those that are valuable. Compare yourself in real life with a reflection in a dream that is not controlled by our consciousness. Sometimes a woman seems to be behaving with a man like an affectionate cat, but if in a dream she sees herself with a real Megor with respect to her lover, then this is a submarine to think. After all, the subconscious is not deceiving.
  • If the image is in a dream and the one that you compare with you in reality coincide - this is wonderful, it means that balanced is both your life and personal relationships.
  • And in order for the difference in a real image and the one who comes to you in a dream does not spoil your relationship with a man, take a closer look at how he reacts to you, and then you will understand what exactly should be changed in your behavior. If the sleep on the 18th day was good - it prophesies good luck in a relationship, and moreover, it can become a prophetic.

What do the dreams mean in the 19 lunar day?

  • Dreams of 19 lunar days are not subject to independent interpretation - they are so complex and symbolic. It would be best to read the prayer in the morning if the dream was bad. And if you dreamed of a man you like, then do not perceive the dream literally Or try to explain it yourself.
  • To do this, it is best to turn to specialists interpreting dreams, and telling your dream, not missing a single detail - it is in them that the true meaning of what they saw is laid.

What do the dreams mean on the 20th day?

  • This is a very mysterious day that can very quickly realize your dream. Moreover, it is on the 20th lunar day that a dream can be tried to “order”. If you like some guy, but you cannot understand his true attitude to yourself, try to fall asleep with the desire to get into his dream.
  • Seeing yourself in such a “double” dream, you will rather decide and orient yourself in his feelings in relation to you. And he is after you appear in his dream, maybe more interested in you. And if the weather goes bad in the morning, then your dream may well be realized on this day.
This is a mysterious day
This is a mysterious day

What do dreams mean on 21 lunar days?

  • And again, the dreams of which are not subject to any interpretation. Whatever or whoever you dream that night is - only your life tone, the realization of your creative energy.
  • However, love signs can also be interpreted depending on what a dream will show on 21 lunar days. If you dreamed of someone from friends or unfamiliar guys, and the dream at the same time carried a positive beginning, it means not only with your the emotional and psychological state is good, but you are successful among the male environment.

What do dreams mean on 22 lunar day?

  • Very, very multifaceted day in everything related to dreams. Depending on the mood with which you lay down to sleep, you can see absolutely nothing indispensable, which is called “empty”, or really prompting the further direction of the development of your relationship.
  • Hardly sleep on 22 lunar day will be able to answer the question whether this or that guy loves you, but to tell you what to do in order to attract his attention and interest his, such a dream may well, especially if you tune in to receive information about the guy of interest to you.

What do dreams mean on 23 lunar day?

  • And again, the dreams are reproducing the picture in absolutely mirror reflection. These lunar days deceive you in all aspects of dreams, including related to personal life. Therefore, interpret the dreams of 23 lunar days exactly the opposite of their content.
  • In a dream, your acquaintance guy finally confessed your love? Be prepared for the fact that in reality you are unlikely to wait for attention to him.
  • And if in a dream he turns away from you, then it is possible that already in the near future you will be together. 23 lunar days are quite heavy, therefore, dreams are often gloomy and negative. But you remember that in fact everything will be fine!

What do dreams mean on 24 lunar days?

  • But dreams of 24 lunar days, on the contrary, are characterized by directness. True, it concerns not so much the content of sleep as it emotional coloring. The point is that the dreams of this night outline the state of your sexual energy, and the more positive and positive, the better your internal forces aimed at personal relations.
  • If you dream of an unfamiliar guy who is causing interest and desire to meet, then you are simply at the peak of sexual energy and you can, as they say, fold men with stacks at your feet.
  • If the dream is bad and leaves a feeling of heaviness and disappointment, think about whether you have your own internal forces, having a good rest.
About days
About days

What do dreams mean on 25 lunar days?

  • A day carrying practically a literal understanding of what comes in dreams. Dreams are almost always believers, and the images in them - clear and unambiguous.
  • Of course, this does not mean that if your beloved gave you gorgeous roses in a dream, you will find the same bouquet in reality. But that he loves you, you can be sure.
  • If the dream on the 25th day brought an unpleasant sensation, try to wash it off with cold water and prayer.

What do the dreams mean in 26 lunar day?

  • Your dream on 26 lunar days speaks of those habits and character traits, Which interfere with you in relations with others and, in particular, with representatives of the opposite sex. You can see yourself in the role the imperious mistress - Surely, your man perceives you as a dictator and it is possible that such authority has already fed with him.
  • By the way, if lightning flashed over you, this an unambiguous warning The fact that pride and swagger will not be brought to good.
  • If, on the contrary, in a dream a man commands what to do and how to do it, then your self -esteem is clearly underestimated, and not all men like such women either. In any case, dreams suggest what you need to pay attention to to improve relations. Colored sleep may be fulfilled.

What do the dreams mean in 27 lunar days?

  • 27 lunar day for dreams that carry the prophetic beginning, and compliance with signs. They are showing the true state of affairs and the attitude towards you.
  • If you suspected that your beloved is incorrect, then the dream in which he saves you from hooligans opens up his real intentions - noble and honest. If your beloved is noticed by you in a dream in the company of another woman, then, alas, your suspicions have grounds. Although astrologers advise on these lunar days, do not rely on your ability to interpret dreams, And visit a specialist in their interpretation.

What do the dreams mean in 28 lunar days?

  • Dreams of 28 lunar days are not just truthfulness, but also the prophetic beginning. They are able to suggest what exactly the obstacles are interfering with your love. And even give advice on how to deal with them.
  • For example, your boyfriend in a dream is cold with you and does not answer your countless questions. Maybe you are too boring him with conversations and questions? Then just be more restrained.
  • If the ex -guy in a dream reproaches you in indifference, then perhaps your current partner notes the same feature? Listen to yourself and you will find answers to many questions related to the sphere of personal relationships.
You will see prophetic dreams
You will see prophetic dreams

What do the dreams mean in 29 lunar days?

  • This is a difficult day in the energy plan, which affects the dreams seen. It is unlikely that you will see something consistent and coherent-rather, it will be chaotic scraps of pictures.
  • Do not be alarmed and do not try to interpret your sleep on 29 lunar days, since it is just your subconscious that the accumulated negative releases.

Tip: Before going to bed, light the candle, let it clean the energy of the room. And try to forget the frightening dream as soon as possible - he does not carry anything about the possible ways of developing your relationship with a guy.

What do dreams mean on the 30 lunar day?

  • The final days of the lunar cycle carry certain results of the month. Most often they are positive, especially if you listened to tips and prompts in a dream throughout the month.
  • Dreams on the 30 lunar day can be peculiar plans for the upcoming lunar month. In relations with a man, this manifests itself at the level of sensations that you experience after a dream. Waking up in a good mood, you can plan tonight with your beloved.

What lunar day dreams come true?

  • 1 hp - Dreams come true literally and portend the good;
  • 2 l.S. - prophetic dreams;
  • 3 hp - dreams are not destined to come true;
  • 4 l.S. - In general, good dreams that can come true over time;
  • 5 hp - ambiguous, but not carrying bad dreams of dreams;
  • 6 hp - Dreams will come true if no one will tell anyone about them;
  • 7 hp - positive dreams that often come true;
  • 8 hp - prophetic dreams that fulfill desires, and at the same time are able to realize the dreaming troubles;
  • 9 hp - dreams come true;
  • 10 hp - Both good and bad come true;
  • 11 hp - Dreams can come true literally;
  • 12 hp - dreams are prophetic;
  • 13 hp - Real dreams come true very quickly, and those that are filled with symbols are empty;
  • 14 hp. - Realistic dreams are also performed, and phantasmagoria and symbols simply do not interpret;
  • 15 hp - good dreams, which are often common, if you do not tell anyone about them;
  • 16 hp - And again there is no interpretation of symbolic images, but color and realistic dreams will soon come true;
  • 17 hp - dreams are not characteristic of being performed;
  • 18 hp - pay attention and interpret only those dreams that dreamed on a rainy night;
  • 19 hp - dreams are performed, but after a certain time;
  • 20 hp - Dreams that are associated with battles, fights, scandals are important. And the dreaming nightmare, on the contrary, will explain the situation;
  • 21 hp - Dreams come true no earlier than after 3 weeks;
  • 22 hp - prophetic dreams that are interpreted literally and very soon come true;
  • 23 hp - Dreams are dubious and interpretation is not needed;
  • 24 hp - Mostly positive dreams, and they often come true;
  • 25 hp - a dream comes true that is realistic specific;
  • 26 hp - Most often, such dreams come true;
  • 27 hp - Not all dreams come true;
  • 28 hp - are realized dreams seen in the morning;
  • 29 hp - Sleep will come true if you tell about it;
  • 30 hp - Those dreams that you are well remembered are embodied in reality.

What do dreams mean depending on the phase of the moon?

  • Usually the lunar cycle implies the following interpretation. On the growing moon They are more related to the future, to those changes that expect us in life. Dreams show what to pay attention to, where to start, how to fix the mistake made. They will tell you how to establish a relationship with a guy you like. Whatever dreams on the growing moon - They fill us with new feelings and plans directed to the future. Often they are common.

  • Dreams on the waning moon - What leaves our life, or what should be abandoned, since it no longer is of interest. If a terrible dream is dreaming at this time, it eventually portends good, because it takes with him negative, troubles, and difficult feelings. Such dreams are considered to be cleansing, they help to break with the partner painlessly with whom the connection with which is already starting to weigh. Such dreams are far from always prophetic, but they show that it is superfluous in our lives and help to cleanse themselves.
  • New moon Traditionally associated with renewal and changes, dreams of this time are more connected with consciousness, sometimes insights come in them. New Moon dreams They are a reflection of our thoughts, which thus build in a certain logical series, ordering our life. The comprehension of past and existing relations comes, the prospects and goals become clear, there is an understanding and reassessment of both the partner and what connects you.
  • But Dreams on the full moon, connected with subconscious, emotions and feelings. At this time, the most fantastic dreams usually dream - bright, colorful, unreal. They help to see those moments in which we allow emotions to prevail over the mind, which does not always affect relationships with your beloved well. Therefore, such dreams should be listened to, so that later do not regret the torn relationships.
In the full moon
In the full moon

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