Bleaching masks. How to make the skin brighter? Recipes for masks for whitening the skin at home

Bleaching masks. How to make the skin brighter? Recipes for masks for whitening the skin at home

The simplest preparations in preparation and having a minimum of ingredients in the composition of the recipes of whitening masks we offer in this article.

The causes of excessive pigmentation can be different: unsuccessful tanning, freckles, as a result of the appearance of the spring sun, pregnancy, age pigmentation.

If the tan and pregnancy, temporary phenomena of pigmentation, which may pass unnoticed over time, then natural and age -related pigmentation require the mandatory use of cosmetics.

The fight against pigmentation can be carried out both by a specialist in a cosmetologist and at home.

Bleaching masks in household conditions
Whitening masks at home

How to bleach the skin at home? What masks are whitened by the skin of the face?

Whitening face mask
Whitening face mask

When conducting procedures for bleaching a person, precautions should be observed. The composition of home remedies includes various acids. The skin is whitened, but allergic reactions may occur. Before using such tools, it is necessary to apply the pre -prepared composition to the elbow part of the hand, hold for 20 minutes. In the absence of irritation, the mask can be applied to the face.

In addition, there are some more rules for using bleaching masks:

  • The procedures are carried out in the autumn period, during a moderate solar manifestation
  • We apply in the evening, since the skin after such masks is sensitive to sunlight that contribute to pigmentation
  • In combination with peeling, the effect will be much larger and faster
  • We apply masks on the skin with a scrub or after peeling
  • After the mask we use a moisturizing or nutritional cream
  • Before going out, we use sunscreen creams to prevent pigmentation
  • We use masks 2 times a week
  • Regularity, a necessary condition for obtaining the desired result
  • Coursework - every other day within two weeks
  • We fix the result with the daily use of wiping with a cucumber, lemon or parsley decoction

You can prepare whitening masks at home using natural bleaching components contained in herbs, oils, vegetables of fruits, dairy products.

The most effective are the masks prepared with the help of: grapefruit, lemon, parsley, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, cucumber, egg protein, hydrogen peroxide, soda

For whitening faces, they also use masks based on: chamomile, roses, dill, mint, champagne, zinc, mineral water, olive and almond oils, essential oils: rosemary, patchouli, tea tree, orange, mint, lemon, grapefruit.

Video: How to bleach your face at home?

What whitening masks are suitable for dry skin?

Facial bleaching mask with dry skin
Facial bleaching mask with dry skin

Since whitening elements are very aggressive, and dry skin is very thin, you can damage its structure when bleaching. Therefore, in the manufacture of a mask for dry skin, it is necessary to take into account that the skin needs not only to lighten, but also moisturized, nourished, soften and tone.

In order for the skin to receive benefits, not harm after applying the mask, it must be added as a basis, to choose: cream, sour cream, large fat kefir or vegetable olive oil.

You can add beneficial to dry skin masks:

Vegetable oils

  • avocado
  • sesame
  • shi
  • wheat germs
  • coconut
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn
  • almond
  • persian
  • jojoba
  • raspberries
  • cranberry
  • watermelon
  • st. John's wort

Essential oils

  • chamomile
  • pink tree
  • rosemary
  • melissa
  • gerani


  • cabbage
  • banana
  • tomatoes
  • apricots
  • lemon
  • strawberries
  • grapefruit
  • persian
  • persimmon

One of the simplest, healthy and effective masks for dry skin:

  • We take cottage cheese, kefir one teaspoon
  • Add half a teaspoon of honey
  • We rub
  • We apply for 20 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water

Cleansing bleaching masks for the face

Cleaning bleaching masks
Cleaning bleaching masks

Cleaning mask based on oatmeal

  • Three tablespoons of oatmeal, chopped in a coffee grinder
  • Add a teaspoon of soda
  • Pour warm water, diluting to average fluidity
  • We clean the face with massage movements
  • Leave the mixture for 15 minutes
  • Rinse with cool water

Mask for cleansing with rice flour

  • Grind very finely in a coffee grinder 25 g rice
  • Add a teaspoon of honey
  • Mix with a teaspoon of lemon
  • Apply with cleansing movements to the face
  • Leave for twenty minutes
  • Rinse with cool water

Whitening face mask with parsley, recipe

Whitening mask with parsley
Whitening mask with parsley

They refresh very well and whiten masks with parsley.

Useful substances that are part of it not only bleach, but also have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face:

  • Ascorbic acid - levels wrinkles
  • Karotin-protects from the effects of UV rays
  • Tiamine - relieves irritation
  • Riboflavin - updates the epidermis
  • Retinol - aligns and gives elasticity to the skin
  • Nicotinic acid - saturates cells with oxygen, by improving blood circulation
  • Mineral salts - cleanse and nourish the skin
  • Flavonoids - contribute to the formation of collagen, which leads to rejuvenation of the skin
  • Pectin - delaying small cracks and inflammation
  • Fitoncides - the elasticity and smoothness of the skin

Cooking a mask from parsley pigmentation

  • Insist chopped parsley and dandelion, taken in equal proportions, in mineral water for 12 hours
  • We apply a thick, insisted mass for half an hour
  • Wipe your face with a cotton swab
  • Without washing off we walk for another half hour
  • We wipe the ice cube

This mask is very relevant in the spring, since in addition to bleaching, the beneficial properties of parsley are protected from UV rays

Video: anti -aging, nutritious and whitening face mask

Lemon whitening face mask, recipe

Lemon oscillating mask
Lemon bleaching mask

Masks with lemon are cleaned, bleached, rejuvenated.


  • C. - contribute to the production of elastin and collagen
  • A and folic acid - remove inflammation
  • K. - removes excess pigmentation
  • Potassium normalizes the sebaceous glands and the moisture process

Contraindications should be taken into account when using lemon:

  • Allergy
  • Open wounds, inflammation
  • Tumors

You need to be very careful with lemon, it is very active in composition, all these properties are transferred to masks.

Face mask with lemon And tomato

  • We rub one small tomato
  • Add 7 drops of lemon
  • We apply for 20 minutes

Video: face lemon

How to prepare a whitening face mask with sour cream?

Covering mask with sour cream
Covering mask with sour cream

Sour cream is a natural dairy product containing many useful substances and vitamins. Thanks to her composition, she works miracles with the skin.

Vitamins included in it:

  • A - regenerates and rejuvenates the structure of the skin
  • C. - accelerates blood circulation, fills the cells with oxygen
  • PP - protects the face from the influence of negative environmental factors
  •   E. - accelerates metabolic processes in cells, generating the structure and improving the complexion

By adding sour cream to masks to reduce pigmentation, you can get a very good result.

It is easy to prepare a whitening mask of sour cream

  • Mix a large spoonful of sour cream with a half glass whipped on a blender strawberry
  • Hold on the face for at least 20 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water

Whitening face mask with clay

Whitening mask with parsley
Whitening mask with clay

Cosmetic clay, in addition to whitening effect, has also properties:

  1. drying - by absorbing the sweat glands
  2. cleansing - eliminating the obsolete cells, eliminating peeling, redness

Blue clay is suitable for bleaching.

To prepare the mask will need

  • 25 grams of blue clay, sour milk, tomato paste
  • Mix the ingredients
  • We apply clay to dry
  • Hold another 10 minutes
  • Wash off

Video: A whitening face mask -arabiomania

Whitening face mask with honey

Mask with honey for bleaching
Mask with honey for bleaching

Honey - The product in composition of useful substances has no analogues. Its benefits to cosmetologists are not challenged. Any prepared mask with the addition of honey has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

But the simplest and most effective whitening mask

  • From one grapefruit we squeeze the juice
  • Add a large spoon of honey
  • Beat
  • Hold on the face for 15-20 minutes

Video: bleaching face mask (lemon, honey)

How to prepare a whitening face mask with peroxide?

Face mask against pigmentation
Face mask against pigmentation

Hydrogen peroxide is the most popular and simple tool to combat pigmentation. Using it, we observe precautions and proportions.

Mask with hydrogen peroxide and yeast

  • 25 grams of dry yeast is diluted with hydrogen peroxide, to a thick state
  • we apply for 10-15 minutes
  • rinse with cool water

How to prepare a whitening face mask: tips and reviews

Whitening masks at home

Olga: My favorite mask from freckles: a cucumber, a bunch of parsley and a little sour cream. The proportions are approximate. The skin becomes soft, even. I am starting to do since early February. Break of week. And then 2 times a week. My freckles do not appear so much, thanks to this mask, for many years.

Marina: I make any mask and add lemon. Of course, there will be no result in one day. But knowing his problem. I make masks all year round. By spring I spend a two month complex. I did not contact a cosmetologist with the problem of age -related pigmentation. For 2 years of using masks, not a single new spot appeared. The previous ones gradually disappeared. The skin itself has become younger and more even. Although age is added.

The use of bleaching masks aligns the skin of the face well
The use of bleaching masks aligns the skin of the face well

Not requiring great efforts and costs whitening masks prepared at home are very effective. Thirty minutes of time spent on a small procedure will pay your efforts with a beautiful, young and well -groomed face. Looking again in the mirror, you will admire the result more and more if the use of masks becomes regular.

Video: bleaching masks at home

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Comments K. article

  1. I do not believe in folk methods, traditional medicine and so on! This lottery helps one, there is no others, and then they are treated with a thousand years. I prefer to immediately contact professional means. The line of Noton, the French line to combat age spots, discovered herself. I use Neoton and Noton Radians SPF50 - sunscreen. The spots are noticeably lighter than steel, I really like this tandem.

  2. Miracle Glow is a unique bleaching mask developed by leading cosmetologists for skin care with excess pigmentation.

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