The basic rules of a hypoallergenic diet for adults and children. Hypoallergenic diet menu

The basic rules of a hypoallergenic diet for adults and children. Hypoallergenic diet menu

The article reveals the basic principles of the hypoallergenic diet, contains a list of hypoallergenic products.

More and more often the problem of food allergies arises. Adults and children suffer from this ailment. It is often very difficult to identify food allergen, so you do not need to engage in self -medication, you should consult a doctor. It is the doctor who must determine the allergen and prescribe treatment. Together with the treatment, the doctor will surely prescribe a hypoallergenic diet to you.

Hypoallergenic diet for adults

To prevent the appearance of an allergic reaction to products, a hypoallergenic diet is prescribed. The words "diet" should not be scared.

The essence of this diet is to avoid the use of allergenic products, and if you know a specific product that causes you allergies, then it will not be difficult at all.

The period of the prescribed diet will depend on various circumstances, most often it is 2-3 weeks, but, for example, for nursing mothers, this is a period of breastfeeding.
To achieve the best results, you need to comply with certain rules of a hypoallergenic diet:

  • the basic rule is not to overeat. You can eat often, but a little bit
  • it is important to diversify your diet. Many, trying to avoid allergies, begin to eat a very limited number of products, thereby impoverishing their diet and not having completed trace elements and vitamins necessary for a person

Hypoallergenic diet for nursing mothers

After the child appears for young mothers, breastfeeding, the question of the diet becomes relevant. To date, you can find two opposite points of view.

According to the first, you need to adhere to a strict hypoallergenic diet. Only a limited list of products is allowed for use. In particular:

  • low -fat meat (rabbit, beef, chicken), but only steamed or in boiled form
  • buckwheat and oatmeal
  • rye bread
  • butter
  • vegetables (with the exception of orange and red vegetables)
  • a little cottage cheese (about 150 grams)
  • cheese (30 grams)

This point of view is now losing its position. More and more doctors are prescribed by a strict hypoallergenic diet only in the case, there is a mother is an allergic.

The second point of view is more loyal. Experts believe that if a mother is a healthy person, then you should not adhere to strict restrictions. After all, impoverishing his diet, both the mother and the child do not receive the necessary vitamins and trace elements, which are so necessary for the restoration of the mother and the development of the child.
The most correct seems to adhere to the "golden mean":

  • in the early days of the child, it is still worth limiting his diet
  • enter new products must be gradually and carefully observe the reaction
  • if everything is fine, then after 3 months you can return to the usual food

Hypoallergenic diet for children

A hypoallergenic diet for children has its own characteristics. Such a diet is prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the age of the child and the identified allergen, for a period of not more than 7-10 days.

Then the products gradually begin to enter the diet back. A longer period of stay on the diet is not recommended, because For children, a full and diverse nutrition for full development is important.

Hypoallergenic diet for children under a year

An ideal nutrition for children under 6 months is considered breast milk of the mother. After six months, they are introduced. You should start with mashed potatoes of low allergenic vegetables (colored cabbage, broccoli, zucchini). Formation should be introduced in the morning, with one or two teaspoons. Gradually, a set of products and volume should be increased.

Children under artificial feeding have recently been increasingly suffering from allergies to whole protein of cow's milk. For such cases, hypoallergenic mixtures based on:

  • amino acids
  • hydrolyzed proteins cow milk
  • isolate proteins soy
  • goat milk
  • feeding for such children is introduced already at 4 months of life.

Hypoallergenic diet for children

  • Children's hypoallergenic menu must contain vegetables, dairy products, dietary meat and cereals
  • The most suitable vegetables are zucchini, colored and white cabbage, light pumpkin, broccoli, potatoes. You can use yellow bell pepper, eggplant, cucumbers, salad and greens. It is best to choose a turkey, rabbit, beef from meat. Porridge needs to be boiled without milk and sugar
  • Fruits and berries should also be present in the diet. You can give the child green apples, pears, plums, peaches, currants, blueberries and blueberries
  • Bread should be rye. Drying and crockete cookies will not hurt the child either

Approximate menu for the day:

  • breakfast: Hercules porridge, green apple, unsweetened tea
  • lunch: lean cabbage soup, meatballs with mashed potatoes, compote
  • dinner: baked turkey with vegetables, compote

Hypoallergenic diet with asthma

For people suffering from bronchial asthma, along with the general rules of a hypoallergenic diet, some features should be taken into account:

  • avoid products, rich shardeveva acids, so how sorrel acid promotes excretion calcium from organism (swede, cocoa, spinach, sorrel)
  • not use sharp and spicy dishes
  • not use alcohol
  • limit use salt (not more 57 gram in day)
  • exclude from use products with increased antigenic activity (nuts, eggs, crab, fish, citrus)

Hypoallergenic diet for dermatitis

You need to adhere to the following diet rules for dermatitis:

  • if the allergen is known, you need to completely exclude it from the diet
  • if the allergen could not be installed, then within 2-3 weeks it is necessary to adhere to a strict hypoallergenic diet. Then you can gradually try to add new products to the menu. Over time, the patient will develop an individual safe diet

Hypoallergenic diet with urticaria

A feature of the hypoallergenic diet in urticaria is:

  • limitation products, stimulating liberation histamine  ( alcohol, strong tea, strong broths, crustaceans, nuts, strawberry, seasonings, tomatoes, chocolate, coffee, bananas)
  • limitation products, which in your own composition contain histamine (canned food, wine, tomatoes, spinach, acidic cabbage, sorrel, smoked)

List of products for a hypoallergenic diet

All products can be divided into several groups:

  • highly allergenic
  • medium -allergenic
  • hypoallergenic.

During the period of exacerbation of allergies, use Highly allergenic Products are prohibited. Such products include:

  • alcohol
  • chocolate
  • citrus
  • vegetables and fruit red colors
  • nuts
  • marinades and pickles
  • coffee
  • smoked meats
  • eggs
  • products, in compound which enter conservatives and dyes

Medium -allergenic Products are recommended to be consumed very carefully. It is necessary to monitor the state of the body, and if there is no negative reaction, you can gradually enter them into your diet. Such products include:

  • some cereals (rice, millet)
  • sunny
  • some vegetables (onion, garlic, beet, turnip)
  • dairy products
  • pasta products
  • all legumes
  • bread from higher varieties wheat
  • some berries (cowberry, black and white currant, blackberry)

To hypoallergenic Products that are recommended are the following:

  • groups (especially buckwheat and oatmeal)
  • meat (turkey, rabbit, beef)
  • fermented milk products
  • vegetable fats (sunflower, linen and  olive oil)
  • green, white and yellow vegetables
  • fruit and berries (gooseberry, apples, plum, persian)
  • rye bread

Hypoallergenic diet table

Hypoallergenic menu diet for a week


  • breakfast: porridge corn, a piece neostroy cheese, peach, tea
  • dinner: soup from color cabbage , taps steam  from non -fat pork, brown rice boiled, compote
  • afternoon snack: biopefir, a handful of almond
  • dinner: salad from cabbage, boiled meat indians, tea


  • breakfast: oatmeal porridge, sandwich with cheese, green apple, tea
  • dinner: soup With vermichel, stewed potato with beef, compote
  • afternoon snack: biopefir, bread, fruit
  • dinner: casserole from zucchini with sour cream and meat, unseemly tea


  • breakfast: millet porridge, sandwich with butter and boiled meat, pear, tea
  • lunch: cabbage soup, vegetable stew with meat, compote
  • afternoon snack: bellied cookies, natural yogurt
  • dinner: mashed potatoes, beef goulash, tea


  • breakfast: cottage cheese with a spoon of sour cream, pear, tea
  • lunch: pumpkin soup, boiled pork with vegetables, compote
  • afternoon snack: a handful of dried fruits, bifidkefir
  • dinner: buckwheat porridge, baked turkey meat, cabbage and cucumber salad, tea


  • breakfast: porridge made of brown rice, cheese, apple, tea
  • lunch: broccoli soup, pasta with boiled beef
  • afternoon snack: pear, bread, kefir
  • dinner: Ratatui from zucchini with eggplant, tea


  • breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, peach, tea
  • lunch: vermichel soup, stewed potatoes with meat, jelly
  • afternoon snack: kefir, apple
  • dinner: colored cabbage salad with greens, boiled meat, banana, tea


  • breakfast: sandwich with butter and cheese, oatmeal, apple, tea
  • lunch: vegetable broth, steam cutlets with pasta, compote
  • afternoon snack: a handful of dried fruits, kefir
  • dinner: risotto, tea

Hypoallergenic diet dishes: recipes

Despite the strict limitation of products, if you show imagination, you can cook delicious and various dishes. Here is an example of some:

Cauliflower soup

Color cabbage - 190 g, oatmeal - 30 g, kohlrabi - 35 g, carrots - 40 g, butter - 15 g, sour cream - 35 g, bunch of dill or parsley, vegetable broth - 700 ml, salt.

In a pan in a small amount of broth, melt the butter, and then let the thinly chopped slices and carrots up to half -coated. The remaining broth to boil and pour oatmeal into it. After boiling, add colored cabbage and semi -finished slices of vegetables. Cook until the ingredients of the ingredients with a spoon of sour cream and chopped herbs.

Meanzers with zucchini

1 zucchini, 300 g of minced meat from turkey or other allowed meat, 125 g of rice, a bunch of greens, 40 g of cheese, salt.

Small the zucchini. Add minced meat, greens, slightly undercuted rice and salt. Form meatballs and sprinkle on top with grated cheese. Bake for about half an hour.

Strict hypoallergenic diet

With a strict hypoallergenic diet, the following recommendations must be followed:

Hypoallergenic silence diet

When establishing an allergy to solid milk protein, the main rule is the exclusion of dairy and dairy products from the diet: cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, sour cream, fermented fermentations, etc.

In most cases, allergies occur only to cow's milk. Goat milk, as a rule, is hypoallergenic.

Hypoallergenic diet reviews

Remember that your individual diet should be developed by a doctor. In addition, do not forget to lead an active lifestyle, drink enough water and after a couple of days you will feel a surge of strength and energy.

Maria, 26 years old:

The doctor prescribed me a hypoallergenic diet after making a diagnosis - asthma. 2 weeks strictly observed a diet, after which gradually began to add food. I still do not eat sharp dishes, I do not drink alcohol. The diet helped to facilitate my condition, well, and accustomed to the proof of proper nutrition.

Oleg, 35 years old:

I have an allergy to milk and dairy products, so I do not use these products at all. For prevention 2 times a year, I observe a hypoallergenic diet. I consider this a necessary and useful event. Diet helps me and my family always remain in good shape.

Olga, 27 years old:

I am a nursing mother, so in order not to have problems with my child strictly observe a hypoallergenic diet. I think that it’s better to suffer a little and I won’t eat anything tasty than I will then rock the crying child all night. And my efforts give fruit: my healthy and calm son is growing.

Video: hypoallergenic diet


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Comments K. article

  1. And I had an allergy to birch pollen. And it is more difficult for her to resist than food. And the cough and rhinitis tormented. Saved the course of AIT, the drug becameral. As for me, it is more logical to fight the cause, and not just mask the symptoms.

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