How to make a well in the country with your own hands wooden, concrete, brick, decorative - advice, step -by -step instructions, photos, videos, schemes

How to make a well in the country with your own hands wooden, concrete, brick, decorative - advice, step -by -step instructions, photos, videos, schemes

The water in the summer cottage is vital for the garden and the garden, but not every summer array is equipped with a water supply. And if there is the latter, an additional source of water will be completely useful - a well, because the water supply can break, or they can turn it off, so it will be very useful to build a well in the country with your own hands.

So, in this article we will consider how to make a well in the country. And you will also learn about many other secrets.

Types of wells in the country: which one to choose?

Before choosing which well in the country to dig, you need to determine how the groundwater is deeply lied, and what is the soil on your site.

There are three types of groundwater.

  • Verkhovka - The shallow occurrence, the water is quite dirty, its level depends on the quantity and duration of the rain, it can only be used for watering.
  • Soil waters - They have good water, suitable for the well, lie shallow. But the water level remains at the depth of the occurrence, the water must be removed with a bucket on the chain, or install the pump.
  • Artesian layer - The best, clean water, good pressure, but the depth of the occurrence is very significant.

Now consider what types of wells exist. By the method of digging, they distinguish:

  • drilling
  • mine

The former are drilled with special equipment, do not require a wide mine, depth - up to 20 m. The latter are born with ordinary shovels, the ground is raised by buckets. The mine has a significant width and depth of up to 25 m.

The walls of the dug well strengthen:

  • concrete - It can be flooded with liquid concrete of the digested mine, and finished concrete rings can be used.
  • wood - The most ancient and environmentally friendly way when a wooden log house is installed in the mine.
  • bricks - It is used on clay soils, the work on wall cladding is simple, but the shafts are shallow - no more than 6 m.

How to find a place for a well in the country?

To determine the place for the well in the country is a serious question. It is decided taking into account the depth of water, the composition of the soil, the relief of the summer cottage. The best way out will be the invitation of chedrologists who will accurately determine the presence of groundwater, the depth of their occurrence, the best place for the well.

However, this method has one important drawback - it is very expensive. Therefore, if for you this is not affordable, you can try to do on your own.

Folk ways to determine the most successful place under the well will come to the rescue:

  • Better to choose Bloods and lowlands, there is more likelihood of groundwater occurrence close to the surface. On a hill, they can be located at great depths.
  • A good way is meteorological. At the end of the sultry, hopeless day, carefully inspect the soil on the site. Where it remains wet, in all likelihood, there are underground waters. The imperfection of this method is that this is how the supreme water is found, or sedimentary water, which are not enough to fill the well.
  • In places where groundwater is highly likely, they often grow Grassing, sedge, white -skinned, as well as trees spruce, birch. But the pine, on the contrary, will rather grow where groundwater "lie" the maximum deep.
Plants will tell
Plants will tell
  • If you have a garden drill of sufficient depth, then you can drill exploration wells up to 10 m deep. Usually, from 3-4 wells, one turns out to be aquifers.
Choose a place
Choose a place

In addition, when choosing a place for a well, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • He should not be on the passage, a passage, near the toilet and a cesspool, next to the section of the neighbors.
  • Sorters, needs, etc., yours and neighboring, should be located below the level of your well.
  • The well should be located near the house for your convenience, and at the same time, not near With him, so that he does not dive his foundation.

Video: Search for water on a site for a well

When is it better to dig a well in the country?

If you hire a professional team from a solid company, then you do not have to worry. Specialists with knowledge and experience equipped with special equipment will be able to do the work without getting banging on weather and condition of the soil. However, if you are going to do this work on your own, it is very important to choose the right time for this.

  • A favorable time for work is the time when underground waters are on maximum depth.
  • During this period, the water, which appeared at the bottom of the mine, will show precisely the level of groundwater, which will then fill the well in the country and give enough water.
  • If it is The season of rain and high humidity, A non -specialist can take surface water that appeared in the mine for a soil water -bearing layer, which can lead to insufficient water supply of the well, drying it.
  • Therefore, the best time for digging of the well on the site counts The time of drought in the summer, or winter, before melting snow. However, it is difficult to dig in winter, since the earth freezes, and the air temperature is not very comfortable for earthwork.
  • And the summer drought is an inconsistent period, it rains at any time and moisturizes the soil.

Experts recommend the beginning of autumn for independent digging of the well. There are many reasons for this:

  • The crop is practically harvested and the digging of the well does not interfere with the beds.
  • At this time, there is no intensive garden work and free time appears that can be devoted to digging a well.
  • This is a time when there are still no intensive rains and frosts that may impede the work.
  • Time is favorable to not only dig a well, but also imagine, insulate the mine, install a log house, gate or pump.

Sometimes they advise you to carry out work in winter, until the end of the melting of snow. But we do not recommend this time, because in addition to the cold and frozen soil, it is very difficult to guess the offensive of the thaw, and recently it very often begins ahead of schedule.

How to dig a well in the country with your own hands?

The use of the well of the brown method for digging a well is very convenient, but it requires special equipment and the skill of working with it. Therefore, for digging wells with their own hands, most often the mine method.

There are two varieties of this method:

  • Closed method It is used for bulk soil, when there is a danger of showing. Most often, concrete rings are used, which are installed as they deepen.
  • Open way Easier, does not require special equipment and any special skills, except for accuracy and caution. The soil should be dense, not loose - clay and loamy soils are good.
  • Initially, you need to dig the highest possible mine, and then install concrete rings, a wooden log house or brickwork. To dig a mine for the well should be wider than the well barrel will be, since you need to work with maximum convenience at the bottom of the mine, be able to raise dug soil, strengthen the walls.
The ring is concrete
The ring is concrete

The technology for the installation of a mine well in the country is quite simple:

  • In the selected place, a pit is rummaged with a diameter of about one and a half times wider than the planned diameter of the future well.
  • Gradually, the mine is deepened, the earth is selected by buckets, using a rope or chain.
  • As the walls of the shaft are deepened, are leveled and strengthened.
  • The work should be carried out continuously, from beginning to completion of work.
  • It is desirable that at least three people work: one digs at the bottom of the mine and fills the buckets, the second lifts them upstairs, pours them out and lowers them back, the third rests.
  • The work is stopped by achieving water at the bottom of the mine. It needs to be pumped out and installed the bottom filter. This is usually a coarse river sand in a layer of 25 cm, then 15–20 cm of small crushed stone, and finally as much large.
  • After that, you can start installing the internal stem of the well: Put concrete rings, wooden log house or brickwork.

Do -it -yourself wood well

Why exactly a well of wood? It would seem that in our time there are many new materials, more persistent and durable.

But still, wooden wells remain very in demand:

  • They are hygienic. Unpleasant mucus on the walls of the well least of all develops on a tree, on concrete and stones it is much larger.
  • The tree is easier to soak with compounds that delay rotting that prevent the formation of the same mucus.
  • Water from such a well in the country has an indescribable taste.
  • Well, the outwardly wooden well can not be compared with any other, it is easier to make not just a utilitarian thing from it, but a work of art.

Logs or bars for the well are impregnated with a special solution, and then collected in crowns, driving to each other with special grooves.

There are three ways to install a log house in a well:

  • Building from the bottom of the mine. In this case, the log house is built from below, from the bottom, gradually increasing height. Such an assembly is quite simple, but it is suitable only for shallow wells, up to 6 m depth, on loose soils.
Log house
Log house
  • Building from above. On dense soil, as well as with a large depth of groundwater, extension is used from above. The log house, through the lowering fastening, gradually drops downwards, and new crowns are built on top.
To your taste
To your taste
  • Installation of a finished log house. In some cases, you can assemble a log house on the surface, and then with the help of a winch lower it into a finished shaft. This method enables without much effort and difficulties to collect a log house in comfortable conditions, but requires very thorough measurement, manufacturing accuracy and installation.
  • Above a wooden log house, it is very good to make a decorative house with a gate, a roof and collars, this will give your well a special charm.
Design according to your will
Design according to your will

Better well in the country with your own hands

The most popular way to build a well in the country with your own hands is to dig a mine in an open way and install concrete rings inside. This method is most economical, does not require special equipment and involvement of specialists, so most wells in the country dug just like that.

The work is as follows:

  • The mine is dug in an open way, as described earlier.
  • A bottom filter of sand and crushed stone is installed at the bottom.
  • A lift, winch or gate is installed above the pit.
  • Using durable ropes, cables or chains, the first ring is lowered to the bottom.
  • The next ring is lowered to the first, firmly connected to it, the seam is sealed with a mixture of cement, sand and liquid glass for tightness.
  • Thus, the whole mine is filled, the head is made, and, if desired, the decorative house above the well.
The height of the rings can be varied
The height of the rings can be varied

Another method involves the installation of concrete rings from above, without a winch:

  • The first ring is placed in a dug, shallow hole.
  • Then, the earth is gradually removed from under the lower edge, and the ring gradually drops.
  • When it drops to a sufficient depth, the following is put on it, attached to it and is also dug up.
  • When the entire structure reaches the bottom, the bottom filter is arranged and all the seams are sealed in the same way.

When choosing the sizes of the rings, it should be noted that the smaller rings in height have a lower weight and are easier to install, however, they form a larger number of seams requiring the location. For sealed seaming of the seams, the linseed rope should be used, and on top, soak the seam with a cement -sand mixture with the addition of liquid glass.

DIY brick well in the dacha

  • Along with wooden and concrete wells, brick is also made. Even one person can do brickwork inside an already dug pits.
  • In this case, it is not necessary to have special skills, it is enough to observe simple rules and choose the right materials.
  • At the same time, it must be understood that brick wells can be equipped only where groundwater lies shallowly - it The depth is a maximum of 4-5 m, in exceptional cases - 6 m.
  • You need to carefully choose the material for construction. Although it does not belong to the category of expensive and elite, it should be of the highest quality.


  • The brick is ordinary, red, full -bodied, without cracks and chips. White silicate brick is not suitable, since it is quickly destroyed in a humid environment.
  • Portland cement brand M400.
  • Clean, river, well -sifted sand. The maximum size of grains of sand is not more than 2 mm.
  • The masonry solution is mixed at the rate of 1: 4 (1 part of the cement per 4 parts of the sand).

The masonry is made round or rectangular. The first to do it is more difficult, certain skills are needed. Square, more precisely rectangular, masonry is simpler, but it takes more material. In addition, it is more susceptible to destruction, round wells are usually more durable.


Here's how a brick well is made in the country with your own hands:

  • Most often used pumpkin styling method, That is, the brick forms the inner circle with its ends.
  • Lays the first row of brick, on it, subsequent, as in ordinary masonry, with a dressing for a quarter.
  • The slightest cracks are mandatory filled with a masonry solution.
  • Each 5-6 row should be reinforced with a net or wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm.
  • As a result, the well should turn out to be pyramidal, narrowed up, for which each new row needs to be laid out with a slight displacement inward.
  • The amount of displacement depends on the depth of the mine, the approximate level 5-15 mm.
  • At the end, the resulting masonry needs to be well mhatting.

DIY water water supply from a well

  • A modern person even wants to have comfort in the country. There were times when it was supposed to go with a bucket for water, to wear it in the house, fill small containers. Now the owners of country houses are trying to equip them as a city apartment: power supply, heating, water supply.
  • The water supply from the well does not require too much cost and high qualifications. Can be applied for this purpose well or well.

In most cases, they choose the well in the country, thanks to a number of advantages:

  • There is no need for approvals, registration of permission, additional expenses.
  • Much less financial costs for installation of equipment and the device of the well itself.
  • A good well is much more durable than the well.
  • The well is much smaller and is easier to clean it on its own.
  • Such a water supply easier and more convenient for operation.
  • If necessary, it is easy to preserve.

The main thing in the water supply system from the well is a pump.

  • If the depth of the well is small, up to 10 m, a surface unit is used. For a deep well, use submersible pump, which is placed inside a mine with water. To a pump of any type is attached electric cable and pipe To bring water to the house.
  • The house needs wiring at points of application - in the kitchen, bathroom and so on. Mandatory element - hydroeler for controlling water pressure, supporting the balance of pressure, protection against hydraulic jacket. Pressure indicators are reflected on the pressure gauge.
  • The drain valve is necessary for draining water from the system, if you need conservation. It is installed at the lowest possible point, immediately behind the pump.
  • You can install summer system, collapsible, which is dismantled with the onset of cold weather, when living in the country only in the summer.
  • If the house is used for year -round living, the system should only be constant, with insulation that protects the system from frosts.

Decorative well in the country with your own hands

If you have a central water supply on your site, and you do not need a well, but at the same time you really want to observe a kind of surroundings, you can build a decorative well - a beautiful decoration for a garden or a recreation area, the manufacture of which can be inexpensive and available.

Here is a list of materials and tools that you will need:

  • strugous boards
  • screws
  • the glue is carpentry
  • wood varnish, stain
  • hacksaw
  • plane
  • the paper is fine
  • screwdriver or screwdriver
  • drill with wood drill

Now let's get down to the manufacture:

  • We knock down the lower box-a square of boards fastened with screws.
  • A perpendicular to the basis, to the inside, we attach two columns-strokes for the roof. These are boards with a pointed top.
  • We install a gable roof from bars on the support and sheathe it with boards.
  • The entire structure is carefully we align, roll, impregnate with an antifungal composition, stain and varnish.
  • For liability, you can install a decorative gate with a rope wound on it and a bucket.

Such a decorative well in the country is installed right on the grass anywhere in the garden, or on the lawn, a lawn for relaxation. It looks very nice, pleases the eye.

Video: Decorative well - how to create yourself?

DIY well designing a well in the country

  • Any well on your site will be an element of landscape decor, so it is very desirable not only to build a functioning device, but also to give it a nice appearance that harmonizes with a country house or with a land landscape.
  • To do this, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive materials, to master complex technologies. Make an audit of the residues of building materials, determine the style of the future building, and get down to business.

So, here's how to decorate the well in the country with your own hands, without unnecessary costs, using the following improvised materials:

  • wood
  • brick, stone, lining remains
  • plastic
  • flowers and other plants

Wooden structures can be very diverse. This is a solid log house of logs, and a gable roof over the well. The whole structure can be made in different style - rural, marine, fabulous, oriental, modern style.

  • Pillars that support the roof can be performed in the form folklore and fairy -tale characters, gnomes, bears, birds, dragons, abstract patterns.
  • If desired, you can make a wooden well-image: pirate chest, gnomes house, beer barrel, mill and more.
  • You can make a hollow made of concrete, decorate it with a dic with a stone, multi-colored rounded nakeds inserted into a fresh plaster. Put it out well a blind area of \u200b\u200bpaving slabs or cobblestones, arrange floral flower beds.
  • The style of chalet combines jewelry made of wood and stone at the same time: the bottom of the head is decorated with stone, most often rounded cobblestones, dic stone. The roof is wooden, in strict style.
  • The oriental style involves a roof similar to a pagoda, with edges covered with upholstery, covered with soft tiles, pillars in the form of dragons intertwined with a plant pattern. In this case, all materials should only be natural, no plastic and other artificiality.
  • Modern plastic is good for decorating a well in modern style: a transparent roof from color polycarbonate, openwork metal pillars, its supporting, forged fence. All this is very good to spray with curly plants - flowers, vines.
Decoration of the well
Decoration of the well

How to clean the well with your own hands in the country?

Any well will sooner or later need cleaning. Even if you observe all hygiene norms and carefully monitor the state of the tank, the cleaning time will still come. Another thing is that with neat use, such cleaning is carried out much less often.

When is it time to clean the well in the country? This is indicated by the following signs:

  • unpleasant odor, stale taste of water
  • water became muddy, yellowish, fibers appeared in it
  • a significant silty plaque on the walls appeared
  • the water level has fallen

The causes of the contamination of the well can be as follows:

  • the wells are more often polluted, which are used irregularly, for example, only in the summer
  • loose covering cover, often left open
  • poorly made bolt from meltwater
  • depressurization of seam compounds
  • displacement of concrete rings in the joints

Experts advise cleaning the well in the country even with perfect operation, every 5–7 years, and if it is used only in the summer, it is better to do it annually.

  • Cleaning the well - The matter is responsible, and not quite safe, so it is better to entrust it to specialists. But not everyone is ready to pay a significant amount, therefore, with strict observance of certain rules, you can do it yourself.
  • The purification process itself is simple, it consists of two stages - mechanical and chemical. First you need to pump out water from the well, manually, or a pump.
Pumping a pump
Pumping a pump
  • Then a cleaner descends into the mine, which cleans the walls of mucus and dirt using an ordinary sponge or brush.
  • After removing dirt, you need to change the bottom filter if possible, and then perform the chemical processing of the walls with a special solution, as well as update sealing joints.
  • It is very important to observe security measures! The well can have poisonous gases, evaporation, lack of oxygen. Therefore, the cleaner goes down, tied with a safety belt, which is held on the surface at least two people. The mine should be well lit, the person located in it has a constant connection with comrades on the surface.
  • Best constantly talk among themselves, And at the slightest sign of malaise, sudden silence, etc., without interfering with a second to stretch the cleaner from the mine. Remember that some gases can be killed in a few seconds, so it is better to pull the cleaner a few seconds earlier than late.
And manually
And manually
  • When the cleaning is finished, the tank is again filled with water.

Well, a well in a summer cottage is a necessary thing. Subject to certain rules and the availability of elementary skills in construction, build, decorate, operate and clean it on their own, without attracting expensive specialists.

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Video: the right well in the summer cottage

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