How to plan a summer cottage or personal plot in zones? What should be in the area of \u200b\u200bthe country house?

How to plan a summer cottage or personal plot in zones? What should be in the area of \u200b\u200bthe country house?

So, you have chosen a suitable area on which in the near future you plan to spend your free time. What needs to be provided here so that the rest becomes substantial, full and comfortable?

Today, a country house is far from those 6 acres that were planted with potatoes and cucumbers, weed, watering and guarding which were in a hurry every free minute. A country house was often called a wooden building, in which a utility equipment was stored, and people could only take refuge from the rain, but did not fully rest. Fortunately, times are changing, and now, pronouncing the phrase “country house”, most often we mean suburban cottages, intended primarily for a good rest in nature, and not for hard labor on the beds.

What should be in the area of \u200b\u200bthe country house: Zoning

In order to properly plan the site, it is necessary to provide for various in their functional load of the zone and optimal connections between them:

  1. The parking area, provided as well as an entrance. She creates the first impression of your site and, of course, should look appropriate. In a similar, so -called front area, first of all, you should think over the place for parking not only your car, but also the cars on which your guests will come. It can be provided for both a stationary garage for several places, and simply parking is covered or not. Compared to the rest, the parking area occupies the smallest area compared to the rest of the summer cottage sectors - up to 6% of the territory of your site.
We park
We park
  • In addition to parking for cars, you should take care of the road that you and your guests will get into the house. It is necessary carefully analyze the relief and think about where it is advisable to arrange Personnel and collectors - So you will avoid the accumulation of rainwater and dirt.
  • The road to the house itself should be at least one and a half to two meters wide so that several people can go along it at once. And experienced experts advise still to make this road to a house with a solid coating, and not plant it in the form of a green lawn.
  • Among other aspects that should be taken into account, this is a landing in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fence of the parking zone of hedge or flowers. But fruit trees to plant a plot where cars will be located is inappropriate.
  1. Lesture zone.It usually has various gazebos, barbecue sites, barbecue barbecue. This zone, as a rule, is allocated several times more area - order 15%. When planning a recreation area, it is necessary to think about it so that it is as comfortable as possible with the house and at the same time be away from the entrance.
  • This location will allow on one side to ensure comfort and solitude, and on the other hand, in the case of the dinctions, parties, which are supposed to be a large number of guests And, accordingly, treats, provide a convenient connection with the kitchen and the optimal route for people who will spread treats.
  • And one more important point, you must determine where your site is best visible and the recreation area is in such a way that a spectacular look opened in front of the guests.
  1. Zone directly for planting trees and garden crops. It will take the largest area - up to three quarters of the entire site. Since plants need sunlight, you should break the garden and vegetable beds in the most lit place. In addition, it is better to take the north side to large trees.
  • If your plot is small, placing the beds away from the recreation area is unlikely to work out - the option will come to the rescue modular garden, on which beds can have a different shape.
  • For convenience, it is necessary to perform the tracks between the beds with a solid coating, this will also give them a beautiful and well -groomed look. In this version of the garden, peculiar hedges formed by fruit shrubs and trees will look good and organically.
  1. Zone of household buildings.These include various sheds, garages, possibly a greenhouse, a summer shower or a bathhouse. Such structures are most practical to have near the garden. And so that they are not so cast, they can be decorated with entering plants, including And grapes, which will bring economic benefits.
Fire shower
Fire shower
  1. Zone for children. Here the emphasis should be made on maximum convenience for children and parents, as well as security. For this purpose, the playing area should be placed in such a way that it is clearly visible from different parts of the site, and has a soft coating (sand or grass). In order to place swings, sandbox, benches, about 10 square meters is enough. m, which should be taken in a fairly sunny place, taking care of the awnings for shading.
  • It should be remembered that Children will grow up And then it will be necessary to decide what to place in this place. Either expand the garden plot, or plant the area with flowers, Or maybe you want to build a pool here?
  • If desired, depending on the preferences of the owners, you can plan a sports area on your site or aviaries for pets. And if there are often elderly or unhealthy people in the country, you can equip a high hedge, which will play the role of a sanitary protection strip and in some way will improve the environmental situation on your site.
  • To correctly zone your site, you should draw up its detailed plan indicating those objects that are already available in the territory. Think about all the areas that you would like to place on the site, their connection to each other, and estimate on paper how it will look. Start from the entrance (entrance) to the site, then think about which paths and where will lead from it. Sketch how the garden will be decorated and zoned the land, denoting the boundaries of a particular zone.
  • And one more very important point, do not forget about the need rain collectors, And also about how your site will be lit in the evening and at night.

How to plan a plot of 5 acres?

A plot of this size is probably one of the most “running”. It is convenient for small areas, which are diverted for various functional zones, but to correctly plan the site and rationally place the zones themselves in this case can be problematic.

  • The algorithm for creating the site diagram is ordinary: The desired objects are selected, and then possible places for their placement are determined. Of course, you can’t put a residential building here, but in the form of a small summer house - it is quite real. If you are going to be often (or live in the summer) in the country, then you need to find a place for the toilet and shower (unless, of course, communications are carried out into the house). Having designated places for all the necessary buildings, you can plan further a recreation area and directly for garden plantings.
  • Immediately follows to think over the laying of paths connecting the areas among themselves. And you need to start with the one that will lead from the entrance to the site to the house. It is from this central path that you will draw the rest of the routes. Considering the options for planting fruit and decorative trees, it is better to immediately abandon tall-they, firstly, will take too much area on your already small area, and, secondly, overly shade the territory.
  • Given the size of 5 acres, you will not be able to place many objects, so it is possible that you will have to combine the barn with an extension, or, say, a wooden gazebo with various plants woven from curly shoots. And the best option placement of beds with vegetables The perimeter of the garden will become - this will also save space. But what practically does not take a place is to install lighting, especially since a certain part lamps and lanterns You can make it built -in. At the same time, you will decorate your site both due to the most appearance of the lamps and their location.
  • Thinking through the style in which your 5 acres will be decorated, you should remember that the small territory is the most advantageous, if it is performed in the same way, since the combination of several styles still requires a certain room In order to make transitions from one to another. It can be the now popular eastern direction, or natural.
  • Eastern or Japanese style Allows you to use small areas as much as possible, and the garden can consist of miniature trees, as is customary in the east. The area is unlikely to allow you without prejudice to other zones to build alpine slideBut to equip the "Garden of Stones" on 5 acres will be a very correct solution.
  • To make the site visually look large, flower beds can perform vertical, decorate the garden with flowers in suspended pots and pots. And to make it completely practical, you can breed in pots and greens, and salads, and even strawberries. High fences separating the zones of the site will only reduce it visually, so it is better to put 5 acres on the site of 5 acres low decorative fences or build a wicker hedge.
Small section
Small section
5 acres
5 acres
To plan
To plan
Beautiful design
Beautiful design

Plan a plot of 6 acres

Classic "six acres", which were the standard of a summer cottage in Soviet times! It was for them that the basic principles of planning were developed, which modern landscape designers embodied 6 schemes, around which their creative fantasies are embodied.

  1. When planning a rectangular nature All main functional zones are areas, limited straight angles. This is the most traditional, strict and geometrically verified layout, which allows you to place both buildings without any difficulty, including a residential building and beds with flower beds. It is unpretentious, simply and at the same time rationally and convenient - it is not surprising that it is the rectangular layout of the site of 6 acres that is the most popular.
  2. A characteristic feature of the diagonal layout They are not straight, but diagonal paths that go from to corner, dividing the site into separate zones. It is these paths that are peculiar axes, according to which it is planned to place all buildings, objects, architectural forms. Such a layout contributes to the visual expansion of the size of the site, an increase in the number of zones and their non -standard distribution. Such a layout is most often used when the owner wants to withstand a certain “diagonal” style, including housing at home.
  3. Irregular scheme It provides for a combination of methods for placing various zones, the main thing is to achieve their harmonious combination. An example is the placement of the entrance area with parking or garage on that part of the site that goes to the roadway, so it is a natural continuation of the entry zone. On the path leading to the house, you can break the flower beds. Not far from the house, deep into the site, you can equip a recreation area where children's swings, benches and an adult gazebo will harmoniously fit into the shadow of trees, the pool is also appropriate here.
  • Household zone It is better to place in the farthest corner of your site, there will also find a place and a zone of hygiene: a summer toilet and shower.
  • A garden, fenced in such a way as to provide him with both airing and access to sunlight.
  • Garden zone It is quite possible to combine with the recreation area, in the same place to equip the alpine slide, if you wish, to equip. Thus, with irregular planning, you can distribute the zones at your discretion, without attaching to communications and regardless of the shape of the site itself.
  1. A little similar to irregular and curved layout methodwhich is also called natural. It is based on the natural smoothness of the lines and leaves the paths connecting the zones, where they are already trodden. This method eliminates clear angles, and the transitions and turns of the tracks are practically smoothed, which gives the entire site a special aesthetics. On the sides of the paths can be planted shrubs and break the flower beds, The main thing is to make sure that they do not grow on the tracks themselves.
  2. You can also plan a plot that has any shape and tangent, which, as in the previous version, rounds the corners, giving the walks special pleasure, and the territory itself - speakers. In addition, a summer house, made in almost any architectural style, will look good in such a scheme.
  3. All buildings and zones can also be placed on circular (or semicircular) scheme, Emphasizing the unusual form of shrubs or low trees planted in the corners, which will “smell” the severity of the corners. When planning such a placement, enter a circle into the square of your site (just draw it with a circul) and divide it into the sectors with rays. These rays will become a place of future placement of objects. You can build the house itself in the center of your circle, and if desired, and along the beam line.
Are planning
Are planning
Location on
Location on

Plan a plot of 10 acres: design planes

  • This is a fairly large area to place everything that you consider necessary. Start planning, applying on paper (best - millimeter) those objects that already exist. By the way, you can use and internet programs that help create landscape design.
  • Fix objects in detail. A house with windows and entrance, a garden with beds and paths between them. This will help you avoid mistakes when you start building work.
  • Orient in the directions in which side is what is better to place. So, the territory located in the north is wiser to protect, Having planted tall trees. It is also advisable to arrange the premises of both residential and household. Do not forget to determine and mark the corners on your plan, which will be the most shaded, for which fix the places of the largest shadow at different times of the day.
  • Mark the places in which the highest level of groundwater, Then it will be easier for you to plan plant plantings. For example, roses absolutely do not need excessive humidity, and a tree planted close to communications can damage them with roots over time.
  • Residential premises, again, for security reasons, it is best to put on elevations of the relief, it is also appropriate to arrange and cHASTRESS. In the lowland areas you need to do creating a drainage system. Attention should be paid to ensuring that all the distance necessary according to the safety rules, depending on the material from which the buildings are erected, as well as observe all the requirements regarding the distances to neighboring sections.

Before planning the site, be sure to take into account its shape. So, on an extended in length of the territory, it is better to group objects through the functional zones, leaving the central part of the free for movement. If the site is triangular or similar to the trapezoid, then in the placement of individual zones on it, it is better to use corners and oblique lines with diagonals. The square site involves the central point - a residential building and a perimeter planted with trees, and in the form of the letter “G” - it is advisable to use the protruding part in order to arrange a recreation area in it.

  • Small tricks can Visually increase the site, By placing the buildings in diagonal order, and if the boundaries of the site have the outlines of the wrong shape, they can be adjusted by placing them in such “problem areas”, for example, flower beds. You can also "straighten" and round contours.
  • To arrange functional areas on a area of \u200b\u200b10 acres can According to standard principleswhich are given above. In any case, you will need to build on the location of the house, which should be “removed” if possible from the noise of the street and the roadway. Next, plan the entrance area, garden and ogorodnaya.
With plantings
With plantings
Divide into zones
Divide into zones

How to plan a plot of 12 acres: diagram

As in other cases, before plan a plot of 12 acres, It is necessary to draw a plan, drawing on it all conceived buildings and buildings. When doing this, do not forget to withstand the norm by which the house should be at least 3 meters from the boundary.

  • If your site is located near the road, then it is better to place the house in the depths of the courtyard, and the plot itself is protected. Having decided to put the house on the slope of the elevation, do it upstairs to exclude threats of flooding or landslide.
  • Often construction begins from the fence. Which one to choose depends on both the location of the site and your preferences. In case of proximity to the highway, it is better to build a stone fence from the entrance side. In other cases, a hedge that will improve the ecological environment on your site looks very beautiful.
Choose a fence
Choose a fence
  • When choosing a plant for a green fence, take an interest in its maximum possible height and time necessary for growth. In addition, combining a green hedge with other materials (stone, wood, metal, gravel or the same pebbles), you will create an original fence that will block the path to uninvited guests on your 12 acres, and will become a real decoration of your site.
  • Planning a recreation area, it should be remembered that 12 acres are sufficient space in order to place on it all objects that are necessary for full leisure for both adults and children. Therefore, plan the pool or artificial reservoir, nearby you can install the barbecue area with the gazebo, and a little further away - a children's playground with swings and slides. The recreation area can also (and even preferably) protect from other people's eyes, but at the same time leave an open view from the house to open so that the children are all the time under supervision. In addition, when choosing a place for a recreation area, make sure that this is a part of the site not shaded by the buildings.
  • In addition, you have enough places for building a bath or sauna, And not only for family members, but also for guests. You can place a house for guests on the site, if you often have it. Placing flower beds with flowers and various architectural elements in the zones and between them, do not forget to withstand a single style, which will serve as a unifying moment for all zones of your 12 acres. At the same time, it is not necessary to withstand strict geometry and proportionality - let it be a certain (but thought out) light disorder in their location.
  • By the way, creating the design of your site, you can, for example, digging up a pond, use the Earth to create an alpine slide. The paths can be combined from various materials, and the main area that is not involved in the construction and beds with flower beds is sown with lawn grass.
Parting site
Parting site

Plan a plot of 15 acres, photos of the plots

Having chosen a place for the site, you need to get drawings on which will be applied object schemes and distance separating them.


The best place for the construction of the house is the northern side of the site, and for the veranda - on the contrary, the southern, where it will look organic, and the stay on will not become comfortable.

  • In the place where you decide to equip garden region, It is necessary to provide an irrigation system and lay the tracks using natural materials for this. When choosing a place for a recreation area, think about where you will put the site for b-B-QAnd where are the pool, which place will be allotted for games. There will be appropriate arbors, benches, you may want to break an artificial reservoir.
  • When choosing the style in which your site will be decorated, consider symmetric scheme (it is also called regular). In accordance with it, all buildings are built one straight line, observing the symmetry of the location. If such a layout seems boring to you and too simple, pay attention to landscape stylewhere the athletes present and different geometry can be leveled by artificial slides or sorry paths. At first glance, such a placement may seem chaotic, but by withstanding all elements and structures in a certain style, you will achieve the style of your site
  • It is better to use a mixed approach if there are already basic objects on the site. If necessary, you will have to combine what you already have, with what you plan to place on the site. This is a great reason to show creative and imagination.
  • When breaking into zones, be sure to consider which side there will be certain buildings. On the north side, where it is recommended to build a residential building, a garden, a garden, and all other zones will be better visible. You can protect the site with both a fence and a hedge, which will become additional natural ventilation. When planting trees, remember that they will grow, so determine the distance from the house, taking into account the shadow that they will give. Planting shrubsMake them so that they have full lighting.
  • To yours beds and flower beds They looked neat and a crop rotation was observed, pay attention to annual crops - this is how you can achieve an annual change in the design of these objects, in addition, this has a beneficial effect on the state of the soil. Also creatively approach the arrangement of a recreation area, because this is the main thing that comes to the country. Children's and sports ground, arbors, a place for barbecue and barbecue - All this should harmoniously combine and correspond to its functional purpose.
A photo
A photo

How to plan a plot of 20 acres: diagram

  • The area on which you can place everything you just want to fill your site! Start by ordering study of soil and relief, Determination of the type of soil, how close soil water and other natural characteristics run. This is necessary both for proper development and laying of communications, and for a good future crop. Deciding with the number of zones and their purpose, Get the layout.
  • Start planning a site from the residential area that includes the house, perhaps, House for guests, as well as extensions (if any) to the house: a garage or a bathhouse. In general, these buildings occupy about a tenth of the entire site. Since when planning a plot of 20 acres, this territory will turn out to be quite impressive, about 200 square meters, then you can give the spaciousness of fantasy. It will be reasonable to make the household zone a little more-somewhere up to 300 square meters. m., because here it is necessary to place barnin which garden and garden equipment will be stored; Old summer buildings of a shower and toilet, in the presence of large dogs - an aviary, and if you are breeding animals, then buildings are for it.
  • The third largest zone, up to a quarter of the territory, it turns out rest zone, where are provided Water bodies (artificial ponds, pools, fountains), sites for children and for sports, as well as a corner where you can put a barbecue to convene friends on barbecue or barbecue. In the same zone there are arbors, awnings and other objects for creating a shadow. And finally, the largest, up to half of the territory - Sadovo-Hortic zone. These dimensions, of course, can vary, but in general the proportions are most acceptable and considered optimal. Do not forget about compliance with the norms and rules regarding the distances between buildings on your site and boundaries with neighboring ones. Think over and denote the places of passage of each of the networks of communications.
  • As for the layout styles, they are similar to those that are used for sections of any other size. It is on a large area of \u200b\u200b20 acres that you can use the most expressively landscape design methods, with height drops, asymmetry, bends. In spacious territory, decor elements in the form of arches, bridges, lanterns and other objects will be very well well placed. Very good for such a spaciousness of eco -style, which suggests the minimum invasion of the natural landscape.

Project Design Garden Party Triangular Form

Such territories have their advantages, since they are closer to natural lines, which makes it possible to plan the site dynamically, and the design is made by non -traditional. Here you can build several compositions that will look organic.

  1. Using diagonal solutions. The direction of the lines of your site itself tells the directions - they must be used when laying tracks. Let them also go through the diagonals - this will visually increase small areas and make the composition one, thereby helping to beat the unconventional form of the territory. Make the paths wide, this will emphasize their direction.
  • In addition, having placed the house and the entrance to it into it from the entrance to the site, you thereby divide these two zones, because your house will not be placed in a straight line from the main entrance, but diagonally. The same diagonal can be carried out when placing household buildings.
  • This will also make it possible to make more convenient entry, which can also be equipped, observing the angle in relation to the road - Then you do not have to make turns, entering your site.
  • In front of the house you can break a front garden, decorated in the same form. And you can also combine straight and diagonal lines so zoning will become even more effective, and decorate the areas connecting areas with green spaces.
  1. The absurd configuration is excusable paths, which will attract attention and distract it from the triangular shape of the site. If, in addition, you will use angles in the formation of zones, this visible absurdity in design will become original and effective solution. Repeat the broken lines in the power of the tracks using natural stones of various shapes or mosaic tiles, folding the most shapeless patterns from it. If you get angles on the boundaries of the zones - decorate them with low shrubs or trees.
  2. Natural lines - They are simply created for triangular areas. Use the features of the relief, simply “dissolving” the boundaries of both the entire site and its individual zones, in the general picture of the landscape - let them be streams, hills or ravines. Thus, you can easily arrange your site in a fashionable landscape style. The gradual decrease in the height of plants will be appropriate with this layout: from the boundaries planted with trees, go to the center of the site, planting first low -growing trees, then shrubs, and closer to the house - flowers.
  3. Symmetry - This is a way out for those who traditionally see their site in straight lines. In this case, it is necessary to place the main zones and buildings in them along the rectangle, and those triangular areas that remain at the edges can be occupied with green spaces, to break the flower beds.
Great location
Great location

The main zones with a triangular layout remain unchanged: entrance, residential, recreation area, household and garden.

Examples of planning cottage areas

The cottage area can be decorated in a variety of styles. But most of them can be grouped to one degree or another in three main directions:

  1. Formal - This is a clear observance of proportions, strict lines, symmetry during zoning. Designers advise using such a layout in the design of large areas.
  2. Landscape - This is the reconstruction of the natural landscape, the use of all its irregularities, natural reservoirs. Here, the landing of large tall trees is usually used, stones are used - in a word, all natural materials. To recreate such a landscape is a difficult matter, so it is better to entrust it to specialists.
  3. Thematic - plan a site or its individual zones in a certain style: fabulous, eastern, palace, etc.
Green plot
Green plot
  • The main details in the design of the site are paths. The overall style of the territory can also depend on which coating you choose for them. Almost an integral element is lawn grasswho not only makes the site well -groomed, but also helps to divide it into zones. The reservoir is also very important - Natural or artificial.
  • The central point of your design idea is a house. It is his style that will be the main thing in creating the overall picture, so it should look presentable.
  • Thoughtful landscaping - from trees to flower beds - Must, replacing each other with different periods of flowering, constantly make your site flowering and beautiful. A very important element is lighting, which will not only give the opportunity to move in the evening hours, but also to act as additional lighting of the garden zone, creating a picture. And, of course, when planning a site, you can’t do without arbors and terraces - They must be conveniently located so that the stay in them is comfortable.
  • The main thing when planning a cottage site - Compliance with a combination of its beauty, style with practicality and convenience. It is on this principle that the functional areas should be placed, it should also be approached by choosing the design elements.

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