How to make paths in the country, garden paths with your own hands economy option, from improvised materials, boards, wood?

How to make paths in the country, garden paths with your own hands economy option, from improvised materials, boards, wood?

Methods and materials for arranging tracks in the country with your own hands.

A cottage is a place where you can relax, enjoy nature, and work. It all depends on what purpose you purchase this site. In this article, we will tell you how to make paths in the country with your own hands with minimal costs and time. 

Inexpensive paths in the country with your own hands

There are a lot of both expensive and affordable building materials to ennoble the villa. Of course, if we are talking about a private house in which you live on an ongoing basis, then it makes sense to invest in its improvement.

Inexpensive paths in the country with your own hands:

  • The situation is otherwise if you come to the site only in the summer, and you want to ennoble the existing piece of land. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money, and use expensive tiles or natural wood for arrangement.
  • There is a mass of raw materials to create passages. Basically, tiles, cobblestones, concrete are used to ennoble. Of course, if you choose between durability and cost, then concrete is the most popular and inexpensive raw materials.

DIY paths in the country: Economy Variant

Of course, even concrete paths do not look very beautiful, but if you apply special forms, having previously prepared the site for refinement, it will be possible to create a passage that is very similar to tiles or to ordinary paving stones.

These forms are made of soft polymers, which are applied to the prepared surface and filled with concrete on top. Subject to the rules of the flooring, the plants through the cracks between the concrete do not sprout. 

In general, it is possible to satisfy several needs: to create a beautiful path, while spending a minimum of money. Of course, if the villa is small, and inexpensive, then you can even cope with improvised materials. 

DIY paths in the country, economy version:

  • Bottles from plastic
  • Circles from bottles 
  • A broken tile 
  • Rocks
  • Natural wood 
From the covers
From the covers

How to make wood paths in the country with your own hands?

If there are fruit trees on the site, which are dried up, interfered, then you can cope without special costs. What is meant?

How to make paths made of wood in the country with your own hands:

  • During The cut should cut large branches into segments about 40 cm long. Thus, you will get large pieces of wood that need to be dug into the ground, imitating the path. Branches, as well as trunks with a diameter of 10-15 cm, are optimally suitable.
  • Although more often mounts larger segments. The main drawback is the need for pre -processing. The tree itself is not very resistant to atmospheric phenomena. Wood can soak, swell, and deteriorate.
  • Over time, such a path may begin to rot. Sometimes special impregnations are used, which saturate the segments to extend the life of the sidewalks. Necessarily the space between the segments of the tree is sealed with sand. 

DIY track in the country is cheap: Instruction

To ennoble the sidewalks on the site, it is worth performing several simple manipulations. 

List of manipulations: 

  • Make markings and draw up a plan 
  • Deal with raw materials for laying out the path
  • Prepare the basis and installation technique 
  • Take measures aimed at extending the trail service 

DIY track in the country is cheap, instructions:

  • At the initial stage, a plan is usually drawn up, this will help to quickly carry out all the work. If there is a plan, it will be possible to roughly calculate the total cost of work and building materials. There are some subtleties that should be taken into account before creating a sidewalk.
  • It is necessary that the distance from the trees is more than one and a half meters. In addition, the minimum width of such paths should be at least 0.7 m.
  • If the trail is sloping, then it should not be directed towards buildings and rooms. Thus, the facade of the house will constantly flood. 

We make paths in the country with our own hands

Most of the owners of the sites want the trail to be beautiful and cheap. However, this is quite rare.

We make paths in the country with our own hands:

  • Of course, if desired, you can make a passage using clinker brick. It differs from ordinary bricks that are used in construction, their strength and coating. Resistant sediments, quite expensive raw materials, but cheaper than a stone. That is why it is a kind of alternative to rocks. 
  • Most often, this raw materials are chosen to create sidewalks near residential buildings. It is inexpensive, unlike mountain boulders, and frost -resistant. It can serve for more than 20 years with proper installation. 

How to make a garden path?


To pave the path in the garden, it is worth performing several basic manipulations.

How to make a garden track:

  • Mark 
  • Carry out excavation work 
  • Pour 
  • Mount borders, limiters 
  • Mount the base 
  • Perform paving tiles or selected building materials 
  • Final work 

DIY tracks in the country, economy version step by step

At the initial stage, markings are carried out, according to which it will be seen in what limits and where the path will be located. As markings, pegs placed in places where the edges of the sidewalk will be observed are used, that is, around the perimeter. Next, threads, or a cord, which can be easily noticed, are pulled on them.

DIY paths in the country, economy version step by step:

  • Further, the implementation of earthwork is carried out. Usually remove the upper layer, and the trench is laid. Make sure that its depth is equal to all layers in order to fit drainage and coating itself. It is necessary that the top of the flooring is located just above the level of the soil, about 3 cm. 
  • Next, the installation of the drainage layer is carried out. To align the surface, it is worth using crushed stone or gravel. This is carried out with the aim of removing surface, groundwater. 
  • You can also put non -woven on the bottom of the recessgeotextiles. This will prevent the collapse of the sidewalk. During the third stage, the curbs are installed. Usually it is made along the perimeter of the planned path.
  • The border is laid out on a cement mortar and fixed with special mounts or metal pins. If there is no border, it is permissible to lay out the paving stones around the perimeter. However, in this case, the sand should be sprinkled to strengthen.
  • The base is made. Under the tile there should be a fairly stable base that provides the immobility of the tile.
  • It can be made of concrete, or in the form of an ordinary sandy substrate, which is pre -compacted. Concrete pouring can be made not by a monolith, but in stripes, through each meter. The base is suitable, which is then used as a support for a longitudinal beam. 

Crushed samples in the country with your own hands

Available are paths from crushed stone, under which the base is needed. Of course, the concrete base is the most reliable, but it can rightfully be considered the most expensive. At the initial stage, it is worth installing a curb, falling asleep drainage and laying geotextiles. Do not forget about the allowances.

With your own hands, paths from crushed stone in the country:

  • Only after that is the pouring of concrete is carried out so that it does not reach about 5 cm to the top. Next, the surface is aligned with a wide spatula. To check the slopes, the level is necessarily used. Remember that the hardening period is approximately 72 hours. Next, you can deal with paving stones or other building materials. 
  • Good reviews about the cement-sand mixture, which is used as the basis. She established herself as a reliable base, and in its quality comparable to concrete solution. However, its use is cheaper, the installation work as a whole is much easier. 
  • To perform this basis, you need to cover drainagegeotextilethen pour about 5 cm of sand. Do not forget to compact it. Next, the standard concrete-sand mixture is prepared, poured into a recess and rammed. Crushed stone is poured on top.
  • A simple sand substrate is also used, but it is permissible if wooden cuts or paving stones, as well as small pieces of irregular shape, will be used as the main material for the installation of the path. Usually this raw materials are good, reliably attached in the sand, and do not scatter. It is necessary to lay geotextiles to prevent germination of weeds from the soil. Remember that concrete tiles are attached to a special adhesive composition, after which a primer of the base is carried out, its drying. 
Crushed stone
Crushed stone

Walks from the boards in the country with your own hands: Instructions

A tree is not the best raw materials for refinement of paths on a garden area. The thing is that it is not resistant to precipitation and atmospheric influences. That is, under the influence of moisture, the boards will rot. In addition, many summer residents believe that such boards are very slippery. However, you can save, and on the main passages to the toilet and the house, lay concrete, tiles, and the paths to the flower beds and barbecue are covered with boards. Even during rainy weather, these boards will not interfere with anyone, since hardly one of the households will go to the barbecue during the rain. 

Walks from the boards in the country with your own hands, instructions:

  • To make paths on the site with your own hands from wood, it is worth performing preparatory manipulations. We need longitudinal lags that are installed at a distance of 0.8 m from each other.
  • Boards a few centimeters thick are attached to them. To prevent the boards from jarning, they need to be attached to two or three self-tapping screws on both sides. Please note that preliminary boards should be polished with sandpaper, treated with an antiseptic, and bitumen mastic. This will interfere with the soaking, decay. It is best to perform these works before installing the boards on the lags.
  • After that, it is not worth performing wood processing, due to the fact that the inner side will be rotted. On the outside, after installation, you can treat with ship varnish, or another layer of olifa or mastic. This will protect the tree from decay. If such a path is planned as a temporary option, the substrate is not necessary. But nevertheless, experts advise performing preparatory manipulations, laying out styling material, drainage and laying geotextiles. This will prevent plant germination through the cracks in the boards. In addition, the likelihood of watering wood will decrease. 

Cottage: DIY paths, photo

Of course, the best raw material for refinerization of the path is a stone, but it is difficult to call such products cheap. Especially if they are made of shale or labradorite. The main advantage is high stability, beautiful view. In addition, such pavements are frost -resistant, durable, you can choose a building material that you like among a large assortment. 


On our site you can find a lot of interesting information about the repair and arrangement of summer cottage:

Is it possible to burn garbage in your personal plot: fire safety requirements

How to get rid of the dreams on the recommendations of M. Nikiforov, manually, mulching, using polyethylene, cardboard, urea

Power pavers cannot be called economical building materials, it is more suitable for creating paths near private houses than in the country. The cheapest raw material isvIBRA-Letable tiles, since it is colorful and inexpensive.

Video: Garden paths with your own hands


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