How to make a paper phone with your own hands: master classes, schemes, photos, tips and recommendations

How to make a paper phone with your own hands: master classes, schemes, photos, tips and recommendations

In this article we will talk about how to make a toy in the form of a phone yourself. A similar process will be very pleasant for children!

Children, as you know, are very fond of copying adult behavior. And how they want to have the same accessories as in adults! We offer to make a paper phone - it will be a good toy for kids.

How to make a paper-smartphone easily made of paper and cardboard: a master class, description, tips

In order to make a paper phone of the simplest sample, you will need to perform the following algorithm:

  • First you need to stock up on the basis which is similar to outlines to the phone. It can be a piece of foam or foam rectangular shape. But since it is sometimes difficult to find them at hand, it is better to opt for corrugated cardboard. From such cardboard you need cut rectangles with rounded edges, resembling outlines of a smartphone.

Important: since the cardboard is thin, it is preferable to cut 3 identical workpieces identical in size.

  • All The rectangles are glued between themselves. Thus, a fairly voluminous base is obtained, similar in thickness with a real phone.
  • Then from the back Harvesting it is glued with white island. You can also use the usual white paper and tape. Or paper with gloss effect. In a word, the craft should have a glossy surface.
  • But front side So far it can be done from ordinary white paper.
  • Excess The material is necessary cutting down.
  • Side sides glued black paper or island This color.
  • Then on the front you need draw a screen, button.
  • Further front side Covered tape - The phone is ready!
So easy and simply you can create a paper phone
So easy and simply you can create a paper phone

How to make a paper phone the easiest for dolls: master class, tips

For dolls, you can make a paper phone of the following sample:

  • From paper a rectangle is cutThe phone resembling outlines. The remaining paper does not need to be thrown away - it will come in handy.
  • The main leaflet is possible paint In any color that you want. You can choose a shade suitable for a doll dress so that it is stylish.

Important: it is desirable that the paper is dense. You can even use cardboard.

  • Then on a white leaflet you need draw buttons. In order not to get confused, you can see how the buttons are located on a real phone.
Here you can draw buttons for a puppet phone
Here you can draw buttons for a puppet phone
  • This button workpiece is necessary glue. It should be located below, but at the same time so that there is some distance between it and the edge of the phone.
  • A little above you need to glue a white rectangle - it will be screen.
  • Between these rectangles should draw buttons Accepting and completing a call, menu. For drawing, the usual black handle.
This is how the paper phone looks like at this stage
This is how the paper phone looks like at this stage
  • Now you need to paint the screen. There may be time, date, main components of the menu.
  • Above the screen on the color site there is a craft dorce the name of the phone model, speaker.
This is how simple paper phone for dolls is obtained
This is how simple paper phone for dolls is obtained

How to make a paper phone: a master class, tips, photos

Make a paper phone and at the same time practice the skill of origami - what could be more exciting? Such a craft is made extremely easy:

  • You will need a regular sheet from an album The entire right side Such a sheet will be required bend.
  • Then the same action is repeated with the left side.

Important: on both sides, it is enough to retreat about 1-2 cm, no more.

Side bends for the future paper phone
Side bends for the future paper phone
  • Then the bends are carried out up and down. However, this time it is recommended to measure a greater distance - 3-4 cm about.
And so the blank for the phone looks at this stage
And so the blank for the phone looks at this stage
  • After that, already existing upper bend Folds in half.
Type of workpiece for phone from behind
Type of workpiece for phone from behind
Type of paper workpiece for the phone in front
Type of paper workpiece for the phone in front
  • Further, the same bend should be carried out and on the lower part. As a result, the workpiece should purchase a form rectangle.
Type of workpiece for origami in front
Type of workpiece for origami in front
  • All corners The resulting workpiece is necessary bend. And so that they are bent back And they were not in the visibility zone on the front side.
This should look like a blank for origami-telephone now
This should look like a blank for origami-telephone now
  • Now it will go in the felt -tip pen of the black color. They need on the upper and lower bends of the front side Draw A speaker with a camera and the main button menu.
Sketches on origami-telephone
Sketches on origami-telephone
  • It remains with multi -colored handles or felt -tip pens to draw on the phone screen menu badges - And the craft is ready!

How to make a paper phone voluminous: a master class, photo, sketch

How to make an amphone phone? This is completely simple:

  • First of all, on paper you need Draw simple sketches. They consist of two rectangles interconnected by a small strip. The same stripes should be left on the sides of the rectangles.

Important: the indentation should be at least 5 mm.

Sketch for a paper phone
Sketch for a paper phone
  • Further on the sketch buttons, connectors, iPhone logo are drawn. You need to understand that the middle will turn to the left side, the bottom and top will take the corresponding positions.
  • Also the screen is drawn - Various menu badges will not hurt.
So the sketch for a paper phone from paper is painted
So the sketch for a paper phone from paper is painted
  • Then some parts cut So, as shown on the sketch below. That is, small squares on the sides and in the middle will disappear.
This is how the phone sketch looks after cutting
This is how the phone sketch looks after cutting
  • Now side sides need bend. They bend back.
  • These Side sides necessary connect together. It is best to use powerful glue for such a purpose.
Paper phone from behind
Paper phone from behind
Paper phone in front
Paper phone in front









You can also print the screen optionreal iPhone and cut out his. Of course, following that the dimensions of the cut piece coincide with the size of the craft. Then this piece it is glued to the craft. On top you can glue adhesive tape - He will create a gloss effect.

This option option for a paper phone will fit quite
This option option for a paper phone will fit quite

How to make a paper-based paper phone from cardboard: a master class, recommendations, photos, sketch

Not everyone has far from a stationary phone now, in the era of mobile devices. But you can please the child and make a paper phone of this type:

  • First you need to on a sheet of cardboard draw a sketch, corresponding to that, which is presented below.
  • Next is a sketch cut out.

Important: on the sketch indicates the inch. But transferring them to our system is not difficult: 1 inch is 2.5 cm.

Cut out a sketch for a paper phone
Cut out a sketch for a paper phone
  • Then you can start clock face. As a basis is suitable lid with sides. Such can be found among packages from cream cheese, oil, sweets, etc. This lid will be required paste with paper, which will coincide in the range with the main phone.
  • The cover of the cover of the lid needs to be done in it holes. There should be 10 of them - as much as on a real stationary phone.
  • It will also need to be done one hole in the center newly made dial.
  • Preferably a dial sweet. For this, small weights must be glued over the sides. In their quality, pebbles, coins can serve. A pair of pieces will be quite enough.
  • Next, you need to cut out of cardboard completely a small circle and do it in its middle hole.
  • In a large circle-circus and a small circle is threaded Shurup with a nut.

Important: it is necessary that the screw is long. As its alternative, you can also use stationery cloves, for example.

  • This whole design inserted into the workpiece of the base phone. There, where its front will be. More precisely, in the middle of this site. The nut should not be tightly tight, since the dial should move.
  • Now inside the holes you can enter the numbers in order.
The phone looks like this so far
The phone looks like this so far
  • Further the basis for the phone is folded. That is, it is thrown by a kind of bridge.
    The end of the bridge is attached to the base.
  • Then in the upper part of the formed bridge the levers are attached. You can twist them from wire. And attach with the help of tape on the back of the workpiece.
So the phone looks like so far
So the phone looks like so far
  • Now from the same piece of cardboard from which the blank for the phone was created, you need cut its side sides. To do this, the workpiece is placed on the side of a sheet of cardboard, the side sides are circled and cut out.
  • Then they need them glue to the workpiece.
Handwhilip bailings with side sides
Handwhilip bailings with side sides
  • Next from cardboard are cut out two arcuate details For the sides phone tubes. And further two For its upper and lower sides.
  • Parties glue between themselves.
  • If desired, you can create a wire! For this role, a ribbon or a lace will fit. The ribbon is spread to the end of the tube and the side of the base of the phone. You can glue it with glue or tape from the back.

Important: if such a part is planned, attach it to the phone case before the phone is glued from all sides.

It will turn out such a stationary phone from cardboard
It will turn out such a stationary phone from cardboard

How to make a paper phone phone: master class, description, photo

The filmmakers are already irrelevant, but why not make a paper phone of this type with the child? He will probably like entertainment. Therefore, we recommend starting to study the algorithm for creating a phone:

  • An ordinary album sheet A4 is needed Fold in half.
  • And then it needs to be folded in such a way that The corners were facing the middle.
  • Then lateral parts They meet again In the middle Harpses.
  • Then work turns over, And the ends bend the other way.
  • Harvesting it folds half.
  • She acquires the outline of the phone. Its upper ones the corners need to be bent.

Important: you need to hide them inside.

  • Now you need to take it the second sheet A4. An identical algorithm is done with it. Only in the end you do not need to turn the workpiece. All inversion should be performed on the same side that was originally processed.
  • Remained from the third sheet Cut the strip. The strip should correspond to the length and width of the remaining parts - it will act as their connector. It is best to produce scotes with tape.
  • Inside the phone you can draw buttons, menu.
This is how the paper phone is created
This is how the paper phone is created

How to make a paper phone from the 90s: master class, tips, photos

Nobody uses the apparatus from the 90s, but children will be interested in buying such a toy. You can make a paper phone of a similar catchy type like this:

  • For starters, they are created Sketches-pins. In shape, they resemble a bridge. Hopper cardboard is best suited as material.
  • Sketches cut.
This is how the cardboard blanks of the side of the phone look like
This is how the cardboard blanks of the side of the phone look like
  • Concerning phone backs, Then in this case one piece will be required, which will repeat the outlines of the sides. You need to focus on their top.

Important: when creating the back, you need to remember the allowances. Excess space will allow you to qualitatively glue the details with each other.

  • Glue Details are better than superglue.
Gluing details of the future phone
Gluing details of the future phone
  • At the open end of the toothpick it is recommended attach a bead. So the product will be even more like the antenna.
  • Then to the tube Pickling is attached. She will play the role of the antenna. Fixation is best done from the inside with glue.
  • When the workpiece dries, Excess cardboard It will be necessary to cut off.
  • It should be noted that the design can be flipped. Especially in children's hands. To strengthen it, better insert 2 or 3 rectangles across tubes.
  • The extreme protruding elements of the phone need clog cardboard rectangles.
  • Now you can cover the central part phone.
  • It remains Draw buttons, speaker and other elements characteristic of the apparatus.
So the phone looks at the end
So the phone looks at the end

How to make a paper phone phone: a master class, recommendations, photos

Making a paper phone phone is a great idea if the baby is fond of transformer toys. A similar phone model must certainly attract it, and this is what you need to do for this:

  • Paper sheet folds vertically.

Important: it is best to prepare not cardboard, namely thick paper.

  • Next is the sheet again lays out.
  • Then all of him the corners are folded towards by the middle.
  • Now it follows revolution Harpses.
  • The corners are bent Already from here.
  • It turns out something like a book. And its upper corners Need to insert In pockets,located near the lower.
  • The same must be done with a second sheet of paper. Only, you do not need to turn the part. The corners bend out.
  • On the first detail you need find the transverse bend. It stands pierce With the help of a clerical knife.
  • At this stage you will need third sheet. It should be equal to the width of the wrapped part of the first workpiece.
  • Then this leaf is required fold So that he fit into the incision.
  • Now two main details They are attached to each other Their edges are refueling.

Important: blanks can be connected with tape.

  • If the blanks glide on each other - everything goes according to plan! Then you can To paint a toy - And she is completely ready.
Paper Slider phone
Paper Slider phone

"Phone for children is not a toy!" “Most adults think so.” In fact, he is a fairly good toy. Especially paper, made with your own hands with the participation of children. Such skill helps the development of fine motor skills of hands and imagination.

We offer, having understood how to make a paper phone, make a paper cover for your favorite device:

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