How to make a hat from paper and cardboard with your own hands?

How to make a hat from paper and cardboard with your own hands?

A do -it -yourself paper hat can be an excellent accessory to the image of the baby at the children's event. The accessories are suitable for teenagers for holidays, adults at thematic celebrations. Consider how to make it.

There will be no particular difficulties in adults during the process of creating a paper hat. In addition, the time spent on the manufacture of such a headdress will be fun and not indispensively. And the lesson itself will be quite exciting and funny, you can involve children in the process. They will joyfully catch your idea, learn new skill.

Paper hat-master class

There are many options for paper crafts, we will get acquainted with the simplest, least time -accordingly way. Consider how to make a paper hat. Thanks to the standard set of materials, it is possible to embody any ideas, depending on the flight of imagination.

For the manufacture of this product, you will need:

  • plate, glue, pencil
  • decorative jewelry, paints
  • violet tape
  • scissors, cardboard.

A cylindrical paper hat with a purple bow
A cylindrical paper hat with a purple bow

Production process:

  1. The hat consists of fields, base, cylinder. First, cut a strip about 19 centimeters high and a width equal to the girth of the child's head.
  2. It is better to draw the fields with a circuit or circle a large lid to make it smoothly and beautifully. The dimensions of the small circle should coincide with the width of the cylinder.
  3. At the top there will be the base of the hat, it is cut out of the lower circle.
  4. Keep in mind that the height of the cylinder itself is slightly reduced due to the fact that due to its height, the fields of the paper hat and the upper base of the cylinder will be attached.
  5. They are attached as follows: make cuts 0.8 cm high along the upper and lower border of the cylinder.
  6. At the top, bend the incisions inward, and below and glue the fields and the base of the accessory.

It remains to take and decorate the finished cylinder, higher on the image for decor, a violet tape from the satin is used. You can show your imagination, do something original.

How to make a paper hat?

Now in fashion to wear hats even in the summer heat, and some divas complement their onions with specially headdresses to attract attention. Well then, why not make a small hat and a fashionista-baby. After all, even paper hats may look remarkable. Especially if they are made with love with their mother’s skillful hands.

Tools and materials:

  • thick paper, color is not important, depending on preferences
  • color paper, scissors
  • ribbons for decoration, sparkles, glue
  • pencil.
Flowing hats decoration option
Flowing hats decoration option


  1. For work, you will need a round surface, again you can use a lid. But first you need to measure the dimensions of the child’s head so that the headdress sat perfectly.
  2. So, a small hat is done on the same principle as a cylindrical hat. First, a strip of 10-12 centimeters high is cut out. Then the circle (see the picture above) its diameter should be larger than the diameter, glued the upper “cylinder” five-10 centimeters larger.
  3. The second circle should coincide with the size of the "cylinder" itself.
  4. Cut all the details of the hat.
  5. At the top and bottom of the “cylinder”, make the cuts of 0.8 centimeters along the entire circle length, and then bend them.
  6. Bend inward at the top, the bottom of the headgear will hold on to these bends.
  7. Below, make the bends out and glue the fields to them.

It remains now to make flowers for the decor of the product, glue ribbons, sparkles, you can still wrap the hat with a ribbon. You can make a rose from the side of a satin ribbon.

Pirate hat from paper

If we consider crafts from paper in the form of hats for a child for a matinee or at school for a costume party, then a pirate hat is one of the best options. Despite the fact that pirates are by no means a positive image. It was the pirates who were engaged in the robbery of the ships. Nevertheless, now such a bow is welcome at holidays and many choose precisely pirates for the New Year holidays. We will consider further how to make paper hats for a costume party. Next, you will see the pattern of the headgear.

Pattern-scheme of a pirate hat:

The scheme of the pirate hat
The scheme of the pirate hat


  • black paper, pencil
  • scissors, golden edging
  • skull sticker
  • glue.
Pirate hat
Pirate hat

Production process:

  1. Make a pattern immediately on black paper according to the template presented above. Such details will enter there: the first three details, two second and one third.
  2. Now it remains to glue the product. To do this, take the two second parts in the form of curved strips and glue a cylinder out of them.
  3. At the bottom of the cylinder and cut the strips at the top.
  4. Glue the oval part of the cap to the upper part to the upper part, bend the chopped strips of the cylinder.
  5. Glue the first three parts of the pirate hat to the bottom.
  6. At the end, glue the side parts of the hat fields.

Now it remains to draw or glue the skull and glue the edging of golden color.

Hat Dunno from corrugated paper

Back in the last century, when there were no smartphones and mobile phones, the children watched cartoons on TV. And they occupied more than now modern children who love computer games. Then, one of the beloved heroes was Dunno, who all the time fell into different situations, because he corresponded to his name. And he had a hat like a hat of modern fairies and wizards. Paper hats of this type can be made literally in twenty minutes, if you have the whole tool and material in stock.


  • colored paper is corrugated
  • scissors, pencil, cardboard
  • glue

Hat Dunno
Hat Dunno


  1. Make Dunno's hat for a hat for a hat, how to make it, watch below in the video.
  2. Now make the fields, for this, draw two circles of different sizes, one in size of the head, the other 5-12 cm larger than the first.
  3. Make cuts on the cone.
  4. Bend them out.
  5. Glue the fields of the headgear.
  6. Corrugated paper will be used to decorate the hat.
  7. To make it more spectacular, you can also make yellow hair. To do this, cut the strips and glue to the hat. You can wind them with a pencil.

In addition to the headgear, Dunno was also worn by a blue tie. The shape of the tie is in the figure above. You yourself can cut this part of corrugated paper. And so that he holds on his neck, glue the tape to the accessory.

Video: How to make a cone?

Pilot hat from paper

The cap is perhaps one of the simplest hats that can be made of paper. Such paper hats were made more often from newspapers. The size of the accessory from the newspaper was about the head for an adult.

For a hat will be needed:

  • colored paper of the required color
  • glue.
Pilot from paper
Pilot from paper

Production process:

  1. Take the sheet, bend in half the vertically, as in the image below.
  2. Now fold the horizontal line and bend two triangles on the sides.
  3. It will turn out a kind of cone, it should be opened, and bend the barrel.
  4. Therefore, arrange the corners from four sides so that they do not stick out. And bend the rectangles several times along the edges.
  5. At the end, it remains to straighten the headdress and you can try it on your head.

Below you will see another master class on making a paper hat in the video.

Still here, see what crafts can be done with your own hands?

  1. Crafts from chestnuts;
  2. DIY Obel for Home;
  3. New Year's crafts from ceiling tiles;
  4. What to make from cereals?
  5. Crafts on a street Christmas tree.

Video: How to make a paper hat?

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