How to stop loving a person whom you love very much: methods, advice, reviews

How to stop loving a person whom you love very much: methods, advice, reviews

How to make out in time to see that love disappears and go to break the relationship in order to avoid depression? After all, a painful gap may well plunge into the abyss of negative emotions, suffering and torment of conscience.

Human life would not be complete without love - a good and bright feeling that inspires all kinds of achievements and exploits, it brings great happiness and all -consuming joy. Books and films often tell us about great endless love. Nevertheless, in real life, such cases are extremely rare and, most likely, eternal love could be called utopia. How to force yourself to stop loving a person if you feel very strong feelings for him? It is possible that the recommendations given in this article will help you cope with such a strong feeling.

How to understand that the time has come to part with a person whom you love very much?

In reality, people who once had a relationship after a gap do not maintain friendly relations. Even random meetings can cause pain in the soul, so former partners usually try to avoid them. Parting is a very important, responsible, and at the same time a painful step that should be decided on, only well reflected on it. To avoid bitterness of regrets, a sober mind should be turned on, avoiding ardor and spontaneity in this matter.

There are some guidelines, in accordance with which understanding comes: exactly the moment has come when you need to forget a person whom you love very much. Let's look at them:

  • You are manipulated. If you feel that your partner constantly imposes on you only his opinion on all life issues, then you should part with him immediately. Indeed, over time, when the first flair of falling in love, it will become clear that he feels himself a puppeteer. And I was identified in puppets - without his own opinion, thoughts and actions. He will demand from you complete submission to him In everything, play only according to his rules. Living for a long time next to such a person without prejudice to the psyche is simply impossible.
  • Life by inertia. There are many examples of the way when a man and a woman who lived nearby for a long time had lost their love over the years. But their union did not break up only by virtue of habit. And this habit is not so harmless. She may well give your life the unpleasant sensations that you have given your best years to the wrong person. Reflections on such a topic can deliver you a lot of bitter minutes, so - from doubt! If love cannot be resurrected and joint living has ceased to bring joy and feeling of happiness, then it is worth decide to break.
  • Fear of loneliness. As a rule, women are more afraid of loneliness, since they are not sure that they will be able to build a new relationship. It turns out that at least love has already grown up, but these two remain together without experiencing any positive emotions. And they only connects their fear of remaining alone. But fear is not the feeling with which you can strengthen your family or resurrect love.
Afraid of loneliness
Afraid of loneliness
  • Secret relations. If your chosen one does not tell anyone about you and does not introduce your relatives and friends, then you should think about whether you are only a temporary partner for him? Now it is convenient for him to be together, but in anticipation of a more profitable batch of relations with you, he will hide.
  • There are no mutual feelings. In love, feelings should be mutual. If one loves one pair, and the second only allows himself to love, then such a feeling does not have a future. No matter how strong one -sided love may be, later it will become obsolete, without taking the lack of attention and sensitivity in relationships.
  • Disrespectful attitude and rudeness. If in the relationship of two, physical strength and endless undeserved reproaches are put at the forefront, then from such an “idyll” one should run without looking back. You should not stay, because new portions of humiliations will be expected ahead of you - Both physical and moral.
Disrespectful attitude
Disrespectful attitude
  • Constant betrayal. Cheating cannot contribute to trust, and that is why, as statistics say, in 90 percent of cases, the relationship breaks. It is incredibly difficult to forgive the betrayal, and it is impossible to forget. The more a person loves his partner, the more he will suffer in any case - and if they remain together, and if they break relations. So is it not better to rebuild once than to experience hellish torment with every new betrayal?
  • You see your future in different ways. If your second half does not want to take on obligations, and you want to build a full -fledged family, then such a relationship must be broken. All talk about marriage, joint property and future children will come across scandals and encouraging you in imposing your own opinion.
  • Comparison with former partners. It doesn’t matter - you are compared to you or not in your favor. The main thing is that your current partner still mentally lives in past relationships. Frequent conduct of such parallels and analogies can lead to a break in these relations.
Comparison with former or treason
Comparison with former or treason

If you have found such signs in your relationship, maybe it's time to part. Now it is important to figure out how to stop loving a person whom you love very much. We’ll talk about this.

How to stop loving a person whom you love very much?

No matter how paradoxical it sounds, but he will help to stop loving a person whom you love for a long time. This is if his love for you has passed.

A loving partner will instantly feel the cooling of him the “second half”:

  • He can ignore you, not answer your calls, if possible not to meet with you.
  • You cannot avoid quarrels and scandals, Often because of some trifles.
  • Beloved deprived you of his attention, which contrasts greatly with the time when your relationship was just starting to develop - then were both gifts and care.
  • He is in every possible way avoids physical contacts: intimate relationships, hugs, kisses and even simple touch.
  • As a rule, he begins to avoid joint outputs “in the light”, your partner makes visits to common acquaintances without you.
  • Sometimes, having lost interest in his former chosen one, men do not experience bouts of jealousy for them. And the representatives of the weaker sex in this case, as if jokingly, can offer to get acquainted with their friends as an alternative possible.
  • Partner avoids visual contacts, His eyes “run” around, as if he had been guilty of something.
  • He became increasingly to linger at work, he does not pull him home.
  • Meeting with you, he no longer smiles at you as before, and now he dry and superficial tells you about something insignificant.

If at least one of the listed signs you notice, it is worth doubleting your attention: it is quite possible that you have already been loving. So, maybe you should make efforts in order to to stop loving a person whom you love very much? And thereby tearing the painful for both relations.

How to stop loving a person whom you love very much, and survive parting?

  • We are all very different. It is enough for someone to load several days to delete from the memory of their recent lover.
  • The other is experiencing mental suffering, which do not stop for a long time - months, and sometimes for years.
  • According to psychologists, in the second case, human health is caused by huge damage that can cause even mental disorders.
  • To avoid this, it is necessary to develop an “antidote” in yourself - try to get out of yourself love when relations have come down to “no”. This is the only way Avoid social isolation, fatalism and nervous exhaustion.
Some worry parties for years
Some worry parties for years

Understand how to stop loving and forget the person whom you love very much will help a number of tips from psychologists:

  • Twist the negative on paper. On a clean paper sheet, list the characteristic features that your former partner had - both positive and negative. Come to the case objectively, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the desired psychotherapeutic effect. After comparing the resulting results, ask yourself: “Is this person what this person is so good for him to suffer so much and feel strong love for him?” You do not need to throw out this leaflet, since with its help it will be possible to overcome idealization, usually arising after one to two months after parting. Reading the column where negative features are listed, you will remind yourself that your former beloved/beloved is by no means an angel.
  • Do not keep experiencing in yourself. Do not completely surrender to mental pain and hide it in yourself from prying eyes. Constant accumulation of negative experiences can cause serious psychosomatic ailments. Therefore, you do not need to be shy to share your experiences with friends and loved ones, you can cry the elasticity at the same time. Let the tears help to wash away all the memories of the person who should be forgotten.
  • Get rid of all sorts of reminders.So that painful memories do not participate in spiritual wounds, you should try to remove all sorts of objects from your life that remind of the former beloved. Get rid of his gifts, joint photos, do not go to where you were often together.
Get rid of remind of the former
Get rid of remind of the former
  • Be in unfamiliar places. It will be ideal if you visit the previously unfamiliar places during the vacation. In a new environment, a person usually quickly comes to his senses, despite strong personal experiences.
  • Choose another object for love. Try to redirect your love to someone else. Take care of your pet, let in sport or creativity into your life or fill it with other things that you have good.
  • Avoid meetings with a former partner. Try not to meet and talk on the phone with a person who is once close to you. And soon you will notice a positive result: the pain from separation will dull, and then completely disappears.
  • Make new acquaintances. Closing your own experiences, you can remain alone, which does not contribute to the expulsion of negative thoughts. At all, it is able to resurrect the recent past events from that once happy life. It is better not to indulge in despondency, but to quickly get carried away with new meetings and dates. And you will understand, the world is beautiful and diverse, it has a place for other good people.
Make new acquaintances
Make new acquaintances
  • Plunge into the work with your head. Taking up your career is also one of the good options in order to forget about the departed love. From you in this difficult period, a maximum of initiative and creative ideas will be required. Do not be afraid to take on unnecessary responsibilities, give an impetus for your professional growth. Believe me, your efforts will not be in vain: from excessive workload, the image of a loved one will be quickly lubricated and fading. In addition, effort in the work will bring side dividends, because you will turn yourself into a successful and demanded specialist with your own hands with your own hands.

How to stop loving a person whom you love very much: reviews

How to stop loving a person whom you love very much - reviews:

  • Afelia: Having read romantic nonsense, everyone was waiting for her prince on a white horse. I am already an adult, a student. I managed to fall in love with my life without memory, “for life”. And every time a bummer. At first, they take care of the bouquets so well, give them in a cafe and talk about their love of unearthly very beautifully. And when the guy understands that the bird is already in his hands, instantly all the romance disappears somewhere. One of the writers read a very smart thought. I don’t remember literally, but the meaning there is: “It is believed that lyrics and romantics do not harm. But this is not so, they bring harm, and huge, since people, having read about non -existent unearthly love, are accepted to look for it and, of course, do not find it. And then they are very suffering from this. ” These lines are exactly about me. Each time it is very difficult to part, such a longing for the soul remains for a long time. And each time I am so bad and sad for me from the fact that again I could not find him, my only and unique. And, in spite of everything, I still wait for him, my prince on a white horse.
  • Ilya: My wife and I have long become strangers. We have no common interests left, only the son connects. After the birth of the child, the wife changed a lot, became some kind of grumpy. Everything is wrong for her: either he came from work later, then went fishing, then went to the cafe with friends. She does not want to understand me that I, in addition to the house, also have my own personal life. Problem: And there is no strength to be nearby, but I can’t leave: my three -year -old son tie my hands. I love him very much and I do not want to be a "Sunday" dad for him. I repeatedly tried to reach my wife, but she was like a rock, not to make her away. Everything suspects me of some non-existent betrayals. And that I fell out of love. That's what I fell out of love is true, but she herself is to blame for this. I am indecisive by nature by my nature, it’s hard for me to take the first step. But if she herself drives me away, then it will be much easier for me from this. And with my son I will still see, she will not be able to ban it to me.
  • Valeria:From my girlfriend, two years ago, my husband left another woman. And for all this time I have never been able to get her somewhere on people. She rejects all the offers to go to the cinema, to the cafe, and go to the sea during the vacation. She has one route: house - work, work - house. And he sits at home, locked, listening to the sad music. When I come to visit her, she recalls everything about her Igor. He tells how wonderful he is, and how he loved her, and what he gave her. I made some saint of him right, says that she herself was to blame for abandoning her. It was as if she paid little attention to him (and he told her so directly when parting). And when she was too much to do, if she worked, and studied in absentia, and she kept the house in order. From Veronica, all friends and friends turned away, no one had the strength left to listen to her constant lamentations. I still hold on, I do not leave her, but I can’t break through the shell of her universal grief. She must understand that she may well bring herself to such strong suffering to the clinic for mentally ill.
You can bring yourself to serious diseases
You can bring yourself to serious diseases

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