How to attract the attention of a man, how to behave at the beginning of a relationship, so that a man falls in love? Why are they leaving - the main mistakes: wasn't the guy falling in love? The guy fell in love: how to keep love?

How to attract the attention of a man, how to behave at the beginning of a relationship, so that a man falls in love? Why are they leaving - the main mistakes: wasn't the guy falling in love? The guy fell in love: how to keep love?

Every girl wants to fall in love and be loved. In this article you will learn how to fall in love with the desired man.

How to fall in love with a man? How to tie him to himself so that he does not even look towards other young ladies? This question is asked not only by young girls, but also by mature women. In this article, we have collected the recommendations of psychologists on how to behave in order to build the right relationship with the opposite sex.

How to attract the attention of a man?

In order to establish a relationship with your favorite guy, you first need to attract his attention to his person and arouse interest.

Behave so that he notices you, and then he wanted to meet you closer:

  • Pay attention to your appearance. It's no secret that a man will pay attention to a well -groomed, beautifully dressed young lady. Manicure, stylish hairstyle, bright accessories - all this is the basis of female attractiveness.
Give yourself attention
Give yourself attention
  • Try to differ from other girls so that the guy falls in love. Be no like anyone. However, do not overdo it with originality. The men avoid too eccentric young ladies.
  • Flit and flirt. A playful smile, meaningful look and light, as if unexpected, touch - all this has been working since ancient times. However, try to do it subtly so as not to look too vulgar or vulgar. Be feminine, playful and sweet. It is these qualities that attract men.
  • Joke and more often laugh so that the man falls in love. Male attention will be fasterly attracted by a brisk and cheerful girl than a quiet modest.
Joke and laugh
Joke and laugh
  • Follow the culture of speech and your manners. A man always strives for a woman who is more intelligent and educated than himself. Even very brutal guys like girls who do not use curses.
  • Do not forget about gestures. Periodically with light movements, draw with your hand along the waist line, straighten the curls, play with a pendant on the neck. Such simple tricks will cause the interest of a young man at a subconscious level. Try to quietly mirror his movements. This is a proven psychological method to arrange any person to yourself.
  • Learn about hobbies the subject of your sympathy. Knowledge will help you maintain a conversation with a guy and be “in the subject”. Sincerely show interest in him, but do not impose your communication.
  • Communicating, listen carefully to the man And give him the opportunity to speak out, do not interrupt. Even if you do not say anything in response, but only assent, this is very flattered to the man, and he will consider you a wonderful conversationalist.

How to behave at the beginning of a relationship so that a man falls in love?

So, after a successful acquaintance, you began to meet with a young man. Remember that the basis of the relationship is laid from the very first date. Even at an early stage, a man deliberately checks that he will be allowed in behavior and what not. Thus, he will try to find out how much you are ready to do for him.

So that the guy falls in love with you, behave at the beginning of the relationship correctly:

  • On the first dates, imagine that you communicate with an old friend who does not need to make some special impression and meet strict standards. Be yourself. Think about the fact that if you do not suit the man as you are, maybe you should not continue the relationship with him.
  • Remember the main thing: The female floor is focused on communication, and the male sex is on action. The guy is more likely to fall in love with the girl during a joint process than just talking. Therefore, participate in various events more often with him. And if they are accompanied by strong emotions (struggle, risk, victories, glee), then the man will remember them for life, and you will always remain special for him.
  • Do not sacrifice your interests. Stay yourself. Do not bend under a man, do not give up your principles and beliefs. Be self -sufficient and self -confident.
Stay yourself
Stay yourself
  • Do not adapt to the man. This means that you should not cancel your affairs or postpone the planned meeting just because you got a boyfriend and suggested spending time. Do not expect a call from him to draw up your plans for the weekend. Decide for yourself where to go and with whom. And you do not need to ask the guy with permission. You are more likely to captivate it if you make it clear that your world does not spin around it.
  • Be positive for the man to fall in love. Nobody likes to communicate with those who constantly complain and aching. You should be pleasant and fun with you. Do not dump all your troubles and problems on a young man. They are not interested in him. At least at the beginning of the relationship.
  • Do not show that you are afraid to lose a man. The more you show independence, the stronger the guy will fall in love with you.
  • Try to be mysterious and mysterious. Let a small intrigue always remain in the relationship. Give your gentleman the opportunity to fantasize a little and solve your secrets yourself.
  • Be sometimes inaccessible to the boyfriend. You may sometimes not answer his phone calls or write a message that you are busy and inconvenient to talk.
  • Do not agree immediately to the intimate. A man must conquer you. Representatives of the stronger sex quickly lose interest in what they received quickly and easily. Sex with you should be a well -deserved and long -awaited prize.
  • No need to open all your cards. Do not tell too much about deep personal or intimate things. It is not necessary to know a young man about your innermost dreams. And do not tell him about your former, and also do not ask about his past connections. This topic is a taboo.
  • Pay attention to your appearance, but do not focus on it. Do not constantly spin near the mirror, now and then adjusting the hairstyle or makeup. This indicates your uncertainty about your own attractiveness. And if you are not sure of it, then the gentleman will doubt it.
  • Do not be too modest. Men often do not know how to behave with quietness, and begin to feel some tension.
  • Do not criticize the guy too much. You should not say that in his place you would have acted differently. This will prevent you from establishing a trusting relationship.
  • Let the man feel his significance for a man to fall in love. Sincerely thank you even for minor favor. This will make him feel that in your eyes he looks like a real knight.
Show a man his significance
Show a man his significance
  • Speak directly if you are unhappy with something. Do not hide irritation inside yourself, if there are reasons. Drop the fears that your chosen one will be offended by you. No need to seem weaker or stupid than you are, just to please the guy.

And most importantly - be honest with yourself and with a man. No need to play some complex and not characteristic of you roles. You cannot follow them all your life. And then difficulties will begin. Any lie gives rise to distrust. Initially, build a relationship with a young man in a direction convenient for you, so as not to suffer and not try to remake him for yourself.

Be garlic
Be garlic

And do not be afraid to tear connections that do not lead to anything. If a year after you started dating, the young man did not offer to get married, then tell him that you are not going to eternity to wait for such an offer. Sometimes it is better to part than to stay in relationships that have no future.

Why are they leaving - the main mistakes: wasn't the guy falling in love?

Many women found themselves in a situation where, after several seemingly successful dates, the gentleman suddenly disappears from the field of view. Why is this happening?

We list several main mistakes in behavior, which, perhaps, you make at the beginning of the relationship:

  • You are hunting a guy, not he is you: Call calls, constantly write SMS, invite you yourself for dates. This is a catastrophic mistake. By nature, a man is a hunter. And the more difficult prey, the more valuable it is for him.
  • You are too hard. When the relationship is at the initial stage, you should not give apart for a man one hundred percent. No need to climb out of the skin to like it. Otherwise, he will decide that you were already completely desperate to find a partner, and are ready for everything for him. This will lead to the fact that the guy will probably lose interest in you. Because no man wants to have a woman who no one needs.
  • It is boring with you. If your meetings with a gentleman are limited to home gatherings and endless chatter about his friends, he will definitely run away.
Do not impose on and do not be boring
Do not impose on and do not be boring
  • You are too flexible And silently tolerate when you don't like something, to offend the guy in fear. It can be a viewing of sports programs, and talking about politics, and computer games. However, the more obedient you will be, the faster a man will lose interest in you. The desire to please weakens respect for you. Do not be afraid to speak out. Do not do what you are absolutely not interested in.
  • You strive to become a second mommy for him. Perhaps at first the guy will be pleased with such concern. However, then he will surely want to break out of such guardianship in order to feel independent.
  • Poppy too much on the gentleman. You can not pester a man calls and messages. It is strictly forbidden to demand a report from the guy, where he was, what he did and why he did not call.

The guy fell in love: how to keep love?

When the initial stage of the relationship has been passed, the girl has another question - how to keep her beloved and prevent the extinction of feelings on his part? It is known that representatives of the strong half of humanity cool as quickly as they are fond of.

Family psychologists advise ladies to constantly work on relationships in order to maintain the love of their halves:

  • Remember one of the main rules in the relationship: The more the man puts it in his woman, the more he appreciates her. We are talking about both monetary issues (gifts, flowers, paid bills), and the sphere of intangible (time, help, energy, emotional bursts, deep and strong experiences).
  • Do not be lazy to take care of yourself and support an attractive appearance. It is no secret that when they are married for several years, some ladies stop monitoring their appearance, gaining excess weight, do not use cosmetics and walk around the apartment, whatever they hit. It is not surprising that her husband begins to look at other women.
  • Do not dissolve completely in your half. Do not become completely dependent on it, neither financially nor psychologically. You should have your own personal income, hobbies, your own friends and time for yourself. A man with much greater respect belongs to his wife if he sees an independent and self -sufficient person in her.
  • Take care of your partner so that the man falls in love. This does not mean that you should treat him in matrix, caring, like a small child. It is about maintaining his interests, paying attention to his cares, to help in making plans.
Take care of the man
Take care of the man
  • Do not forget about the intimate sphere. Sex is an integral side of relations between loving people. Learn various techniques, set up intimate massage and do not be afraid of experiments. If the lady is skilled in bed, then the man forgives her a lot: a unprecedented dinner, transference, inability to create comfort.
  • Give the man the opportunity to relax a bit from you. Let him deal with his hobbies, spend time fishing, go to the gym, meet his friends. At the same time, do not call him and do not check. This is humiliating for both. When a woman of her spouse does not hold on a short leash, but provides certain freedom, he spends time with much more pleasure next to her.
  • Do not saw your spouse. Eternal displeased grunts and sour face never contributed to the preservation of interest in a man.
  • Never check its electronic correspondenceu and do not have surveillance. Trust is the basis of relationships.
  • Expand your horizons and engage in self -development. A woman is not enough to be just a beauty or a good mistress. A man wants to see an interesting interlocutor next to him, with whom you can discuss many topics.
  • Be differentSometimes change your usual behavior manner. Surprise your man more often. Do not let him be one hundred percent confident, how you will behave in a particular situation. The wider the range of emotions he he has, the more he will appreciate you. In addition, if he does not know for sure how you react, he will be afraid to allow a miss in relation to you. However, do not bend the stick. Insecency and hysteria - things are completely different.
Be different
Be different
  • Do not try to remake a man In accordance with your own standards. Everyone wants him to be accepted as he is.
  • Show a sense of humorBut do not joke too hard. And with outsiders, mocking a man, belittling his dignity, is completely prohibited.
  • Set common goals and go to achieve them togetherSo that the man falls in love. It doesn’t matter what result you will get in the end - defeat or success. The main thing is to create as many interesting and vivid joint memories as possible.
  • Do not pamper your soul mate too much. Immediately determine the boundaries for which he does not have the right to cross, and adhere to them all your life. Stop all attempts to sit on your head. And even more so, do not tolerate rudeness or rudeness in relation to yourself. A woman who does not allow himself to be bad, a man will always respect and appreciate.
  • Try to give your partner what other women cannot give. This is not about the satisfaction of his physical needs, but about becoming an indispensable for him in terms of understanding, the ability to make fun, readiness to share his hobbies and views. The same life priorities contribute to mental affection.

All these principles work 100 %. We are sure that having mastered these skills, you will not only be able to fall in love with a man your dreams, but also keep his love for many years.

Video: fall in love with a man

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