Why do men, women, adolescents drink alcohol: the main motives

Why do men, women, adolescents drink alcohol: the main motives

The question is why people begin to drink alcohol is mainly associated with the following - we are trying to find out the main reasons for the appearance of dependence on alcohol. Not any person who drinks alcohol becomes an alcoholic over time, but it is important to find out the causes of this pernicious dependence.

Any drug, if it benefits, in large doses can turn into poison. It is important to control the spread and growth of the cult of drinking alcohol, especially for our state, where drinking alcohol is considered almost a tradition.

Why do men drink alcohol?

  • Many women who are already married do not know why their spouse drinks. It seems that they have ideal conditions for normal life, a good family, but men still drink almost daily.
  • The psychology of the alcoholic Complex enough. In order to study this, it is necessary to make a lot of effort. We must not forget that a man will never abuse alcohol if he does not have any motives for this.

Alcoholism in men often appears due to:

  1. Genetic predisposition to alcohol. Most often, the reason for this behavior is a simple desire to relax a bit. But, if a man began to drink daily, he can become an addicted alcoholic. Therefore, if the young man in the family has avid alcoholics, it is not advisable to drink every day, even beer.
  2. The presence of friends who drink. Initially, the man begins to drink only “for the company” so that no one of the company is offended. But very soon, such a simple habit becomes addiction, so the young man begins to drink alcohol daily, without having, at the same time, some reason.
  3. Lack of motivation in life, constant stressful situations, long -term depression, low self -esteem, a complex of inferior person. A man, when becomes an alcoholic, is distracted and finds comfort in alcohol.
  4. Constant scandals in the family, a recent break in relations with the second half, difficulties at work. A person, regardless of age, can hide from problems, and alcohol helps him in this. When a man begins to drink, it is very difficult to stop him.
Male alcoholism
Male alcoholism

Find out the exact reasons, Why do men drink alcohol, It is possible only after communicating with them. Some alcoholics can explain their own motives themselves, Being only in a drunken state. If a man is already drinks alcohol Every day, relatives should seriously worry. It is impossible to allow the novice drunkard to continue to behave like that.

Why do women drink alcohol?

  • The causes of female alcoholism peculiar enough. Ladies often initially begin to drink beer and other similar drinks, but later they go to cognac, even to vodka.
  • From the very beginning, women do not drink often, then - almost every day.
  • We note that alcoholism in women progresses faster than in men. But to cure the disease in ladies is much more difficult.

Most often, women begin to drink alcohol because of:

  • Loneliness.
  • Marriage with a drunkard.
  • Unlucky marriage.
  • Losses of a loved one.
  • Recent divorce.
  • Long depression.
  • A large amount of free time.
  • Stressful situations, neurosis.
Female alcoholism is very severe
Female alcoholism is very severe

There are other reasons why women drink, but they do not meet so often. Dependence on alcohol develops, as a rule, in single women who are not happy and not successful. Also drink those ladies who have alcoholics in the family. A woman also begins to drink alcohol little by little, for example, for the company, then drink every day, and get drunk over time.

Why do teenagers drink alcohol?

Many young people are starting to drink as teenagers. The motives that push them to such a life are very diverse, but the result, as a rule, is the same.

  • Guys and girls get used to alcohol quicklyVery soon they begin to drink alcohol daily. Of course, the consequences of such a life are very bad: adolescents swear with their parents, study poorly, and violate the law. Basically, alcohol is already consumed for their own adulthood very often, sometimes daily.
  • Most often the causes of adolescence alcoholism Obvious. At this age, their relatives and peers influence young people. The environment of adolescents often pushes them to depending on alcohol.
Motives in adolescents
Motives in adolescents

Frequent reasons why adolescents drink alcohol are as follows:

  • Guys and girls want to assert themselves, not disgraced to friends, not to become a person whom everyone laughs, whom other peers despise.
  • Young people want to get into the company. Guys and girls at a young age are considered quite imaginary. They are afraid that others will not communicate with them if they do not want to drink alcohol.
  • Teenagers lack the attention of parents. They quarrel with them, try to attract their attention.
  • Teenagers live in an unfavorable family, Where parents pour alcohol to the child or give a bad example.
  • Teenagers are boring, they have a lot of free time, money. Parents do not monitor children, do not control their actions.
Negative influence from a young age
Negative influence from a young age

This is only part of the reasons alcoholism in adolescence. Sometimes guys and girls start drink alcohol due to entertainment, the sensation of high, as well as the desire to relax a bit. Basically, adolescents quickly understand that they like alcohol and they do not want to stop.

Why do people drink alcohol: 5 main motives

Family traditions, pseudo -culture

  • The most important reason why do people drink alcohol is family traditions. Any holiday should have a feast, where wine and drinks are always stronger. Even church holidays cannot do without alcohol.
  • People mark the birth of a child with alcohol, people drink the same drink during the funeral. Sometimes it looks strange when a person drinks vodka at the holiday, but does not get drunk, and in the morning he does not have a hangover. Just such a person knows his own dose.
  • This also includes pseudo -culture. Guys and girls like to get drunk in the company of friends, they communicate with other young people who also drink. They strive to join some kind of company, to establish them there.
  • However, among adults there is such a tactics of behavior - they often meet with colleagues at work, wanting to get closer to them. They hope that such communication will affect their career well, promoting the career ladder.
Family traditions
Family traditions

Psychological motives

  • Psychological reasons for the development of alcoholism They can be determined by some nuances, for example, from a human nature, such as a person, degree of abilities. This category, as a rule, includes creative natures that cannot cope with serious problems.
  • Creative people mainly drink alcohol, as they cannot talk about your own problems in sober state. After drinking alcohol, people become more confident, companional, talkative.

In other words, people drink alcohol in order to:

  • Relax well.
  • Raise self -esteem.
  • Get rid of loneliness, boredom.
  • Get rid of a depressive state.

Sometimes people drink for these reasons, while they do not pay attention to that they turn into alcoholics. They simply become addicted, in need of a certain dose of alcohol.


Physiological motifs

  • These causes of alcohol dependence are as follows: a person has genetic predisposition, He is mentally ill, he had head injuries. Also, the reason may be a feature of intrauterine development or a failure of metabolic processes.
  • It is also very important which floor an alcoholic. After all, the female floor is drunk faster, gets used to alcohol, but it is more difficult for women to overcome this ailment. We also note that age is affected by alcohol dependence. If a person began to drink alcohol from a young age, he develops dependence faster.
  • It is worth mentioning about genetics. Scientists were able to prove the following - children who are born of parents with alcohol dependence are more often in the future by alcoholics. Therefore, when children reach adolescence, they are better off as far as possible from alcohol as possible.

Desire to try something new

  • The reasons that a person begins to drink alcohol is a lot. One of them - experimental motivation. Many of our compatriots were able to remember for the rest of their lives their first experience with alcohol. As a rule, a person has after that fear, excitement, even some kind of curiosity.
  • Such sensations are characteristic of people regardless of age. Because of them, specific substances are developed in the human body, and the human nervous system evaluates these situations as something pleasant. Such motivation pushes a person to experiment again and again, thereby studying something new.
  • If someone expands their own sphere of experiments (these are various types of activities), that is, people who deepen more. Once they understand that experiments with alcohol evoke unusual feelings in them, and therefore they try to find new impressions in this area, try new drinks each time, increase doses, compositions and concentrations.
  • We note that in many respects because of the desire to try something new people were able to come up with alcoholic cocktails, to create unusual recipes from alcohol.
Cocktails appeared from the thirst for something new
Cocktails appeared from the thirst for something new

Sending thirst

  • The last reason is a thirst.
  • In addition to true (natural) thirst, people face such a thirst as “false”. It occurs when a person actively talks, smokes, eats dry food. It is very simple to quench such thirst - you just need to moisten your mouth.
  • But, there are men who are trying to remove thirst not ordinary water, tea and other non -alcoholic drinks, and alcohol, for example, beer.
Beer becomes a daily drink
Beer becomes a daily drink
  • Due to the frequent use of alcohol, for example, in summer, people simply cannot without a drink in autumn and even in winter.

Video: drinking for the company

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