What will happen if antidepressants and alcohol interfere? Alcohol and antidepressants - is it possible: consequences. Is it possible to drink alcohol after the abolition of antidepressants?

What will happen if antidepressants and alcohol interfere? Alcohol and antidepressants - is it possible: consequences. Is it possible to drink alcohol after the abolition of antidepressants?

In this article, we will talk about whether it is possible to take alcohol with antidepressants and what the consequences can be.

As a rule, it is strictly prohibited to combine alcohol and antidepressants. They are simply incompatible. The combination of antidepressants with alcohol can lead to very serious health problems. Let's figure out with you which one, and we will also find out why you can’t drink alcohol with antidepressants together.

What antidepressants can alcohol combine with?

Alcohol compatibility with different types of drugs
Alcohol compatibility with different types of drugs

A person can drink alcohol with antidepressants, but only if his products contain ademetionine or St. John's wort. However, do not forget that for the absence of a negative reaction, the amount of drunk should be small. So, it is allowed to consume as much alcohol within a week as you will not cause a hangover. Ideally, this is only one glass.

So, among antidepressants who allow alcohol consumption in small quantities are:

  • Heptor
  • Heptral
  • Deputy
  • Negrustin
  • Life 600

Each of these funds contains ademetionine or St. John's wort. Although they are considered neutral and does not affect them in any way, you should still not exceed the permissible doses. In addition, there should be a week break between alcohol techniques, and this is at least. Moreover, if you use additionally any other drugs, then taking alcohol should be completely excluded.

There is also such a group of antidepressants as tricyclic. Some products can also perceive alcohol, but only on condition that they have: they have:

  • Amitriptylin
  • Imipramine
  • Pipofuzin
  • Klomipramine
  • Tianeptin

These components are found in Elivel, Cloginal, Coaxile, Azafen, Melipramine, Anatranila.

These drugs are not considered highly toxic. However, it is forbidden to use them together with alcohol. In any case, this does not concern the above drugs, but even in this case there is a risk that severe side effects will appear that can greatly undermine health.

What will happen if antidepressants and alcohol interfere?

The antidepressant is a drug that inhibits the human body. Natural reactions of the body suppress monoamines. These are substances that, as it were, raise the mood, increase vigor, and also give strength.

Monoamins are - adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine. That is, those substances that are responsible for our good mood. When a person takes alcohol with antidepressants, the effect of all these substances intensifies, and the drug itself cannot affect as it should.

Experts do not recommend simultaneously using both. The fact is that such a combination can enhance or reduce the effect of tablets, as well as the functions of the drug may vary. Accordingly, for the person himself this will not bring anything good. Moreover, scientists have not yet fully studied how antidepressants and alcohol act together. This means that the reaction may turn out to be the most unexpected, and not from the best side.

The final reaction depends on several factors:

  • Individual characteristics of the human body
  • The amount of alcohol drunk
  • Type of products used
  • A variety of drugs taken

Of course, some may say that you can not take a pill and relax calmly, you just need to understand that a positive effect can be achieved only if the treatment is carried out continuously. Moreover, alcohol affects the process. It makes treatment less effective. So, in order to restore treatment to the previous level, it will take at least two weeks, and regardless of which dose of alcohol was accepted. At the same time, the antidepressants do not need to be taken during the restoration. They are canceled. Accordingly, the condition of the patient himself becomes worse. He suffers from headaches, he oppresses everything.

Alcohol - does antidepressants neutralize?

Does alcohol neutralize antidepressants?
Does alcohol neutralize antidepressants?

As you know, you should not take alcohol with antidepressants. Even medicines with alcohol content should be delayed away. You must understand that alcohol does not have a neutralizing effect. Yes, sometimes it can suppress the effect of the drug. However, he is capable of strengthening him. Accordingly, the human condition worsens, and this is unacceptable in our case.

Alcohol and antidepressants - is it possible: consequences

Most people simply do not realize the consequences that can be if you take alcohol with antidepressants. Let's look at the main of them:

  • First of all, problems with the respiratory system may appear. This can manifest itself simply as a lack of air, but in particularly difficult situations to provoke a fatal outcome. It is important to understand that this can happen even in a dream, respectively, none of the loved ones will even notice problems.
  • A sharp jump in the pressure to a high level. As a result, hypertensive crisis often develops and the blood circulation of the brain is disturbed. In the latter case, a stroke may occur.
  • The combination of alcohol and tricyclic medicines can enhance side effects. That is, if they appear, but not very much, then in combination with alcohol the situation can radically change.
  • The liver with this effect will also be under the blow. So, with regular use of the drug with alcohol, leads to the development of cirrhosis.

As a rule, when a person uses selective serotonin capture inhibitors, side effects do not appear so much. However, in this case, you should not think that there will be some good effect for the body. So, with such a combination, violations in thinking, hallucinations can be observed, sweating is enhanced, and difficulties in the work of the nervous system also arise.

It is important to take into account such a moment that the combination of alcohol with drugs causes increased depression. This condition may also be dangerous.

I have stress, which is better to take - alcohol or antidepressants?

Alcohol from depression
Alcohol from depression

When a person has severe stress, it is sometimes difficult for him to cope with him. It becomes especially difficult when this condition lasts more than one day, but much longer. In the end, this interferes with normal life. In Russia, trips to specialists are rarely used in such cases. People prefer to treat themselves to use alcohol with antidepressants, or separately. However, not one of the situations is a way out.

Of course, alcohol will help to forget and muffle the symptoms of depression. That's just its action is short. Not only does he lead to a hangover, and even health problems may appear. At the same time, when a person develops depression, his dependence appears very quickly. In addition, a person, as it were, leaves the outside world, closing in himself. In the end, if he does not solve the situation, then he loses his social status, rolling down the stairs. So, in the end, in addition to depression, a person receives alcoholism and other health problems. All this can ultimately lead to the fact that the meaning of living will be lost. Some, finding themselves in this position, are decided to perform suicide.

As for antidepressants, they also do not give a long -term effect. Moreover, they can cause addiction and without them a person will no longer feel the joy of life. People cannot always determine their condition, or rather distinguish apathy from depression. The decadent state is easily adjusted, but only a specialist should treat depression.

Even if a person has a bad mood, it is better to find other ways to raise it, and not use any drugs or alcohol. If it seems that depression takes place, then it is better to consult a specialist. It will help to solve your problems and get rid of depression.

Is it possible to drink alcohol after the abolition of antidepressants?

When a person finishes a course of treatment, he may think when you can drink alcohol. In general, it turns out that he does not drink alcohol with antidepressants, but it is also important to be neat. The fact is that you can drink alcohol only two weeks after the drugs are canceled. In addition, before starting therapy, you need to cleanse the body of alcohol. Typically, 2-3 days are enough for this.

Video: alcohol and taking antidepressants to drink or not drink?

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Comments K. article

  1. Yes, of course, there will be nothing good, there is only one thing ... Although from antidepressants she resorted only to 5-HTP Evalapov, natural plant origin, and in principle I liked everything, helped to cope with nervousness and irritability of insomnia against her background, became comfortable and comfortable and comfortable and comfortable and comfortable Calmly in my soul, there were no side effects, after she finished the course, everything is fine too.

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