How to recognize who corresponds to you on the Internet: man or woman: the pros and cons of such correspondence

How to recognize who corresponds to you on the Internet: man or woman: the pros and cons of such correspondence

It is always interesting who corresponds to you on the Internet, especially if there is flirting. How to do this, read the article.

Correspondence on the Internet firmly entered human life. And even people aged use social networks and messengers in smartphones. On the one hand, this is fine - after all, a person has the opportunity to be in touch with relatives and make new acquaintances with people anywhere in the globe.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "How to meet a girl in VK, on \u200b\u200bdating sites?". You will learn how to meet a girl on the Internet.

But this method of communication has its own disadvantages, especially if you correspond with strangers. After all, you never know who sits on the side of the screen - a man or woman, or maybe a minor teenager. How to recognize who corresponds to you on the network? Look for an answer to this and other questions in the article. Read further.

Pros and cons of correspondence on the Internet

It is convenient to correspond on the Internet
It is convenient to correspond on the Internet

The main advantages of correspondence on the Internet are in the convenience of communication. No need to wait for postmen with news for weeks. The message comes in a couple of seconds, wherever the interlocutor is. Despite the fact that text correspondence does not allow to see facial expressions and gestures, emotions are also conveyed through it: surprise, delight, embarrassment, sympathy, anger, irritation, etc.

However, Internet communication also has disadvantages:

  • It is impossible to say with complete confidence who is on the other side of the monitor.
  • That is why important issues are best resolved live.
  • The exception is those correspondence when people are familiar in reality, they are often seen and have common affairs.
  • Otherwise, there is a risk of fraudsters.
  • It is also undesirable to perceive flirting on the Internet as already established relationships. After all, instead of a woman in social. A man who just wants to have fun or extract material benefits from communication can sit.

Moreover, even if this is a representative of the desired gender, there is no guarantee that there is a sincere sympathy and that at a real meeting people will like each other. After all, communication on the network and outside it is often different. Therefore, the Internet is an excellent tool for finding information and personal acquaintances. More serious issues should be resolved already “in real life”, face to face.

How to recognize who corresponds to you on the Internet - how to distinguish: man or woman?

It is important to know who corresponds to you on the Internet
It is important to know who corresponds to you on the Internet

In fact, it is possible to determine who is hidden under the nickname Krasotka1987 (Christina or Artem). According to experts, men and women have a cardinal opposite view of the world. And they build correspondence in different ways. How to recognize who corresponds to you on the Internet, how to distinguish - a man or a woman?

Here are a few nuances and distinctive features:

  • Established vulgarity

A man hiding under a photo of a girl will be registered without hesitation with an unfamiliar person on frank topics. He does not hesitate to find and send candid photos or videos after a couple of messages after meeting. Also, the holder of the fake can let go of vulgar jokes, impermissible to a decent girl. That is why it makes sense to drive a nickname into the search engine or Feika Name. For example, if he writes Olga Artemyeva, 25 years old, from Tambova, and in this city, Artemyevs are not registered at all, it is immediately clear who is in front of you. Frank topics should be avoided. Sooner or later, the fraudster will get tired of corresponding about flowers or cute cats.

  • Inconsistencies arousing suspicion

Follow the information that a suspicious interlocutor gives. For example, from a fake first they write that the growth of the beauty 175 cm, and then they say that she has 34 The size of the shoes. There is a clear discrepancy. After all, girls with growth above average are unlikely to have such a small leg. Their shoe size will approach 40. Or, a person first describes the model parameters, and then says that he barely got into a blouse. A fraudster or liar can be well prepared - but sooner or later he will definitely give a mistake.

  • Story to speak

There are hundreds of differences in female and male speech. For example, a real girl will never write: “What are you? Do not believe that I am a chick! You yourself are a man! ". Also, the female fake can skip other typically male words that girls never use.

  • Lack of real content

Imagine that the man found or hacked the woman’s account and pumped up pictures from there. But he does not have a photo online. You should ask him to capture the moments. "Can you take a picture right now?" - This phrase can drive a fraudster into a stupor. However, like the proposal to turn on the webcam.

  • Lack of information

You can also "find fault with the words." If the scammers writes “I was with my aunt”, “I spent the night with my sister,” should be thrown with requests to show photos with relatives or at least ask to describe your family. However, this is not always effective. After all, many photos can be found. And the fraudster can have a good epistolary genre.

  • Unwillingness to meet or talk on the phone

If the female fake has been recognized in love for three years, but with a request to hear her voice, the girl immediately “runs out” from the online or transfers a conversation on a different topic, this is a reason to be a guarantee. Of course, the fraudster will be afraid of a real meeting. The girl will say that she is not ready, that she is busy. And this will be very contrasting with her dusty messages, according to which she is ready for anything.

  • Excessive ardor

In an effort to seem a real woman, the fraudster will often have to play and exude excessive femininity. For example, even the sweetest girls do not use "Kot", "Zay" And other affectionate words through each word, to the place and not to the place. The fraudster will throw phrases "Dear", "dear", "beloved" Starting from the second second of dating.

  • From the first days it will begin to ask for something material

If the interlocutor or interlocutor immediately after adding to friends writes: "Dear (cute), throw me the money on the phone" or “I supplement me with a card, I need to pay a loan. Here is the number ", most likely, this is not a real woman or man. Of course, you can help the Internet sign with whom you communicate for a long time. But only if you correspond for more than one month if you saw her or by video communication and heard a real voice. In other words, if you are sure that this is a real person.

  • Offended when you doubt

The worst question in this case: "Are you definitely a girlfriend?". The winner of the female will simply answer: "Yes exactly". And the topic will be exhausted on this. As for the attacker or just pranker, he will literally explode angry messages in the style: “But how can you not trust me? I said that I love you, but you don’t believe me! ” Or it will completely disappear for several days from the messenger, and then you will find out that she (supposedly) did not come in, because you were offended that you did not believe her.

  • Actively participating in virtual sex

If a real girl can even block Virta’s proposal, then the fraudster will immediately begin to paint about how he pleases you. This is because virtual sexual relations are the only topic for which the owners of fakes are easiest to stay. They are sure that they will not allow inconsistencies there.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to distinguish half the interlocutor. The main thing is the attentiveness and small knowledge of human psychology. Good luck!

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