How to virtually fall in love with a guy, a man by correspondence, in contact, via the Internet, at a distance: 10 best methods and tips, psychology, rules, examples. How to understand that a guy, a man is in love with correspondence: signs

How to virtually fall in love with a guy, a man by correspondence, in contact, via the Internet, at a distance: 10 best methods and tips, psychology, rules, examples. How to understand that a guy, a man is in love with correspondence: signs

In the modern world, correspondence has largely replaced real communication. In this article, we will consider how to fall in love with a guy by correspondence.

Earlier, when acquaintances made most often in real life, the question of conquering men in correspondence was not so acute. However, now, when we spend a rather large part of our time on the Internet, this issue has become more relevant.

The issues of building relationships have always aroused interest among psychologists and other specialists who are related to the communicative sphere. Actually, largely due to the development and research of these people, today we can be guided by certain recommendations and tips.

Do men fall in love with correspondence: Psychology

Despite the fact that it is generally accepted that men are less amorous than women, it is important to note the fact that they can still fall in love with correspondence.

  • It must be said right away that not every person can fall in love with someone, communicating with him by correspondence. And this applies not only to men, but also to women. All because all people have a different attitude to such acquaintances.
  • Nevertheless, men, like women, can fall in love with someone, just talking to him in correspondence. It happens so for the reason that men, in simple words, are also people and it is common for them to idealize the subject of their interest.

It’s a completely different matter why this happens, because not every free man will get acquainted with a person on social networks and start communication with further plans. There are a number of reasons why men prefer virtual acquaintances and relationships.

It is the categories of men who are faced with such reasons that most often fall in love with correspondence:

  • Of course, young people spend more older generation on various social networks and the Internet, however, virtual relations most often make mature people who already have a certain experience of relations behind their backs. As you know, this experience was most likely not entirely successful. Sometimes men who lived half a life with their woman, after separation from her, simply cannot start a relationship in real life. The reason for this may be the fear of new relationships, indecision, etc. Here the Internet comes to the rescue with its boundless possibilities.
  • Lack of self-esteem. Here is another fairly distinguished feature of many men who make relations by correspondence. In real life, representatives of the strong half of humanity are not as bold and confident in themselves as on the Internet. After all, in fact, corresponding with a person, you can somewhat embellish yourself and your appearance.
Love by correspondence
Love by correspondence
  • Fear of relations in principle. This is characteristic of mature men who have never been in a relationship. There are categories of men who, for some reason, avoid relationships with women for a long time. Here, as reasons, there may be a desire to build a career, influential parents who do not see a satellite suitable for him surrounded by a guy.
  • But, the above does not exclude the options when love occurs in normal, so to speak, reasons
  • Quite often, men themselves are looking for women on social networks for dating. Often you can find the opposite picture when women themselves are looking for men.
  • Explain it is quite simple. Nowadays, the Internet occupies a significant part of our life and time, so it is much easier for many to look for a companion/satellite there.

Men fall in love during correspondence with women quite often, this is the advantages of virtual communication:

  • A man has the opportunity to imagine himself as he would like to see himself. You must admit that with live communication it is difficult to make the girl see in a man what is not in him. In particular, if we are talking about appearance. In correspondence, all this is possible, and quite easy.
  • A man has the opportunity to idealize a woman in accordance with his dreams and expectations. From photographs, it is not always possible to see and adequately evaluate a person, his appearance, because you see, we always show only the best and successful our photos.
  • During the correspondence, human emotions are not visible. For many, putting their emotions on the show is something beyond terribly and even shameful, so in such cases, correspondence wins significantly with live communication.
In virtual communication, a man can get more
In virtual communication, a man can get more
  • In this case, there is another side. In correspondence you can not restrain emotions. Here you can discard all your fears and complexes and be yourself.
  • Correspondence loves and relationships are convenient. It is unlikely that anyone will argue with this. You are sitting at home, in a comfortable environment and clothes and communicating with a person. No financial costs, no infringement of personal interests and space.

Therefore, all female representatives can breathe a sigh of relief and can definitely be sure that you can fall in love with a man by correspondence. However, how to do this? Let's talk about this further.

Where to start conquering, conquering a man, a guy in correspondence, so that he falls in love: rules

So, with that, whether it is possible to fall in love with a man by correspondence, we figured it out - you can. However, this process is not easy, you will need many efforts, effort and time, as well as fantasy and ingenuity.

Since the conquest of the guy by correspondence is a whole thing, you need to approach him deliberately and slowly:

  • Firstly, you need to immediately understand what to fall in love with a person just like that, for interest, quantity, etc. it is forbidden. If you decide on this step, be prepared to bear responsibility for your actions and words. If there are no difficulties with this, you can proceed to the process itself.
  • To fall in love with a man, first you need to interest him, and since he will not see you, as, for example, in a personal meeting, but your text, be prepared to write correctly and understandable.
  • Do not ignore this advice, because not all guys are ready to put up with the thought that their girl (in the future) does not know how to write competently. Agree, it is also much more pleasant for you to communicate with an educated person than with a man who cannot connect two words. So if you have any problems with this item, try to settle them, in the end, self-development has not stopped anyone yet.
  • Sometimes, communicating with correspondence, especially with a person unfamiliar in real life, it is difficult to understand what the interlocutor wanted to say, whether this is a joke, and maybe sarcasm. That's why feel free to make the necessary clarifications on the text, put the corresponding smilesHowever, know the measure. It is still not necessary to insert an explanation of a word from Wikipedia into a correspondence.
Fall in love with a correspondence guy
Fall in love with a correspondence guy
  • Until you are sure that you have aroused interest in a man, do not force him to wait too long. If you started correspondence with him, then always end it logical. Agree when you talk again, let the man understand that communication with him is important for you, and you are ready to devote his time to him.
  • Do not write what you are not sure of. Messages, this is not a telephone conversation, they can be re -read and suddenly find a completely unnecessary meaning, simply not understanding what was written.
  • Never start your dialogs with complaints about life, day, employees, etc. Until you have become important for the guy, or at least sufficiently interesting to him, your problems, these are your problems and to draw him in them is simply stupid. This does not mean that you should “crumble” in front of him in verbal joy, but it is also not worth “whining” either.
  • Correspondence interested in the life of your lover. Write to him that you are interested in knowing how his day went, what is in his studies/work. Ask why he is sad and can you help him with something. These techniques always act flawlessly, but it is important to know that this can be afforded only if a man makes contact with you. If he answers dryly to your questions, and after that he is in a hurry to finish communication as soon as possible, under the pretext: “Tired, I’ll go to sleep”, draw conclusions. Perhaps you spend time not on that guy, but maybe you, as a person, have not interested him. This also needs to be observed, so as not to regret the lost time.
  • During correspondence, for example, when he sends you large SMS with stories about his life, do not be afraid to respond correctly to them. That is, do not wait until he tells everything. No need to just read messages and wait for the last. Write that you are interested in that you cannot believe this, of course, choose the phrases appropriate in your dialogue.

IMPORTANT:Show the interlocutor that you are comfortable and good that communication in joy and even some of his problems are ready to listen and, if necessary, help him solve them.

  • If you see that a man is also interested in you, that is, you have a dialogue, not a monologue, he writes the first to you - you can start using expressions like: “I miss”, “Waiting for us to communicate again”, “ So I don't want to finish correspondence ”, etc. That is, at this stage you can openly show interest in the interlocutor as a man, however, do not be intrusive.

Remember, to start gaining the attention of a man and a man himself in principle, it is necessary with the manifestation of the total interest in him, his personality and life. This is the only way, he will pay attention to you. If you start with stories about yourself, not every guy will be interested.

How to virtually fall in love with a guy, a man by correspondence: 10 best ways and tips

I must say that women and girls often choose this way for themselves to start relationships - by correspondence. Perhaps because of the fear of acquaintances in real life, perhaps because of self-doubt, but, one way or another, the fact remains.

There are a huge number of different ways to conquer men by correspondence, however, all of them are based on the following recommendations and tips:

  1. At first, almost all attention should be paid to his person. Ask about his interests, preferences and tastes. However, if the guy asks counter questions, do not ignore them. And do not answer one -component sentences, brief form. The guy is interested in you - give him the necessary information, but do not open all the cards at once.
  2. Admire his hobbies and tastes, mark those that you have common, talk about this to the guy. Those hobbies that you do not do, but you would like to also note. Tell the guy that it would be great to ride bicycles together if, for example, both you and he are fond of it.

    Pay your attention to the guy
    Pay your attention to the guy
  3. Find interesting topics for conversations, do not limit yourself to banal questions, this is more than enough in real life. You can agree to watch the same film, reading the same book, and after discussing them is one of the few options for diversifying communication. You can also play various games.
  4. Despite the fact that correspondence, this is not real communication and here almost all allow yourself to be liberated and courageous, try not to cross the boundaries of the permitted, especially if the guy did not give you any prerequisites for such communication. In fact, few people are interested in vulgarity and vulgarity, and if they are interested, it is not at all long, because what is available is not interesting.
  5. Do not be overly intrusive. Guys do not like total control. Write to him, but know the measure. Remember, nothing prevents him from writing to you and, if desired, he will do so.
  6. Do not forget, he owes nothing to you and does not owe anything. Therefore, if he did not appear on the network, he did not answer your messages, this is not a reason to arrange him interrogation with addictions.
  7. If you have a very developed sense of jealousy, try to restrain such emotions in correspondence, and if this is not possible, then at least control the flow of thoughts and words at such moments. It’s not bad if the guy understands that you are jealous of him, it will flatter him, but again, these are only your problems until the guy lets you know that he considers himself your man.
  8. Do not try on the role of mom. No need to ask a day to ask an adult man, whether he ate, whether his legs were getting wet, etc. Caring is good, but it’s good that in moderation.

    Do not try to control the man too much
    Do not try to control the man too much
  9. Do not turn into a dead end. Everything that does not develop, sooner or later dies. Of course, if you are satisfied with the relationship by correspondence and you do not need more, you can leave everything as it is. But if the purpose of communication is different - to translate relationships from virtual into real ones, then you should not delay. After you understand that a man, even if you are not in love with you, but already interested, hint him that it would be nice to hear his voice, see him in life, which would bring you a lot of pleasure. But you should not impose yourself.
  10. Well, and finally, do not forget that you should develop as a person. No need to dissolve in correspondence and forget about real life. Engage in yourself, improve, find out something new every day. After all, this is the only way you can be an interesting conversationalist.

How to fall in love with a former, acquaintance, unfamiliar guy, a man whom you love, by correspondence, messages in contact: Features  

In principle, the process of conquering a man in all cases is the same, however, some features can be distinguished, taking into account whether you are familiar with this guy or not.

It may seem to someone that falling in love with a familiar man is much easier than an unfamiliar, however, this opinion is erroneous. Why? Because a familiar man has probably already developed a certain impression about you, but the stranger does not know you, and accordingly you can make any impression on him, just a little try.

Let's start, we, perhaps, with the peculiarities of winning a man who is still unfamiliar to you:

  • Here, as already mentioned earlier, you win a little, because you have the opportunity to give the guy the information that you consider necessary, and some points to hide. At the same time, you should not lie or to embellish the situation too much, because sooner or later, this will most likely become known.
  • So, you begin to get to know a man again with the fact that you are interested in him and his life. In no case do not tell the guy that the reason for your acquaintance and correspondence is your desire to find a husband, father to a child and in general you still want children. This scares and repels, you must agree, you would also hardly be interested in a man who would immediately tell you that he lives in a rented apartment, divorced from his wife, but he likes you and approach the role of a housewife.
  • Gradually open the cards to your chosen one, tell him stories from your life, share something secret, but only if you see that your interest is mutual.
  • Constantly “warm up” interest in your person: add new photos to profile, stories, etc.
  • Show the guy that he is not indifferent to you, that communication with him is important for you, share your emotions from your communication.
  • All the time, find topics for conversations so that correspondence does not come down to banal issues, like how the day is, how are you, etc.
  • Be a mystery, with your preferences and tastes. You do not always need to agree with a man, let yourself where it is appropriate, disagree, so that the chosen one understands that you are an integral person who can express his opinion.
  • Gradually translate communication into a more romantic course, add more tenderness, passion to correspondence, so that the man understands that you are treating him, not as a friend, but as a guy.
Interest a guy by correspondence
Interest a guy by correspondence

As for the former guy, everything is somewhat different here, because for some reason your relationship has not developed before. First, try to understand why you could not build a relationship. There may be a lot of reasons:

  • Lack of proper attention on his part
  • Constant discontent and reproaches on your part
  • Incompatibility of characters
  • Different views on life and different priorities
  • The appearance of an opponent
  • Lack of feelings in his side

Identification of the cause is important in order to then, starting from this, correct the situation:

  • You need to start falling in love with a former guy gradually, while asking him why you did not have a relationship and what the reason served as this was necessary. You must come to the conclusions regarding the reason, analyzing the relationship and behavior of each of you in them.
  • Next, decide whether you need this person or is it just a lack of male attention and a sense of property.
  • If you finally decide that you need to start this. Firstly, you need to resume communication with the former. To do this, you need to find points of contact with it. Much depends on how you parted, because if it was too rude, with screams and scandals, then finding a common language will not be easy.
  • So, starting communication, watch the guy's reaction. Does he ask you oncoming questions, whether you and your life are interested in how he answers your messages. If there is at least the slightest contact, you can continue.
  • Try to behave as the former would like, but do not lose yourself during such communication. You must remain personality and individuality.
  • Show interest in the guy, praise him for achievements, say that you are proud of them.
  • Try to fix all the mistakes that you made in previous relationships with him.
  • Do not reproach, do not get angry, do not write to him too emotional SMS, by which you will see that you are nervous and psycho. He owes you anything, so do not demand something from him and expect something.
  • Start doing yourself. Guys love when girls pay attention to themselves. Tell the former that we finally signed up in the hall, the pool, dancing, carried out what they had dreamed about so long ago.
  • Change the image, share your impressions with the guy, throw off his photos, be interested in what he thinks about it.
  • Gradually establish a connection if you see that the guy shows interest in you, do not pull for a long time with correspondence. Since you had a relationship earlier, long virtual communication you do not need to, go to personal meetings, however, do not allow the errors of the previous ones in these relationships.
Love by correspondence
Love by correspondence

A familiar guy and a man you love:

  • In this case, special recommendations cannot be distinguished. You can use all techniques, tips and rules that we talked about earlier
  • However, if we are talking about the conquest of a man to whom you experience love, it is important to know that you need to do this extremely carefully
  • After all, being under emotions and impressions, women often completely dissolve in the subject of their adoration and lose themselves as a person. Of course, the woman herself is unlikely to understand and see it, but attempts to fall in love with her chosen one in this case will look ridiculous and funny
  • First of all, remember that you are a woman and personality. No need to immediately show the man that you love him
  • To begin with, just show interest in his person, learn about him, about his life and try to look soberly at the current situation
  • If nothing has changed, act already familiar to you. Show interest in him, praise, be frank, honest with him, learn to support any conversation and in no case rush the events

How to understand that a guy, a man is in love with correspondence: signs, behavior

To understand that a man is interested in you and he had certain feelings for you is quite simple. In principle, this can be seen even with the naked eye.

  • The guy not only answers your messages, but also writes you the first
  • He does not answer your questions briefly, but unfolded, describes situations, shares secrets
  • A man is interested in your mood, well -being, problems
  • In correspondence uses smiles, stickers
  • Share your favorite music, films
  • He wishes you good morning and good night
  • Always reacts to the fact that you disappeared from sight for a couple of days. He says that he was worried, nervous, that he missed communication and you
  • Always develops a conversation, does not silent and does not ignore SMS
  • A man remembers what you were talking about earlier
  • Offers to talk on Skype, phone, offers a personal meeting
  • Makes you compliments
  • Asks your advice, is interested in your opinion
  • Complems the correspondence with the wishes of good and good, uses various emoticons, diminutive words

Correspondence of people in love: examples

Correspondence of people in love is a stream of tenderness, care and interest in each other.

  • The correspondence of people who are in love with each other never consists only of banal questions, like: “How are you? What's new? What are you doing?".
  • Of course, people are interested in how their partner spent the day, how he was sleeping and whether he feels good, but this is only one of several points of correspondence.
  • Lovers are always guided by their emotions and feelings, which at this stage of relations simply overwhelm them. Therefore, words will always be used in correspondence, like a bunny, a cat, the sun, dear, beloved, dear, etc. Of course, the form of these words may differ, here the whole thing is in the imagination and relaxed partners.
Correspondence of lovers
Correspondence of lovers
  • Speaking of relaxedness. If we are talking about the correspondence of two adults, then intimacy elements will always be present in it. This is quite normal and logical, since the sexual side of the relationship is their important component.
  • Also, lovers always show off each other with compliments and flattery.
  • Of course, correspondence are long, even if everything has already been discussed and agreed. It happens so for the reason that there is little communication with each other in love all the time, and they do not want to lose contact for a minute.
  • In this case, the relationship must be continued and translated into a new stage - personal meetings, since prolonged delay can reduce the interest of two people in each other.

Love is a wonderful feeling that gives strength and inspires everyone whom it visited. As you can see, it is not so difficult to fall in love with a guy, however, for this you need to have really strong desire, patience and time.

Video: How to fall in love with a guy by correspondence?

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