Dating sites: Time spent in vain or a real way to find a partner? How to fill out a questionnaire on a dating site in order to interest a man? How to find your fate on the Internet? The main mistakes of communication on the network. How to avoid disappointments on dating sites?

Dating sites: Time spent in vain or a real way to find a partner? How to fill out a questionnaire on a dating site in order to interest a man? How to find your fate on the Internet? The main mistakes of communication on the network. How to avoid disappointments on dating sites?

How to find a couple on a dating site?

With the advent of a huge number of dating sites, there were a lot of opportunities to find a partner, and a pair that can satisfy and will meet your interests, as well as the requirements. In this article we will tell you how to find your soulmate on a dating site.

Dating sites: Time spent in vain or a real way to find a partner?

Is it really possible to do this? There are several categories of people who live on dating sites.

User categories:

  • Newcomers, Which, first after registration, simply soar, in the hope that in a short period of time they will find their soul mate. After a while, such people are disappointed, get tired of communicating on the site for a long time, and simply delete their questionnaire.
  • The second category is eternal and seekers, that is, people who are in eternal search do not understand who and what. Because they themselves have not yet decided. They just like to waste their time on the site. Perhaps they have a boring job, there is a lot of free time that needs to be spent.
  • People who really look for their soul mate. It is they who should be interesting to you. But how to recognize them?
The questionnaire of the girl
The questionnaire of the girl

Not all men immediately say what they want. They can hide their real, true needs, and just fool your head. The saddest thing is that about 55% of men who are on the dating site are looking for one -time sex. About 15% are married men who are looking for a permanent mistress. Another 15% are inadequate people who are not clear what they are looking for, are quite strange. Perhaps these are maniacs or not determined people at all.

Only 5% are really men who are looking for a serious relationship. Now take away from these 5% of men those that you do not like externally, the age is not suitable or they are unpleasant in communication. As a result, a very modest number of men that you can really meet is obtained, drink coffee, and possibly tie a serious relationship.

Themot site
Themot site

Who to immediately add to Ignor?

What messages and profiles should not be answered?

Categories for "Ignora":

  1. If in the first message a bunch of compliments is written to you, they tell you how beautiful, magical and immediately offer to send photos 18 plus or chat in Skype. Immediately score out such profiles, because most often ordinary people are hiding behind them, looking for real or virtual sex, most likely a virtual.
  2. People who immediately ask for a phone number and want to meet. Perhaps this is the right approach, but most often behind this approach is just a desire to find random sex, even if your questionnaire indicates that you are looking for a serious relationship.
  3. People who offer some services are most likely a sexual nature. These should immediately be sent to Ignor.
  4. Men who cause pity, and at the end they ask them to help their sick grandmother with money. These are scammers, you can immediately send them to Ignor.
  5. The last category is people who communicate for several days, perhaps a week, and then shyly ask for the phone. It is to this category of people that it is worth paying attention. Perhaps among them is your second half. These people are looking for serious relationships. They are not ready to run headlong on the first date, they do not want to communicate in Skype, not learning a person, a little more about his psyche, about some character traits. These are not the people who are looking for sex. Because it makes no sense to spend a lot of time to sleep.

In no case do we discourage register on dating sites, communicate. But we advise you to spend more personal time on real relationships. Sign up in the gym, expand your horizons, go to the picture gallery or meet your friends somewhere in a cafe, bowling or on rinks. It is in such places that it is much easier to find interesting acquaintances, and perhaps the second half. Give more time and attention to your self -development. Do not get hung up on endless messages on dating sites. This will help you become an interesting personality, and eventually attract the attention of a worthy man.

Tabor ru
Tabor ru

How to fill out a questionnaire on a dating site in order to interest a man?

How to create a page on dating sites to find the second half? The very first is the choice of photography. But many girls are now very carried away by Photoshop, as well as a variety of editors.


  • We advise them not to use, but simply to set your photo without an additional retouching. The fact is that a man can simply be disappointed when you see you in real life. Therefore, be sure to set a photo that you took not so long ago. It is not necessary to set a selfie, you can simply install a photo in which you are engaged in your favorite, sports, skiing or walking with your son in the park on bicycle
  • Be sure to indicate for what purposes you are looking for a man. Feel free to write "for a serious relationship and creating a family."
  • Be sure to describe in detail your future partner. That is, indicate all the qualities, and do not be shy. This can be like a religion, financial part, that is, a wish, how much a man should earn, as well as his hobbies in their free time or hobbies.
  • Try to describe yourself in detail. Tell us what you are doing in your free time, some character traits that you like to spend the weekend, whether you are playing sports. It is not necessary to indicate earnings in numbers, but you still need to write who you are working. This will allow you to look for a person who is equal to you by social status, as well as interests.
International dating site
International dating site

How to find your fate on the Internet?

On which sites is it worth it or not to register? Here the concepts are very blurry. Now there are a lot of platforms, both paid and free. A lot of sites where they are looking for just interesting sexual acquaintances, as well as sex for one night. Accordingly, if you are looking for a husband, then it makes no sense to register on such a site. Because here most people seeking random sex. It is best to look for a couple on paid sites. Of course, these are additional costs, because most often such sites offer special profiles, as well as the ability to weed out a person who does not suit you.

Many of the paid sites offer to initially fill out the questionnaire and undergo testing. Based on this testing, you will be offered and displayed men who are really suitable for interests. Such computer solutions and development require costs, as well as additional time from the creators and managers of the project. Therefore, most often platforms are paid. Another dating option is young sites. That is, those that are founded recently. Many are sure that there are a lot of abandoned profiles on dating sites that have been created for a long time, there are no real users.

ABC of fidelity
ABC of fidelity

There are special sites that are foreign or those that specialize in acquaintances with foreigners. They are designed for the category of women who want to get married and go abroad. For many, such options seem somewhat strange, in most cases they are paid. Because translator services are needed. Very often, such dating sites offer the organization of the meeting, for which some money can also be charged.

As practice shows, really a lot of women and men found their second half on such sites. Such platforms are quite serious, despite the fact that paid, allow you to choose the ideal option that suits you both according to external data and in earnings.

Search for a rich groom
Search for a rich groom

How to avoid disappointments on dating sites?

Unfortunately, reality is this, most women think that men are looking for one -time, random sex. It is not sad, in fact it is. Only some say it directly, and the latter hide, and try to give out their intentions as serious. Because not a very large number of girls agree only to sex. In turn, men sacredly believe that girls are looking for only a wallet. They want to find a sponsor. In fact, this is also not entirely true. There is a category of women who are looking for absolutely adequate, ordinary people, with an average salary, without a cool car and cubes of the press.

If your appearance is really very important for you, imagine your second half, like Alain Delona, \u200b\u200bor some famous athlete, then there is no need to write a restriction on age, weight, height, as well as external data in the questionnaire. Just indicate that you are playing sports, you have a good figure, and you want to find a man who will match you. Thus, men who like to drink beer and lie on the couch will not bother you.

We avoid disappointments
We avoid disappointments

The main mistakes of communication on the network

What photos and profiles should not pay attention to?

How to recognize a fraud:

  • It is worth bypassing the photographs in which the man is in the company of friends with a bottle of beer or barbecue.
  • Avoid photos where a man on the beach is in swimming trunks, with shrimp and a glass of beer. Or is simply stripped.
  • Do not answer the photo, as well as avoid men who are depicted against the background of someone's cool car.
  • Before answering messages from a man, look at his questionnaire and pay attention to what is written in it. Men can brate, and instead of writing that they are looking for one -time sex, they say, in search of a serious relationship. But the details are usually issued. Do not answer messages with a large number of spelling errors.
  • Very often, on free dating sites, adolescents are recorded in order to just get fun, laugh and spend their time. Accordingly, a large number of grammatical errors indicate that it is a teenager or a person, with a low educational level. If you do not need this, you want a more or less wealthy man, or with an average salary, do not respond to such messages.
  • Immediately send away those who require your photos in a stripping form, in a swimsuit or photo, categories 18 +. These are not seekers of a serious relationship, they are not interested in your soul, hobbies and desires. The only thing that interests them is your commodity appearance. Let it seem rude, but they choose a girl for sex, like a mare in the market.
Love on the Internet
Love on the Internet

What photos in the questionnaire should you pay attention to?

A man sits in an office in a business suit, or just playing sports, on vacation, plays tennis, football, and is running. Or simply captured with his children. Such photos are the most sincere and decent.

As you can see, despite a huge number of dating sites, as well as registered profiles, it is quite difficult to find a second half. This is now due to the availability of sex, as well as a huge number of scammers and people who have nowhere to spend their time. We recommend that you register on paid platforms in which there are special filters that cut off people uninteresting to you. They will choose those who suit you as much as possible as earnings, appearance, age, hobbies and hobbies.

Love in the Seyt dating
Love in the Seyt dating

How to recognize a fraudster on a dating site?

Signs of a scammer:

  • They fall asleep with compliments, and want to give you some gift, but they say that it is necessary to pay for delivery. A man sends a card number to which a certain amount of money must be sent.
  • The man tells you how he lives poorly, that there is a sick daughter, mother, grandmother, relatives, for the treatment of which money is needed.
  • Men who are going to meet with you on the first day, in an expensive restaurant. Most often, these are ordinary “bred for money”, which, after a hearty dinner, come out and do not return to the cafe. As a result, the girl is forced to pay for everything on her own.
  • Men who invite on the first day in a cafe, while telling you about expensive gifts, offer to bring back home in their car. In no case do not sit in a car of an unfamiliar man. Quite often, in such restaurants, men pour sleeping pills or cloofeline into the drink. This is necessary so that the girl in the car is disconnected, and she could be robbed. There are a lot of cases when, after such evenings, girls are found on the sidelines without phones, jewelry, as well as money.
Search for a man
Search for a man

Alternative to dating sites: Speed \u200b\u200bDating or a date quickly

Many of the girls are interested in the question, what alternatives to dating sites exist? There are several options that will allow you to get acquainted with your soulmate in a short time. For these purposes, very interesting and unusual parties have recently be organized, during which several pairs, men and women who are suitable for each other are invited. At the same time, the organization of such meetings is paid, it is necessary to book participation in advance and pay for a certain amount of money. For this money, the organizers rent a room, prepare a treat.

The meeting is as follows:

  • Several tables are set, the number of which corresponds to the number of steam. A man sits at the table, opposite him a woman. After a certain period of time, another woman sits down, and thus several men and several women get acquainted with each other.
  • At the same time, the same amount of time is allocated for communication. As a result of such communication, at the end of the evening, the man writes which of the girls he liked the most. Girls, in turn, write which of the men interested them.
  • If some sympathy coincided, we can say that the couple has developed and such people continue to communicate further. The organizers are required to give partners to each other's contacts, for further acquaintance. Basically, such meetings are just organizing a marriage agency and various organizations for the selection of steam.

In real life, you can get acquainted at work, in the gym, even in the bar, no matter how strange it sounds. Many believe that acquaintance in the bar usually ends with sex for one night. But it all depends on how you put yourself and what you want. No one forces you to go with a man on the first night to his house. You can refuse such a acquaintance, exchange numbers. If you are interested in a man, he will call you again.

Speed \u200b\u200bDating

Despite the fact that dating sites founded in order to look for a person by interests, there are a lot of scammers. Therefore, beware of them, and be very careful. If you don’t like something in communication, it seems suspicious and strange, postpone your acquaintance, and continue communication.

Video: For and against dating sites

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