As a girl to meet an unfamiliar guy on the Internet, VK, school, gym, elevator, on the street, beach, by correspondence that I liked: the best ways and advice. How to meet a guy if you are shy? What to say or write to a girl to a guy to meet?

As a girl to meet an unfamiliar guy on the Internet, VK, school, gym, elevator, on the street, beach, by correspondence that I liked: the best ways and advice. How to meet a guy if you are shy? What to say or write to a girl to a guy to meet?

In this article, we will figure out how best to get to know the guy and what words, the manner of behavior to choose in order to leave a lasting impression about himself.

The first steps should take guys - this is an undeniable law of life. But if he does not know that he “wants” to get to know you, then you need to help in this. The girl should draw attention to herself, but the guy needs to leave further initiative. This article provides information on how to make an acquaintance with a young man in various places.

What to do to a girl who wants to meet an unfamiliar guy at school, on the street, beach: the best methods and tips of a psychologist

All acquaintances, regardless of the place and time of the day, are reduced to one thing - to pay attention. Most often, you need to be at the feet of a man. In the literal sense of the word. Start and drop your things, and throw a flirty look at him. This is a slightly banal way, it can even be called classic.

School is the most popular and just a place to get acquainted.

  • The task is simplified because you have the opportunity to be together and this opportunity falls out every day. Here with this and start - get a guy more often in your eyes.
  • Study his interests, because everyone has to have common acquaintances at school! Prepare even the base of the first phrases for conversation. Or maybe you have general hobbies with some kind of sport or object.
  • Start first communication by chance. If you stand in the same line in the dining room, then ask about today's menu. You can ask him a leaf or pen on a break, if such an opportunity falls out.
  • Faced by accident, while dropping a stack of books or notebooks. And you can accidentally pour a little coffee on it. An apologies the next day will be as a continuation of communication. Do not forget to greet the guy after that, smiling sweetly at him.
You can get acquainted at school
You can get acquainted at school
  • Ask for help or advice. If the guy is older, then you can ask about the future teacher or lesson. Or maybe he will tell you how they passed the exams.
  • Matins, KVN and other events are just a storehouse for acquaintance and communication. Perhaps your school is held in a mass quest or game. No, then become her initiator.
  • Then, touch the set of socialists. Only not very intrusive. Become friends on the Internet. After all, without prying eyes in noisy corridors, communicate calmer. And only then periodically remind yourself if he has not yet taken the initiative into his own hands.

How do you meet a guy on the street?

To get acquainted with a guy on the street is both simple and problematic. The fact is that you can only guess about marital status. And immediately asking about this is simply uncomfortable.

  • Well, remember romantic films. There are just a lot of similar scenes. Faced, drop the paper, pour coffee - all this is a classic of the genre, which will help attract attention.
  • Ask the road, time or ask to convey heavy bags. Or maybe you turned your leg and collapsed immediately to the future lover in a hug. The main thing is to bring a twist into your image. Perhaps this is the aroma of spirits or a chiffon scarf.
  • If there is a pet, then let him “break” from the leash. Or maybe the guy has a very pretty dog. Or the rain began sharply, but you did not have an umbrella at hand.
Acquaintance on the street
Acquaintance on the street
  • It is very important to be polite and smile sweetly. Also try to bring humor in any situation. Add a phrase about recent news, reprimand your life position or remember a quote from your favorite book (film).
  • If the guy makes contact, then ask the general information about him. Perhaps you are both fans of Bulgakov or love one style of music. Or maybe he was also at the concert that you visited a week ago.

Important: do not evaluate a person by appearance. Do not draw any conclusions for him. Be natural! A played smile or laughter will only spoil the situation. Do not talk a lot about yourself. Better, use intriguing phrases. And always leave the last word for a man.

  • And yet, make the guy a compliment. For the eyes, smile, hair or T -shirt - it doesn’t matter. Guys are as well for flattery as girls. And embellish the importance of his act or help for you. Guys love when they admire them. The beach is a great dating option.

To get acquainted with the guy on the beach, you need to put your body in order. No one says that all guys need a girl only model appearance. As statistics show, men pay more attention to girls with forms and a small tummy. But do not forget that everyone has different tastes. A beautiful and slender figure needs a girl, that is, you. Then there will be courage and confidence in their spells.

  • You need to act yourself, without the help of friends. Yes, the internal courage is so lost, but the possibilities of dating are increasing.
  • Ask him to look after your things when you go to buy yourself water or ice cream. You can offer him something to take. This will already depend on your courage. Or you saw that he wants to buy something. Do not be afraid to ask, it is important for guys to feel necessary.
  • Perhaps you cannot open the soda, lay out a deck chair or insert an umbrella. Or maybe he flew in a “random” way. Any preposition of help will become the opportunity to get acquainted.
Acquaintance on the street
Acquaintance on the street
  • The main thing is not to break the conversation with a simple “thank you”. Ask questions even about the weather. If he makes contact, then gradually get closer to his interests and hobbies.
  • As an option, ask him to photograph you. And if you are used to going ahead, then offer to take a joint picture. Or help apply sunscreen on your back. Contact of the skin, as in the melodrama, will create a certain “Dzyn”.
  • Volleyball is a great opportunity to meet. By the way, you can act as a fan.

Important: and a little trick-drop something nearby and ask for help to find. Even if there is nothing. Or maybe your wind took a hat, and a brave guy took it out of the water. Based on the situation, but always include imagination, ingenuity and female charm.

What to do to a girl who wants to meet an unfamiliar guy in the gym, elevator?

That the elevator, that the gym is a little specific places for dating. But sometimes, the strongest relationship arises in such places. True, this happens by chance. But you can come up with your scheme for acquaintance with a guy.

In the gym

This option of acquaintance has one dignity - people have at least one common interest. So, there will be something to talk about on the first date. It is also worth noting that in this place everyone will look as natural as possible.

  • First, start to engage seriously. If you are around 2-3 classes, then the guy simply does not consider it necessary to pay attention to you like girls that they just want to meet, every month comes a lot. Therefore, begin to engage in yourself and your figure - you will put yourself in order and confidence will lift it.
  • To meet a guy, use a banal scheme - ask for help. Help with some simulator or with the scheme of the exercise. Or maybe you do not have enough strength to wear, remove or move something. In general, start already from the situation.
  • Men are tackle for compliments - evaluate his efforts. By chance, you can still ask any advice or talk about life on various topics. But no more than 5-10 minutes. And go further - leave further actions to the man. After all, he is a hunter!
Acquaintance in the hall
Acquaintance in the hall
  • If he did not call you immediately on a date, continue to say hello and smile sweetly. Do not forget to periodically, but not often, ask for help.
  • You can "accidentally" eavesdrop on his conversation with a friend. And, apologizing, ask about a particular tool, the drug, or maybe about a certain exercise. After all, you so much wanted to try, but there was no one to ask for advice.
  • And if you are not only a sports and strong girl, but also brave, then come simple with a proposal to drink a cup of tea, coffee or juice. After all, life is one that else to wait or guess.

Elevator, like a place for dating

On the one hand, this is a romantic place for the first meeting, which will become the emergence of new love. But there is the reverse side of the coin - only a beautiful and modern metal box fits into the picture, and even better, with glass walls. If we are talking about the elevator of a multi -storey building, in which the repair was made a few centuries ago, then this is not the most fabulous option.

  • So, we recall the romantic melodramas. The easiest way is to pretend that you feel bad. Fall in faint or just simulate suffocation. You can lean against the wall, creating the illusion of dizziness. And gracefully move along the wall to the floor. There is nothing touching than a girl who needs a man’s help.
  • You can even make the drama and reality of the film even more - say the elevator. True, in this situation you need to know right up to a second exactly when it will be in the elevator and one thing is in it! Do not forget to give the lifter a present if he is not your good friend. After your call, which needs to be done unnoticed, the elevator will stop for a while.
    • And now you can play the picture - "I am afraid of a closed space." This is a banal scene from melodramas, but it really acts.
    • The second branch of the development of events is just a acquaintance in the elevator. After all, you will need to stand an hour or even two. Just prepare in advance the sketches of topics for conversations so as not to stand in complete silence from excitement. Or at least a little find out about his interests.
  • You can go easier. Click the Stop button. Just do it imperceptibly. But then you will need to come up with an excuse, as you did not remember this before. So that the man does not realize “play” with the button, switch your attention to your fear of closed space.
Acquaintance in the elevator
Acquaintance in the elevator
  • You can go a little simple, but not played by the method - lend the phone. Yours sat down, and here is an urgent call. At the end, get a dialogue that you are from one house and it is interesting to know, by the way, from which apartment is a “neighbor”. And what is the name in a similar style. But do not impose on a young man, ask questions by chance and, if the guy makes contact.
  • Another slightly extreme method from films is spilled coffee. Prepare it in advance so as not to burn the poor fellow. Apologize for a long time, start wiping the spot with napkins, and offer help with the washing.

How can a girl get acquainted with an unfamiliar guy by the first correspondence on the Internet, VK?

Now the Internet is the main pastime of most youth. If earlier the kids could not be driven into the house, now - they are kicked to the street. The guys spend more time on computer games, but do not forget to use social networks. Therefore, in order to get acquainted with the guy via the Internet, arrange some notes.

  • The first thing you need is to put things in order on your page. Clean photos, correct information about yourself. And show that you are an interesting personality and you have a hobby. It is not worthwhile to exhibit half -naked photos or shots from parties. The guys rush to this, but then expect a response.
  • Study his page! In this situation, you can take a note for yourself, what he is fond of. So, you can also show your page properly. You will know what to focus on. But do not pass yourself to another person, because then it will still be revealed. But it is worth highlighting for yourself:
    • general interests or views on life. Perhaps you are both fond of mountaineering or you have the same views on the musical style. Or maybe you are one of those rare frames that prefer real books than modern electronic options or even films. This information or part can be seen even from the main photo.
    • common are familiar. With their help, you accidentally stumbled upon him, you liked the avatar or the inscription on the page of a friend. Common friends are already creating the first topic for communication, if they really are and you know these people in life.
    • often the place of study brings strangers together. Each educational institution has a slightly its own atmosphere, the same applies to the place of work. By the way, in this case there may be common acquaintances that you can talk about. But do not discuss behind your back!
    • also, common interests can complement groups and communities. Therefore, such insignificant information will be another reason for conversation.
Acquaintance on the social network
Acquaintance on the social network
  • To get acquainted with the guy on the Internet, write the first to him with this proposal. Yes, directly. Or disarm it, telling the phrase what an interesting person he is. Judging by the information on the page. And you so need to communicate with new people. After all, both do not lose anything if you start communication.
  • If you want to surprise the guy, come a little from the unusual side. Ask advice about watching the film. Although there is nothing wonderful in this, he will be surprised from an unfamiliar girl by reading such a message.
  • Or start a discussion about information on his page. Let it be a book, a film or some kind of quote. Express your opinion, but do not crush too much. After all, everyone has the right to have their own opinion.
  • After the first communication, continue to correspond, but do not impose! The guy should also show interest in you. Ask leading questions about his hobby and hobbies, because the information on the page in VK can be already outdated.
  • Ask the advice and support the conversation with interesting stories. But there must be a dialogue! Show care if he is sick or he has problems in studying. And most importantly - be natural! If this is "your" person, then communication with him will be easy and simple.

Important: And yet, write correctly and check the correctness of writing words. Do not scold the guy if he answered in a timely manner. Do not throw the guy with hundreds of messages - the guys are afraid of obsessive girls.

How can a girl meet the guy who liked it?

There is no clear instruction that should be observed. All guys are different, like girls. One situation of acquaintance may seem sweet, while others will cause surprise. Trust your intuition and remember that without risk you will not know for sure anything. Perhaps the guy himself has long been laid on you.

  • The first rule of any girl is appearance. Emphasize your advantages, and disguise the disadvantages as much as possible. But do not shove cotton wool to the bra to enlarge the chest by several sizes. After all, further exposure will only cause disappointment.
  • Highlight yourself among other girls. Use perfume with unusual notes or an original decoration more often. This should be remembered by the guy, but the most vivid emotions of men are caused by a female smile.
  • Do not wear too frank and pretentious outfits. This scares off men, like excessive makeup.
  • Always stay yourself and be natural. If jokes are not your horse, then do not let the memorized phrase.
  • The most popular way to get acquainted is a request for help. But the guys know him well, so choose the original methods. Although in this situation it is also necessary to own acting skills so that the situation does not look ashamed.
  • Closing the eyes of the guy from the guy’s back will look very beautiful. After all, everyone tends to make mistakes, and he looked like a friend from the back.
Acquaintance with the guy
Acquaintance with the guy
  • Let the banal ones, but tell the man compliments. Everyone loves to listen to praise in their address.
  • Know, guys are also afraid of refusal, so they will approve the girl’s initiative. But do not impose on the young man with the phrases “here is my phone” and “be sure to call back”. Modesty has always been and will be in fashion!
  • Do not invent a hobby and a hobby only to like the guy. It is stupid and a little childish.
  • And I want to add - if you want to meet a guy, act with the first impulse. As practice shows, over time, a more analysis of the situation will begin and only fear and fear of refusal will appear.

Important: always be guided by the rule - to attract attention and wait for actions from a man. If he did not react, then appear in front of him again, remind you of yourself. But the initiative should be from a man. At least he should think so!

How can a girl get to know a guy in an original way?

Give him a bouquet of flowers with a proposal to sit in a cafe, and he will definitely remember you. True, with fear, he is unlikely to give his phone number. But seriously, in such situations you need to approach with humor.

  • Offer to tell me on your hand. After all, fate pushes him to meet a pretty girl.
  • If you have a courage enough, give him a balloon to raise the mood. And write your phone number on it. Better yet, tie the number to the "leg" of the ball. But handing the present, leave.

Important: acquaintance can be started in silence. Pay attention to the guy, and then leave. Noticing, for example, that the guy had a lace. Go and whisper in a passionate voice in the ear about "his problem." And go about your business. The point is not what you said, but how you presented this information.

  • As an option, you can invite him to correct the collar of the shirt. Having said only the phrase: “Is it possible to look after you?” But, without waiting for an answer, correct the tie or gate. By this you will show that you paid attention to the guy.
Choose a random situation for dating
Choose a random situation for dating
  • You can get to him on a bench in a park or at one table in a cafe. "Hello Sasha!". Then he will begin to explain in bewilderment that his name is different. Transfer the conversation that you are like a friend. Or stage the situation that you were played. They asked to give the book to such a person. They said that it would be in this place at this time.
    • By the way, do not forget to agree in advance with a friend so that she calls at the right time for the reliability of information. The same book, picture or disk with the game (!) Wide will be a great reason for tying a conversation.
    • Games love all the guys. Therefore, in this way, you will definitely pass it on to the conversation. But ask the guys acquaintances that it is better to take for these purposes. You can ask to help go through such and such a level. If the guy sees a soul mate in you, which is versed in computer games, then he will run after you.
  • Ask you to dial to find a phone in a secret pocket. And then kiss him on the cheek. To make a good mood all day. The guy will pay attention to this. Well, he will already have a phone number.
  • If he reads a newspaper or a magazine, then ask if there are announcements about the missing man. After all, you are looking for an ideal man with such an external data.

How to meet a guy if you are shy?

This line was adopted, and went to conquer the guys. They grind from a cute smile, red cheeks and shyly lowered cilia. Just do not replay! The only thing you need is to get the courage to come. And there act already according to the above schemes.

  • No need to even speak. You can, for example, encounter a guy and drop papers with drawings or photos. Let him make you a compliment and take the initiative into his own hands.
  • You can't even go to this. Then throw him a note in the pocket of a jacket or jacket. Or ask a passerby to transmit such a letter. After all, we usually timid to those who are pretty. And in that business card indicate the name and phone number.

What to say or write to a girl to a guy to meet: the best words and phrases to start dating

The first phrases often become the key to future communication. As you give yourself right away, such an opinion will be attached. Some possible phrases were mentioned above to start dating.

  • Ask for advice or help, but consider the possibilities of this situation. Make it clear that you have common interests. For example: “I heard you are fond of such and such a group, and you know where there are tickets for the concert. Could you help to get them».
  • Or go into a more active attack: “You and I accidentally met in such a cafe, a movie or a club?”
  • Or maybe the guy will be able to get the phone number of an old common friend. By the way, you can ask where they met for tying a conversation.
Words for correspondence with a guy
Words for correspondence with a guy
  • Men love specifics and they do not know how to read thoughts, so express your thoughts clearly: "" Do not want to go to drink a cup of coffee?". Such a phrase acts well when you “accidentally” overturned his glass and want to make amends.
  • Also remember, men need to give a choice! Therefore, give instructions with the possibility of its choice. For example: " What time will it be convenient for you to call?"And offer options. More precisely, give the guy the illusion of choice.
  • Or say the phrase with a velvet voice: “Could you please help me. I do not understand such a topic at all ".
  • If you have great courage and have a sense of humor, then offer the guy a “piece of positive”. " Such a great mood that I want to share with my joy with others. You do not mind?".
  • Or maybe you have an extra cinema ticket. "Do not want to go to the cinema session with an unfamiliar pretty girl?"

Important: but most importantly - do not build yourself as a one that can "stop the horse at a horse." The girl should need a male strong shoulder, in his help and council. And for them, similar phrases, like "Balm on the soul."

Video: How to meet a man?

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