How medical emergency care is carried out in emergency conditions: in gynecology, obstetrics, in cardiology, pediatrics, therapy, and dentistry

How medical emergency care is carried out in emergency conditions: in gynecology, obstetrics, in cardiology, pediatrics, therapy, and dentistry

This article describes the clinic of emergency states, as well as as a first time.

An urgent state means a sudden, and at the same time unexpected deterioration in the state of health, which requires immediate medical treatment and/or surgery. If treatment is not available, an urgent state can lead to a weakening of the body's functions, serious and prolonged damage to organs, limbs or other parts of the body or even death.

In emergency cases, it is not always possible to diagnose the condition before the patient's admission to treatment. This article describes what groups and types of emergency states exist, and how medical care is carried out in this case. Read further.

Emergency conditions for diseases: what is it, what groups, species exist?

Emergency conditions
Emergency conditions

It was described above what urgent states are. In other words, such conditions for diseases are any pathological conditions that require immediate medical intervention. By groups, they can be divided according to the following criteria:

  • Violent
  • Non -violent

The former arise in the case of an external factor, or environment. The second, as a result of the course of the pathological process. Speaking of species, you can highlight:

  • Poisoning
  • Injuries
  • Diseases of internal organs, etc.

There are other species. There are many of them and it is impossible to describe everything. Only a doctor will be able to correctly determine the type of emergency state.

Clinic of emergency states

Emergency conditions
Emergency conditions

There are a number of medical conditions that are considered urgent. They may require quick or expanded treatment (for example, surgery), which is available only in the hospital. Symptoms that are best evaluated in the ambulance department include an urgent clinic:

  • Chest pain
  • Labored breathing
  • Slistful speech
  • Serious burns
  • Brain concussion
  • Attacks
  • Wounds on the face
  • Vaginal bleeding

In any of these states, it is necessary to contact an ambulance as soon as possible, which will send an emergency brigade to the patient’s address.

Pretequent medical care for emergency emergency conditions of the patient: how is it carried out?

Pretequent medical care for emergency emergency conditions of the patient
Pretequent medical care for emergency emergency conditions of the patient

First of all, it must be understood that a person who suddenly became ill can have a number of serious chronic diseases. Without knowing which you, when providing first aid, can be badly harmful. For this reason, there are a number of universal events that must be adhere to. Here's how pre -medical medical care is carried out with emergency emergency conditions of the patient:

Call an ambulance:

  • If you have witnessed how just a healthy person suddenly lost consciousness, or underwent any other pathological condition, you need to contact an ambulance as soon as possible.
  • Indicate the exact address, and describe what you have seen.
  • Keep calm. No need to somehow radically change the position of the patient's body.
  • It is always necessary to allow the chance that when hitting the ground, he could damage something. In this case, all that you can do is put a solid object under his head so that the trachea is aligned, and there was an possibility of unhindered oxygen supply.

You can start SLR:

  • If a person does not breathe, but not an ambulance is not there, you need to start extreme measures, and start to conduct cardon and pulmonary resuscitation.
  • For the highest quality implementation of this event, you need to get good practical and theoretical skills.

Perhaps in your city there are SLR courses. Do not be lazy, and sign up. Perhaps someday you will decide the fate of a person.

How medical emergency care is carried out in emergency conditions in gynecology, obstetrics: Assistance algorithm

Providing medical emergency care in emergency conditions in gynecology, obstetrics
Providing medical emergency care in emergency conditions in gynecology, obstetrics

More often, acute gynecological problems do not require urgent help. If you experience problems with urination and the sexual system, a medical worker of emergency medical care will help with the analysis of urine, diagnosis and obtaining drugs necessary to restore normal condition. How is medical emergency care in emergency conditions in gynecology and obstetrics? Help algorithm:

  • When there is severe bleeding, pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, abnormal cramps and any other unusual symptoms, this is certainly the basis for calling emergency care.
  • You will take a blood and urine test, if necessary, a smear from a cervical canal and/or vagina. This is necessary to understand the picture of the development of the pathological process, and the provision of high -quality and quick assistance.

If the woman is pregnant, and she has pain in the lower abdomen, then it is necessary to call an ambulance. In this case, there may be a threat of miscarriage.

If the future woman in childbirth has a gestational age from 36 weeks and more, And suddenly contractions appeared - it is also an urgent state. This may indicate that a woman will give birth soon and she urgently needs a hospital. Call an ambulance. While the brigade is going, the woman should take a convenient position. If the water has gone away, then you need to deliver the future mother to the maternity ward as soon as possible.

Acute emergency states in pediatrics: medical first aid algorithm for children

Acute emergency states in pediatrics
Acute emergency states in pediatrics

Acute emergency states in pediatrics in children, as a rule, occur due to the following causes/diseases:

  • Baby respiratory tract (the child accidentally swallowed a button or coin)
  • Acute asthma
  • Bronchiolite
  • Pneumonia
  • Shock (the reason, for example, can be a burn)
  • Allergy

The algorithm for medical care for children:

  • It is important to calm the child with all its might.
  • Control its overall level of stress, and prevent panic among other family members.
  • Call the ambulance as soon as possible, and tell in detail what exactly happened. This will allow you to collect the right team, and equipment.

You do not need to do anything yourself, since you can only harm the baby. Only medical workers should perform all actions to provide assistance.

Emergency states in dentistry: an algorithm for providing medical care

Emergency states in dentistry
Emergency states in dentistry

Emergency conditions in dentistry are the medical care algorithm as follows.
Emergency medical care in dentistry is most often necessary during and after local anesthesia, mainly during the removal of teeth and endodontics. More than 60% Extraordinary urgent situations are fainting. The algorithm for providing medical care in this case should be special. Emergency drugs and devices should have each dental office:

  • Oxygen. In case of loss of consciousness, the patient needs to provide access to oxygen, having previously cleansed the oral cavity from dental substances. Using a dense transparent mask connected to the cylinder with a capacity of about 100 liters, It is necessary to serve oxygen with a quantity 6 liters per minute.
  • Adrenalin - It is a drug for emergency treatment for anaphylaxia and asthma. It is also indicated for the treatment of cardiac arrest.

Delivery of the drug is carried out intramuscularly or percent:

  • Nitroglycerine. This drug is indicated for acute angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. It is characterized by a quick start to action. In emergency cases, it is available in the form of sublingual tablets or a sublingual spray.
  • Injection antihistamine. Antihistamine is indicated for the treatment of allergic reactions. Taking into account that light, not threatening allergic reactions can be controlled by oral administration of the drug.

Dangerous reaction for life require parenteral administration.

Emergency states in therapy: Assistance algorithm

Urgent states in therapy
Urgent states in therapy

First of all, it is necessary to decide which diseases are suitable for the classification of emergency states in therapy:

  • Acute coronary syndrome
  • Acute heart failure
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Rhythm violation
  • Hypertensive crisis
  • Acute vascular failure
  • Sharp allergoses
  • Emergency conditions for bronchial asthma
  • Acute respiratory failure
  • Coma
  • Acute poisoning

To begin with assistance, the doctor needs to conduct differential diagnostics, which will reveal what exactly caused an emergency state. After the exact cause is established, in accordance with the disease, specific drugs will be selected to stop the pathological process. Dosage, frequency, and delivery method are calculated based on the physiological parameters of the patient. The list of drugs most often used in the provision of emergency care in therapy:

  • Atropine
  • Acetylsalicylic acid
  • Albator
  • Bendazole (Dibazole)
  • Berodual (phenoterol + atrovent)
  • Borotek
  • Budesonide (pulmicort)
  • Bomegrid
  • Warfarin
  • Verapamil
  • Heparin
  • Dalteparin (fragmine)
  • Dexamethason
  • Diazepam
  • Digoxin
  • Dopamine
  • Droperidol
  • Dimedrol
  • Izoket
  • Ipramotropy bromide (atrovent)
  • Capotopril (Kapoten)
  • Clonidine (Clofelin)
  • Clopidogrel (smelter)
  • Cordiamine
  • Corglikon

The doctor can prescribe the introduction of another drug that will help stop the acute state.

Emergency states in psychiatry: an algorithm of action

Urgent states in psychiatry
Urgent states in psychiatry

Extraordinary psychiatric situations, such as acute psychomotor agitation or suicidality, often arise in non -human institutions:

  • General profile hospitals
  • Ambulance services
  • Doctors' rooms

Emergency conditions in psychiatry cause stress for all involved persons. They can be life -threatening and therefore should be stopped immediately. The algorithm of actions:

Primary contact:

  • Doctors who come into contact with acutely mentally ill people should show determination, rationality and sympathy.
  • This is an important first step towards effective treatment.

Psychomotor excitement:

  • It can reflect many different basic conditions, from organic diseases, and ending with various mental illness.

It is also worth knowing the following:

  • In an emergency, the doctor should establish contact with the patient, and conduct a dialogue faster and more structured than with an unexpected psychiatric or medical survey.
  • This must be performed both due to the intensity of the patient’s painful condition, and due to a possible danger to the patient or other persons.
  • Along with the fixation of the patient’s main subjective complaints, the doctor must carefully observe his behavior during examination, paying attention to spontaneous movements and any signs of psychomotor excitement, tension or impulsivity.

Important: The main goal of treating acute states of excitation and excitement is to prevent the patient from harm or others. This is usually achieved using pharmacotherapy (most often with sedation), which should not prevent further differential diagnostic procedure.

The “conversation” is often successful: this is an attempt to calm the patient orally, talking to him in a friendly manner, in an even tone and maintaining visual contact.

Remember: An excited state can disappear over a short period of time, only to quickly return and become even more sharp than before (“calm in front of the storm”), which gives an incorrect picture of real danger.

Therefore, you should always try that trained nurses or other auxiliary personnel are in the room during the initial contact with an aggressive, tense patient. Preparations for suppressing emergency conditions in psychiatry are used as follows:

  • Levomepromazin
  • Haloperidol
  • Diazepam
  • Zuclopentics
  • Olanzapin
  • Risperidon

Too energetic contact with the patient can only increase his aggressiveness.

Emergency states in cardiology: first aid algorithm

Emergency conditions in cardiology
Emergency conditions in cardiology

As a rule, in patients of a cardiological profile, urgent states and symptoms of the following nature can be observed:

  • Strong pulsation in the back of the head or temples
  • Sensation of squeezing in the center of the chest
  • Discomfort or pain spreading from chest to shoulders
  • Sitting breathing
  • Light nonsense
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Sweating
  • Nausea

This can be myocardial infarction, or other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. In any case, universal primary assistance has been developed. Here is an algorithm of actions:

  • Call an ambulance
  • Put the patient with nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue
  • It is necessary to start the SLR if the patient suddenly lost consciousness

But as mentioned above, the SLR (heart and pulmonary resuscitation) should only be carried out if a person is trained in this process. Otherwise, you can harm. Therefore, with any acute conditions in cardiology, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Medical workers will conduct all the necessary measures to stop the attack and take all the necessary measures.

How is the diagnosis of emergency states are carried out: how to determine this state or not?

Doctors for urgent conditions
Doctors for urgent conditions

A number of symptoms are spelled out in the PRO, which may indicate the presence of an urgent state. How to determine is a state that requires immediate help? Among these symptoms:

  • Thoracic pain
  • Sitting breathing
  • Symptoms of a stroke, including dizziness, weakness on the one hand, slurred speech or a sudden beginning of paralysis
  • Severe abdominal pain, especially after injury
  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • Dull head injury or penetrating wound in the head
  • Confusion or loss of consciousness, especially after head injury
  • Neck injuries
  • Poisoning or suspicion of drug overdose
  • The bites of poisonous snakes
  • Scorpions or toxic spiders bites
  • Serious burns or cuts
  • Bone fractures
  • Seizures

Of course, if something is not indicated on this list, this is not a reason not to contact an ambulance. Always focus on your own sensations, and if the current condition gives you a lot of discomfort - feel free to call 103.

How is emergency diagnostics? This is performed only by the doctor. Modern equipment, reagents and other materials and devices are used.

Emergency conditions: clinical recommendations for patients

Doctors for urgent conditions
Doctors for urgent conditions

If you have been diagnosed with a chronic disease that requires constant attention and treatment, do not start your condition. Here are clinical recommendations for patients:

  • Follow all these prescriptions of the attending physician
  • Systematically undergo examinations
  • Give up bad habits
  • Be more often in the fresh air

Remember that it is you who control your health and the risk of an urgent state.

Emergency conditions: treatment


Treatment of emergency conditions undergo situational, and exclusively in its appearance, with further transfer to the hospital for the period established by the attending physician. We will analyze a few of these:

Animal bite:

  • We call an ambulance
  • Stop bleeding
  • We process the wound
  • We apply a bandage

Abdominal pain:

  • We call an ambulance if: vomiting with blood, breathing hard, pain in the lower right side of the abdomen.
  • We take over -the -counter drugs from an analgesics class in accordance with the instructions in the kit.
  • It is necessary that the patient accepts a convenient position.

Alcohol poisoning:

  • We call an ambulance if: vomiting with blood, slow or irregular breathing, low body temperature, pale and sticky skin of a bluish hue.
  • We call the gag reflex to extract alcohol in the stomach, which has not yet managed to absorb.
  • It is necessary that the patient accepts a convenient position.

Actions in a particular urgent state are almost always identical. The main thing is to call an ambulance and try not to touch the patient, especially if the condition is caused by cardiological factors, as well as associated with other organs and systems of the body.

A doctor of emergency states: Which specialists provide first aid to patients?

A doctor of emergency states
A doctor of emergency states

In a brigade of emergency assistance at the head of the process is an ambulance. Which specialists provide first aid to patients? Here's the answer:

  • This is a specialist with higher medical education.
  • Such a doctor is focused on immediately making decisions and actions necessary to prevent death or any further disability.
  • He directs and controls the work of paramedics and technicians in the process of assisting.

The ambulance provides immediate recognition, assessment, care, stabilization and location of the health status of adults and children, in response to acute diseases and injuries.

Video: Providing first aid in emergency conditions (I.F.Mznitsyna)

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