What to do if the child is shocked: the first urgent help is an algorithm. Electro -trauma: causes, types, signs, complications, treatment, consequences. How to explain to the child what an electric current is?

What to do if the child is shocked: the first urgent help is an algorithm. Electro -trauma: causes, types, signs, complications, treatment, consequences. How to explain to the child what an electric current is?

What is an electric trauma, why does it happen? What to do if the child is shocked? Electrical safety for children.

What would we do without electricity? We feel uncomfortable if it is turned off in the house even for an hour, and the work is even freezing. Modern lighting and electrical appliances are an undoubted good. But the source of serious danger, at the same time. Careless handling with them can lead to serious consequences, among which not only damage to property. The threat of life and health is created directly at the time of receiving an electrical injury and persists for a long time - negative consequences and complications can manifest itself through days, months and years. How to behave if there was a shock? And most importantly - how to prevent electrical work, especially in children?

Electro -trauma: Causes

Electric trauma is a complex traumatic effect on the human body of strong electric current or lightning (atmospheric electricity).

A common cause of electrical injury is non -compliance with the rules for using lighting and electrical appliances.
A common cause of electrical injury is non -compliance with the rules for using lighting and electrical appliances.

You can get such an injury:

  1. In everyday life, due to violation of safety rules when working with household lighting and electrical appliances.
  2. At work, due to violation of safety standards and safety rules when working with industrial devices. At risk, first of all, electricians, builders, operators of electric machines in factories, drivers and electric vehicles.
  3. On the street during a thunderstorm. Modern man underestimates the forces of nature. He can know a lot about the danger emanating from the objects of man -made ones, but he forgets that the forces of nature can sometimes be somewhat cruel. Remember yourself and tell your child how to behave on the street during a thunderstorm so as not to get a lightning blow. This is very important, since in the twenty -first century people die under the influence of atmospheric electricity.
These rules will help to protect yourself from a blower with lightning.
These rules will help to protect yourself from a blower with lightning.

Unfortunately, children often receive injuries from electric shock. Small-due to the inability to comprehend their actions because of the oversight of parents. And already almost adults-because of bravado and recklessness. Giving in to fashion, trying to make the original selfie, adolescents crawl out on transformer booths, electric trains, power lines, which sometimes ends tragically. In order not to misfortune, both at home and in educational institutions, it is necessary to regularly conduct explanatory conversations about the danger of electric current and the rules for handling its sources.

Video: Electric trauma. How not to die from a shock?

What to do if the child is shocked: the first urgent help is the algorithm

Even in his own house of a small child, danger lies in wait at every step. No matter how attentive and vigilant a young mother is, she can not control the baby 24 hours a day 7 days a week. And an accident, as you know, is a matter of a share of a second. Therefore, while the baby still lies in its crib, you should repeat the basics of first aid for various kinds of herbs. God forbid that this knowledge is never needed, but they obviously will not be superfluous.

First aid for shock.
First aid for shock.

So, a terrible thing happened - the child was shocked. He stuck something into the outlet, gnawed at the wire, so on. What categorically does not need to be done is to panic. Gather and try to help him immediately.

  1. The first thing to do is stop the effect of electric current on the child. Usually, in the apartment, electricity is cut down by itself. If this does not happen, act! In no case do not grab the child with your bare hands - traumat it yourself, but you will not help him. Touch the person through whom the current passes, and also to a faulty electrical appliance or bare wire can only be in rubber gloves. It is unlikely that there is time to look for them. It is better to turn off the light throughout the apartment through the shield. The wire from the victim can be discarded with something that does not conduct current, for example, with a dry broom or a wooden mop.
  2. If the injury has not occurred at home, and you cannot appreciate the current strength that affect the victim, you can approach it with small steps, previously rubber shoes or a rubber mat under your feet. If your step is wider than 70 cm, the so -called step voltage can form between your legs. From the source of the current of the victim should be discharged without touching him with his hands (unless there are no rubber gloves on them). In extreme cases, you can take the victim for the floors of clothes without touching the body.
  3. The complexity of the injury obtained from electricity depends on what force the current acted on the victim, for how long. It is also important to direction current through the human body. The dangerous loops through both legs and both arms, through both hands, as well as the arm and head, are considered dangerous. In the first cases, the current passes through the heart, in the last - through the brain. But in other layouts, the cardiovascular and nervous systems of a person suffer from current during the shock. The main causes of death directly upon receipt of electrical trauma are cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest. Therefore, if the child is hit by electric shock, you need to immediately check whether he breathes, as well as probe his pulse.
  4. Immediately after this, an ambulance should be called.
  5. Before the arrival of the doctors, give the child, give him a plentiful drink, valerian or valleordin in the age dose.

Important: even if it seems to you that the electric shock was insignificant, the child was not affected, did not lose consciousness, so on, do not refuse to “ambulance” hospitalization. The baby needs to be examined by a cardiologist, at least he will be made by an ECG.

A child who was shocked. You need to be taken to the hospital, even if it seems to you that it feels good.
A child who was shocked. You need to be taken to the hospital, even if it seems to you that it feels good.

Video: Emergency assistance in electric trauma

First aid, when cardiac arrest, blood circulation at electric traumas

If, after an electric shock, the victim is unconscious, you immediately need:

  1. Put it on the back on a hard surface, unfasten the clothes.
  2. Check if the respiratory arrest or cardiac arrest occurred. Observe the movements of its chest, put your ear to your mouth, try to feel the pulse.
  3. If the victim does not breathe, you need to make him artificial respiration. Raise his legs or bend them at the knees. Close your nose with your palm, inhale the air into his mouth twice. After 10-15 times, press him on the sternum. You can also alternate one inhalation with 5 presses.
  4. When the victim begins to breathe again, provide access to him of fresh air. Put it on the side so that the tongue does not occur.
First aid, when cardiac arrest, blood circulation at electric traumas
First aid, when cardiac arrest, blood circulation at electric traumas

First aid, for burns and frostbite at electric traumas

One of the types of exposure to electric current on the human body is thermal. Electricity is transformed into thermal due to tissue resistance. The so -called current signs remain on the body of the victim. They remain at the entrance and exit of electricity into the body. The larger the current strength, the stronger and deeper than burns.

Current signs.
Current signs.

As before the arrival of doctors to provide first aid to a person burned upon a current strike, read in the article " First aid to the child for burns with fire, boiling water, chemicals».

Important: if during the effects of current on the human body there is a hot voltage arc (electric arc), the victim can get deadly deep no longer electrical, but thermal burns.

Video: Electric trauma, what to do when shock (electricity) - Dr. Komarovsky

Electrical studies: signs, symptoms

To understand that an adult or child was shocked is quite easy because of obvious signs.

  1. The victim suddenly falls near the current source, or it seems to jam him near him. If the current strength is significant, the victim can be discarded from the current source. With less current strength, muscle spasm occurs, in which case the victim has to literally beat off from the current source.
  2. If the victim is conscious, he may be impaired coordination of movements, speech, vision, and skin sensitivity. Often there is a loss of memory. The pupils of the victim are poorly reacted to the light.
  3. Often, due to pain from electricity damage, a person loses consciousness.
  4. The biological effect of electric current on the human body is expressed in muscle damage - cramps begin in the victim.
  5. Burns are visible. Electric burns to the places of entrance and the release of current into the human body are local, they have clearly defined boundaries. Such burns do not hurt at first. Within 2-3 days after the injury, the area of \u200b\u200bdead tissue increases, places become painful.
  6. Tachycardia, uneven breathing.
  7. Stopping breathing.
  8. Heart failure.
Loss of consciousness, convulsions, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest - signs of electrical injury.
Loss of consciousness, convulsions, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest - signs of electrical injury.

Degree of electric shock

There are four degrees of electric trauma, of which the first is the easiest, and the fourth is characterized by a fatal outcome.

Degree of electrical injury.
Degree of electrical injury.

Electric traumas: complications and consequences

Electric trauma is terrible in that it can have negative consequences that occur immediately after shock or after time. And a person who seems to be normal after an electric shock can become bad after 20-60 minutes. The fact is that all tissues and organs are affected on the path of electricity through the body of the victim, as well as his heart and brain.

  1. On the part of the nervous system, the consequences of electrical injury can be expressed in the dullness of feelings, cramps, violation of body thermoregulation, visual impairment and the feeling of ripples in the eyes. When exposed to current, severe violations in the work of the central nervous system occur directly on the brain. Under the blow, there may be centers responsible for breathing and palpitations.
  2. Due to the violation of the respiration or exposure of the current directly on the heart of the victim, after a time after the injury he can happen myocardial infarction.
  3. The passage of current through the lungs can be fraught with their edema, rupture or pneumothorax.
  4. Convulsions and convulsions that arose under the influence of electricity sometimes lead to a turning pipe bones. The spine can also be injured.

Important: remember the cases when a person who hit lightning was recognized as deceased, and after a while he began to show signs of life? This is not bikes. A complication of electrical injury can be lethargy.

The shock does not pass without a trace. In the future, it becomes the cause of disorders in the work of the brain, heart, lungs. Visuality and hearing falls on him, cataracts may develop. Often there is a musculoskeletal contracture.

Electrical studies: treatment

Depending on the nature of the injuries, the injured from the shock, they are hospitalized in intensive care, a burn, surgical or cardiological department of a stationary medical institution.
Treatment also depends on which organs and systems of the human body suffered most of all. Sometimes it is enough only for some time to observe the victims, sometimes resuscitation measures, surgical interventions, prolonged treatment and subsequent rehabilitation are required.

Danger and protection against electric shock of children

When the family is preparing to replenish, future mom and dad should take measures in order to make the house safe for the baby. To insure it from electric traumas, you need:

  • close all sockets with special plugs
  • remove all wires from the floor and surfaces to which the child has or will soon be access
  • check that there are no bare wires anywhere
  • do not allow the child to use electrical appliances until he can learn the rules of handling them
  • do not walk on a thunderstorm on the street, do not play near the power lines, transformer booths, torn wires, so on
  • regularly explain to the child the rules for using lighting and electrical appliances, the danger and consequences of electric shock in a language available to the baby
If the house has a child, there should be plugs on the outlets.
If the house has a child, there should be plugs on the outlets.

How to explain to the child what an electric current is?

It is difficult for a child, it is difficult for a child to understand what an electric current is. Unfortunately, not all adults understand this. When telling the baby about the danger of playing with sockets and electrical appliances, show imagination:

  1. If the baby is still unintentional, he will not understand that electricity is dangerous. But an uncle of current or a biting snake that live in a socket and wires, he will definitely be frightened. Let this invention for the benefit of the child.
  2. A 3-6-year-old child will be clear that the jokes are bad if you look at the developing cartoon with him, for example, “fixes”.
  3. It will be easier with the student, you can already speak with him in an adapted scientific language.
You can watch a series of electricity from the animated series Fixies with a child-preschooler.
You can watch a series of electricity from the animated series "Fixiki" with a child-preschooler.

Children's training, what is electric current in pictures

These pictures will help the child understand what electrical safety is.

Elector security for children in pictures: Figure 1.
Elector security for children in pictures: Figure 2.
Elector security for children in pictures: Figure 3.
Elector security for children in pictures: Figure 4.
Elector security for children in pictures: Figure 5.
Elector security for children in pictures: Figure 6.
Elector security for children in pictures: Figure 7.
Elector security for children in pictures: Figure 8.
Elector security for children in pictures: Figure 9.

Video: Security lessons for children. Transfer for children about electrical safety

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