How to prepare Salo Spick in Hungarian, in Ukrainian, in-white, in a litho, guestly, in German, in Korean, in a scarecrow, in Italian, ladies' fat, five-minute: the best recipes

How to prepare Salo Spick in Hungarian, in Ukrainian, in-white, in a litho, guestly, in German, in Korean, in a scarecrow, in Italian, ladies' fat, five-minute: the best recipes

The article includes delicious recipes for making salted and pickled fat.

Salo is a very ambiguous product. There are people who simply adore him, there are also those who are mating from one of his species. Some nutrition experts consider lard the most important source of animal fats, vitamins, and other biologically active and necessary substances. Others recognize the fat layer of the pig with food garbage, cholesterol bomb, and call on once and for all to abandon its use. We will take this position: everything should be in moderation, then it will be useful. And in this article we will teach you to deliberately prepare lard in Ukrainian, in Hungarian, in German and even Italian.

In Ukrainian lard: recipes

Pork fat is a solid fat that has been deposited by pigs during their active nutrition. The product is consumed in a salted, smoked, fried, boiled and stewed form.
We will not doubt that a thin piece of salted salter on black bread, with pickled cucumber, is already tasty. Just teach you to cook it so that you can serve fat not only for vodka, but also on the festive table.

Important: Salo is considered one of the national dishes of Ukraine. Here they know how to cook it, in many regions their culinary traditions are connected with this.

From the article " How to pick up fresh pork bun quickly and tasty at home: the best recipes. Lard in brine, onion husk, in a jar, tuluzka, boiled, marinade, with garlic, pepper, spices, for smoking: the most delicious recipe and a method of salting"You have already learned how to salt fresh pork lard with salt, pepper, other seasonings. Now read the Ukrainian classic recipe.

  1. For salting the fat, take white or pink pieces or tapes with thin skin. Gray or with an iron color of the product suggests that it is not the first freshness.
  2. Check them for the presence of difficult to chew fibers that spoil its taste. Take an ordinary match, try to pierce the lard her. If the match enters easily and softly, after salting in a Ukrainian product will turn out very tasty. If the match enters with difficulty, stumbles upon obstacles, do not wait for the miracle to the wax.
  3. Before salting, the fat skin should be scored - remove all the garbage from it with a knife and SOR, the unpeeled remnants of the bristles.
  4. Salt for this method you need to take a large stone.

The easiest recipe for making firecracial fat involves the use of this product itself, as well as salt, nothing more. There is a little more complex and, at the same time, more tasty.

Salo in Ukrainian: ingredients.
  1. If you have a large piece of fat, cut it into smaller ones, 5-7 cm wide.
  2. No need to wash fat if you are sure of the quality of the product. If you bought it in a supermarket, it’s better to wipe it.
  3. Clean the garlic, cut the teeth into quarters.
  4. Make deep cuts inside pieces of fat, insert garlic into them.
  5. Grind the bay leaf into the baby.
  6. Mix salt and spices, add bay leaf powder to the mixture.
  7. Grate the pieces of fat with the resulting mixture, pour the remains in a plastic or glass dish.
  8. Put the fat pieces grated by seasoning in this dish. Put them very tightly to each other. Cover the dishes.
  9. Leave the lard to suck at night at room temperature, and then take into the refrigerator for 3 days.
  10. Before use, remove the remains of salt and seasonings from fat. Cut it into thin pieces.
Stages of preparing fat according to the Ukrainian recipe.

Important: do not be afraid what you use to prepare lard in Ukrainian more than required. This product cannot be overclocking, it will take as much as necessary.

Video: lard in Ukrainian

Salo in a scarepathic: recipe

And in Transcarpathia, the region of Ukraine, the lard is pickled with onions and garlic. It turns out very spicy!


Salo in a quarrel: ingredients.
Salo in a quarrel: ingredients.
  1. Wash and clean the vegetables. Cut the carrots very finely. Onions - rings, garlic - plates.
  2. Throw carrots and spices into the water. When it boils, add vinegar.
  3. The marinade will cool down, and for now, take care of the lard. Cut it with thin portioned pieces, put it in a deep bowl alternately with onions and garlic.
  4. Pour pieces of salts with a cooled marinade.
  5. Salo at room temperature will lure for an hour, but it will have the most pronounced taste in 3-4 hours.

Fatsulsky lard: recipe

The Hutsules fat are first boiled, and then salt.

Fatuzulsky lard: ingredients.
Fatuzulsky lard: ingredients.
  1. Put a pot of water and onion husks on the fire. Pour 1.5 teaspoon of salt into it.
  2. Take care of fat - cut it with slices of 5 cm by 15 cm.
  3. Lower the lard into boiled water, cook it for half an hour.
  4. Mix pressed garlic with the remaining salt and spices.
  5. Grate the cooked and cooled fat.
  6. Wrap the pieces of fat in foil or parchment, leave it overnight in the refrigerator.
Fit according to the recipe for Hutsuls: the stages of cooking.
Fit according to the recipe for Hutsuls: the stages of cooking.

Salo Spick in Hungarian: Recipe

The national seasoning of Hungary is paprika. It would be amazing if in this country they had not been used to prepare a delicious fat - bacon.

Salo in Venger: Ingredients.
Salo in Venger: Ingredients.
  1. Prepare a rather large piece of fat, as described above.
  2. In it, make deep holes with a knife, insert the garlic cleaned and sliced \u200b\u200binto these holes.
  3. Mix salt, paprika and red pepper.
  4. Grand the fat with the mixture with the resulting mixture.
  5. Wrap the lard in foil in two layers, send it to the refrigerator for the night.
  6. Next, act on a choice - either leave the fat for another 2 days in the refrigerator, or bake it in an oven at a temperature of 50 degrees 2.5 - 3 hours.
Salo according to the Hungarian recipe: Stage 1.
Salo according to the Hungarian recipe: Stage 2.
Salo according to the Hungarian recipe: Stage 3.
Salo according to the Hungarian recipe: Stage 4.
Salo according to the Hungarian recipe: Stage 5.

Video: lard: Hungarian spic (recipe)

Belorussian lard: recipe

In Belarus, the lard is greasy with carawayesses.

Belorussian fat: ingredients.
Belorussian fat: ingredients.
  1. Pass the garlic through the press or grind with a knife.
  2. Mix garlic gruel with salt, pepper, coriander and caraway seeds in one bowl.
  3. Hold this mixture for 15 minutes, after grate it pieces of fat weighing about 150 gr.
  4. Put the pieces tightly in a glass bowl, cover with a lid, leave to prepare in the room for 3 days.
  5. The last day before use, hold the fat in the refrigerator in the refrigerator.

Salo in Lithuanian: recipe

Lithuanian fat is a spicy pasty appetizer that can be spread on bread or toasts.


Salo in Lithuanian: ingredients.
Salo in Lithuanian: ingredients.
  1. Rinse a piece of already salted fat, dry and free from the skin.
  2. Finely cut it or chop it with a blender.
  3. Add a nutmeg to the fat, a garlic, salt and spices missed through the press.
  4. Mix the appetizer well, send it to the refrigerator for 48 hours. After she will be ready for consumption.

Salo in German: recipe

To prepare fat in German, you will need a gas burner.

Salo in German: ingredients.
Salo in German: ingredients.
  1. Burn the fat on the side of the skin with a gas burner.
  2. Take a wet rag and a sharp knife, with the help of them, remove the black carpet.
  3. Put the fat in the tray with a skin down, pour it on top with a mixture of crushed garlic, bay leaf, salt and pepper.
  4. Cover the lard, organize oppression if possible.
  5. Leave it to suck for three days in the refrigerator.
  6. Rinse the salt under cold water. If you do not eat fat in German quickly, cut it into small pieces, freeze them.
Salo according to the German recipe: ingredients.
Lard according to the German recipe: stages of cooking.

Video: Home fat in German

Italian lard: recipe

Yes, yes, fat is eaten in Italy. True, there they love not the white one we are used to, but the praise, thin -skinned, with a slot and a delicate pinkish color. Take it 0.5 kg.

Salo in Italian: ingredients.
Salo in Italian: ingredients.
  1. Cut the lard into 3-4 pieces, roll it in salt, put it in a bowl under oppression and leave it overnight.
  2. Wash off the salt in the morning with cold water.
  3. Back pieces of fat with garlic slices.
  4. Mix all spices, wipe the fat mixture. Wrap the pieces in foil, hold them in the refrigerator for another day. Then you can eat it.
Salo according to Italian recipe: Ingredients.
Salo according to Italian recipe: Ingredients.
Lard with a mixture of Italian spices.
Lard with a mixture of Italian spices.

Salo in Korean: Recipe

If you ate the famous pickled pork ears in Korean, and they like you, try cooking fat in vinegar. It turns out to be stolen and unusual.

Salo in Korean: Ingredients.
Salo in Korean: Ingredients.
  1. Cut the lard in small slices.
  2. Mix vinegar and soy sauce, add sugar to this mixture.
  3. Add vegetable oil to the mixture, constantly interfere so that the marinade is homogeneous.
  4. Skip the garlic through the press. Send the juice and gruel to the marinade. Grinded pepper and greens - there.
  5. Put pieces of fat in glass dishes, pour with marinade. Let them swim in it for about 4 hours.
  6. After that, remove the lard, eat just like that or after a preliminary frying.

Lard five minute: recipe

The Pyatominutka salty lard, unfortunately, will be ready to use in two weeks. All this time it should be in the marinade in rolled banks.


Salo five minute: ingredients.
Salo "five -minute": ingredients.
  1. You will need a half -liter jar. Cut the fat so that it is easily placed in it. If you cook more fat, jars, respectively, you will need more. They must be sterilized.
  2. Pour water into the pan, pour salt. Put the salted water boil.
  3. When the water boils, and the salt is completely dissolved, add seasonings, garlic and bay leaf to the water.
  4. Put pieces of fat in a boiling brine, cook it for 5 minutes.
  5. Put the lard in jars, pour with brine.
  6. Support banks. They should survive in a cool place for 14 days.

Damian lard: recipe

The lard according to this recipe is called "ladies'" for its unusually delicate taste.

Salo Ladies: Ingredients.
Salo "Ladies": ingredients.
  1. Sake water and boil for 10 minutes.
  2. When the brine has cooled, pour pressed garlic, pepper, laurel leaves broken into pieces into it.
  3. Put the freshly peeled from the skin and cut into large pieces in a glass dish, pour it with a brine.
  4. You do not need to cover the fabric suitable for this recipe. Let it stand without a cover for 2-3 days. After that, take it out, dry it, eat immediately or wrap it in foil and freeze.

Video: lard five -minute // Quick and tasty

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