How to cook corn porridge in milk? Recipe for corn porridge with meat, cheese, pumpkin, banana

How to cook corn porridge in milk? Recipe for corn porridge with meat, cheese, pumpkin, banana

Corn porridge should be loved for beneficial properties and excellent taste. How to cook it, you can find out in the article.

  • Among the variety of various cereals, corn occupies a special place.
    Corn and dishes from it were known in ancient times, and many peoples use it now as the basis of the diet
  • From corn cereal and flour make cereals, cakes, mamalyg and much more.
    The cobs from which they make flour and cereal is a very useful product, and now we will find out what the benefits of corn are, what is its calorie content, and what benefit (or harm) this product has in dietary nutrition

The benefits, harm and calorie content of corn porridge

The calorie content of corn porridge is approximately 330 - 337 feces per 100 g, which, in principle, is similar to the calorie content of other cereals.
Its nutrient composition (according to macronutrients) includes:

  • Carbohydrates - 75.0
  • Proteins - 8.3
  • Fat - 1.2
  1. Get corn cereal, processing corn grains
  2. Grains can be polished, then it turns out particles of the corn nucleus of different shapes with rounded faces
  3. Producers, depending on the size of the grains, divide the cereal from corn ears of five numbers (so, the fifth is corn flour, that is, the smallest grinding)
  4. The largest grinded cereal is used to produce flakes and popcorn

Corn croup contains all the main vitamins, carotene, iron, silicon, potassium, calcium, nickel and other trace elements.

This is a low allergenic product, shown to all ages, including young children and very elderly people. Corn croup is famous for the high content of unsaturated fatty acids that can cope with cholesterol and lead it in the body to norm.

The corn cereal has a rich composition and many useful properties.
The corn cereal has a rich composition and many useful properties.

In view of its nutrient composition, corn cereal is capable of:

  • enrich the body with vitamins B, PP, and, e
  • remove harmful chemical compounds from the body, for example, pesticides
  • due to the content of dietary fibers in it, clean the intestines and suppress the fermentation processes in it
  • strengthen the cardiovascular system
  • regulate blood sugar, and therefore, it is shown to people with diabetes, allergies and other health problems
  • remove excess fat from the body (those who want to lose weight - take note !!!)
  • slow the degenerative age processes of the body
  • promote the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with anemia, exhaustion and even tuberculosis
A fairly high calorie content of corn porridge does not allow it to be called a dietary product.
A fairly high calorie content of corn porridge does not allow it to be called a dietary product.

Important: if you like corn porridge and do not experience any discomfort after its use, in this case, you should not mention its harm. If there are some doubts after you ate a dish of corn cereal, observe some time for the reaction of your body, you may have individual intolerance, which, in principle, is practically excluded

VIDEO: Useful properties of corn cereal

How to cook corn porridge in a slow cooker delicious?

A magnificent invention - multicooker - greatly facilitates the life of the hostess and makes dishes, especially cereals, very tasty and healthy.

Corn porridge in a slow cooker.
Corn porridge in a slow cooker.

Important: in the multicooker, the grain of each of the cereals is revealed to the desired state on their own, so that the hostess does not need to take care of the attack of porridge, its languor and other intricacies of cooking

  1. For cooking in a slow cooker, corn crust of small grinding is suitable
  2. For the preparation of cereals, the "Porridge" mode is selected
  3. Water or other liquid is added, according to the recipe for multicooker.
    As a rule, the most proportional ratio of "water - cereal" is 2: 1, however, options are possible. For example, to prepare a liquid porridge of corn cereal for the baby in a slow cooker, you need a ratio of 4 (water): 1 (groats)
  4. Corn porridge is recommended to be consumed as soon as it has prepared. Otherwise, it will freeze and will look like someone

VIDEO: Corn porridge in a slow cooker

Cooking corn porridge on milk on the stove

We take the corn cereal of small grinding (grains of corn cereal in size should be like an artek or barley porridge).

  1. Pour water into the pan and bring it to a boil. Group ratio - water \u003d 1: 3
  2. Send corn croup into boiling water a little, stirring it at the same time
  3. We leave the cereal over low heat, cover the pan with a lid
  4. We constantly stir the boiling cereal so that it does not burn to the bottom and so that corn grains, swelling from cooking, do not “jump out” from the pan
  5. When the water boils, corn will swell and become soft, you need to add milk to the porridge. Also pour milk gradually, while constantly stirring porridge
  6. After boiling milk, corn porridge is cooked 10 minutes
  7. For taste, add a little salt and sugar to the porridge
  8. When serving to the table, put a little butter in porridge - it is both beautiful and tasty
Corn porridge in milk.
Corn porridge in milk.

Important: when you turned off the porridge, it needs to be covered with a lid and wrapped so that it will sweat for another 10 - 15 minutes

Recipe: corn porridge with a banana

Corn porridge with a banana.
Corn porridge with a banana.

We need: 0.5 cups of corn cereal, 1 cup of water and 1, 5 cup milk, 2 pcs. banana.

  • Mix water and milk and bring to a boil
  • We pour there slowly and gradually corn cereal and constantly stir
  • Cover the pan with a lid and cook for half an hour over low heat
  • Do not forget to constantly stir the porridge, otherwise it will burn or will get into whom
  • Add a little salt and sugar to taste to the porridge
  • After the porridge is infused, we put a fork and put a banana in porridge, as well as oil

Recipe: Corn porridge with meat

The meat for this recipe is suitable that you have. It is preferable, of course, to cook Kurin.

Corn porridge with meat.
Corn porridge with meat.

Need: 1 cup of corn cereal, 400 g of meat, 2 cups of water, onions, carrots, salt, pepper, vegetable oil

  1. Cut the meat into pieces and fry in a pan in vegetable oil
  2. Salt and pepper add to taste and mix with meat
  3. Cut the onion, add it to the meat and fry it
  4. Cut the carrots, add it to the meat and onion and continue to fry it
  5. Now we transfer all the contents of the pan into a pan with a thick bottom, pour water there and pour out the previously washed corn crust
  6. We put on large fire before boiling. After boiling, reduce the fire to a minimum and languish the porridge with meat until the water boils
  7. We constantly stir the porridge
  8. After cooking, leave the porridge to infuse in the warmth another 15 minutes

Recipe: wheat porridge

You can prepare a mix porridge, for example, by combining wheat and corn cereal.

Wheat-doll porridge.
Wheat-doll porridge.

Need: 750 ml. milk, 1 part of corn cereal and 2 parts of wheat, for example, 100 g, oil and sugar.

  1. Bring the milk to a boil and pour corn and wheat cereal into it
  2. Stir and stir the porridge constantly
  3. Put sugar
  4. Когда молоко с крупами закипит, убавляем огонь и оставьте блюдо томиться, пока выкипит молоко
  5. Leave for 15 minutes so that the porridge is still steamed
  6. When serving to the table, put the oil in plates

Recipe: oatmeal porridge

Such porridge is best cooked in a slow cooker.

Corn croup goes well with oatmeal.
Corn croup goes well with oatmeal.

Choosing the "Porridge" mode

  1. We lay 1 part of oatmeal, 1 part of corn cereal, 5 parts of milk and 1, 5 part of the water. We suck and sweeten
  2. When the porridge is ready, finge it with a piece of butter

Corn porridge in the microwave

If the civilization has prepared for us such benefits as a multicooker and microwave, it’s a sin not to use them. Moreover, cereals in the microwave are also tasty as on an ordinary plate.
The only thing that must be done in the case of corn cereal should be done is to stir it regularly.

In the microwave, corn croup is well boiled and becomes very tender.
In the microwave, corn croup is well boiled and becomes very tender.

Need: 1 part of corn cereal and 3 parts of water

  1. We put in the microwave for 5 minutes
  2. Then we take out the porridge and mix
  3. Then again we send to the microwave for the average mode and cook until the porridge is swelling

Corn porridge with pumpkin

We need: 1 cup of corn cereal, 3 glasses of milk and 400 g of pumpkin, sugar (1 tablespoon), salt and oil.

  1. Pour corn crust into boiling milk and put on a slow fire languish
  2. While the porridge is cooked, cut the pumpkin into small cubes (after raining and peeling it from the peel and seeds)
  3. Next, you need to sprinkle the pumpkin with sugar so that it let the juice
  4. After that, put the pumpkin on a slow fire and cook until cooked
  5. Next, the porridge is mixed, given to brew, seasoned with oil and served to the table
Corn porridge with pumpkin.
Corn porridge with pumpkin.

VIDEO: Corn porridge with pumpkin

Corn porridge with cheese

Boil corn cereal in milk or water (tastes in milk) at the rate of cereal 1 part, milk (water 4 parts)

  1. Cook porridge over low heat under the lid, constantly stirring
  2. We sweeten
  3. Add the cheese sliced \u200b\u200bto the already cooked porridge.
  4. Let we stand up a little until the cheese melts
  5. Add oil to porridge
  6. If you use ordinary hard cheese, it will melt in porridge, the cheese of the suluguni varieties will remain viscous
Corn porridge with cheese.
Corn porridge with cheese.

Video: corn porridge with suluguni recipe from the chef

Corn porridge recipe in the oven

If earlier in the old days the porridge was prepared, attacked and gained their strength in the furnace, then the modern alternative to the furnace - the oven. In the oven or in the oven, any porridge turns out that it is necessary! You can’t imagine tastier.

Need: 2 tablespoons of cereals, half a glass of water and milk, a little sugar to taste. You can add raisins to the porridge.

  1. Put a pan with porridge in a warmed oven under the lid
  2. Leave her there for 40 - 50 minutes
  3. From time to time, the porridge needs to be taken out and interfered
  4. After the oven has been turned off, while there is still heat in it, you can hold porridge in it
  5. Add oil to the porridge before serving, which, as you know, cannot be spoiled

VIDEO: Casserole of corn porridge recipe





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