How to make blueberries from berries homemade wine, liquor, tincture on vodka: Best recipes

How to make blueberries from berries homemade wine, liquor, tincture on vodka: Best recipes

The article offers you recipes for simple alcoholic beverages from a fresh forest blue.

How to make blueberries from berries Homemade wine: simple recipe

Wine can be prepared from almost any berry or fruit, blueberries are no exception. Wine prepared from it has a pleasant red tint and a rich soft taste, which feels a little resembling grapes. You can cook pigeon wine easily at home in the berry season.

Berries for wine should be chosen juicy, ripe, large, not spoiled. Avoid berries with a red shade (these are unripe and sour), as well as berries covered with mold. Lick berries will be able to make the wine cloudy, so be more careful when selecting blueberries.

For wine, blueberries are preparing this way:

  • First, sort through the blueberries for spoiled and sluggish berries, throw them away.
  • Do not spare any “suspicious” berry, otherwise the whole drink may deteriorate.
  • The berry is not washed, because “wild” yeast necessary for fermentation remains on its surface.
  • If the berries in the mud (the rain has passed or other cases), the berries should be washed with running water, but in this case raisins are necessarily added to the wort.

You will need a blue wine:

  • Berry Bigs selected -4.5-5 kg. (Be sure to be fresh, you can combine with other berries).
  • Purified water -5 liters (or cold boiled).
  • Raisin(do not wash or steam) 100-120 g. (Any raisins)
  • Sugar -approximately 2 kg.
  • Lemon acid -15-20 g.

Important: citric acid is necessary in the recipe in order to make a stabilization of acidity, as well as provide normal fermentation and help the guilt last longer.

Preparation of pigeon wine:

  • Unwashed berries, but without any garbage, should be poured into a bowl.
  • Right in a bowl, you should rush them with your hands, or a bit of potatoes.
  • The crowd blueberries must be poured into the dishes for the preparation of wine. (As a rule, this is a large 5 or 10 liter bottle with a wide neck).
  • In water, dissolve sugar and citric acid. Pour water to the berry mass, add raisins and mix everything thoroughly. It is advisable to interfere with a long wooden stick or spoon (iron contributes to oxidation).
  • Add not all sugar, but approximately 0.5 kg and mix again.
  • Remove the bottle in a dark room with room temperature.
  • Be sure to cover the neck with gauze so that dust and insects do not get inside the bottles.
  • In this state, the bottle should stand for about three days and every day its contents should be shaken or mixed.
  • On the third day, you will see the first signs of fermentation: smell, foam, hiss.
  • Three days later, strain the mass through gauze in several layers and tin the cake. Add another 0.5 kg of sugar to a transferred mass.
  • A gas output should be put on a bottle (from a glove or tube that is dipped in water).
  • With a gas outlet, the wine should stand for 4-5 days, after this time drain a little wine and dissolve the remaining amount of sugar in it and pour it back.
  • Install the gas outlet back and keep the wine in a dark place for another 3 days.
  • After 3 days, shake the mass or mix, check how well the fermentation goes.
  • Keep the wine in a wandering state for about 40 days. When the wine ceases to “let the gas” (the glove or the tube will cease to remove the gas).
  • By this time, you will notice a precipitate at the bottom of the bottle, and the wine itself will become lighter and more transparent. Pure liquid pour over the bottles for storage (sterile).
  • Pigeon wine in the basement or cellar can be stored up to 3-4 years, provided that all conditions will be met: dark, cool.
How to cook delicious pigeon wine from fresh berries?

How to make vodka liquor from berries: simple recipe

It is very easy to prepare a delicious liqueur from blueberries, in addition, this process will not take you much time. The ingredients for the liquor are simple and almost everyone will have. You can treat guests with a berry liquor or supplement alcoholic cocktails.

You will need:

  • Fresh berries of blueberries -200-250 grams
  • Ethyl alcohol 96% -200-220 ml. (can be replaced with vodka).
  • Sugar -250-300 g. (Adjust to your liking)
  • Water -1 cup (240-250 ml)


  • Berries of blueberries should be carefully sorted out before cooking, leaving those that are dented, damaged, covered with mold or simply not ripe.
  • Wash the berries thoroughly with running water through a colander and dry, spreading on a towel.
  • Dry and clean berries in the jar (a container for preparing a liquor), having washed in advance with soda or sterilizing.
  • Remember the berries with a bit of potatoes and pour alcohol. Cover the jar with a lid and leave to infuse the time of insisting berries in alcohol-9-10 days.
  • You can hurt the jar in a dark place, or you can put in the refrigerator.
  • It is worth noting that the longer you insist the berries in alcohol, the more saturated and tastier the liquor will turn out. You can insist blueberries even 1 month.
  • After this time, weld sugar syrup: boil clean water and dissolve sugar in it.
  • Cool the syrup a bit
  • Alcohol should be filtered through several layers of gauze, squeezing and leaving the cake.
  • Pour the cooled syrup into alcohol and mix everything thoroughly. The liquor should be stored in glass containers in a dark and preferably cool place.
Delicious liqueur from blueberries

How to make vodka tincture from berries: simple recipe

Tincture prepared at home from the berries of blueberries is very fragrant and with a pleasant ruby \u200b\u200btint. The sweetness of the tincture can be adjusted independently, adding the required amount of sugar. Tincture berries should only be selected whole and ripe, without damage and mold (such berries can only spoil the taste).

Important: you can use any alcohol as alcohol for the preparation of tincture (pharmacy, diluted up to 40%, ethyl, vodka without flavors, pure moonshine or cognac).

You will need:

  • Fresh berries of blueberries -up to 2 kg.
  • Alcohol or vodka (or other alcohol) -1 liter
  • Sugar -200-300 g. (At the discretion and preferred sweetness).


  • Berry berries should be thoroughly washed with running water before cooking. Leave the berries to dry on a towel.
  • After that, pierce the berries into the dishes and remember them with a rolling pin, a stupa, or a crowd for potatoes in berry mashed potatoes.
  • The berry mass should be mixed with sugar and mix everything thoroughly, and then sprinkled to the dishes for the preparation of tinctures, for example, to a glass jar.
  • Pour the berry mass of alcohol and close the jar with a lid, in this state it should stand for two weeks and every 1-2 days the jar must be shaken to mix the wort.
  • Two weeks later, strain the drink, squeeze the cake and throw it away.
  • Tincture is best to hold a cool place for 5-7 days before use. If suddenly a precipitate appears in the bank, the drink should be filtered again.

Important: the fortress of such a tincture comes out 20-25%, and it can be stored in glass containers in a dark room up to 2 years.

Delicious berry tincture of cabbage bags of its own preparation

How to make a tincture for alcohol from berries: a simple recipe

Insisting an alcoholic drink from the berries of pigeons on alcohol is much easier and easier than on vodka or cognac. The drink is very fragrant and strong. Before preparing the tincture, 96% of alcohol should be diluted to 40-45% with ordinary clean water.

You will need:

  • Fresh berries of blueberries -1 cup (220-250 g. Only selected and large berries).
  • Alcohol - 200 ml. (glass on the border)
  • Water - 1 cup (220-250 ml)
  • Sugar - To taste (200-300 grams)


  • Berries should be rolled with a rolling pin, a bit or hands (you can use a blender or a meat grinder).
  • Pour the berries into a glass jar and pour alcohol, shake and leave to infuse in the refrigerator for 1 week.
  • After that, add water with dissolved sugar to the jar, mix and infuse another 1 week.
  • After insisting, be sure to strain the drink through the thick layer of gauze and pour into a glass container for storage. You can store tincture for 2-3 years in the basement or cellar.
Fragrant tincture for alcohol, prepared from fresh berries of blueberries

Video: "Fragrant wine from forest berries"

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