How to make a home mustard from mustard powder? Bustic recipe for cucumber brine, grains, French, with honey, dijonian

How to make a home mustard from mustard powder? Bustic recipe for cucumber brine, grains, French, with honey, dijonian

Look for recipes for delicious acute mustard sauce? You will find the best options for preparing this dish in this article.

The sauce prepared from mustard is very popular and has long -standing roots.

Currently, the store shelves are presented with the choice of a diverse assortment of this finished product. But any good hostess knows that the seasoning prepared at home will give a head start to any dearest to the manufacturer.

How to make a home mustard from mustard powder on a cucumber brine?

Prepare a home mustard
Surprisingly easy to prepare, but the width is core and tasty prepared on a cucumber brine. Only two products, and an acute original sauce for the most exquisite gourmets is ready:

  • On a glass of brine from cucumbers, we take two tablespoons of fresh dry mustard
  • Stir thoroughly
  • Add a spoonful of vegetable oil
  • We rub again
  • Let it brew ten, twelve hours

What is another beautiful recipe is - it can be stored for a very long time. If after cooking, carefully clog in sterilized jars.

  • As salt and sugar are in brine, you can add them if desired
  • Mustard is served to all meat cuts and hot dishes, flooded and cold
  • Special adherents of this sauce smear it on bread. They use such a sandwich with anything. Just enjoying a vicious aromatic taste

How to make mustard with honey?

Prepare a home mustard
  • Mustard powder - half a glass
  • Half a glass of steep boiling water
  • Teaspoon of liquid honey
  • Slice: ginger, cardamom, ground cloves and salt
  • About two tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of vegetable oil


  • Mustard powder is diluted with boiling water
  • Pour two glasses of cold water
  • We remove it in heat for 24 hours
  • Spray spills slightly with boiling water
  • We insist as much as mustard
  • After the required time, we remove excess water from mustard
  • Add, salt, sugar, honey
  • Slowly attach vegetable oil and vinegar
  • Pour in the infusion of spices
  • Mustard is ready for use in two days

How to make a Dijon mustard?

Prepare a home mustard
Back in the XVIII century, in the French city of Dijone, the production of the famous mustard was called in honor of this city. A delicate and piquant taste obtained due to the replacement of vinegar when preparing a sauce with not mature grape juice, quickly gained popularity.

There are about twenty recipes for making a dijon sauce. This mustard is known to everyone in the world. The real secret of the recipe for Dijon mustard is stored under the secret of four hundred years. Therefore, any proposed recipe will be an imitation of the present.

One of the closest to taste, which is worth paying attention to real gourmets:

  • Powder mustard - fifty gram pack
  • White wine dry -200 ml
  • Liquid honey - a little
  • Sunflower oil - half a teaspoon
  • Onion head
  • Salt is a pinch
  • Thick tomato paste


  • Finely chop the onion with garlic
  • Pour honey, wine
  • Boil a little less than a quarter of an hour over low heat
  • We filter the mixture
  • We fall asleep mustard powder
  • Beat the blender
  • Put the oil and a little tomato paste
  • We suck
  • We put on the stove before evaporating excess fluid
  • The resulting thick mixture, send to the cold for two days

Video: Dijon mustard by home

How to make French mustard?

Prepare a home mustard
One of the varieties of the popular Dijon mustard is the so -called "French". The highlight is that it is prepared from different types of ground grains.

  • 250 grams of grinded grains of the Saopian and black grade of mustard pour half a glass of boiling water
  • Mix well
  • Leave for 24 hours for exposure
  • Then add: half a glass of wine white vinegar, a little salt, a little more sugar, one gram of cinnamon, cloves, fried onions
  • Beat the whole mass
  • French mustard sauce is ready

Grain mustard recipe

Prepare a home mustard
Despite a very exquisite taste, the recipe for such a mustard is elementary. The emphasis on seasonings makes this sauce truly an original and beautiful addition to dishes

Composition of products:

  • Chilled boiled water - full glass
  • Powder mustard –200 grams
  • Grain mustard - 80 grams
  • Dry wine white - full glass
  • Acetic acid 5% - 200 ml
  • Dark sugar - a gram
  • One small onion
  • Salt, cinnamon, turmeric - in a small pinch
  • Two chicken yolks


  • Soak both types of mustard
  • We insist for half an hour
  • In the meantime, we combine 5% acid with wine, seasonings, salt and coarsely chopped onions
  • We send on a slow fire for forty minutes
  • We remove the remains of the onion, letting the resulting mixture through a strainer
  • We combine swollen grains with yolks and vinegar-rack seasoning
  • We place on a slow fire, slowly heating to a boil, without stopping stirring
  • Cool
  • Serve to the table

How to make mustard quickly?

Prepare a home mustard
The fastest way to make seasoning is without a long fermentation process. After all, it, depending on the recipe, usually lasts from 12 hours to two days. Without fermentation, such a sauce is not very sharp and vigorous.

For lovers, not very acute foods, it will be very relevant:

  • We take 1 tablespoon of powder and dilute with the same amount of boiling water
  • We grind to a homogeneous consistency
  • Put another 1 spoon of boiling water, rub again. Such a steaming removes bitterness from the powder and does not allow lumps to form
  • Insist 8-10 minutes. During this time, excess essential oils will disappear
  • To stop this process, pour in a measured spoon of vinegar 9%
  • To soften the taste, add a little sugar and vegetable oil
  • For a variety, like an alternative, instead of vinegar, add lemon juice, instead of sugar - honey

How to make a sharp mustard?

Prepare a home mustard
The most acute is the "Russian" mustard:

  • A glass of dry mustard powder is diluted with hot water to the density of sour cream
  • Pour it on top with cool water
  • Let we exhibit about 12 hours
  • Drain the water after the set time
  • Add, according to a pinch of salt, black and red pepper, 9% vinegar, sugar, sunflower oil on a tablespoon
  • Mix everything well
  • You can use it right away. But after some time, the seasoning is gaining fortresses
  • Store in tightly clogged containers

Due to its useful composition, mustard helps the accelerated metabolic process in the body, which contributes to the breakdown of fats. It is an excellent antioxidant, antiseptic, has antibacterial properties. Increases immunity, perfectly fights colds.

Therefore, the sauce prepared at home is not only an excellent addition to the usual diet of gourmets, but also benefits the body.

Video: How to cook mustard?

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