How to install a mosquito net on a plastic window: instructions, tips, video

How to install a mosquito net on a plastic window: instructions, tips, video

Need to install a mosquito net on the window? Look for instructions and videos in the article.


Mosquito structures with a reliable canvas are now a very popular means of protection against insects, dust and pollen. The mosquito mesh allows you to ventilate the apartment, without the hit of unwanted debris and dust inside the room.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to remove and wash off the installation foam from your hands?". You will find tips and methods.

The current stage in the development of technologies offers a wide selection of types of mosquito structures that are suitable for any interior. In this article we will tell you how to collect and install different types of mosquito structures. Read further.

Types of antimoscate constructions

Antimoscate structure
Antimoscate structure

There is a large selection of protective nets from insects. Here are the types of anti -mosquito structures:

  • Grinder-rollet

This is a protective canvas that turns into a roll. It is easily installed and all lovers of comfort and amenities will appeal. Rolling mesh is a classic solution for any windows or balconies. When installing such a design, various mounting methods are used, you can also use different colors for interior design.

  • Frame or frame mesh

Now it is very popular due to low cost.

  • Mosquito mesh in the doorway

This is a stretched canvas fixed by a thin frame along the perimeter of the entrance. When installing such a design, a canopy is used.

  • Sliding grid

Universal for installation on balcony doors, terraces, window openings of various sizes. As a rule, the principle of accordion is used in such nets: individual components about 1 cm wide are parted, forming a solid canvas. The fabric itself has the ability to pass oxygen into the house, and is made of reliable materials with which the nature is durability.

It is worth noting:

  • Rolled nets are used Mostly for installation in suburban estates and cottages. A similar type of design saves space, filling the rooms with “air”, and are very convenient when cleaning the premises. You can not even remove and leave a rolllet with a mosquito net on the balcony for the entire period and use it only as necessary.
  • Mosquito nets with the effect "Antikoshka" They are a very common accessory in the house of pets lovers. These constructions have a very interesting characteristic, they not only protect your house from unwanted insects, but also protect your animals from falling out of the window. This installation will allow ventilating the room in any period of time, without excitement for your pets. Most often used nets made of multi -layer polyester threads with special impregnation.
  • A mosquito net called "Antipyl". The intersection of the threads of the material in these nets is characterized by small cell sizes, approximately 0.8x0.8mm. Annoying pests will not be able to penetrate your house. The grid will provide protection against street dust, chemical emissions into the atmosphere, and even from plant pollen. This option is especially good for people suffering from seasonal allergies, as well as for owners of apartments, where a small annoying midge has become a frequent guest.

The nets differ in the method of fastening. Read further.

Ways to attach mosquito structures to the plastic window

Ways to attach mosquito structures to the plastic window
Ways to attach mosquito structures to the plastic window

Mosquito constructions can be attached in various ways to a window with plastic frames. Here is some of them:

With the help of brackets of type Z from plastic:

  • The most common and common fastening of anti -mosquito structures.
  • The brackets have the form letters Z And they are corners on which a frame with a protective grid rests.
  • Among the shortcomings of such a fork of attachment are short -lived, because The corners are made of plastic and cannot withstand low temperatures and the load of the frame for a long time.
  • The shelf life of this design is significantly reduced if the window is located on the sunny side of the building.

Z-shaped brackets made of metal:

  • Another popular type of mount.
  • The appearance of the bracket data is different from the plastic ones, they are covered with specialized paint.
  • This type of fasteners easily tolerates various temperatures and exposure to sunlight.
  • Thanks to these properties, the time of use of structures increases.
  • These metal brackets have their disadvantages. Their installation is performed using self -tapping screws, which subsequently interfere with the mosquito net in the grooves of the brackets. And if this was still possible, then they greatly press it to the window, which is why there is a large load on the handles, and as a result, their breakdown occurs.

Metal hooks:

  • Such mounts are made of stainless metal, and they are not exposed to sunlight.
  • This is an ideal way to fasten a mosquito net on the windows.
  • Such details have their drawbacks, they are not universal, especially, this is noticeable when they are replaced.
  • Various manufacturers make them for existing frames, so independent replacement of hooks is very complicated.

Internal or retractable fastening of a mosquito net:

  • This type of fastening is slightly more complicated in installation.
  • It is made of metal, it includes three separate parts, which are combined by carving.
  • For installation of such a mount, it is necessary to make holes in the frame profile and mount the mounts along with the frame structure and an anti -mosquito canvas.

Plastic mounts like l:

  • They are used infrequently, this is due to an inconvenient and dangerous method of installation.
  • The installation of this fastener should take place in a window opening, which mainly goes outside.
  • Therefore, this type of fastening is used only when installing a mesh canvas in the lumen of the windows of the first floor.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Measurements for structures using Z-strengthening

DIY measurements for the installation of an anti -mosquito design using Z-strengthening Perhaps with a conventional roulette. You need to do this like this:

  • The first step of this procedure is to remove the measurements of the width and the height of the window.
  • Measurements are made clearly along the edges of the window where the elastic bands of the seals are placed.
  • Record the data very clearly.
  • To calculate the structure, it is necessary to apply the following formula: to the data of each side you must add 20 mm.
  • Another not unimportant factor is the depth of the window frame.
  • If from the sash side it is too well open under a quarter, when installing the grid, difficulties may occur.
  • The installation can be complicated if the slopes of the plastic window are made too close to the edge of the frame.

Attention should be paid to these factors when choosing a mosquito net and type of fastening.

Measurements for structures with plunger mounts

Mosquito installations with plunger mounts differ only in the installation method in the window box. They are installed using plungers - a spring piston, the length of which exceeds its diameter. How are measurements for designs with plunger mounts?

  • To determine all the necessary sizes of the design of the future installation, you need to measure the height and width of the window opening.
  • Next, you need to use the following formula for calculating data: take away from the obtained sizes 6 mm.
  • The distance of the indent is necessary for the installation of the seal, which is built along the perimeter of the frame of the antimoscate structure.

If the networks will be installed by specialists, then tell them only the data received.

Stages of installation of an internal mosquito mesh: which side to install?

Installation of an internal mosquito net
Installation of an internal mosquito net

Vyed internal and external mosquito nets. The inner mesh is designed for metal -plastic windows and is installed on the inside of the window. For this type of net, a frame made of aluminum profiles is suitable, which are strengthened around the perimeter by silicone sealing. Stages of installation:

  • Attach special ears to the aluminum profile, for which it will then be convenient to remove the grid for cleaning or dismantling.
  • Fasteners in the form of metal latches are mounted along the edges of the window opening and allow you to maintain the grid structure in the window box. Ready.

Everything is simple. If something is not clear, watch the video below. In it, the home master shows clearly how and what to do.

Video: Installing a mosquito grid of internal mount on a plastic window

Features of installation and operation of a roll mosquito mosquito on a plastic window: Stages, video

Rolled, or as they are also called, rollete antimoscate constructions  - This is a popular and fashionable means of combating the penetration of unwanted pests into the premises. A distinctive feature of a role mesh is the ease in the movement of its opening and closing. Such nets are made of aluminum with a variety of impurities, which is covered with paint using special technology. Such a surface is not subjected to corrosion and withstands various bends.

In the installation, these designs are very simple and convenient, especially if you install the finished assembly of a roll mosquito net on a plastic window. The assembly of the grid structure consists of the following details:

  • A drum with a mobile mechanism
  • Ground canvas
  • Guide parts
  • Falter-fake

When installing a roll mosquito, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the features of installing the mounts used in advance. A similar design is attached to the door or with the help of self -tapping screws. You can choose from two methods of fasteners: overlap or display. Before the work of measurements, decide on the method of fasteners. The overlap is usually installed on the street side.

So, how to install a roll mosquito net? You need to purchase the following materials in advance:

  • Rolled mosquito net
  • Fasteners for installation
  • Squirrel for installation
  • Building level

Before installing a roll mosquito net, you must familiarize yourself with the installation rules of this design. There are several methods of installation:

  1. Elmity
  2. Valves with clips
  3. With fasteners in the opening

The choice of installation method depends on the features of the window opening. Having chosen a certain method of fasteners, get to work according to the stages:

  • First, install the cassette in the brackets if it goes separately. You must get a box with a mosquito net wound inside.
  • Below to the mesh canvas, we attach the fixing lower bar with a convenient rope for movement - opening and closing the grid.
  • Insert the side guides one after another in the grooves and raise it to the stop until you reach the base of the cassette. Fix the fasteners of everything selected in the way.
  • Follow the installation of the guides in the box, there should be an angle of 90 degrees between them.

At the end of all installation, you can install locks - for fixing the grid. Try to open and close the structure several times, make sure its reliability.

This type of net does not require special attention during operation, but it is worth adhering to some rules:

  • Wipe the surface with a damp sponge
  • Clean the grid during folding
  • A drum with a mobile mechanism should always be kept in dryness

Watch the video how the home master installs such a design.

Video: Installing a rollete mosquito net yourself

Features of independent installation and operation of the grid on plunges: instruction, video

Installation of nets on plunger
Installation of nets on plunger

Plunger mounts have a very unusual look. They are a rod in which its endings are fixed by a spring and due to this the maximum distance is achieved. This fastener on plunger has its own installation features. If you are going to fix the net yourself, then follow the following:

  • Make landing holes in advance to install fasteners.
  • The components of the mount can be four or more.
  • They are installed in the side faces of the grid frame so that the tips of the fasteners go beyond the side of the support.
  • The next stage of installation is the embedding of the grid into the prepared frame structure.
  • Then install plunger mounts firmly on the grid on the window.

Installing an anti -mosquito net on your own on a plunger, you must take into account some important nuances:

  • When working for measurements for installing a mosquito grid, observe the size of the size of the finished frame and the size of the opening.
  • On each side, 2 plunger is standardly installed.
  • The number of fasteners can be larger if the size of the grid is larger than a standard sample.

As you can see, it is easy to fix such a grid. Look clearly in the video how the home master does it.

Video: setting up and installing nets on a plunger mount

How to install a mosquito net on magnets - without a frame, without fasteners?

A similar design that provides protection against insects is universal and comfortable.

  • A distinctive characteristic of such a grid from others is that the magnets serve as holders of the paintings and immediately close, without missing pests and dust.
  • The selected design guarantees the ventilation of the room with fresh air.
  • Such nets are used for installation on windows and doorways.
  • They are convenient in that pets will be able to freely enter the room, and the net will quickly close behind them thanks to the magnets.
  • Ready -made nets are tightly attached to the openings and bilateral magnets are attached to the ends of the paintings.

Magnetic holders are tightly connected and are great for use in antimoscate installations on windows and doors.

It is worth noting: Such a mount can be made independently using two single -plane magnets interconnected.

Mosquito nets on magnets are simple, as they are made without the use of frames and fasteners. You can install such a mosquito net using only bilateral tape. The grid is attached using bilateral tape along the perimeter of the door, and magnets to each other, fixing the ends of the net canvas among themselves.

Video: Mosquito grid with your own hands without a frame

How to install a mosquito net on the balcony door on the loops with your own hands?

Mosquito mesh on the balcony door on loops
Mosquito mesh on the balcony door on loops

To get started, buy a mosquito design and the necessary mounts that are useful to you for installation. How to install a mosquito net on the balcony door on the loops with your own hands?

  • Cut a piece of mesh corresponding to the parameters of the balcony door. Pill the bars from any wooden material in advance.
  • From the prepared bars, collect the frame by the size of the doorway.
  • Do not forget to file the corners under 45 degrees For a better connection of them among themselves.
  • Then put the prepared frame structures on a flat surface and, using perforated drywall profile, connect the corners with screws.
  • Tighten the net on the assembled frame and fix it with reinforced buttons.
  • Fix the fixed net with hot glue and put a wooden frame on top, fixing with clerical clamps.

Further, plastic mounts are mounted in the corners for further installation of the grid in the balcony clearance. And, of course, do not forget to attach the handle to open the grid.

Video: How to redo and install an anti -mosquito net on the hinges yourself?


How to install a mosquito net on sliding windows: Instructions

The antimoscate structure for sliding windows is a rather popular thing in modern times. It is often installed on balconies and loggias. A similar design includes two sliding halves, the movement of which is due to pressure on them. It is equipped with aluminum strips that are installed on the inside of the frame. The mesh is carried out at the expense of rollers installed on the lower face. In general, the principle of the functioning of a sliding mosquito grid is simple: it is installed in the place of the window, and then it is simply pushed aside.

How to install a mosquito net on sliding windows? Here's the instruction:

  • The installation of such a mesh is simple. First you need to put the guide strips for the lower wheels to ensure the movement of the wings.
  • After installing the guides, insert an already prepared frame with attached wheels.
  • First, the upper part of the grid is mounted, then the lower.
  • At the end, the gaps between the net and the guides can be sealed with pile to maintain heat and tightness.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

How to install a holder, fasteners of a mosquito net?

Holder, fastener of a mosquito net
Holder, fastener of a mosquito net

Installation of fastening or holder of an antimoscate grid will not be difficult. You will have to use Z- figurative fasteners, since it is the most convenient and easy to mount.

  • Take the grid and install the Z- shaped fasteners “face” to you.
  • When performing work, note that fasteners may differ from each other in the length of their hook.
  • Then install the mesh so that the fasteners are turned from the smaller hook down, and the large upstairs, respectively.
  • Take the prepared grid in your hands and insert it into the window opening.
  • When installing, fix the smaller hooks behind the edges of the frame below, slowly lower the net. The net was installed in the right grooves.

Installation on this is over.

How to install pens on a mosquito grid: Instructions, video

Handles on a mosquito grid are always a problem, they often disappear and break. You always need to have a spare set of these parts and spare parts for their installation. The main reason for the problems with handles is the influence of sunlight, weather conditions and moisture. To eliminate such breakdowns of the handles, it is necessary to remove the nets for the winter period into the room. Despite compliance with all operating rules, the pens can still become unusable. To repair them on mosquito nets, you must have a set of new parts and a conventional screwdriver. The cost of one new set is insignificant.

How to install pens on a mosquito net? Here's the instruction:

  • So, proceed to repair. First, remove the remaining old handles and clean the surface before installing new ones.
  • The remaining seal must also be cleaned from the surface.
  • Using a screwdriver, make a groove to enter a new part.
  • Remove the old pens and place new ones in the prepared groove.
  • Installation mechanics are very simple, but still requires attentiveness.
  • At the end of the procedure, using the screwdriver, destroy the groove and return the seal to the place.

Replace all damaged handles in this way. If something is not clear, watch the video. In it, the home master clearly shows how to correctly install new pens.

Video: Installation of mounts and handles for a mosquito net

How to assemble a design with your own hands from components: how to make a mosquito net itself, video

We collect the design with our own hands from components
We collect the design with our own hands from components

If you want to save and assemble the design with your own hands from components, then doing it is simple. It is important to follow all the stages. How to make a mosquito net yourself? First you need to determine the fabric for the antimoscate structure. There is a large selection of natural or polymeric materials:

  • Cotton fabric Great for use in a mosquito structure. The only minus of the material is poor tolerance of excess moisture.
  • Nylon fabric It is a good option for an anti -mosquito net, because She perfectly absorbs dirt and dust.
  • Fiberglass - This is precisely the fabric that will perform the anticote function. The fabric is very durable, has durability and is almost not torn.

The next stage is the choice of the installation method:

  • The grid can be installed on the window frame, which will allow the fabric not to interfere with the movement of the wings.
  • There is another option for fastening - through Velcro. Voris Velcro is sewn to the grid over the entire length. From the inside, part with hooks is attached to the plastic frame of the window. A similar system works according to a bilateral scheme.

After determining the installation and fabric method, we move on to the installation mechanics of the grid itself:

  • First you need to purchase a special kit.
  • It includes: strips for a frame, a grid, corners, pens, a rubber seal, a transverse rail with fasteners, screws 1.6 cm long.

Before installation, study all the parameters and determine the size of the working plane. If the acquired strips under the frame are large, then you must reduce them. Be sure to leave it 20 mm each From each corner for entering parts into the frame structure.

Advice: Do not allow the skew of the frame itself, work only on a flat surface, for example, on a large table.

Now do this:

  • For the manufacture of the frame, it is necessary to combine the rails through screws.
  • Put the finished frame horizontally and spread the grid above it.
  • The mesh canvas should exceed the dimensions in terms of parameters 5 cm from each side.
  • There are special grooves in the profiles. A rubber sealing cord is pressed from above through the network. The seal is easiest to enter into grooves using a small tool, for example: a knife or screwdrivers.
  • You can start from the corner or from the middle - this is not so significant. The main thing is that the cord enters tightly, pulls the fabric well and fill the recess.
  • It is important that the tension is uniform - otherwise the frame will skew.

At the finished mosquito net, attach the handles in a convenient place. Fasten the stretched mesh canvas with screws at the end of the main installation. So the grid is ready for installation. Watch the video, it shows how this can be done.

Video: Video Instructions for the Assembly of a Mosquito net

What is the peculiarity of the “antikoshka” grid canvas?

Ground canvas
Ground canvas "Antikoshka"

The design, called "Antikoshka", has a feature of the strength of the material that is resistant to damage to animal claws. What else is the peculiarity?

  • This design also does not allow pets to fall through a mosquito net.
  • The net canvas used in this design is characterized by the density of the materials used and the thickness of the polyester threads - 0.8 mm.
  • This ensures the safety of the house from insects, dust and pollen.
  • Due to the high density of the material, the structure withstands the pressure of the animal mass up to 4 kg.
  • The service life of a typical product without losing their physical characteristics reaches up to 10 years.

Production material "Antikoshki" It is harmless to human and animal health, does not decompose under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, atmospheric precipitation with the release of harmful atmospheric substances and extraneous odors.

Features of the installation of a mosquito net on a wooden window

Typically, antimoscate nets are installed on plastic windows, but they are also well suited for wooden openings. Installation of the structure is practically identical, as for plastic windows. The difference is only the installation mechanics due to a different surface. What are the features of installing a mosquito net on a wooden window? For this you will need:

  • Fasteners Flag or Lamb, they allow you to quickly install the structure. You can buy in any store for masters.
  • The corners of the Z-shaped type of metal or plastic.
  • Plunger mounts.

The main element for installing the structure on old wooden shutters is plunger mounts. This is due to the peculiarity of the frames that are almost completely mounted in the slopes. Also, the method of fastening depends not only on the frames, but also on the grid. If you plan to mount sliding structures in wooden shutters - this is a completely different way of installation. Remember, with any installation, you first need to make accurate measurements. Further installation and strength of the structure will depend on this.

Video: Mosquito grid on a wooden window with your own hands for $ 1

The installation of antimostean not only protects your home from unwanted insects, but is also an excellent accessory for the interior. Having studied all types of mosquito nets, the materials from which they are performed, and the types of fasteners, you can choose the most suitable option for you. All of the above installation methods of various mosquito constructions will allow you to install the most qualitatively without additional help. Good luck!

Video: Mosquito net, 3 options, installation of a mosquito net of door

Video: Reliable installation of a mosquito net on the installed window

Video: froze and installation of a mosquito net on a metal mount

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