How to remove and wash off the mounting foam from hand: tips, methods

How to remove and wash off the mounting foam from hand: tips, methods

This topic will be discussed how to clean your hands from mounting foam.

The issue of removing construction foam from the hands of worries not only beginners who started repairs, but also those who know a lot about construction work. Sometimes you can find advice of such a plan that you first need to lubricate your hands with something fat-cream or oil, for example. However, in practice, it is very difficult to hold a cylinder with building foam with fat hands. Therefore, it is important to understand what means you can remove the construction foam from the hands if it still hit the skin.

How to remove installation foam from hand: recommendations, practical techniques

In fact, such an inventory is a sealant. It is sold in aerosol form, used in construction and installation work to close cracks and various kinds of cracks. In a hardened state, the foam turns into solid polyurethane, which is harmful to health when it enters the skin. After all, he is able to entail irritation and allergies. Yes, and it is simply inconvenient to walk with foam hands. It is in connection with this that you need to know how to remove the mounting foam from your hands immediately and even after it dries.

Important: the foam needs to be removed from the skin on hand immediately after it hit it until it has hardened. This can be done with a paper towel or an unnecessary segment of the natural canvas, and immediately washed away the remains with soap under hot water. But this must be done carefully, without smearing on the skin.

You need to remove it from the skin with lightning speed!
You need to remove it from the skin with lightning speed!

How to remove fresh mounting foam from hand?

Chemicals will help to dissolve foam

  • Before working with foam building equipment, you should think about the purchase of a special aerosol solvent. After all, the pistol after using the cylinder will also require cleaning, and such a spray is intended specifically for this issue.
  • You need to use the aerosol as follows: spray in place of pollution with foam and thoroughly wash off with water.
  • This method is great for fresh or recently caught foam, but it will not cope with its firm condition.
  • Also, a small advice - the solvent should be one brand with the sealant itself. Then the effect will be higher.

Manicure fluid can remove fresh foam for installation from hand

  • Yes, such a “soft” solvent as a liquid for removing a varnish on an acetone basis is sometimes used to clean the skin from paint. Since they are more gently and gently on the cover than chemical reagents. But again - she is still under the power of not quite hardened material.
  • Wet a napkin, sponge or towel and carefully remove the foam from the hand. Then - we will use water and soap to wash off the remains.
In conclusion, you need to wash your hands well with soap
In conclusion, you need to wash your hands well with soap

Similar, but stronger analogues-kerosene and white spite

  • Almost no repair is complete without a solvent. After all, you can not only wash the brushes and surface, but even save your things from paint and skin from mounting foam.
  • They work according to a similar scheme - apply on a rag and remove foam. After it is important to wash the skin with soap well, since these reagents have an extremely unpleasant odor and greatly dry the skin.

Important: if you have sensitive skin or have a tendency to allergies, then this method is better not to use. Since chemical irritation is possible.

We resort to folk methods - vegetable oil

  • In principle, you can take any oil product. It must be heated to a tolerant temperature, dip it with a towel and cover the skin with traces of foam. Naturally, large foam tubercles should be removed.
  • Set up for 10-30 minutes depending on the number of past tense and keep this compress. Periodically, it does not hurt to rub the polluted area a little so that the foam will go faster.
Salt crystals will cope with fresh spots
Salt crystals cope with fresh spots

It copes with its duty and stone salt

  • It is better to take a larger product because the effectiveness of the abrasive increases. But the small mixture will be more tender on the skin.
  • With salt, it is necessary to wipe the place with the remains of the material on the arm and rinse with water and soap.
  • You can repeat the procedure several times until the entire tier of foam comes out.

Medical drug, which will help eliminate the construction foam from the skin

  • Almost every of us heard about such a medical tool as Dimexide. Many people use it to wash the mounting or coloring material from the hands.
  • He really removes hardened material well, and working with it is very simple. It is enough to simply moisten the necessary area and leave for 1-2 minutes to absorb. Wipe with a rag and rinse well with water and soap.

Important: it quickly absorbs into the skin and enters the body, having a large number of side effects. Therefore, it is worth studying its contraindications before applying it. Although, on the other hand, chemical solvents are not intended for working with the skin, and can cause burning in contact.

His help was repeatedly noted when removing foam
His help was repeatedly noted when removing foam

How to remove the mounting foam if it has already hardened?

It does not always work out to erase the foam from hand at once, and it freezes quickly. In this case, the removal process is longer and more complicated. The hardened material can be removed only by abrasive mechanically.

You need to use a brush, pumice or sandpaper with medium rigidity.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • press your hands in a warm bath, for about 7-10 minutes. For the best effect, it will not hurt to quit sea salt;
  • next, do not forget to lubricate the skin around the stained area with a nutrient cream or oil;
  • slowly rubbed with a soaped brush or pumice frozen material, and after cleaning, we rinse abundantly with water. Work extremely carefully so as not to injure the skin;
  • in conclusion, you can make a cream compress or attach ice to a cleaned place to calm the skin.
Frozen traces are only amenable to mechanical effects
Frozen traces are only amenable to mechanical effects

What categorically cannot be removed from the installation foam from your hands?

Many people, being in a hopeless situation, use some means that are able to harm, and not solve the problem. Therefore, one cannot but affect the topic of dangerous or ineffective methods.

  • Absolutely definitely not to be used to remove building material from the hands of various kinds acids and vinegar. They will not bring the result, but I can apply a dangerous chemical burn.
  • Special attention is required Chlorine -containing substances. Do not use them in any case! They are dangerous with external contact with the skin, as they can cause serious harm to the epidermis. And even just when inhaled, they will cause a burial of the mucosa.
  • We also categorically do not advise using the product to remove installation foam With high alkali. They will not help to remove building material, but they can disrupt the balance of the skin of the hands.

Important: if you still could not remove any traces-do not despair. The epidermis cells are in constant renewal, the remnants of the material will be left on their own over time. Approximately the update will require 2-3, but sometimes 5 days. Do not forget to wash your hands in warm water with soap for the speed of the process during this period.

And remember - construction foam is not for jokes or experiments!
And remember - construction foam is not for jokes or experiments!

How to avoid removing the mounting foam from the skin: Recommendations

Always remember safety precautions. Therefore, arm yourself with a few simple rules that you should definitely adhere to:

  • put on gloves if you took the cylinder in your hands;
  • always close your eyes during any building manipulations;
  • choose the most closed old clothes;
  • cover the hair, because the foam is removed from them only by cutting;
  • try to cover the surrounding objects as tight as possible with a film or not wetting material.

Video: How to remove mounting skin from hand?

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