How to clean and wash the plastic windowsill and plastic window frames with folk methods and special means: folk recipes, review of special means, tips. How to clean plastic window sills after repair?

How to clean and wash the plastic windowsill and plastic window frames with folk methods and special means: folk recipes, review of special means, tips. How to clean plastic window sills after repair?

Ways to clean plastic frames and window sills.

A plastic window sill, immediately after installation, looks very pretty and beautiful. But over time, yellow, as well as gray spots appear on it, which significantly spoil its appearance and indicate that the product is far from new. In this article we will tell you how to wash a plastic windowsill of plastic.

How to wash a plastic windowsill with folk methods: recipes, tips

It is worth noting that the window sills are both rough and glossy. Depending on this, cleaners are selected. Please note that yellow and gray pollution do not always appear through the fault of the hostess. Very often this is due to the region in which you live. Due to the large amount of dust that settles on the surface, as well as due to sunlight. Very often, components are added to the composition of plastic products that can burn out in the sun or covered with spots. Therefore, choose a tool that can remove pollution, but at the same time not to scratch the surface.

In the arsenal of each housewife there is a huge amount of cleaning funds. If you do not have them, or you do not want to spend money on purchasing special tools, you can use folk methods.


Review of folk recipes, tips:

  • Toothpaste. An interesting and unusual solution. It is necessary to slightly moisturize the surface, apply a little toothpaste with a bleach to it and clean it with a soft sponge. The most polluted is the gap between the windowsill and the window. It can be cleaned using a toothbrush. Next, the surface is washed out using a conventional pulp napkins.
  • Calcinated soda and powder. It is necessary to mix one tablespoon of one and the other remedy, apply a little to the windowsill and rub with a soft rag. Please note that manipulation must be carried out in gloves, because the product is quite aggressive, it can corrode delicate skin of the hands. After cleaning, the composition is washed off with water several times, because a matte film can remain on the surface.
  • Chalk and tooth powder. It is necessary to mix dry components in equal quantities and add 3 tablespoons of warm water, averaged until the gruel is similar to sour cream. Apply with your fingers to the surface and leave for a third of the hour. After that, take a soft sponge or an ordinary microfiber napkin, and wipe the remnants of cleaners. These substances are soft abrasives, so they do not scratch the windowsill. It is necessary to rinse the surface several times, because chalk and tooth powder are poorly washed out.
  • Remains from soap. Many of us have remnants, you should not throw them away. From them you can prepare special cleaning products. On a half liter jar, washing was falling asleep to exactly half the jar. Next, everything is poured with a glass of almost boiling water and stirred until the soap is completely dissolved. Two packages of calcium gluconate are added to this mixture, which must be crushed with a rolling pin. Again the mixture is averaged, left for a quarter of an hour. Shake the jar several times so that chalk particles are well distributed around the bank. Apply the product for a third of the hour to the surface and gently wipe it with a soft cloth. Remove the remnants of cleaning products using a wet rag.
Wash the plastic
Wash the plastic

How to clean plastic window sills after repair: instructions, tips

Many housewives note that after the repair work, the remains of putty, installation foam or other building materials that are very difficult to remove are left on the windowsill. With the correct performance of all work, you can easily make the surface of the window sill perfectly clean.


  • First of all, remove all plastic plugs, as well as additional elements. Because it is in the joints of the joints that a huge amount of dirt accumulates.
  • Now you will need a tool that contains abrasive substances. It can be gels or liquids, as well as pasty substances.
  • An ordinary dishwashing gel will help to cope, in which you need to add a little baking soda. This tool is applied half an hour on the windowsill. Next, you need to take a soft shoulder blade with a rubber tip, which are often used during the repair, and try to scrap pollution, which under the influence of detergent will dissolve a little and will become much softer.
  • If there is a small amount of contaminants, just rub them with the hard side of the washcloth for washing dishes, in no case should you use iron washcloths, as well as brushes to clean the window sills after repair. Because they scratch the surface of plastic, and in the future they will provoke clusters of dirt in them.
  • After doing all the work, you will have to wash the window sill several times with ordinary clean water. At the final stage, you can use ordinary household soap. They need to grate the windowsill, walk with a soft brush and wash off with warm water.
Glossy windowsill
Glossy windowsill

How to wash plastic frames and window sills: review of special tools

You can remove pollution from plastic using special cleaners that are sold in chemistry stores.


  • Mr. Proper. Buy a universal product that is suitable for the kitchen. Usually presented in the form of a powder or gel -like substance with small abrasives. The product dissolves in several liters of water, the resulting solution is cleaned.
  • Bearing Beng. This is an aggressive substance that is sold in a spray. It is applied to the windowsill and left for a third of the hour. Further, cleaning is carried out using ordinary soft fabric. Rinse it several times using warm water. Please note that the product smells very much, so it is not recommended to use people with allergies.
  • Sanitary for the kitchen. This substance is used not only to remove pollution in the form of dust, but also helps to cope with fat spots excellently. It is necessary to apply the product for a quarter of an hour to the surface, and then rub with a soft cloth. Rinse with a lot of water.
  • Domestos. This tool is suitable if you need to remove rust from the surface of the stain. The product is applied to plastic and left for a third of the hour. After that, with a soft cloth, it is washed off with warm water.
  • Pemolux. This substance is one of the softest and most gentle. It is not distinguished by a caustic odor or a large number of abrasive particles. It can be used without protective gloves. The cream is applied to spots with a sponge, rubbed. After that, it is left for a third of the hour, washed off with a large amount of water.
  • Zoom ™ concentrated cleaning agentaMVEI company. Properties and instructions read on site on this link.
Ram and window sill cleaning
Ram and window sill cleaning

Cleaning the windowsill is a painstaking business. But with the use of special tools, you can easily clear even the most old dirt.

Video: how to clean the frames and windowsill of plastic

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