Turnkey apartment renovation - what does it mean that there is, what is the benefit? The best turnkey apartment renovation designs: photo

Turnkey apartment renovation - what does it mean that there is, what is the benefit? The best turnkey apartment renovation designs: photo

Advantages and disadvantages of turnkey apartment repair.

For many people, one of the most valuable resources is time. That is why the inhabitants of large cities and small villages are trying to save it. In this article we will talk about the benefits of turnkey repair.  

Turnkey apartment renovation - essence

Repair is always difficult manipulations that require a lot of effort, time, as well as investments. Therefore, it is quite natural that any person wants to save their strength, spend less nerves.

Turnkey apartment renovation - essence:

  • One way to significantly reduce costs and your participation during repair is turnkey work. The very concept appeared as a marketing move among builders.
  • If earlier, to complete each stage of work, it was necessary to hire different companies and workers, then turnkey repair allows you to minimally participate in the work. That is, it is enough to conclude a contract with the company and get ready -made work, that is, high -quality repairs, after which you can safely go into the apartment and live in it. 
  • Accordingly, at the initial stage, at the conclusion of the contract, a specialist goes to the facility who calculates the cost of work. It makes up an estimate with the cost of materials, as well as work. The main advantage is that at the initial stage you can familiarize yourself with the list of work that the company will perform, indicating the exact value.The costs will be reduced and participation in the repair process, too.
Full construction
Full construction

Turnkey apartment renovation: benefit

The main advantage is that the home owner does not need to carry out each point of work, look for individual mercenaries.

Turnkey apartment renovation, benefit:

  • Compilation of estimates.
  • The possibility of acquiring materials with a company with the provision of all checks and reports.
  • The implementation of both the draft and the final decoration of the apartment.
  • The possibility of replacing communications.
  • Receiving a full report on the work performed.
  • The ability to practically not control the stages of repair. Now very popular social networks, as well as messengers that allow the owner of the apartment to practically not participate during the repair.

After concluding the contract, a turnkey work team is engaged in the repair, while it can send intermediate photos to the owner, with a description of the work performed. Thus, the owner of the apartment does not have to go to the facility, and control the performance of work and their quality.

Full construction
Full construction

Turnkey apartment renovation: Disadvantages

However, there are negative aspects. A contract is concluded, but it is quite difficult to break it, there should be good reasons for this. 

Turnkey apartment renovation, shortcomings:

  • There is a possibility of running into a company one -day that hires for the work of migrant workers. 
  • Quite high cost of work. If, during partial repair or during the search for individual employees, the owner of the housing can save by purchasing materials by completing part of the manipulations independently, then when carrying out turnkey repair, the company is engaged in all the work. 

Turnkey repair is ideal for busy people who have enough finances to pay for the company's work. At the same time, they want to minimally participate in the repair itself. 

Full construction
Full construction

What does the full repair of the turnkey apartment include?

At the initial stage, turnkey apartment renovation includes dismantling unnecessary, old structures, as well as garbage removal. This is the removal of old doors, replacing windows, dismantling the sewage system. After garbage collection, communications are replaced, if it is necessary to electrical wiring.

What includes the full repair of the turnkey apartment:

  • Indeed, after the main work is performed, it is impossible to install new wires so that they are not noticeable. Sometimes they include screed in the estimate, depending on the state of the floor. Next, black wall treatment is performed, plastering, alignment of surfaces. In the final stage, finishing, wall painting and linoleum laying are carried out. 
  • An important stage in turnkey repair work is the preparation of the project, and the performance of the designer. At the initial stage, before the implementation of all work, except for discussing specific stages, the designer draws up a project, and shows an approximate sketch how the apartment will look after the repair. This is an important part and significantly simplifies the company's work, the client’s understanding, what work will be completed. 
  • In this case, the color scheme is taken into account, as well as all the necessary subtleties. This allows you to more accurately calculate the final cost of repair. Indeed, quite often the cost of work is increasing when using expensive materials for decoration and decor. 

What does the price depend on and how much does it cost to repair a turnkey apartment?

The cost of repair depends on the reputation of the company, as well as the work performed. It all depends on the condition of the apartment, what needs to be done when repairing.

What the price depends on and how much does the repair of the apartment turnover cost:

  • Sometimes the apartment is in decent state, and there is no replacement of engineering communications, as well as wiring. This can significantly reduce work costs. In this case, only finishing is performed, as well as manipulations, which are discussed with the customer. 
  • Of great importance is the reputation of the company and reviews about it. The more famous the company with a good rating, the more expensive its services will be. 
  • However, it is worth remembering that it is more expensive to contact the companies that hire migrant workers. In this case, you will have to spend much more time and effort, as well as your own nerves in order to eliminate all the problems that were allowed by inexperienced masters. Therefore, try to choose a well -known company, with good reviews. 

Overhaul of turnkey apartments: description of work - what does it include?

Turnkey apartment overhaul is one of the most expensive. It implies full repairs, taking into account the sewage system, wiring, water supply system, as well as dismantling and installation of additional partitions.

Overhaul of turnkey apartments, description of work, which includes:

  • Most often performed in apartments that are purchased in the secondary market. These are most often old houses in which sewage, as well as power supply, are not at the best level.
  • Therefore, you have to change both wiring and all engineering communications. In this case, the replacement of heating radiators and risers is required. Next, the dismantling of window, balcony blocks and doors is performed, replacement with new ones is carried out.
  • The walls are necessarily performed. If necessary, a screed or alignment of the floor is carried out. At the very end, finishing is carried out. 

What are the advantages of design and repair of turnkey apartments?

Design is a separate point in the estimate that includes an approximate plan, a 3D model, and a sketch, how the apartment will look after the repair. Many residents try to lower this service, performing it on their own.

What are the advantages of design and repair of turnkey apartments:

  • However, very often expectation and reality do not coincide at all. To prevent this from happening, experts still advise resorting to the services of a designer. He will perform all the necessary measurements, drawings, as well as a 3D model, how your apartment will look after all manipulations.
  • This is necessary that in the process of repair work there are no controversial situations that can ruin the final result. The main advantage of design projects is that all subtleties are taken into account.
  • In addition, designers often suggest in choosing materials, offering how to replace the selected product, if it is impossible to use it. The designer will be able to advise a color scheme suitable for a particular apartment. Many people want to make a chic repair in dark colors, but in daylight, the room looks rather gloomy. The designer usually warns of such subtleties, and offers to replace the color of the finish with light. 
  • As for turnkey repair, very often designers are given complete freedom. That is, a person can independently choose the color scheme, the features of the repair. In general, the concept of housing establishes the concept, and the designer is starting from the wishes of the client. This is very convenient, as it provides complete freedom to specialists, as a result of which the repair is very bright and unusual. 
Good repair
Good repair

Features, photo repair photos of the turnkey studio apartment

Studio apartment repair is not an easy task. The main problem is that permits are needed, to carry out the dismantling of the partitions, and the piers between the rooms.

Before carrying out work and concluding an agreement with a repair campaign, it is necessary to take permission to carry out such manipulations. In some panel houses, all partitions, as well as walls, are whole, monolithic, they cannot be demolished. That is why, before any repair work that is associated with the removal of pieces of paper, coordination with the relevant services is necessary. Without even bearing structures, they can carry some kind of function, and hold the floor and ceiling.

If all the documents are in order, permission has been received, then the repair of the turnkey studio apartment includes the following manipulations - the features of the repair of the turnkey studio apartment:

  • Demolition of the necessary partitions and piers. This is a fairly significant category of costs, since it is necessary to remove structures from concrete or wood, take them out, and then align all surfaces, to carry out further actions. This significantly increases the cost of repairs.
  • The transfer of engineering communications can affect the cost of repairing the studio. In some apartments in which gas equipment is installed, for example, a gas stove and a column, it is not allowed to carry out pieces of elimination of pieces. That is why it may be necessary not only redevelopment, but also eliminating gas equipment, with its replacement with electric. It also significantly affects the cost of work. 
  • The repair of the studio’s apartment is best initially ordered with a design project, using the services of a designer. The studio apartment is most often remade from a small one-room apartment, with the elimination of partitions and piers. At the same time, the main task is to position the necessary furniture as conveniently as possible.
  • Sometimes, instead of demolished partitions, a small bar is mounted so as not to install a full -fledged kitchen table. After all, there is usually not many places in such an apartment. 

The best turnkey apartment renovation designs: photo

Often mount a convenient hallway in the place of old pantries. The design project will allow this by making accommodation in the apartment convenient, even for a family consisting of 3 people. Usually in families with young children there are a lot of things, such as toys, children's bicycles. They must be stored somewhere. The design project will provide for the necessary wardrobes, or built-in niches in which all the necessary utensils will be stored. 


Turnkey apartment renovation: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of customers who ordered turnkey apartment renovation. This is due to large costs, and the implementation of a decent volume of work. 

Turnkey apartment renovation, reviews:

Valentine. A one -room apartment remained from my parents, which is popularly called Khrushchev. The area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is small, only 28 square meters, and a large number of unnecessary pantries, piers. To expand the space, make the apartment freer, I decided to redevelop. He performed all the work, concluding a contract with the company, turnkey. They helped to make design documentation, to coordinate it with all services. I did not have to do nothing. The main drawback is the cost of repairs. I understand that building materials are not cheap, while the cost of repair has significantly increased due to a design project. However, this decision was a necessity, because I did not understand anything about this. I am very pleased with the result, in the end I received a new studio apartment, which I now rent for a decent rent. I think that soon such an expensive repair will pay off. 

Oksana. A few years ago I made repairs in my apartment. There was little money, so I decided to do everything gradually and on my own. I am very sorry that I did not act in another way. After purchasing an apartment for his children, my husband and I decided that it was better to accumulate money, and use the services of a company that is engaged in turnkey repairs. It was pleasantly surprised, since in just a month we received an apartment with high -quality and ultra -modern repairs from the killed Khrushchev. I will not make repairs on my own. I believe that professionals should be engaged in such work. 

Faith. Last year, I used the services of one of these companies, and ordered a turnkey apartment. To be honest, it was a little disappointed with the results. A lot of unforeseen situations arose. I think I'm to blame for myself, as I chose a company with the lowest prices. Perhaps the qualifications of specialists were not enough to make super-quality repairs. I will not say that it turned out bad, but I had to spend a lot of nerves and time to eliminate the problems that were allowed during the repair. As they say, it is always more difficult to redo than to do from scratch. I agree with that.


Many useful articles about repair can be found on our website:

It is most convenient to carry out turnkey repair, conclude an agreement with well -known companies. This is the main advantage, since in case of failure to fulfill the clauses of the contract, you have every right to break the contract. At the same time, there are no pitfalls and secrets, as a result of which the agreed amount increases several times, which often happens with individual employees. 

Video: turnkey apartment design


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