How to take urine analysis for sugar, sowing tank, daily protein and diastasis? How to take urine analysis during pregnancy, menstruation and after childbirth?

How to take urine analysis for sugar, sowing tank, daily protein and diastasis? How to take urine analysis during pregnancy, menstruation and after childbirth?

The delivery of tests is an important stage in the decision of any diagnosis. Urine analysis has its own characteristics that need to know so that the test results are as true as possible.

Analysis of urine - One of the most commonly assigned tests. Periodically, everyone has to take it, so it is important to know how to collect biomaterial for analysis correctly, and what subsequently can show a conclusion.

What urine tests are passed during pregnancy?

Future mothers have to take urine for research Much more often than those who are not in an interesting position. Expecting the child, this procedure has to be passed on average, about 20 times. This is done in order to control the health status of mom and baby.

A pregnant woman should regularly take urine for tests
While in position, a woman should regularly take urine for examination

The slightest deviations in urine analyzes can detect diseases in time, and prevent complications Both a pregnant woman and the fetus.

Most often, pregnant women are prescribed such urine tests:

  1. General urine analysis shows the general characteristics of urine and helps to judge how the mother’s body copes with bearing a baby. The following indicators are determined in it: color, mucus, reaction, leukocytes, red blood cells, epithelium, protein, sugar, salt, cholesterol, pigments
    2. Analysis of urine for the sowing tank
    3. Urine for sugar (morning or daily)
    4. Diastasis urine
    5. Urine on acetone

How to take urine analysis during pregnancy?

To correctly collect urine for analysis and get the right conclusion, you need adhere to certain rules. It is recommended on the eve of the analysis not to eat products that paint the urine:

  • carrot
  • beet
  • grape
  • watermelon
  • buckwheat
Before collecting urine, you should not consume products that color it
Before collecting urine, you should not consume products that color it

You need to hand over morning urine. It is necessary to prepare a plastic sterile container for biomaterial in advance. It is best to buy it in a pharmacy, but you can use just a clean jar. In the morning, on the day of delivery of the analysis, before the genitals should definitely be thoroughly washed - this will help to avoid false results.

It is necessary to begin to urinate in a latrine, and after a few seconds, without interrupting urination, to direct the stream to the container to collect the analysis. We need to collect around 50-100 ml urine and take the analysis to the laboratory as soon as possible. If you store the collected urine more than 2 hours Without a refrigerator, then an enhanced reproduction of bacteria will begin there and you will get false results.

How to take urine analysis after childbirth?

After childbirth, be sure to assign general urine analysis. It is important to make sure that the urine does not get into the container vaginal discharge and blood, since it will be difficult for laboratory assistants to understand whether it is blood from a damaged perineum or it is damage to the kidneys.

After childbirth, the urine collection should be especially careful - watch the vaginal discharge does not get there
After childbirth, the urine collection should be especially thorough - make sure that the secretion party does not get there

Before collecting urine you need through thoroughly wash. After childbirth, I often damage the vagina and perineum, so the blood from damage can enter the urine that is collected for analysis. So that this does not happen, you need close the entrance to the vagina A swab or cotton moistened in glycerin.

The biomaterial is assembled as usual: we lower the urine into the toilet for a few seconds, then without stopping urinates, we direct the stream to the container. We collect 50 - 100 ml urine. We take it to the laboratory.

Is it possible to take urine analysis with menstruation?

It is best to take urine analysis after the completion of menstrual discharge. In the urine collected during menstruation, red blood cells can be detected and there will be no way to find out this menstrual blood or kidney damage. But if there is an urgent need, you need to do the same as when passing tests after childbirth: Thoroughly wash and close the entrance to the vagina with a swab or cotton, moistened in glycerin.

To take urine during menstruation is not recommended
To take urine during menstruation is not recommended

How to take urine analysis for sowing and how much urine is taken for analysis?

To the surrender of urine on the tank sowing We need to come up with all responsibility. So that the results are reliable, preparation is very important. Prepare in advance sterile container to collect urine. You need to collect the morning average portion of urine: start urinating in the toilet, then direct the stream to the container and collect 5-15 ml of urine.At the same time, end to urinate to the toilet. Close the container tightly with a lid.

Suspending urine for sowing requires special sterility
Suspending urine for sowing requires special sterility

The faster you pass the material to the laboratory, the more true the conclusion will be. The fact is that it is normal urine is not sterile. In the lower sections of the urinary tract, certain microbes live and do not harm. They do not cause diseases if there are few of them. The longer urine will be stored for analysis, the more microbes will be in it.

A false result can lead to an incorrect diagnosis. Therefore, belong to the preparation and delivery of urine analysis to the tank sowing seriously.

Decoding and the norm of urine analysis for the sowing tank

In the conclusion of the urine analysis, the sowing tank indicates which microorganisms are detected - bacteria, fungi, protozoa and indicate the quantity. Bacteria in collia -forming units(Some) per 1 ml. COE is one or more microorganisms that have grown in urine sowing.

Decryption of analysis - the case of the attending physician
Decryption of analysis - the case of the attending physician
  1. In the urine of a healthy person can be identified up to 1000 COE/ml. This result suggests that the bacteria accidentally fell into urine from the lower urinary tract. This result of the analysis, as a rule, does not require treatment
    2. if more discovered 100 thousand coe/ml Most likely, this is inflammation in the urinary organs. The final conclusion on the analysis gives an exclusively attending physician, he prescribes treatment with antibiotics, if there is a need
    3. All indicators within from 1000 to 100,000 COE/ml They are interpreted as doubtful and require re -delivery of analysis to the tank sowing.

You need to wait for the results of urine analysis to the tank sowing 7-10 days.

Video: urine analysis for urinary tract infections

How to pass urine analysis for daily protein and how much?

If protein is detected in the general analysis of urine, you may need to pass urine analysis for daily protein. Before passing this analysis, you do not need to adhere to a certain diet, but it is better not to eat products staining urine - beets, carrots, grapefruit, buckwheat. If you take any medicine, be sure to tell the doctor about it.

How to pass urine analysis for daily protein and how much?

All daily urine is collected in sterile container volume of 3 l. These can be purchased at the pharmacy, otherwise - you can use a jar, previously scalded with boiling water. Store a container with urine is necessary in the refrigerator. At each urination, the initial portion of urine is poured into the toilet, and then continued to urinate in the container.

You can determine the protein in the urine using test strips at home
You can determine the protein in the urine using test strips at home

It is necessary to collect all urine per dayAt the same time, fix the amount of urine collected - for this there are special notes on the container. Thereafter 100 ml of urine They are cast in another container for tests and handed over to the laboratory.

Decoding and norms of urine tests for daily protein

Normally, in the daily urine there should be no more than 1 g of protein. This is considered moderate proteinuria. If the protein is in the urine per day from 1 to 3 g - This is the average proteinuria.
More than 3 g of protein In the urine is pronounced proteinuria.
The decryption of the analysis and for need for treatment is prescribed only by the attending physician.

How to pass urine analysis for sugar and how much?

At conducting general analysis urine in biomaterial not must detach for sugar, if the same this is it happened, then doctor appoint To you daily analysis on the sugar.This will help exclude the disease diabetes mellitus.

It is necessary to collect urine in a sterile 3-liter jar
It is necessary to collect urine in a sterile 3-liter jar

You need to prepare a large container in advance 3 liters to collect urine, and a small container 100 ml For the delivery of material to the laboratory. Store urine for analysis is mandatory in the refrigerator.

It is necessary to collect urine from 6.00 in the morning of the first day to 6.00 in the morning of the second day. The very first portion of urine (at 6.00 in the morning of the first day) it descends into the toilet. Next, with each urination, collect urine in the container. Having collected the last portion (at 6.00 in the morning of the second day), you need to fix it the total amount of urine. The analysis of the analysis has a special column for this.

After that, mix all the urine and pour 100 ml In a small container for sending for analysis to the laboratory.

You can also pass the morning urine for sugar. After thoroughly washed the external genital organs, it is necessary to collect 100 ml Morning urine. But the daily analysis for glucose is more accurate.

Decoding and norms of urine tests for sugar

Normally in the analysis of urine for sugar it should be absent or to be completely small quantities. The results of the analysis of sugar in daily urine are evaluated only by the attending physician. During pregnancy in the urine, a slight increase in sugar is observed, but this is a state it is not pathological. Again, the final conclusion on the state of health is made only by the doctor.

Video: General urine analysis

How to take urine analysis for diastasis and how much?

Diastasis in urine or diastasis analysis is prescribed for suspicion of disease pancreas. Diastasis is an enzyme that is released by the pancreas, is involved in digestion and in many metabolic processes. It is excreted from the body with kidneys, therefore, they determine diastasis in the urine.

To analyze urine for diastasis, completely morning urine is collected. To do this, you need to prepare in advance a special container. Before urination, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the external genitalia, women are recommended to close the entrance to the vagina with a swab in order to avoid getting into the container vaginal discharge.

Determining the level of diastasis in urine
Determining the level of diastasis in urine

The results of the analysis of urine diastasis show the amount diastasis in units. Normal indicators range from 20 to 128 units. on a liter. The norm of this indicator is individual and depends on the age, gender and related diseases. The final interpretation of the result is carried out only the attending physician. Most often, urine analysis for diastasis is prescribed along with a blood test for diastasis.

How to take urine analysis on acetone and how much?

Acetone or ketone bodies are found in the urine normally, only in a very small amount. In adults, acetone in the urine increases for such reasons:

  • starvation
  • excessive physical activity
  • with diabetes
  • for injuries, defeats of the central nervous system
Express test for the definition of acetone in the urine can be held at home
Express test for the definition of acetone in the urine can be held at home

In children Acetone rises due to:

  • overeating
  • eating fatty foods and synthetic dyes
  • fatigue
  • stress
  • heavy course of SARS and high temperature
  • infection with worms

During pregnancy, acetone rises due to:

  • toxicosis
  • reduction of immunity
  • emotional overstrain and physical activity
  • errors in the diet (use of fat, preservatives, dyes)

To pass this analysis, you need to collect the average portion of morning urine into a special container. Before urination wash thoroughlyAfter that, start urinating in the toilet, and after a few seconds, direct the stream of urine to the container. For analysis, you need 50-100 ml of urine.

Decoding and norms of urine tests for acetone

Normally, the urine contains very little acetone and it is not determined in the analysis. If the amount of acetone for some reason increases, the results can be like that:

  • + - the reaction is poorly positive
  • ++-+++-positive reaction
  • ++++ or “four crosses” - the reaction is sharply positive
The results of urine analysis for acetone
The results of urine analysis for acetone

The final conclusion is made only by the attending physician, he prescribes treatment.

Is it possible to take urine analysis during the day?

It is believed that it is best to take urine for tests collected in the morning. After all, during the night all substances that stand out in the urine accumulate and concentrate in it.

If there is an extreme necessity and you are in treatment in the hospital hospital, you can test in the afternoon. This is decided by the doctor, he also prescribes a direction for tests, if there is a need for this.

What time of the day it is necessary to pass the urine that the attending physician will say
What time of the day it is necessary to pass the urine that the attending physician will say

If this is a prophylactic analysis and you have been given a direction in advance, be sure to collect morning urine. This will help to get exact results, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment, if necessary.

Analysis of urine - an effective test that helps in diagnosing many diseases. Therefore, when it is passed, it is necessary to accurately be guided recommendations for urine collection, because the reliability of the result largely depends on this.

Video: urine analysis: indicators, causes of changes

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