Analyzes during pregnancy. What tests should be taken during pregnancy? Blood and urine tests during pregnancy

Analyzes during pregnancy. What tests should be taken during pregnancy? Blood and urine tests during pregnancy

The main tests during pregnancy. What needs to be handed over, decryption of tests.

Pregnancy is a special time and it is completely not possible to prepare for it completely! Even if you are carefully preparing for several years before this, there are no guarantees that no difficulties will appear in the process.

What to do? Do not plan? There is no at all, in the process of pregnancy to carefully monitor his and the child with the help of doctors and regular tests.

Analyzes during pregnancy
Analyzes during pregnancy

In the post -Soviet space, despite the actively developing family medicine, most do not take the examination seriously before pregnancy and after childbirth.

Visiting the nearest clinic and sitting in line with pregnant women, you can still hear about complaints that they were simply driven with tests during pregnancy. Especially outraged are those who pay for each analysis. Extortion or norm? It is necessary, or it is only the whip of a doctor. In this article, this is exactly what will be discussed.

Pregnancy planning

According to statistics in our country, the number of “random” pregnancies decreased ten times. From this we can conclude that pregnancy still occurs according to a previously planned decision. The couple meets, decides to create a family and give birth to a child.

What are they doing? They draw up relationships (after all, this is how it is accepted), they solve the housing issue, material and extremely rarely undergo a medical examination. The result is a lot of pregnancies with complications that could be avoided.

What tests should be taken during pregnancy?
What tests should be taken during pregnancy?


Planned the creation of a child? Both parents should visit the clinic and undergo a full examination of the body, as well as pass all the necessary tests. In the presence of chronic diseases, pre -improvement, and only then get pregnant. This applies to both mother and father.

Analyzes when planning pregnancy:

  • All general tests
  • When identifying problems, all additional tests to identify and eliminate the disease
  • Analysis section for infections
  • Examination of the hormonal background of a woman
  • If you did not know until this moment - analysis for a group and Rhesus of blood
  • Ultrasound (only for the future mother)

In addition, check with the doctor if there is a need for healing. If so - take your vacation and go to the new honeymoon!

What tests should be taken during pregnancy?
What tests should be taken during pregnancy?

What tests are needed during pregnancy?

And then the moment of conception behind, on the test there are two stripes and the question arises - to immediately register, or wait until the tummy grows. Straightaway. Oddly enough, but in the first trimester of pregnancy you should not rely on your condition.

Girls with toxicosis instantly begin to lead a more careful way of life. Those who feel cheerfully and are self -confident often late for the treatment of complications.

What tests are needed during pregnancy?
What tests are needed during pregnancy?

So, as soon as you learned about replenishment - to the doctor. Take the tests, find out that everything is fine and then, on the recommendation of a doctor, to continue the active lifestyle or rest.

Mandatory tests during pregnancy:

  • General blood and urine tests. They are mandatory, since with their help it is possible to trace the presence of inflammatory processes, reduced hemoglobin and other abnormalities in the body. They are assigned during the first visit and every trimester of pregnancy. Also, in the case of problems, the assignment of analysis may become more frequent
  • Bacterial sowing of urine. Mandatory analysis at the first visit
  • At the first visit, a smear on the flora is taken. In case of violations of the state of the flora, safe treatment is prescribed
  • Biochemistry of blood. This analysis is necessary to test biochemical blood indicators. Shows the state of metabolism, proteins and fats, as well as the most important indicator - blood sugar. It is also prescribed during the first visit and every trimester of pregnancy
  • Blood test for torch infections. With the help of it, herpes, toxoplasmosis, rubella and cytomegalovirus, as well as immunity to these viruses are revealed. They are prescribed 3 times for pregnancy, since viruses in the initial stages may not be reflected. Refusal of this analysis - the risk of not detecting infection and infection with it of the baby in the process of childbirth
  • Blood test for HIV and hepatitis. This analysis is familiar to many before pregnancy. It is not surprising that during bearing it is prescribed several times. In the case of a pregnant woman refused the examination - childbirth and the postpartum period of the woman in labor and her child to be in the observation department. Relatives are not allowed for it, as in modern maternity hospitals
  • For opponents of the tests, we will clarify that all unexplored women in labor (most often dysfunctional), as well as women in labor with complications and some diseases, fall into this department. Despite the fact that patients with AIDS, syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases exists individual maternity hospitals, we do not recommend that they intentionally go in the observation department with all kinds of consequences
  • Blood test for a group and rhesus of blood. It is appointed several times not in order to find out the changed blood type (it does not change throughout life), but to control the presence of Rh antibodies
  • Analysis for the genetic pathology of the fetus. Carried out at an early date (8th or 9th week of pregnancy). With positive indicators, the doctor recommends terminating the pregnancy, but even if the future mother decided to leave the child, she is already aware of the current situation

Deciphering the main tests:

General blood test during pregnancy, norm

General blood test during pregnancy, norm
General blood test during pregnancy, norm

Urine analysis during pregnancy, norm

Urine analysis during pregnancy, norm
Urine analysis during pregnancy, norm

Analysis for protein during pregnancy, norm

Analysis for protein during pregnancy, norm
Analysis for protein during pregnancy, norm

Smear on flora in women, norm

Smear on flora in women, norm
Smear on flora in women, norm

Analysis for glucose tolerance

This analysis is carried out at 25-26 weeks for two hours with oral testing. The study is necessary to identify hidden diabetes of pregnant women (gestational).

Prescribed in the case:

  • The presence of diabetes on a related line
  • The presence of obesity during pregnancy (deviation from the norm by 15% or more)
  • Gestational diabetes for previous fetal gestation
  • Macrosomy in previous births (child birth more than 4 kg)

What tests are passed in the first trimester of pregnancy?

What tests are passed in the first trimester of pregnancy
What tests are passed in the first trimester of pregnancy?

At the first visit of a doctor, pregnant women usually get not only a joyful result, but also a stack of forms-controls for tests:

  • General urine and blood tests
  • Smear on the flora
  • Urine analysis for protein and infection
  • Biochemistry of blood
  • HIV tests and sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, hepatitis B and C, etc.)
  • Hormones analysis. Depending on the results, the actions of the pregnant woman will be adjusted for a successful preservation
  • Blood test for torch infection
  • Blood for group and Rh factor
  • Ultrasound is mandatory at 11-12 weeks, but if there are complications, then even before
  • Additionally they can be prescribed: tests for chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma

What tests are passed in the second trimester of pregnancy?

The second trimester is special. The tummy is already visible to everyone, but it still does not prevent mom from leading a familiar lifestyle. Most work during this period, and passes the tests only at the end of the trimester, to obtain a prenatal sick leave.

What tests are passed in the second trimester of pregnancy
What tests are passed in the second trimester of pregnancy?

In addition to mandatory tests (we will not list them again), you will need to change:

  • Blood test for AFP (level of alpha phytoprotein). Thanks to this analysis, passed by 14-15 weeks, you can identify Down syndrome, hydrocephalus, distorted formation of the spinal cord and other chromosomal deviations. A positive result is not an indicator for aborting, but the mother has the right to decide whether she is ready to raise a child with these violations
  • Ultrasound at 24-26 weeks of pregnancy. At this moment, they reveal whether there are defects in the internal organs, whether everything is well formed, the state of amniotic fluid, as well as their number, the state of the placenta and its attachment. Well, the most exciting moment is the floor of the future family member
  • Additional tests depending on the condition of the pregnant woman

What tests are passed in the third trimester of pregnancy?

There is very little left before childbirth. At 34-36 weeks, it is necessary to go through an ultrasound again, and until the end of 37 weeks to hand over a new cycle of mandatory tests. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, doctors can again prescribe some of the tests and ultrasound to control the condition of the future woman in labor and fetus.

What tests are passed in the third trimester of pregnancy
What tests are passed in the third trimester of pregnancy?

What to do if poor blood tests during pregnancy?

The first reaction to any deviation from analyzes is most often panic. But remember, during pregnancy, panic, experiences, tension can cause more harm than a bad indicator. After all, the tests are not taken in order to pronounce the verdict, but for diagnosis and early prevention of the problem.

What to do if poor blood tests during pregnancy
What to do if poor blood tests during pregnancy?

Having received poor blood tests (any deviations from the norm) is necessary:

  • To analyze whether you have prepared for blood fence correctly. The analysis must be taken in the morning, on an empty stomach (before that it is not 8-10 hours). If you were tormented by hunger, and you quenched it at 2-3 nights (and pregnant women are not rare), respectively, there may be data inaccuracy
  • The day before the analysis is excluded: sweet and spicy, fatty, sweet and all fried. Well, of course, alcohol and tobacco are excluded during pregnancy. Moreover, in the second case, being in the room with a smoking person is not allowed. If there was improper preparation, retake blood fence
  • Contact the doctor for advice and recommendation. Most often, vitamins and complete peace are prescribed during pregnancy. Do not worry prematurely. After all, your today's task is to be taken away and upcoming birth
  • Do not make any decisions without a doctor! Any solution, especially adversely, will have a negative effect on the psyche of a pregnant woman, and therefore on her condition. But the worst thing is that self -medication during pregnancy is absolutely not permissible! Even the change of vitamin to others should be specified in advance with the doctor

Analyzes during pregnancy: tips and reviews

Galina: Now I am bearing the fourth baby. It would seem that I know the situation like no one. Not true. Each pregnancy takes place in its own way. Recently received a negative blood test. The first is what to do? But the first thing she did was to go to her gynecologist. As a result, they assigned me glucose and rest from my "home army" in the department. I can’t imagine what self -medication can lead to ...

Alina: I recently gave birth, I want my experience not to disappear and come in handy for others. I didn't want to take tests. Generally. And did not hand over before the decree, passed only for the sake of receiving the same sick leave. And I was horrified ... I thought once a pregnancy at 20 years old, what illness could be? What complications? And then like a stone on the head. I was immediately hospitalized, and I left the hospital with a child. In the hospital, the doctor looked at me with pity and talked about the fact that if I took tests at 7-10 weeks, I just drank vitamins. Girls do not fool like me!

Video: tests during pregnancy

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