How to take paracetamol in tablets to adults and children? The maximum and normal daily and single dose of paracetamol in adults and children in milligrams

How to take paracetamol in tablets to adults and children? The maximum and normal daily and single dose of paracetamol in adults and children in milligrams

Don't know how to take paracetamol? Read the article, it gives recommendations for taking this medicine for adults and children.

Paracetamol - This is a drug with anesthetic and antipyretic effect. Chemical name acetaminophen. It belongs to the group of non -psycho (non -narcotic) analgesics. It has been actively used in Russia and other countries of the post -Soviet space since 1950. Safe for oral administration than aspirin.

From this article you will learn how to correctly take paracetamol to adults and children. It is also described from what this drug is drunk and what contraindications are. Read further.

What is paracetamol take from?

As a separate drug in monotherapy, Paracetamol Take for treatment:

  • Pain of any origin - head, dental, muscle, articular, periodic menstrual in women.
  • With colds, slobbery and fever.
  • To lower the high temperature in the treatment of colds1.

Such an active substance is part of many complex anti -inflammatory drugs.

Dosage of paracetamol in tablets and capsules:

  • Tablets 0.2 g of active substance No. 10
  • 0.325 gr. In the package there may be 6 or 12 tablets.
  • 0.5 grams of the active substance, 10 tablets.
  • Gelatin capsules of 0.5 contain 10 pieces in a blister

At what temperature should I drink paracetamol in tablets?

Paracetamol The tablets are taken to obtain a persistent antipyretic effect in adult patients and children over 6 years old With body temperature above +38.5 ° C.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW: At lower temperatures, taking antipyretic drugs is not recommended.

This is all simple, an elevated temperature appears as a protective reaction of the body to an inflammatory process. If the temperature is reduced too much, the body will be very weakened and will not be able to fight infection and pain.

Paracetamol in tablets: How many years can a child be?

Antipyretic drug Paracetamol In tablets, they are used to treat children of different age categories in several drug forms. Used in three dosage forms:

  • Tablets 0.2 g of active substance No. 10- These are the smallest of them to reduce high temperature to children aged 6 years. Until this age, the drug is prescribed in the form of syrup or suppositories.
  • Syrup with paracetamol It is allowed to give children from 3 months. To this age only with the permission of the doctor.

Paracetamol in tablets: how to calculate the dose by weight and age of the child in milligrams?

Each drug has its own therapeutic dose, which has the necessary pharmacological effect, and at the same time safe for the child himself. How to calculate the dose by weight and age of the child in milligrams?

For calculating a single dose Paracetamol in tablets, it is necessary to multiply the weight of the child by the maximum permissible dose of paracetamol, which is equal 10-15 mg/kg. Read more:

  • The average weight of the child from 1 month to 3 is from 4 to 5 kg.
  • Accordingly, a single dose for admission will be: 4 x 0.01 \u003d 0.04 (4 mg) or 4 x 0, 015 \u003d 0.06 (6 mg) active substance.

It is problematic to separate this dose from the tablets. Therefore, it is necessary to use child syrup, where 5 milliliters of the solution contain 120 mg or 0.12 gr. active substance. To get the required dose, you should use a syringe for dosing the medicine. The necessary dosage of the drug will be contained in 1,35 or 2.5 ml syrup. So that the child does not spit out and burst the medicine, you can apply paracetamol the drug in suppositories (candles).

A single dose for children from 3 months to three years is calculated in this way. Only the weight of the child changes. Read more:

  • The average weight of the child is 3 years old-15 kg, then a single dose for receiving 0.01 x 15 \u003d 0.15 mg. That's why from 2 to 3 years You can give half the table. in a dose of 0.2 grams.
  • Children over 3 years old The dose increases to full table. 0.2 gr. that can be given up to 3 times a day.
  • 6 to 12 years old Drage will do 0.325. They are allowed to accept 3-4 times a day, every 6-8 hours.
  • From 12 years adult dose of dragees is suitable 500 mg or 0.5 grams. This is confirmed by the relevant calculations - the average weight of the child at 12 years old It is from 50 to 60 kg. Then the maximum single dose will be equal 50 x 0.01 \u003d 0.5 or 50 x 0.015 \u003d 0.75 grams drug. The average therapeutic dose is 0,5:2=0,25 or 0.75: 2 \u003d 0.375 grams active substance. You can accept up to 3-4 times a day.

All dragees are recommended to be taken no more than 3-4 days. If inflammation and/or pain does not pass, you should consult your doctor.

Paracetamol in tablets: how to calculate the dose for an adult?

The usual form of taking paracetamol for an adult is tablets. The dose for one reception is calculated in the same way, as in children.

  • The average weight of an adult can fluctuate from 60 to 80 kilogramsthat means you can drink in one dose 60 x 0.015 \u003d 0.9 grams or 80 x 0.015 \u003d 1.2 grams drug. These are maximum doses.

For treatment, average indicators are usually used. That is, a person with a weight 60 kg enough for one dose 1 tablet at 0.5 grams.

The maximum dosage of paracetamol per day for adults and children in milligrams?

After taking the drug through the mouth, its absorption in the blood and other organ fluids begins. The maximum effect of this drug develops in 2 hours. Its action continues up to 5-8 hours. Therefore, you can accept up to 4 tablets at a dose of 0.5 gr. per day.

The maximum daily dose Paracetamol In tablets for adults and children from 12 years old it can be: 0.5 x 2 x 4 \u003d 4.0 grams. This does not mean that it is necessary to use it. Drink as much the drug as necessary for treatment, not exceeding the maximum dosage.

The maximum dose for children from 6 to 12 years old hesitates from 450 to 900 mg or 0.45 gr to 0.9 g. One -time dose dose 325 mg or 0.325 gr. is 1 table.

IMPORTANT: Per day, taking the drug may increase up to 4 tablets.

The maximum technique can be 325 x 4 \u003d 1300 mg or 1.3 grams.

After how long can I drink paracetamol in tablets repeatedly to adults and children?

The maximum effect of the drug in the human body develops in 2 hours. It was established that blood proteins are binding 15% incoming active substance. The rest of the amount is neutralized and excreted by the liver through the interval at 4 o'clock.

IMPORTANT: Therefore, the repeated dose of the drug is prescribed not earlier than after 5-6 hours.

The number of methods of the drug depends on what problem it is used. This can be a one -time reception if the head or tooth hurts. And a multiple systematic intake, in the case of a colds or inflammatory process in muscles or joints - from 3-4 times a day.

How many times a day and how many days in a row can a paracetamol adult and a child be taken?


The calculation was determined by the highest one -time and daily doses for taking Paracetamol. They make up:

  • Adults and children over 12 years old you can take pills containing 0.5 gr of the active substance or 1  table. for reception - up to 4 times a day. Gelatin capsules containing 0.5 gr., appoint from 1 to 4 times a day.
  • Children from 6 to 12 years old assign tablets containing 325 mg or 0.325 gr. 1 table. up to 4 times a day.
  • Children from 3 to 6 years old you can give dragees containing 200 mg or 0.2 substance. They are usually prescribed up to 3 times a day, every 8 hours. If necessary, the reception is increased up to 4 times.
  • Children from 2 to 3 years old It is advisable to give the drug in the form of a mixture. If this is not possible, or the child does not want to drink ready -made syrup, you can use pills containing 0.2 gr (200 mg). active substance. They are prescribed half of the tablets up to 3 times a day. Sometimes the reception is increased up to 4 times And appoint every 4 hours.

You can take such a drug from 3 to 4 days in a row. If the pain syndrome remains, or the patient’s temperature does not decrease to the necessary, it is advisable to consult a new treatment to the doctor.

After what time does it start to act and how long does paracetamol work in tablets after admission?

Paracetamol, taken inward, dissolves in water and gastric juice. And then it is actively absorbed into the blood from the intestines, that is after 1.5-2 hours After taking the tablets, the therapeutic effect of taking the medicine occurs.

In the following hours, the patient’s body is transformed in the patient’s body, it is neutralized in the liver and the removal of decay products through the liver and kidneys begins. This whole process occupies up to 4 hours. The entire half -life of the active substance is equal 5-6 hours. Accordingly, to maintain the necessary concentration in the human body, the following tablet is important.

Paracetamol in tablets: Do you need to take before meals or a field of food?

The effect of treatment depends on the method of taking Paracetamolin tablets. This is an analgesic and antipyretic drug. All medicinal substances of this group take 1-2 hours after eating. At the same time, dragees are washed down with a small amount of water at room temperature.

Children's syrup of this drug contains sugar. Therefore, for rapid absorption and achieving the pharmacological effect, syrup is prescribed to infants 30 minutes before feeding. All other forms - tablets and gelatin capsules - after eating, washed down with a lot of water.

Paracetamol: Antibiotic or not?

In order to accurately answer this question, you should understand the origin of analgesics and antibiotics. Which group of drugs belong to antibiotics, and what Paracetamol.

  • Antibiotics are drugs acting on a bacterial and microbial cell.
  • Some of them kill pathogenic bacteria, while others slow down their growth.
  • Therefore, they are used in the treatment of microbial infections of different origin.

Paracetamol It affects the process of impulse transmission to centers of pain and thermoregulation. The main effect of the drug is aimed at enzymes involved in these processes. Therefore, we can say for sure that this drug does not belong to the group of antibiotics. This is an analgesic released from the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Due to what paracetamol in tablets reduces the temperature?

In the human body, appropriate enzymes are distinguished, which lead to an increase in temperature and the subsequent inflammatory process. Drug Paracetamol, entering the blood, affects the nerve fibers, blocking the formation of cyclooxygenases. Thus, the transfer of pain impulse to the center of pain is interrupted and thermoregulation center is blocked along the way - the temperature begins to decline.

Paracetamol in tablets: contraindications and side effects

The main restriction for taking the drug is the increased sensitivity of the body to paracetamol. Due to the fact that the liver and kidneys are the main organs participating in the excretion and disposal of the drug. Therefore, with caution is prescribed to patients with acute liver and renal failure. What are the contraindications and side effects of the drug in tablets?

Do not accept people:

  • With pronounced impaired liver and kidneys
  • Suffering from leukopenia, anemia
  • Increased bilirubin in blood, viral hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding

In patients taking Paracetamol In therapeutic doses, usually no problem arises. If doses of the drug are exceeded, side effects may develop, which must be detected in time.

With increased body sensitivity The drug may appear:

  • Itching
  • Rashes on the skin in the form of small red dots or spots
  • A severe reaction is less common - Quincke's edema (larynx edema)

On the side of the circulatory system may appear:

  • Anemia
  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Agranulocytosis
  • Neutropenia
  • After surgical interventions - abundant bleeding

With strong effects on the central nervous system Perhaps development:

  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Causeless anxiety
  • Anxious state
  • Insomnia
  • Strong psychomotor arousal and disorientation

From the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Dyspepsia

Endocrine system to the excess of the dose can react:

  • A sharp decrease in blood glucose
  • Even hypoglycemic coma is possible

Shortness of breath, bronchospasm and muscle cramps may appear. And also, general malaise and weakness, a decrease in heart rhythm.

Is it possible to drink paracetamol to nursing mothers and lactation?

When the drug is absorbed into the blood, 1% of the total amount of active substance penetrates through the hematoencephalic barrier, including the mother’s milk during lactation. Is it possible to drink paracetamol for nursing mothers?

  • Scientists have little studied this issue.
  • Until now, it is not known exactly how the presence of this drug in breast milk on the baby may affect.

Therefore, when prescribing dragees a nursing mother, the doctor must form the benefits of use for the mother and the risk for the child. If the drug is prescribed, it is forbidden to use it in maximum doses. A single dose should not exceed 500 mg or 0.5 grams, respectively, the daily dose - no more than 2000 mg or 2.0 grams.

Can I drink paracetamol pregnant women?

The effect of the drug on pregnant women has been little studied. To date, there is no recorded information about the teratogenic and mutagenic effect on the embryo - a developing fruit. The appointment of the drug to pregnant patients should still be done by the attending physician who will take into account all risks.

Paracetamol belongs to the group of analgesics and antipyretic drugs. It is over -the -counter and is in a pharmacy on free sale. Nevertheless, this is a drug that requires accurate dosing and proper administration, and preferably, as prescribed by a doctor.

How many days in a row can paracetamol take?

With a systematic reception of tablets during 4-5 days, the next course of treatment with the drug can only be carried out after 10-14 days.

Video: Paracetamol tablets - Instructions for use

Video: What is paracetamol and why is it needed? Dr. Komarovsky

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