How to answer if you were told or wrote “I feel bad”?

How to answer if you were told or wrote “I feel bad”?

They wrote to you “I feel bad” - what to answer? Look for options in the article.

People often complain to us and this is normal. Someone is looking for support, others want to attract attention, and the third is simply boring. If a person said “I feel bad”, it is important to respond and answer correctly. Especially if a person is important to you.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "How to answer the words" who are you "?". You will find original and correct answers to this question.

In this article you will find many different answers to the phrase "I feel bad." You will learn how to sympathize and help others. Read further.

“I feel bad”: what to answer if they said so?

"I feel bad"

In the life of every person, not only good moments occur. That is why the complaints of a friend, a loved one or just a good friend, is not uncommon. How to answer in this case? Of course, it all depends on how close the interlocutor is. One way or another, you need to show attention, care and location. All this should be sincere, not “for a checkmark. What to answer if they said "I feel bad"? Here are a few options:

  • "Don't worry, everything will work out" (or “everything will be fine”) is a universal answer that is suitable for both a close friend and a friend.
  • "Can I help you?" - It should only be consumed if you are really capable and want to assist this person.
  • "Everything goes away, it will pass and that" - A more philosophical answer, suggesting a certain detachment. Not always appropriate.
  • “I believe you can handle everything. Everything will be fine. If you need my help, contact ". You can also openly ask if help is needed.

One way or another, support is not only in words. In such cases, you should hug a person, let him feel your willingness to give him his mental warmth. A person who is bad, really needs precisely the feeling that next to her is a native person who will help (does not matter, physically or psychologically) to survive problems.

You should listen to a person (if he has a desire to speak out), give advice (if he needs him), help him again gain self -confidence and understand that what he is experiencing is not so global problem that it is solved.

How to answer if they wrote to you “I feel bad”?

Support on the Internet is somewhat different from support in reality. Indeed, in this case, it is impossible to take up the shoulder, shake the hand of a person, show facial emotions. Hugs are also impossible. It is important to formulate the message so that it is clear that this is not a banal “unsubscription”, but a sincere desire to help.

But the fact is that not all friends in social networks can be close and expensive to heart. Sometimes this is just a random person. Is it worth imitating care in this case?

  • Of course, the main thing is sincerity.
  • If a "I feel bad" I wrote the one whose name you don’t even remember (it is simply listed in the list of friends), you can answer: “I (you) understand you. I am so sorry. But do not lose heart. Everything will be alright. There are black and white stripes in life. Believe in yourself and hold on. Good luck will definitely smile at you ".
  • If the correspondence goes with a close friend, you can write more openly: “Maddy, don't worry. Never mind! These are all the little things! You see, it will still be good. If you need my help, I am always at your service ".

To support a person, you can talk about some of your own experience. Suppose, initially you did not succeed the same as him. And now everything has worked out for you. Explain to him that his time will come. How to answer if you were written "I feel bad"? For example, here are the options:

  1. Do not worry, topic! I sat for 2 years without work-but still found a decent place! And don't worry and do not give up. You see, it will still be good. The main thing is to believe in yourself and do not be upset. Do you want to look together? Together we will definitely find something.
  2. Come on! Leave bad thoughts! You are only 20! Until 25 years old, I was also unlucky with girls. And now I'm 30 and I'm married. You will also definitely meet the one that will sincerely love you.
  3. You will still be good! I believe that you can do it! Everyone has problems. In the end, this is not the ending of life. I understand that it is very painful and unpleasant for you now. But I believe that you will achieve everything you want. And I, as a friend, will help you with this.

Some people believe that for a person (especially a guy and a man) who writes a similar, the best motivator is rigidity and rudeness. But it is not always the case. Sometimes even a very strong person needs kindness, responsiveness and sincere, kind words.

How to answer if I told you or wrote “badly” a loving person, man?

"I feel bad"

There is a certain type of girls who think that the guy is obliged to be “steel Arnold” around the clock and not talk about his experiences or failures “under the pain of death”. But if the girl really loves, she is far not indifferent to what happens to a man. Therefore, support is mandatory in both cases-and when something happens to the girl, and when something happens to the guy. How to answer if I told you or wrote to you "I feel bad" A loving person, man? Here are the options:

  • Beloved, I believe in you! You are my most, most best! You will definitely succeed!
  • My dear, dear, do not worry. In life, everything happens. I believe that you will achieve everything else. And I will help you with this. After all, I really want you to be happy.
  • Beloved, you and I will definitely overcome everything! I know you are a strong spirit and you will definitely withstand all the trials!

The most rude and widespread mistake: to start reproaching the guy in weakness with phrases like: “What kind of man are you, if you whine?”, “Get together, rag”, “What kind of men have become, like women”, etc. In this case, it is quite possible not only to drive a person even more into the abyss of doubts, complexes and melancholy, but also to lose his beloved man.

Write to a person “I feel bad”: what do loving will answer?

As a rule, people try to hide mental pain and write this phrase to an exclusively close or loved one. Of course, a loving person will not ignore such a message, will not ironize or shine with sarcasm. He will always find words of sincere support. Write to a person "I feel bad". Here's what the loving will answer:

  1. Hold on, honey! Everything will work out, I believe in you. You are my strongest, the best, the most talented! The time will come - and the whole world will know about you.
  2. How I would like to be near you now! My dear, if you only knew how I would like to hug you now and give all your love, affection and spiritual warmth. Believe! Everything will be fine with us. Do not even allow any other thought. You just need to endure this unpleasant moment and move on.
  3. Do not worry, beloved. I will with you and will not give you offense to anyone. Together we can handle everything and everything will come up with us. I love you very much (sincere hugs and kisses will complete the phrase).

If they say “I feel bad” to you, do not be silent. Support a person not with banal phrases, but with the necessary and important words. Perhaps for a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation, this will be a real sip of air and he will have a desire to leave quickly from difficulties and return to normal life. Good luck!

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