How beautiful and original, in the rhyme to answer the word “clear, understandable”: options

How beautiful and original, in the rhyme to answer the word “clear, understandable”: options

This article describes that we can answer the word "clear, understandable." You will find different interesting options.

Answer to word "clear" largely depends on the context of communication. In some cases, one should make it clear to the interlocutor that his review of your information has been heard, and in some, to translate everything as a joke or answer with a mockery. Many people answer "There is nowhere more understandable" or " no, some kind of Tmutarakan " (in cases where nothing is clear).

Read the article on our website on the topic: "How cool to answer the word" Hello "?". You will find interesting answers that are rarely used.

Some people are offended by these words. They ask again "What do you understand?", forcing the second participant in the dialogue to go into long “expositions on a free topic”, or they cut off communication with a phrase "So everything is clear to me". In this article you will find options for answers to the word "clear, understandable." Read further.

That you can answer the word "clear": options

It's clear
It's clear

A more pleasant and peaceful version of the answer to the word "clear":

  • "That's okay"
  • "Well, fine"
  • "That's what they decided"

He means that both participants in the dialogue understood each other, divided the mutual point of view and reached a consensus in communication.

Sometimes it happens differently. The person answers "clearly understood"and this means something like "Yes Yes" - That is, a person does not want to interrupt the dialogue out of politeness. But she is absolutely not interested in what they are talking about. In such cases, you can hardly fend off: “Nothing is clear to you!”, “Yes, you don’t understand anything!” etc.

In general, it all depends on the tone. Based on it, the correct options should be selected. On the one hand, in words "clear" and "clear" There is no negative background. But on the other hand, it may take place. Can answer: "Clarity is complete?" - However, this is reasonable in those cases when it comes to the details of a really serious problem and it is required that the second side of the dialogue finally understands everything and make no mistakes.

More options:

  • I am very glad that you understood everything. But this is a theory. Let's see how it will be in practice.
  • Well, I understood well done. Now, most importantly, do not forget.
  • I hope you really understood everything. Let's see what lesson you will extract from this.
  • It is important not to understand - it is important to use correctly.
  • Well, here is okay! Now we can go to other issues.
  • Well, what did you understand there, we will still see.
  • I realized that you understood.
  • So that's great!
  • I hope you really understand what I'm talking about. And did not just understand in words.
  • It's nice to meet an understanding person.
  • Ah, you're my understanding!
  • Now tell me what you understand.
  • Turn! If anything, always at your service.
  • Glad you understand. If something else is incomprehensible, turn. I will explain.

Below are even more options. Read further.

How beautifully and original to answer the word "clear" in rhyme?

The answer to some word of the interlocutor in rhyme is always original. The second person will be simply surprised by dialogue. How beautiful and original to answer the word "clear" In rhyme? Here are a few options:

  • “Everything is clear” - well, great!
  • “Everything is clear” is in vain.
  • “Everything is clear” - but nothing is clear to me now ...
  • “Everything is clear” - “What is clear, tell me? Be easier, hold a shake! ”
  • “I see” - if you crawl, back to the conversation back.
  • “I see” - do not rush to agree! Better a spare from the heart!
  • “Nice” - to whom it is entertaining - “I understand it!”.
  • “I see” - “And you understand, and we are pleased!”
  • “Clear” - accepted unanimously!
  • “Clear” - only this is too dangerous.
  • “Clear” - this is cool!

Want to learn how to answer with humor? Then read on.  

How to answer the word "clear" with humor, cool?

It's clear
It's clear

Quite often words "clearly understood" They bring some confusion and cause unpleasant pauses in communication. That is why sometimes it makes sense to answer with humor. How to answer a word "clear" cool? Here are the options:

  • Clearly cloudy.
  • It’s clear that you are in vain.
  • Clearly - you look amazing.
  • I see - I hope you were pleased.
  • I see - now return the meaning of the words back to me!
  • It is clear that now it will not be a good thing to others.
  • It is clear - and it is gratifying to me!
  • It is clear - chocolate, marmalade, etc.
  • Clearly, understandable-you yourself realized what you said? Can you repeat?
  • Clearly, understandable - clear, but incomprehensible.
  • When it is clear to you - and life is beautiful for me.
  • Well, since it is clear to you, I agree to everything.
  • Since it is clear to you, it is dangerous to be friends with you.
  • It's clear? Well, now life is beautiful!

In correspondence, responding is much easier than firstly. Below you will find options for response in social networks. Read further.

What to answer the word "clear" in correspondence, in social networks?

The word
The word "clear" in correspondence, in social networks

Communication in social networks between peers is a much more free form of dialogue than even a conversation on the street with passers -by. That is why you can resort to all kinds of liberties like "I see - you and I am pleased", "It is clear - to it, back" etc. What to answer the word "clear" In correspondence, in social networks? Here are the options:

  • It is clear how Malevich’s square.
  • But I do not understand. This is some kind of Picasso, not an explanation.
  • Berlioz also thought that he was clear to him. And then he hit the tram.
  • “I see,” said the hedgehog, getting off the cactus.
  • “Clear, understandable” - give me a debt back!
  • Well, since everything is clear to you, maybe you and my problems will solve for me?
  • It is clear - well, if it is clear, you have 300 bucks! - For what? - For smart.
  • I am glad that everything is clear to you. And now, if you are so smart, tell me a square root of three hundred twenty -five.
  • It is cool that you understand! Maybe you also know how to multiply three -digit numbers in your mind?
  • Clear? Class! And I already thought that I was contacting a fool.
  • Wow! I understood the first time! And they told me that you are not far.
  • If it is clear to you, I kiss you passionate.
  • Now both are clear. And it was so terrible.
  • To those who are clear, my love is subject to.
  • But what about it? Like God's day? Or as when in the sky is not a cloud.
  • And now, since everything is clear to you, please ply on the pictures. And then I really thought that you forgot me.
  • Clearly, but the money in his pocket did not increase.
  • Everyone says "clear, understandable." And you take and buy an elephant!
  • It's clear? Well, Okay (when you understand that the interlocutor has no interest to communicate on this topic).
  • It is clear - well, amusing!
  • It is clear - well, it's nice!
  • Clear! - Only on the apron spots.
  • Clearly - well, that means I tried not in vain.
  • And I'm not clear to me! Explain! Well, you have a professor!
  • Do you really understand? Or do you want me to think so?
  • And you, in general, are wondering what I'm talking about? Or is it an empty phrase?

Also sometimes there is a need to answer rudely. Situations are different. Read further.

What to answer the word "clear" rudely?

If you have such a situation when you need to cheat - do not be afraid to do it. Many people need to be put in place so that they do not arrog and have a sense of dignity. What to answer the word "clear" rudely? Here are the options:

  • What is clear to you ?? Your face shows that you did not understand the devil!
  • It is clear to me that it is clear to you. How will we solve the problem?
  • You're stupid. What is clear to you there?
  • Clearly understood. And what about the fact?
  • Can you hear something more detailed and intelligible from you?
  • And for this I wrote you a whole poem so that you simply answered "Clearly, of course?"
  • It is clear that nothing is clear. However, this is exactly what I expected from you.
  • How kind and responsive are you! What a clear one! And you can’t say it! In appearance - some kind of redneck!
  • Clear - cloudy and snowy. Will you walk around the bush for a long time?

You can come up with your sharp answer options.

How to continue the conversation after the answer is “clear, understandable”?

Continue the conversation after the answer is “clear, understandable”
Continue the conversation after the answer is “clear, understandable”

In fact, words "clear" and "clear" - The “killers” of the conversation. In the best case, after them a person will have to blush, burst out and explain what exactly he understood. And at the worst, the realization that the interlocutor is not interested in the interlocutor, that he does not understand or does not want to understand the relevance of the topic of the conversation. How to continue the conversation after the answer is “clear, understandable”?

  • Continuing dialogue after such words is extremely difficult.
  • Of course, to words "What did you understand?" can answer "all"or describe the general meaning "I realized that ...".
  • But you can say: “Now I will actually show you what I understood”, “I understood everything from your story”, “Clearry clarity. I need anything from me? ".

Naturally, the answer will vary depending on the note on which the conversation “froze” - either he completely “went out” and is close to the Arctic glaciers in its openness and coldness, or the interlocutor sincerely wants to make sure that you all understood correctly.

In some cases after words "clearly understood" Communication ceases. A peculiar impasse comes. At the end of which you can come up with something like “Well, they talked”, “And I love you too”, “Well, and ours with your brush” - After which, modestly retire with the complete realization that they poured out the soul not to the same and completely indifferent person who will never delve into your problems. Good luck!

Video: Hello! How are you? What are you doing? clear

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