How to treat a boil at home: first aid, recipes, several effective recommendations

How to treat a boil at home: first aid, recipes, several effective recommendations

Did you have painful purulent inflammation on your skin? Perhaps this is a boil that needs to be treated. If the inflammatory process proceeds without special complications, the treatment of a boil can be done at home.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Folk recipes with onions from boils, abscesses, corns and cracks in the heels, with injuries, stretching ligaments".

From this article you will learn how to treat a boil so as not to harm health. Read further.

What is a furunculus: the reasons for its appearance


Boils - purulent inflammation of the hair bags, connective tissues. They can appear under the influence of staphylococcus. Therefore, in order to prevent the spread of infection and its penetration into deeper tissues and human organs, it is important to timely and competently approach the treatment of boils, and they should not be squeezed out, independently opened.

A boil can appear on almost any part of the body, with the exception of palms, feet and fingers. There are many reasons for the occurrence. Here is some of them:

  • Non -compliance with the basic rules of hygiene
  • Hypothermia
  • Weakened immune system
  • Skin damage
  • Changing of the living place

Summing up, we can say with the confidence that the main cause of furunculosis is dirt and cold. He can appear in any person. Many people try to immediately get rid of the boil, squeezing out or treating the inflamed area with something. But you need to treat correctly. Read further.

Is it possible and how to treat a boil at home?

All that can be done at home is to ensure the speedy maturation of the boil. Do not forget that the disease nests inside the body, so it is important to affect it not only from the outside. Is it possible and how to treat a boil at home? Here's what you need to know:

  • The body should be strengthened with various immunostimulating drugs that will increase its protective functions.
  • It is important to clear the blood.
  • Act directly on the inflamed area.

Therefore, in case of exacerbation, you should urgently seek professional help to a doctor who will prescribe comprehensive treatment, including antibiotics.

Remember: Only a specialist can open boils, it is forbidden to do it on his own!

If the disease proceeds without complications, then you can try to treat at home folk methods. Read further.

How can a boil can be treated on the body - what ointment: first aid at home, effective recommendations

A boil on the body
A boil on the body


First aid in the treatment of a boil is aimed at removing pain, at an early maturation and stretching of pus. To do this, you can make warm compresses. So how to treat a boil at home? Below you will find several effective recommendations.

The procedure is performed in the following way:

  • Moisten the napkin in hot water and attach to the affected place. Put the heating pad on top.
  • This method will help not only to calm the pain, but also accelerate blood circulation, which will contribute to the speedy maturation of the boil, and also help in the fight against infection.

Here are some more tips:

  • If the boil is in such a part of the body that can be immersed in warm water, then make a warm bath and add sea salt.
  • Additionally, in the treatment of a boil, use ready -made or independent stretching ointments. It is they who contribute to the formation of the head of the boil, after which the opening and leakage of pus occurs. Vishnevsky ointment, ichthyol, levomekol, etc. will help.
  • For preparing home ointment Mix: 1 tsp. turmeric, 1/2 tsp. ginger, 1 tbsp. l. natural honey, a little salt. Apply the resulting ointment to the boil and wrap with gauze. After the ointment for the treatment of the boil is applied to the affected place and wrapped with gauze, wrap the place with plastic film and again with a bandage or gauze. This manipulation will help keep the boil in the warmth.
  • Another effective ointment It is prepared as follows: in a water bath, melt the leaves of aloe, spruce gum, tar and butter. All components are taken in equal proportions, at the output a creamy mass is obtained.
  • Very useful in treatment and for the prevention of beer yeast. You can buy them at the nearest pharmacy. Drink 1 tablet three times a day.

Also, for the prevention of furunculosis, doctors of traditional medicine is recommended to use freshly squeezed nettle juice - 1 time a day, 1 tbsp. spoon. Below even more natural recipes. Read further.

How to treat a boil on the labia, leg, in the groin, buttock: a bath with needles

If there are several abscesses on the body, then you can make a coniferous bath that will relieve severe pain, and also reduce the inflammatory process. So, how to treat a boil on the labia, leg, in the groin, buttock? Here is the recipe for the bath:

  • Make a decoction of needles (spruce), you can add cones.
  • It is the conifers that have anti -inflammatory and tonic properties.
  • If there is no way to cook a decoction, then add a few drops of the essential oil of the needles to the bath.

The only thing is that the oil should not be sent immediately to the water, dilute it in cream, basic oil (vegetable) or drop at first on salt and only then throw it into the water. Otherwise, it will disappear and will not bring any benefit.

How to treat a purulent boil, a chicken on the neck, head, other parts of the body: a recipe for ointment with soap

Purulent boil, chryak on the neck
Purulent boil, chryak on the neck

You can treat an abscess with ordinary laundry soap. This is necessary 1/2 of the bar of soap Grate, send it to enameled dishes, add a glass of milk and cook over low heat for about an hour.

At the output you get a viscous ointment, which when it cools down, apply to the sore spot. Change the bandage with ointment 2-3 times a day. Such an ointment according to this recipe helps to cure a purulent or simple boil or a chicken on the neck, head or other parts of the body.

How to treat a boil - a folk method with garlic: effective recipes

How to treat a boil with garlic is told by many elderly people who have always helped these recipes. This is an effective folk way that several generations use.

  • So, to open the abscess, it is necessary to prepare several linen shreds. Then soak them with vegetable oil and grate it well with garlic.
  • After the fabric, roll and attach to the sore spot.
  • Fasten with a bandage or adhesive plasterer.
  • Change such a bandage in the morning and in the evening. Garlic will gradually destroy the cork, which will contribute to the release of pus.

Another effective tool is a mixture of garlic and onions. In equal proportions, fry both components in vegetable oil, then attach the resulting gruel to the boil, changing the bandage twice a day.

How to treat an internal boil under the arm, on the back or other parts of the body: a recipe with dough

An internal boil can appear anywhere, but more often such abscesses jump under the armpits, on the back. At home, it can be cured using another simple way. Here is a recipe with dough:

  • Mix egg yolk with butter and honey (if there is no natural honey, you can use flour). Knead the dough.
  • Bind the received cake to the inflamed area on the body for several hours, then again change the bandage.

The remaining dough must be stored in a cool place, you can in the refrigerator. Even after the pus comes out, you should apply the dough for a few more days to the inflamed area. But before use, the product after the refrigerator should be heated, fragmented in the hands. Many assure that such treatment is effective, some people say that the boil is opened on the first day of using this tool.

Treatment of boil in Ayurvedic medicine: recipes


In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric was used to treat a boil. It is called a natural antibiotic, which effectively fights with inflammation, and also normalizes the digestive system. All well -known seasoning is taken inside.

  • Through a day in a glass of water, dilute 1 tsp. Tour and drink.
  • Treatment lasts several days.

You can make paste from turmeric. Here is the prescription:

  • Dilute turmeric with water.
  • Then apply the resulting composition to the boil.

Remember: Turmeric dehydrates the body, can cause constipation. Therefore, you need to drink a lot of water, as well as consume fiber. The seasoning is completely prohibited if you take anticoagulants.

Please note that if the condition worsens within 72 hours after the appearance of the boil: severe pains appear, fever, too much pus, the boil does not ripen, we cannot talk about any treatment at home. A consultation of a doctor is needed who will tell you how to treat this disease.

Video: how to treat boils at home (Chiri) - Dr. Elizarov

Video: How to treat a boil at home No. 1

Video: how to cure a boil in 1 hour

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Comments K. article

  1. I dry any pimples with cream Asset Librider Serazin. It is precisely necessary to smear, I usually at night, so that it acts longer. In the morning, a pimple is smaller in size

  2. The pus comes out faster if you put a bandage with an ointment of Naftaderm on a boil. Inflammation also passes faster.

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