How to prepare a delicious mannik: the best recipes. Lush mannik in the oven and multicooker: recipe for cooking

How to prepare a delicious mannik: the best recipes. Lush mannik in the oven and multicooker: recipe for cooking

The most delicious and diverse mannik recipes we offer in this article.

  • Once, the recipes of cakes were transmitted by a large secret from mouth to mouth. Recorded in large culinary notebooks by our mothers and grandmothers
  • And all the tricks of culinary art were thus transmitted from generation to generation
  • Now such a need has disappeared. You can dial in the search engine any name and get many recipes
  • In this diversity, the mannik cake remained unreasonably in demand

Mannik on water with eggs, recipe

Mannik on water with eggs and poppy


  • sugar and semolina - by incomplete glass
  • water - 1.5 cups
  • cocoa powder-one tablespoon
  • flour is a glass of glass
  • the egg is large - for pieces
  • mac - one tablespoon
  • baking powder - half a teaspoon
  • Eggs, 1/2 part of sugar, beaten the disornser with a mixer
  • The second part of the sugar is interfered with a semolina and cold water
  • Leave to swell for half an hour
  • Combine with egg mass
  • Pour the flour
  • Knead the dough and divide it into two parts
  • In one of which we add a poppy pumped in a boiling water, in another cocoa powder
  • In a lubricated oil form, lay out the chocolate mass
  • Slowly pour the dough with poppy
  • We bake for 25-30 minutes

Mannik on yogurt

Recipe - Mannik on kefir
Mannik on yogurt


  • Semolina and yogurt - 1 glass
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Baking powder of dough - 1 teaspoon
  • A pinch of salt


  • Mix yogurt, melted oil and dry products until homogeneous mass
  • We lay out on a baking sheet lubricated with oil
  • We bake at a temperature not higher than 180 degrees, until cooked
  • Serve mannik with whipped cream or sour cream. Although it has the perfect taste and without additional additives

Mannik on sour milk

Mannik on sour milk with zuckets
  • Mix carefully on the glass: semolina, sugar, sour milk, flour
  • Add a heated butter about a hundred grams
  • After mixing, break one raw egg
  • Leave for 20-25 minutes, for swelling
  • We bake under the same conditions as indicated above
  • Ready mannik can be decorated with powdered sugar

Mannik with a banana

Mannik with banana and cocoa
  • Pour half a kilogram of semolina groaning half a glass of kefir
  • We can withstand 15-20 minutes for swelling
  • Put a little vanillin and soda, a glass of sugar
  • We put half the dough in the well -cooked oil and sprinkled with cereal, shape
  • Put exactly a layer of banana
  • Pour the second half of the dough
  • We set to bake in a hot oven, as in all previous recipes

Mannik with condensed milk

Mannik with condensed milk

  • Semolina - half a kilogram
  • Cottage cheese (not dry) - two hundred grams
  • Egg - three pieces
  • Not fat kefir - one glass
  • Small sugar - half a glass
  • Condensed milk - a little more than a glass
  • A little baking soda
  • Recipe:
  • For good splendor, first mix the yolks with sugar, cereal, kefir, condensed milk and cottage cheese
  • After that, beat the proteins with a mixer, with 2-3 grams of salt
  • Gently introduce proteins into the yellow mass
  • We spread in the form a greased with oil and slightly sprinkled with a manner
  • For a variety, you can add pre -soaked raisins
  • We bake in normal mode, as in the above recipes

Video: Best Mannik with condensed milk

Chocolate mannik, step -by -step recipe

  • Pour a glass of semolina cereal with a glass of kefir or sour cream
  • Leave for half an hour for swelling

  • Then add a glass of sugar and 150 grams of softened butter

  • To a thoroughly mixed mass, add 3 eggs
  • Adding gradually first, and then the following

  • After receiving a homogeneous structure, add a spoonful of cocoa and a little ravine

  • Gradually stirring, pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil

  • We pass a glass of flour through a sieve into a chocolate mixture. Finally knead the dough

  • Pour half the mass in an oiled shape
  • We supply chocolate slices

  • Pour the second half of the bang
  • We send to the prepared oven, for baking

  • After thirty minutes, forty is taken out of the oven
  • Water with melted chocolate

Video: Chocolate Mannik (lean)

Kefira lush mannik recipe

Kefira lush mannik recipe
  • Mix half a liter of kefir with a glass of cereals and soak for forty minutes
  • Beat three eggs with a glass of sugar, a pinch of salt and soda
  • Combine with swollen semolina
  • We bake as usual. If desired, add dried apricots, nuts, prunes

Video: Mannik on kefir

Mannik recipe on sour cream from the oven

Mannik recipe on sour cream from the oven
The taste and type of mannik depends on the number of products in the test. Replacing kefir with sour cream in the previous recipe and adding one and a half glass of flour additionally, we get a completely different taste

Video: Mannik on sour cream

Lenten Mannik

Lenten Mannik
The mannik recipe on water without eggs is an ideal option for fasting.

  • A glass of cold water pour a glass of semolina -stained decoy with sugar
  • Leave for 40 minutes
  • Pour half the glasses of sifted flour, a little vanillin and a spoon of sunflower oil
  • Add any center
  • Mix and put bake

Video: Lenten Mannik with Cherry

Step -by -step recipe for mannik in a slow cooker

  • Mix three eggs and a glass of kefir

  • Pour a glass of decoy there. Leave it to swell for 40 minutes

  • After the expiration of the set time, add a glass of sugar, a teaspoon of soda, 150 grams of softened oil
  • Mix everything

  • In an oil greased cup of multicooker, pour out the finished dough
  • We put on pastries for 30-40 minutes

  • After the multicooker signal, open the lid. Let stand for another 20 minutes

  • We take out and decorate to taste

Video: Tasty mannik in a slow cooker

Mannik is very satisfying and easy to prepare a cake. He is not so picky in cooking that even the most inexperienced housewife will turn out.

A variety of recipes will satisfy the taste of even the most fastidious gourmet and will help diversify the table for lovers of lean food.

Video: lemon mannik on kefir without flour

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