How to lose weight during breastfeeding: important rules. Is it possible to drink tea for losing weight to a nursing mother at GV?

How to lose weight during breastfeeding: important rules. Is it possible to drink tea for losing weight to a nursing mother at GV?

In this article, we will talk about how to lose weight during breastfeeding.

Being pregnant, every woman gains weight. Even during pregnancy, this is considered the norm, because the baby is growing. But after childbirth, every mother dreams of dropping extra pounds. And, in principle, such a chance falls during breastfeeding. Since mom eats exceptionally healthy foods, because the responsibility in such a period falls on the health of the baby. And the procedure itself acts, like a natural burner of fat. Therefore, we want to share with you an interesting topic, how to lose weight during breastfeeding.

How to return to normal and lose weight during breastfeeding: Important rules

Mom, like every ordinary woman, wants to be slender and attractive. In most girls, the process of losing weight during breastfeeding occurs independently. But for some, it happens quite the opposite. They begin to gain weight after childbirth. Although you do not need to be upset. After all, there are methods that without excessive physical exertion and exhausting diets, which are prohibited after childbirth, will help to lose weight at the GV.

Important: a nursing mother should always realize that she should listen not only to her body, but also to the well -being of her baby. After all, you can lose weight at any time, but the child’s health is gradually laid from birth. And when your child is healthy, then you have a good mood then, and, accordingly, the figure.

Do not forget - you are now completely responsible for your baby
Do not forget - you are now completely responsible for your baby

The main recommendations, how to lose weight during breastfeeding?

Before the start of losing weight, mothers need to remember the following basic rules and tips, then to use them effectively.

  • You should have real motivation and desire to lose weight. To do this, you can hang your old photos or make clippings from a magazine with a new outfit or swimsuit. Or just periodically consider them.
  • Rest should last at least 8 hours. If you do not have time to wipe the floor 3 times a day, then nothing terrible will happen. But the lack of sleep, which can also be summarized by young mothers, is often augered by stress and health problems.
  • And remember - your mode should coincide with the daily routine. Let yourself eat with the baby at about the same time, and most importantly - try to relax a bit when the child is sleeping.
  • Use only the necessary products that will not harm your baby. And also always remember the rule - you need to eat in moderation, better more than a day, but in smaller portions. And also pay attention not to the amount of food, but to its quality. And calculate calories-a full diet consists of 2000 kcal per day, and lactation “takes” from mom no more than 500-600 kcal.
  • Drink more clean water. But do not be content with myth that you need to drink at least 2-3 liters per day. Make your calculation, because 1 kg requires 30 ml of water. Water is the first starting mechanism in our metabolism. But its excess or deficiency affects not only extra pounds, but also on a general state.
Do not eat for two
Do not eat for two
  • Plan your weight loss no earlier than 2-3 months after childbirthso as not to harm your child. Better yet, postpone it until six months, when you begin to introduce complementary foods.
  • Stock up in a good mood Avoid stress and nervous overload.
  • Do not allow the use of special teas or additives For weight loss, because they do harm, both your body and children's. But we will return to them.
  • If you can train a little, then go ahead. Only without any power loads. But it is worth engaging in physical loading after feeding. During exercises, milk is saturated with lactic acid, which can cause an allergy or even a refusal in the child.
  • It is forbidden to lose weight sharply. The permitted norm is considered up to 2-3 kg per month. Indeed, during this period, the baby eats only breast milk. And the diet can affect not only its quantity in the maternal body, but also on quality.

Important: if you want to quickly lose weight, then consult a doctor. After all, quick weight loss is harmful to the body as a whole. And now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also of your child. It is with your breast milk that the baby is gaining strength, he forms a strong immunity. Therefore, we advise you not to take risks, since quickly lost kilograms return back at the same speed. The weight should be fixed gradually, it is then that it will be possible to maintain the result.

It is harmful to drop weight sharply for both your and the child's body
It is harmful to drop weight sharply for both your and the child's body

The first requirement of weight loss at the GV is a balanced diet

In general, nature laid down that during breastfeeding fat in the body of a woman gradually decreases independently. After all, its significant amount comes from the body with milk. And it is proved that the nursing mother is gradually losing weight during breastfeeding.

Important: the main thing is just not to overeat and not set yourself up, that the necessary is the double norm. Maternal milk is fat from nature, so there is no need for additional use of fat elements at all, on the contrary, the nutrition should be balanced.

Before you need to reconsider your diet in order to increase the benefits of food not only to you, but also to the child.

It is necessary to minimize the use of such products:

  • fatty and fried food;
  • with the presence of allergens;
  • sweets;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • with a high content of preservatives;
  • with the content of chemical additives;
  • sausages and smoked meats.

In this case, you should increase the use:

  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • natural juices;
  • porridge and flour products (meaning bran or grain bread, macarone products of solid varieties), but do not abuse them;
  • liquids;
  • seafood;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.
Follow the benefit and calorie content of products
Follow the benefit and calorie content of products

Recommendations for moderate physical exertion when losing weight during Guards

From a psychological point of view, it has been proven that after childbirth, the mother may have postpartum depression, which she begins to seize with some favorite dishes or products. Therefore, mothers need to always control themselves. Also proven is the fact that a nursing woman loses much faster than not feeding. We want to offer you a complex that will help the young mother lose weight at the GV.

  • The most optimal occupation for a nursing mother is considered yoga. It helps to come to harmony with its body and has no contraindications. Moreover, you can do exercises at home and in the fresh air. True, it is worth catching the moment so that the child does not interfere with you.
  • One of the most effective ways to adjust weight will be Classes with your child. After all, you can perform various exercises with your baby. In this case, both the result, and the child is passionate. In this case, you can not only do exercises, but do housework with it. This will be an additional load, which will contribute to burning fat.
  • Still, being pregnant, doctors insisted or recommended visit the pool. It is also shown during feeding, especially since it helps to lose excess kilograms.
  • Aerobic training is up to six months, and even better up to a year (if you feed the baby), you cannot give preference. After all, grueling run, step, etc. contribute to the release of a large amount of moisture. And this will affect the amount of milk.
  • Choose only a sports bra, which will be good to keep the chest. In general, try to minimize the loads on this area. That is, exclude strong swings with your hands, jumps and similar exercises.

Important: do not forget that after a natural birth, you can start the power of insignificant (!) Strugs after 2-2.5 months. If you had a cesarean, then wait for at least 3-4 months. But in any case, be sure to consult a doctor on this topic.

An ideal solution is to study with the baby
The perfect solution is to do with the baby

Is it possible to nursing mom for weight loss at the GV?

We want to give you factors that you need to pay attention to when losing weight during breastfeeding using special teas for weight loss. More precisely, to explain why women are not recommended for women during breastfeeding. Due to the following:

  • doubtful components of tea. A person cannot be confident in naturalness and the actual presence of the described components. Also, the origin of the elements of the product is also not known. If for the human body they may not be dangerous, or it will be minimal, then for the newborn body such a product to keep even a mortal danger;
  • diuretic effect. After childbirth, you need to use a sufficient amount of liquid to fully feed your baby. And the use of tea leads to dehydration, which will definitely affect the state of health of the child;
  • risk for the child. Everyone knows that newborns eat exclusively mother's milk. Accordingly, all products used by it fall into the child's body. A full -fledged mode in food for a child should always be in the first place.

Important: the same applies to pills, plasters and other chemical additives, which help to lose weight.

We do not advise you to risk the health of your baby. But to choose only to you, so weigh the pros and cons. Since there are also supporters of teas for weight loss during breastfeeding. But the life and health of the child should be in the first place. Unanimity in the weight loss of nursing mothers with the help of additional funds does not exist. But there are doubts about the positive effects of such products on two organisms.

Do not get carried away with additives for weight loss
Do not get carried away with additives for weight loss

Remember - extra pounds can wait. After all, you are a mother, and it is you who are responsible for your child. Therefore, the priority should be above all the health of your baby. Nature itself takes care of the disappearance of kilograms recruited during pregnancy. Therefore, do not overeat and just wait, because everything will leave gradually. Take care of yourself and your relatives!

Video: How to lose weight during breastfeeding?

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