How to guess on the old New Year, options and description: TOP 34 simple and modern fortune -telling for girls and women at home

How to guess on the old New Year, options and description: TOP 34 simple and modern fortune -telling for girls and women at home

From time immemorial, the Slavs believed that along with the advent of the old New Year, a portal was opened in a certain mystical world unknown to people. And it was at this time that all sorts of fortune-telling-on a narrow-and-row, on the birth of children, on wealth and fateful life incidents will be the most reliable, since otherworldly forces contribute in every way.


This custom - to guess on the night of January 13-4, to open the veil of secrets over its further fate - has survived to this day. How to deal with fortune telling - read about it in our article.

How can you guess in the old New Year?

  • From past centuries, many different fortune -telling options have come to us. In addition, this series was also replenished with modern ways. Most ritual actions are accompanied by the use of such "magical" objects: mirrors, candles, papers, matches, glasses of water.
  • You can guess in the old New Year in your room, with a sister or a girlfriend - then the ritual will not seem sinister. But at the same time you can’t joke and laugh, otherwise the spirits may be offended, and give you false or inaccurate predictions. Take the rituals you conduct with all seriousness and responsibility - and you can look into your future. But they should not be afraid of them either, since the actions offered to you are completely harmless, and they do not carry any negative consequences with them.
You can guess with friends
You can guess with friends

How to prepare for fortune -telling in the old New Year at home?

  • If you decide to tell this year on the old New Year, then you will need to carry out some training before the act. If you do everything right, then in this case you can count on the right results of Vorozhba.
  • With the sacrament, 2-3 friends may be present, but it will be better if you still conduct the ritual yourself-then no one will distract you.

What needs to be done before fortune telling in the old New Year?

  1. Think about which room in your house is best suited for the ritual. The main condition is that it should be quietly and desertedAnd therefore, ask your home for some time not to enter there.
  2. Having retired in this room, you need muffle or turn off the electric light. Use as a source of light with church candles, and if there are no one in the house - ordinary. Using a burning candle, you can achieve a magic aura in the room.
  3. For a while, get rid of the ground cross, taking it off the neck. If there is an image in the room, they will need to be covered with fabric, since according to church canons, fortune -telling is not a good deed.
  4. When wondering in the old New Year you can’t sit with hair tied in a “tail”so they will need to dissolve them. And remember: during the ritual you can’t sit with crossed legs or hands - you must be open to obtain information.
  5. You will need full concentration on the actions ongoingso try to throw away all unnecessary thoughts out of your head. When the fortune -telling already begins, it will be too late to think about the question you want to get an answer to. Therefore, think about it before - you will need its specific formulation.
  6. The cat can be in the room where fortune -telling occurs, as these animals feel manifestations of mystical otherworldly forces. But the dogs are forbidden to the dogs!
  7. If you decide to use cards for fortune telling, then use the new deck. The cards should be treated carefully, not scatter them on the floor or on the table, otherwise you may not wait for the truth from them.
  8. Be prepared for not quite good Vorozhba results, and do not be discouraged about this. It is better to believe in a good prediction and try to do everything so that bad events in your life do not happen.
It is important that no one distracts you
It is important that no one distracts you

How to guess on the old New Year: options and description of simple and modern fortune -telling for girls and women at home

On a narrow-minded (narrowed)

Every girl wants to know when she gets married. To find out, you can use the old way of fortune telling with the help of a wedding ring.

  • To do this, Mamino, Babushkino or the Ring, which a girlfriend wears on his finger, will be quite good. It is not worth transferring it from hand to hand (there is superstition that in this case the spouse will change). Better let the woman with whom this ring belongs will drop it to the floor, and you will need to raise it.
  • For such a fortune -telling you will need a bosom girlfriend and several deep opaque cups turned upside down. You will need to close your eyes, and at this time a girlfriend will have to hide a hoop under one of the cups.
  • In the case of a sure guessing, under what capacity the ring lies, you will marry this year, besides, the husband will be good, and the family will be strong. Do not be inward again - in this case you can not vouch for the correct prediction.

For the future using wax

  • Find out what awaits you in the coming year, wax will help you. It must be pre -melted and poured into cold water with a thin stream. Soon it will turn into a cold mass in the form of some figure.
  • It will need to be pulled out of the liquid and carefully look at its shape. With his rounded sides, the figure will tell you that your life will take shape measuredly and calmly, without unnecessary shocks. Sharp angles will tell you about the presence of envious people in your life.
On the wax
On the wax

Decoding of wax figures:

Often, frozen wax in water can resemble different things, animals and even people. If, for example, the wax figure turned out to be similar:

  • with mountains, then this is to the upcoming obstacles;
  • with a bagel, it means that you have enemies;
  • with the house - to the new place of residence;
  • with a star - your plans will be implemented;
  • with wood - to well -being;
  • with a rocket - to the rapid fulfillment of cherished desires;
  • with a ring - to marriage;
  • with the Church - to a quick marriage;
  • with a cradle - to the emergence of a new life;
  • with a dog, it means that new friends will appear in your life;
  • with an arrow - to a new love novel;
  • with the castle - to exposure;
  • with a snake - gossipes and envious people made their way into your environment;
  • with the key - to the receipt of a promising offer;
  • with a flower - to a romantic relationship;
  • with a person - to a new successful acquaintance;
  • with a coffin or a devil - to illness and family discord.

If the figure breaks into your hands into small pieces, pregnancy will soon come.

Whether a desire will come true

  • On the night of January 13-4 before going to bed install a mirror on the table, and, having fallen a candle, write on a mirror surface with a melting wax about your treasured desire. Do not show anyone and do not talk about what you wrote. Next, the candle will need to be extinguished, and placed the mirror next to the bed, from the side of the head.
  • Lay down, and first look in the mirror in the morning. If you have written in the same form, then this means the imminent fulfillment of desire.
  • If the inscription has disappeared, then it will never come true. If one part of the phrase remains, and the other disappeared, then your desire is destined to come true, and this will not happen very soon.

In the name of the groom

A girl who wants to know what name she has her second half that she has not yet met can tell me this way:

  • Cut the paper with thin strips on which you need to write different male names. 3 strips do not inscribe at all.
  • Put them in half, place them in some container, and pour cold water on top of them. Without hesitation, one of the strips should be pulled out, which surfaced among others up.
  • What name is written in it - the groom will be called. A pulled strip without a name will mean that very soon a contender for your hand and heart will arise in your life.

You can guess in the name of the groom and somewhat differently:

  • Strips with written male names need to be folded in a cloth bag and placed under your pillow.
  • As soon as the morning comes, you do not need to immediately jump out of bed, but pull it out without looking into the bag, one of the notes. What name is written in it - so the groom will be called.

On the narrowed, using comb

  • This ancient method of fortune -telling by the crest can be used now.
  • Make so that your comb that you usually comb will be before bedtime under your pillow - but no one should see your actions. In this case, you need to quietly pronounce the words of the conspiracy: "My narrowed, mummers, you come to me in a dream, and comb my head."
  • That night you should have a prophetic dream in which you can see your future groom. By the way, do not forget to dissolve your hair before going to bed.

For the future using paper

  • Taking with you paper sheet, matches, saucer and candleSfue in some dark room. The paper needs to be crumpled, and, putting it on a saucer, set fire to from a burning candle. From the ash remaining on the plate - if you bring the burning candle to it - the shadow will be thrown to the wall. It can be like different figures, which are a sign that the future prepares you. Reduction of characters can be read above, in the subsection "Decryption of wax figures."
  • It may happen that you will not immediately be able to consider the figure on the wall. In this case, you need to slowly rotate the saucer, and then with a suitable angle you will see a picture.

In the name of the future husband using the shell

  • In this way of fortune telling, shells of walnuts and notes with the names of young people familiar to you will be needed.
  • In each shell, one piece of paper with one male name should lie. The shells must be put in water, poured into a basin (in a circle, near its side), in the form of small boats. In a separate shell, you should put a lighted candle and also lower it in a basin (in its central part).
  • Wait a while to see which shell the candle will beat to. Pull out a note out of it, and you will find out what name your future husband will wear.

For the future using threads

  • Take 3 needles and pass the threads of different colors into their ear - for this you will need white, red and black coils. Let mom or girlfriend pin them on your clothes from the back. You, not having the idea of \u200b\u200bthe priority of their location, must pull out one of them.
  • If you take out a red thread, then this will talk about a strong happy marriage and the birth of a child. The thread of white color is to loneliness and sadness, and black - to the fact that this year marriage is “not threatened”, and therefore now it is better to make your career and wait for the next year. Suddenly he will be happy for you?
On threads
On threads

We guess what the future spouse will be

  • First, get a new deck of playing cards. You will need only kings from it, so they need to be pulled out of the deck and hid before bedtime under the pillow. After waking up, you need to pull out one of 4 cards from there.
  • If it falls out king PIK, then the husband will be elderly and jealous. The Crusade King - It will be a military man. King of the Bubnaya suit - To the young and successful spouse. King of the suit of worms - To a beautiful and rich husband.

Will there be a desire in the new year

There are a lot of options for fortune -telling on the old New Year on this topic. We will share with you three of them - in our opinion, which are the most interesting.

The first method (fortune -telling by notes):

  • It is required to write on 12 sheets according to one desire. Turning the notes written down written down, you need to mix them, place them under the pillow and calmly go to bed.
  • Waking up in the morning, first of all you need to pull out, without looking, 3 leaves - it is these desires that will come true

The second method (colored paper and origami):

  • Do you want your desire to come true in the coming year? You need to take colored paper, write on it about your cherished desire, and then put out of it a paper craft in the technique of origami.
  • It remains only to crown her Christmas tree in her house and wait for the fulfillment of desire.

The third way (calling for the help of a cat):

  • In this method of fortune -telling, the cat should be used. Choose the moment when your pet goes into another room, think about a desire, and, mentally ask: will it come true or not? Immediately call your tail pitomitsa and carefully observe her actions.
  • If she steps into your room with her left paw, then the answer will be positive; right - negative. And if suddenly the cat ignores you and does not respond to the call, it will mean that it all depends only on you.

Guess the windows that glow

  • When it is already completely dark on the street (and it gets dark early in winter), you need to leave the house (if the house is multi -apartment), and, standing with your back to it, ask yourself the question that interests you more than others.
  • After that, you need to turn around and count the windows in which the light burns. If their number is even, then the answer is positive; The odd - negative.
Fortune -telling on the windows
Fortune -telling on the windows

For good luck on the coin

  • While homework and guests have not yet gathered at the festive table, provide a person close to you with a coin - let him place it under one plate chosen by him (there should be three devices in general). You should not see his manipulations, so you need to either turn away, or even go out to another room for a while.
  • Returning, you must look under one plate you have chosen. If a coin is lying there, then in the year you can count on material well -being. If the coin is found on you on the second attempt, then nothing will change in your life. But if you never manage to open it, be afraid of financial difficulties.

On rice grains

  • It is necessary to pour into a small container (this can be, for example, a glass) Fig. Put the palm of the left hand on top and ask you a question that interests you. It must be clearly formulated so that rice grains can give an answer to it either in a positive or negative way - the third one is not given in this fortune -telling.
  • Take the same, with your left, with your hand a pinch of cereals and put it on a flat surface so that not a single grain is inadvertently slipped.
  • Apotheosis of fortune telling - counting grains. An even number of otherworldly forces will let you know that the answer to your question is positive, and the odd - that nothing good from your idea will not work.

We guess with the help of water that the coming year is preparing

It is necessary to pour water into some container (it should be shallow) and put it on the porch-let it stand there throughout the old-day night.

If in the morning you see in the container:

  • rough ice, then this is by the good year;
  • the ice frozen evenly - to the calm year;
  • frozen ice in the form of waves - everything will be equally equally - both grief and happiness;
  • water, frozen in the form of a hole - by a bad year.
The glass must be put on the street
The glass must be put on the street

Fortune -telling on the phone

  • Think about the question: what is about you at the moment? Without releasing the phone, you need to voice your question. And then - it remains only to wait.
  • If the man calls the first - everything that is conceived will come true, but if it is a woman, do not wait for anything good.

On a narrowed on the bulb

  • You need to take a few bulbs, and on each of them (right on their husk), write the name of those men who care for you, and then lower them into a container with water.
  • You can only carefully monitor what Lukovka will let the sprouts before the rest. The inscription on it will tell you who is welded to you.

For the future on the chain

For this type of fortune -telling, you will need a gold or silver chain that needs rub with your hands. When the jewelry is heated by friction, you should take it with your right hand, shake it well and abruptly throw it to the surface of the table.

The chain can be formed in the form:

  • circle - this will mean that in the coming year you will fall in a difficult situation, and it will not be easy for you to get out of it;
  • even strip - the year will be successful for you;
  • nodes - this year you can get sick or incur material damage;
  • triangle - wait for success in everything, also in love;
  • baltic - this year you are waiting for marriage;
  • snakes - carefully look at your close environment, perhaps you will find a traitor there;
  • heart - this year you will meet your love.
To love
To love

Fortune -telling in beans on the old New Year

  • For this type of fortune -telling, you need to take three small packages, and put one bob in each of them. One should be completely cleaned; the second - cleaned to half; The third is not at all.
  • They should lie all night under your pillow, and in the morning you need to pull out the first one that came across. The more cleaned you come across, the more rich your future spouse will be.

We guess the rings

  • For this type of fortune -telling, you need to collect as many rings as possible - their cost should be different. They need to be placed in a jar in which cereal was previously poured and mixed.
  • With your eyes closed, you need to scoop up a handful of grains. If you capture one of the rings along with the cereal, then in the coming year you will be called to marry. If the ring is expensive, then the contender for your hand and heart will be far from a poor person.

We guess a large company using a gold ring

  • At least 6 girls should be guessed, and it is better that there are even more participants. On the floor, you need to spread the black matter by which each girl must cute the engagement ring, while speaking the following words: "I will sway the ring around the city, and after that ring I myself will go, to the sweetheart" I will do it ".
  • For each time, you need to put the marks on matter in the place where the decoration stopped. The girl who kuttes the ring at the close distance will find her husband before everyone else. And, on the contrary, the farthest “throw” will say about the latest marriage of marriage among all participants.

Fortune -telling for marriage with a book and key

  • To conduct such fortune -telling, collect as many girlfriends as possible. Place the key in the thick book and close it, but so that his dug pews out of the tutra of the book. The folio is tightly bandaged and is suspended by the key to the ceiling.
  • When the book, after hanging on the cord, stops its oscillatory or rotational movements, each of the girls, let it take turns, says her name. So you need to continue until the book begins to rotate.
  • That girl, whose named name will coincide with the beginning of rotation, will either marry before all her friends, or will soon meet her new love.

Get on chicken eggs

  • For this purpose, you need to use the eggs that demolished domestic chickens.
  • The glass should be poured Warm water. The egg should be broken and the yolk is separated from the protein, since we do not need the yolk.
  • The protein needs to replenish a glass of water and follow it. When the protein is lowered to the bottom of the container, you are facing grief or all kinds of troubles - death in the family, fire, illness. If an unmarried girl wonders, then this can be an omen of her eternal loneliness.
  • Most often, the protein stops in the middle of the container and turns in the form of figures, each of which has its own interpretation. The decoding of some of them is given above, in the material with the subtitle "Decryption of wax figures."

What will be the husband - fortune -telling for dog barking

  • What will be the spouse, you can find out in a rather unusual way. The girl needs to go out into the street with a knife in the evening, find a snowdrift and start sticking a knife blade into it, saying: "Damn, do not be silent, damn, tell me what husband will come across, cry or laugh?".
  • And then you need to carefully listen to the barking of dogs. If he is bold and sonorous, then God will reward you with a cheerful and kind husband; Evil and jerky - the husband will get gloomy and strict. If the dog rises hoarsely - to the groom in years; Large - will be young. If she conquers, this is a short -lived marriage or widow.

How the spouse will be called - fortune -telling on a passerby

  • In the evening, an unmarried girl must leave the house, and, walking along the street, ask the first man who comes across in her path, as his name is. Exactly the same name will wear the husband who asked about it.
  • The appearance of a man will also become a determining factor in whether the spouse will be beautiful or rich.

Prophetic dream

  • You can also call a narrowed one in a dream in a other way. Before going to bed, you need to eat some salty food, and before sending to bed to say: "Who is my narrowed, who is my mummers, he will give me to drink."
  • If the perfumes want to open the veil of her future before the girl, then they will show her a prophetic dream in which the beloved she has not yet met will bring water.

Fortune -telling for the future husband in glasses

  • One of the friends should help in such a fortune -telling. Take two pairs of glasses, pour water into them, add to each: honey, salt, citric acid, wine And split a spoon. Cover them using napkins so that the contents of the glasses are not visible.
  • A girl guessing on her husband should go to the table, and, without any thoughts and hesitation, pick up one of the glasses. Honey water predicts that her husband will come across with a good character, and therefore she will live well. Salt - he will say about tears and sadness, sour - about a gloomy dull life, wine - that the husband will be a drink.

Who will get married before - fortune -telling by threads

  • Girls, eager to find out which of them is the first to “jump out” to marry, can use fortune -telling with the setting off of threads. To do this, you need to take a ball, and let each cut off a piece of thread from it - their length should be equivalent.
  • Further they need at the same time set fire to: whose piece of yarn will burn out quickly - she will find her husband before all. If the thread burned only to half, or it faded immediately, then this is a sign of postponing the marriage of the girl for an indefinite period.

Whether to be in love together: fortune -telling on matches

  • Lovers pour matches out of the box, and, taking from a common pile along one of them, insert them into different ends of the box. They need to be set on fire at the same time and wait until they burn.
  • If in the process of combustion they turned to each other, then this is a sign that they will never part. But if one of them turned into the opposite side, then in this case fate will divorce them.
On burning matches
On burning matches

What will be the husband: fortune telling

  • Such a fortune -telling for the old New Year is suitable for those whose house is equipped with a fireplace or stove, which means that there is a log. The girl will need to wait for darkness and pull out a single log from the total number of firewood. If it turns out to be smooth and smooth, then the groom will come across good and beautiful.
  • Rubbed bark He will tell you that the narrowed will be ugly, but working. Fat smooth bark - to a rich narrowed. By a tone Polen, one can judge that the groom will be poor. The thicker the log gets, the more likely it will be that a strong and strong gentleman will beat you.
  • Multiple bitch on the field They will tell you about a large family. You will guess the age spouse with a crooked log, or he will have some physical disabilities.

Fortune -telling with a cat

  • Place a cat/cat to you and stir it on the wool. Rumbling The cat predicts that your husband will get kind and affectionate. Scratching - The nature of the future spouse will be inherent in a cockyness and dummy.
  • Meowing - To the walking and unnecessary sociable companion of life. Just a cat who runs from you - that the wedding is deposited for an indefinite time.

Guessing the groom on the boot

  • The girl, leaving the house, throws the boot over the shoulder. And then you need to look: in which direction his toe will indicate, from there the matchmakers should appear.
  • But if he turns to the side of the fortuneteller, then in this case, matchmakers should not be expected yet - at least this year.

Fortune -telling for children with a needle

  • Take a thread in the ear of the needle. Right its ends, take them with your right hand and direct the tip hanging down the needle into the center of the palm. The transverse rocking of the needle - for the birth of a girl; The longitudinal is a boy. Count how many times the needle sways - God will send the same number of children to you.

Fortune -telling on playing cubes

Playing cubes (there should be a couple) can be thrown away 6 times, and no more. If during these six shots you will fall a double, then in this case you will be able to look into your future with one eye. If the combinations of numbers do not develop into the double, then you do not need to know anything in advance.

  • the loss of two sixes will predict mutual love;
  • two fives - to material well -being;
  • two fours - work and all other things will be successful;
  • two triples - to travel, new acquaintances and impressions;
  • two doubles - to the separation in the family or quarrels with friends;
  • two units - to failures in conceived matters.

How to guess for the old New Year using a mirror and candles?

  • In this ancient form of fortune -telling, a hazard may be a danger, so you should think a hundred times before deciding on it. At the same time, our ancestors also believed that such fortune -telling was the most true. So decide for yourself - to risk you, or it is not worth it. At least, excessively impressionable persons, such a ritual is not recommended.
  • The girl needs to be in the room during the Vorozhba. Her hair should be loose, and clothes do not have a belt. The table should be in advance 2 plates with spoons and candle. A few minutes before midnight, the girl should sit down at the table, light the candle, and, peering in the mirror, pronounce such words: "Putted, mummaged, come to me dinner".
  • At 12 a.m. in the mirror, a man standing behind her shoulder should appear. Looking in the face of the groom who shown in the mirror, the girl needs to say "Chur from his place!"And then the male image is melting - from this minute you can already forget about the danger. It used to be believed that the unclean force, which took on the appearance of the narrowed one, could get out of the surroundings and do a lot of troubles. Is it really so? Who knows…
Invite the narrowed
Invite the narrowed

Do not tell anyone about the results of your fortune-telling, and then, if it promised you something good, it will surely come true. Bad omen can be avoided, because your fate can be changed for the better.

We will also talk about such fortune telling:

Video: How to guess on the old New Year so that all desires are fulfilled?

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