Fortune -telling on the narrowed in a dream: methods, words of conspiracies and advice

Fortune -telling on the narrowed in a dream: methods, words of conspiracies and advice

Christmas and Epiphany have long been considered the most truthful. It was at this time that girls make dreams in which they should appear narrowed.

We so want to look at least a little into the future and find out who fate had prepared as a chosen one. Of course, you can guess at another time, and who knows, perhaps the fortune -telling will be no less true?

How to guess the narrowed in a dream?

  • The most correct time for fortune -telling on the narrowed in a dream, as already mentioned, is the days of the New Year's Christmas time: Christmas, old New Year, baptism. The right day, of course, will be Friday, and the phase of the moon is a full moon or a growing moon.
  • In order to get the right answer in a dream, guessing for the future spouse, the girl is best cleansed for what she should fast for three, preceding the ritual. Exclude from the diet you need to february products, and also - any alcoholEven the weakest.
  • On the day of fortune telling the most proper food will be exclusively Bread and water. But about others on this day it is necessary to take care of, added to feeding all households and animals.
  • One of the main conditions for proper fortunement is complete lonelinessBoth before bedtime and during sleep, it is necessary that there is no more soul in the room. After the treasured words calling the narrowed, more than sleep, should not be said, and not to think about something else, except for the upcoming night meeting with the groom, should not be said. The same applies to conversations with anyone before fortune telling - you do not need to talk about your plans to guess that night.
  • In order for the dream to become true, you need to go to bed in the opposite direction. Remove the sheet with the back of the sheet, shift the pillow in the other side and turn it over with the back, and put on a night outfit to put on a nasty-wilter.

How to guess on a narrowed in a dream in a new place?

  • The easiest way to fortuner in a dream, probably known to every girl. Straighting someone visiting a hotel or any other place where you go to bed for the first time, you need to say the following words before closing your eyes, putting it on bed:
Famous words
Famous words
  • You can also ask the future narrowed to come to you with the person with whom you will find yourself under the crown. After the treasured words are uttered, you can no longer say not a single word until you go to bed.

How to guess on a narrowed in a dream at dinner?

  • Left all alone, you need to light a couple of candles and cover on the table for two persons. It should be remembered that there should be nothing acute and pricking on the table, i.e. You have to do without knives and forks.
  • When the hands of the clock will approach twelve in the morning, the girl sits down at the table and pronounces the following words of fortune telling on the narrowed in a dream:
Tell me and go to sleep
Tell me and go to sleep
  • And then it immediately goes to sleep. As is commonly believed, exactly at midnight the appearance of the future groom is quite likely, and, in the same outfit in which he will appear at the wedding ceremony.

How to guess on a narrowed one in a dream by day of the week?

  • The most wonderful, giving dreams a prophetic character has long been considered the night from Thursday to Friday. Therefore, that night, going to bed, you need to say the following words:
Say at night
Say at night
  • The most successful combination will be the night from Thursday to Friday, which comes on the eve of Christmas.
  • On Friday, before going to bed, after the girl clears her hair, she should put her comb under the pillow and say:
In the evening of the last worker
In the evening of the last worker
  • Another one suitable for fortune -telling on a narrowed night is a night falling on Tuesday. On Monday evening, you need to tear off the spruce branch and put it under the pillow. In this case, you need to say such words:
Foreword options
Foreword options
  • On the same night they guess on a bay leaf. You need to make your lips and leave their mark on a sheet of paper. Immediately, right on the print, write the name of the man of interest to you. Two or three minutes hold this sheet on the surface of the mirror and hide under the pillow. And on three laurel leaves write three names: Ananius, Azariy and Misail. At the same time, pronounce the conspiracy:
Conspiracy words
Conspiracy words
  • Most often, according to the assurances of knowledgeable people, it is the one who is destined to be near you throughout your life. At the same time, its appearance should not be expected, you should stand up.
  • In the evening of Wednesday, you can read the following conspiracy before going to bed:
No less important words spoken
No less important words spoken
  • But on Sunday night, fortune -telling is not recommended.

How to guess on a narrowed in a dream on jam?

  • The girl should take a sufficiently large saucer in volume, fill it with jam and put it near her bed. Better - closer to the head of the head, so that in the morning, getting out of bed, not by chance not to get a foot in a saucer.
  • Putting a saucer, you should say: "Everything is sweet - I have." It is possible that your sweet narrowed will come to your dream.

How to guess on the narrowed in a dream on the hair?

  • If the girl has long hair, she can guess on a narrowed in a dream on her own braids. To do this, just before going to bed, she needs braid hair in a braid and pass into it small layerthat must be closed, pronouncing the following words:
About the narrowed
About the narrowed
  • After that, the key must be hidden under the pillow - the narrowed must come for him in a girlish dream.
  • Another option for fortune telling is to hide your scallop under the pillow and, without combing, go to bed. When a girl settles in bed, she needs to say such words:
With a comb
With a comb
  • It is necessary to take river water into which half a glass of salt and fine wood ash. Dear two hairs into this composition - your own and the man you guess on. When you lower, say: “Salt, ash, water. Is it destined to forever? ” Put the container by the window and lie down. Having woken up, look at the water and hairs in it: if they stuck together, having connected together, to be a wedding, if they remained separately - you will not be together.
  • And one more way of fortune telling - combing the hair before bedtime (be sure to your own comb!), Pronse:
  • Using this method, you will learn not only how your chosen one will look, but also his name that he will call you in a dream.

How to guess on a narrowed in a dream on the water?

  • Going to bed, the girl may ask to show her narrowed water, which, as you know, is an excellent conductor of thoughts and energy.
  • To do this, you need to place a jug, filled with clean water at the head, and a cup (a glass or mug). A, falling asleep, ask:
You need your cross
You need your cross
  • Pulling the cross for the third time, put it on yourself without wiping it, and go to bed.
  • Another fortune -telling on the narrowed in a dream of water is the use of overly overlooked foods before bedtime or just salt (approximately from thimbles). Going to bed, you must say:
The water should be well salted
The water should be well salted
  • There is also an old fortune -telling for which you need to keep an open castle near a stream of water flowing from the tap, and ask: "My narrowed, come to me in a dream, ask for water". After that, the lock must be closed and hidden under the night under the pillow. A dreaming man will be the future spouse.

How to guess on a narrowed in a dream on a toe or on shoes?

  • Before you go to bed, the girl must first put on both socks, and then, having removed her left, hide it under her pillow. The cherished words of fortune -telling on the narrowed in a dream, which must be pronounced, sound like this:
On socks
On socks
  • The one who is destined to become your fiancé will certainly respond to such a call and will appear to you in a dream.
  • Another fortune -telling: going to go to bed, throw a deck of cards over the threshold that did not play or guess, and pull the king of the worm suit out of it. Put the card under your bed, and put a shoe or boot on it, saying at the same time: “You, love, do not hide. I will have to dream today. ”

How to guess on a narrowed in a dream on the horseshoe?

  • For such a fortune -telling on the narrowed in a dream, it is necessary that the house has a new broom or, in extreme cases, a broom. From the broom, you should get one twig and hide it under your bed. You will also need some part of the horse team (UZDEK, and even better - horseshoe).
  • If you can’t find it, do not despair - you can just find a suitable picture or simply draw such a horseshoe. Now the horseshoe (or her image) should be laid under the pillow and go to bed. And so that the narrowed will probably appear in your dream, say, falling asleep:
On a drawn or real horseshoe
On a drawn or real horseshoe

How to guess on a narrowed in a dream on maps?

  • Pull all kings from the card deck and, folding them under your pillow, say: say:
Which of your kings is?
Which of your kings is?
  • At night you should dream of any of these kings.
  • The peak suit prophesies an old man or a formidable jealous, Chervonny speaks of the wealth and youth of the future groom. If a treforal king appears in a dream - the girl should prepare for the house soon come to the house, well, and the king’s lubby suit indicates that the girl awaits happiness with the one who is in her heart.

How to guess on a narrowed in a dream on a broom?

  • As well as from the broom, one twig is pulled out of the broom and is placed under the pillow in such a way that during sleep it is accidental not to break it. When you place a twig, say the words for fortune -telling on the narrowed in a dream:
On the twigs
On the twigs
  • Everything, it remains only to go to bed and wait, what bridge to the girl’s beloved will lead. If by aspen - do not wait for the life of joys, since it will be much more sad. If you go near the birch bridge, it means that a real man will come to your life, the life with which will be reliable.
  • If you go in a dream straw bridge, It is better not to build far -reaching plans for this guy, since long relations with him are still not destined.
  • In the event that you dream that the guy is trying to push you from the bridge, then you should immediately refuse to establish relationships with this person.

How to guess in the name of the narrowed in a dream?

  • On the night preceding Friday (ideally, it should be a festive Christmas Christmas Day), before going to bed, say the cherished words of fortune telling in a dream:
Remember the words
Remember the words
  • The guy who dreams that night will lead you down the aisle.
  • And in the night that falls before Thursday, you can find out the name of the future husband, if the names of men on several leaves. The leaflets need to be hidden under the pillow, and in the morning, waking up, without looking pulled out the one that will be the first to fall into the hand. The name written on it will be the name of your future spouse.

How to guess on a narrowed in a dream in a pan?

  • In this fortune -telling on the narrowed in a dream, the girl should secretly hide the pan under the bed of her mother, saying: “My narrowed, come to your mother -in -law for your mother -in -law to visit delicious to eat.” And in the morning you need to ask what your mother dreamed about.
  • And if she really saw in a dream one of the guys, and even more so, fed him-you can doubt, this is your fate. If not a single man appeared in a dream, then your hour has not yet struck, and you need to wait.

How to guess on a narrowed in a dream on a mirror?

  • Before midnight, it is necessary to install a mirror in the room, and put the spruce branches nearby. Then, on the surface of the mirror, you should write the name of the one who interests you (you can write a secret desire), and go to bed.
  • Waking up in the morning, first take a look at the mirror and at the inscription: if she disappeared, then in the very near future you have to go down the aisle. If everything remains, as it was, then in your life in the near future changes should not be expected.
  • At the same time, knowledgeable people warn that for the one whose name you wrote on a mirror surface, such a fortune -telling may have a bad omen. Therefore, it is still better to write not the name of a guy who is not indifferent to you, but a desire.
  • Another fortune -telling on the narrowed one in a dream can be carried out on a new mirror, on which a draw of extraneous energy was not printed, which can interfere with the correct result of the ritual. Such a mirror is placed under the pillow with the words:
On a beautiful mirror
On a beautiful mirror
  • At night you will see not just the face of the narrowed, but his reflection in the mirror. In the morning, thank the mirror for the work performed and hide it from prying eyes and hands.

How to guess on a narrowed in a dream with a conspiracy?

  • In a fully relaxed state, abandoning all extraneous thoughts, the girl, in anticipation of sleep, should say the following words: “Let me dream of what is destined to happen. I want it so, let it be so! ” At the same time, you need to think only about the guy with whom you would like to connect your fate, presenting you together in a beautiful romantic setting. It is better to pronounce the conspiracy several times to wake your subconscious, which will help to contact the higher powers that will reveal the future to you.
  • The new moon can be addressed with a conspiracy to the moon, which, as you know, is the patroness of lovers. You need to sit on the windowsill, turning facing the light of the young month, renounce thoughts about daytime problems and worries and imagine how you meet with the one who will become your spouse. In this case, the conspiracy should be pronounced:
Forget about all problems
Forget about all problems

How to guess on a narrowed in a dream on a candle?

  • Take any candle - church or decorative, it is not important, because the main role is played by the flame. In the evening, staying alone, light a candle and look at the flame, repeating such a conspiracy three times:
For strong energy
For strong energy
  • After that the candle is obscured and immediately go to bed, without being distracted by any matters or conversations.

How to tell a lonely girl on a narrowed in a dream?

  • During any phase of the moon, except waning, they can guess on their future narrowed and those who are still lonely. To do this, at the midnight hour you need to get closer to the temple, be sure to overshadow yourself with a sign of the Cross, and then go around the church in a circle 12 times.
  • Now you can go home neither on the road, nor in the house without saying a word and in no way can you touch the water: It is forbidden to wash, wash hands, etc. If you immediately after the ceremony, having fulfilled all the conditions and come home, lie down to sleep, then soon you will meet your fate.

How to guess on a prophetic dream on a narrowed one?

  • On holy evenings, you can spend a few fortune -telling on the narrowed in order to see the prophetic dream in which the narrowed will come to you. In order for everything to work out, you need to strictly observe all the elements of the rite: prepare consecrated water in advance, rinse her face and drink three sips.
  • Then comb your hair (comb only wooden should be used!), Having spent 12 times on the hair, and then hiding the comb under her own pillow. Do not forget to hide the garlic - a bunch or head under the bed, but not a tooth.
  • Garlic will help to drive out evil forces that can intervene in your sleep and make it a nightmare.

How to guess on a narrowed in a dream on a ring?

  • The most faithful will be such a fortune -telling on a narrowed in a dream on a baptismal night. A glass filled with spring or consecrated water is needed, the water supply in this case is not suitable. Lower the engagement ring of any of your relatives by blood into the glass, which happy in family life.
  • The simpler the ring will be, the better. On a saucer with a pinch of salt, put natural fabric (suitable cotton or flax) white and install a glass on top. Now read the conspiracy: “Salt-leader, I want to fall in love. Predipid fate, show the narrowed. ”
  • If you carefully peer into the center of the ring at this time, you will see in it the face of the one who will soon become your second half. Seeing the future groom, do not forget to say: "Chur me!"
  • When the image disappears, the church candle must burn for several minutes, when not only the room, but also your sleep. Then put out the candle and fall asleep, imagining the one who appeared to you in the ring.

How to guess on a narrowed in a dream on herbs?

  • Make a bouquet in which 12 (in some variants of fortune -telling there is also the number 13) stems of various plants, including dry ones. For each stem, make options for your future life, for example: soon go down the aisle, stay alone, meet a lover, get the proposals of hands and hearts from several guys at once, etc.
  • It is possible, as was customary earlier, wrap each stem with a leaflet of paper with a desire written on it. Put your bouquet at the head of the head and call: “Come to a walk with me, to collect herbs in the field.” In a dream you will appear narrowed, and in the morning you will need to pull out one of the twigs, which will tell you that it awaits you soon.

How to guess on a narrowed in a dream on bread?

  • With a clear lunar night, you need to add a small piece of rye bread and put it under the pillow or in the headboard, while saying:
For bread
For bread
  • When the words of the conspiracy on the narrowed in a dream will be uttered, the time will come to clearly formulate the question that is interested in the girl in her relationship with the guy.
  • Then go to bed, and in the morning, immediately having recorded all the details of that, I dreamed so as not to miss even the slightest details, I would turn to people or knowledgeable people in the interpretation of dreams.

How to guess on a narrowed in a dream on the night of Ivan Kupal?

  • This long -standing pagan holiday involves the appropriate rite. It is necessary to prepare a decoction from torn at night, preceding the holiday, three bundles of grass or wildflowers.
  • You need to cook it for 20 minutes, be sure to stiring against the course of the time stir, and at the same time pronounce such a conspiracy:
Drinking a decoction
Drinking a decoction
  • After that, swallow the decoction and mentally ask a question that is at this time most of all. The dream of a dream will be the answer to the question.

How to guess the girl’s narrowed in a dream?

  • Find out who will become the bridegroom of her daughter, maybe the girl’s mother. She needs to take a hinged castle and his story on some of the things belonging to her daughter: dress, shoes, mirror, etc.
  • In this case, the following words should be said: "The narrowed, let the bride help out." Then you need to put everything under the pillow and go to bed.
  • At night, in a dream, the girl’s mother can see either the face of the future son -in -law, or a figure that will mean how many more years to her daughter to wait for her wedding.

How to correctly interpret the dream about the narrowed?

  • If you dreamed after the rite the guy whose face you saw clearly and clearly, That interpretation is not required - this is your narrowed. But other images that require additional interpretation may dream.
  • As a rule, any of the quick marriage can dream of any shoes: shoes, boots, boots etc. If the shoes are new and not damaged, especially if you measure or buy it, you will soon go down the aisle. Comfortable - To successful marriage, and well -worn old torn shoes - To difficulties in relations. If you dream shoes without a couple - You will not have to talk about the wedding in the near future.
  • To see in a dream a wolf or some other large animal means that soon you have a meeting with someone who will become your narrowed. The same thing awaits you if you dream A female with a brood.
  • A good sign is a walk in the garden where they grow apples or plums, And it’s very good if you are not alone in a dream.
  • Prepare for a wedding in a dream - This is good, but seeing the marriage itself is not the best sign.

We will also talk about such fortune telling:

Video: girl's fortune -telling on the narrowed

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  1. Contact my mother. She often travels to holy places and places of power. He will not guess, but he will tell everything from the photograph. And he conducts rituals with light forces. Because of the coronavirus, she generally stopped conducting a personal reception, and works according to Watsap from the photos. People, in principle, are satisfied. Goods and peace to you !!!!!!!

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