How to find out on your fingers how good a person is in love?

How to find out on your fingers how good a person is in love?

As on the fingers and features of the hand to determine which person is in love and sex.

Many scientists note that by the length of the fingers and certain details of the hands, you can find out how good a person is in love and sex, how behaves in a relationship. In this article, we will try to figure out what is the relationship between the fingers of a person and his attitude to love.

How to find out on the fingers what kind of person in love, relationships?

It is worth noting that the palmities are advised to look at the length of the ring finger, as well as the little finger.


  • Now take a closer look if the tip of the little finger reaches exactly the middle of the last phalanx of the ring finger, this suggests that you are a very patient person, sensual, sociable, you always try to tell the truth, not to deceive anyone. At the same time, communication with you can be somewhat complicated, for the reason that partners are not always ready to hear the truth, and it can be quite sharp, and not always pleasant. Therefore, in the first stages of communication with you, difficulties may arise. Not many people who can calmly communicate with you well. These are mainly people who value sincerity and are ready to listen to the truth in any manifestation, even if not in the most pleasant. But with such people, in whom the little finger takes out just to the phalanx of the ring finger, the easiest way to get along in the family. Because they do not deceive, and are always ready to talk without deception.
  • If the little finger exceeds this line of phalanges, you are an expert in love, the seducer of female hearts. You have no problems with sociability, you can easily find a common language with the opposite sex, you have many friends, often in communication, like to seduce. It is worth noting that such people are sometimes quite windy and are not quite serious about relationships. This can somewhat complicate the situation. Most often, such people have many relations in a short period of time. They can be called Lovelaces, Donjuans. Therefore, such people are not quite suitable for family life. It is quite difficult with them, they can often change sexual partners and do not adhere to monogamy in the family. That is, they can start several women at the same time. If you are not ready to share a man with someone, try to abandon the alliance with such a partner.
  • If the little finger does not reach the last phalanx of the finger, this indicates excessive exactingness in love and constant claims. Such people often want something, they idealize their chosen ones. Initially, they give a partner to some qualities that he may not correspond and wait for certain reactions. Then they are very offended when their expectations do not come true. Try to treat people less demand. No need to idealize a partner and look for an ideal. You just need to be able to turn a blind eye to some disadvantages of a person and enjoy his advantages.
Misman method
Misman method

How to find out on the fingers, which man is a lover?

You can learn about the methods of determining human behavior in sex below. There is an opinion according to which the distance from the tip of the thumb to the index, corresponds to the size of the penis of the man.

The letter L:

  • When a right angle or the so -called letter l English forms between the index and thumb, you need to measure the distance between the nails on the thumb and index finger. This corresponds to the size of the penis.
  • As scientists say, this theory is not confirmed. In this case, the largest penis will have just basketball players, with huge hands. In fact, this is an erroneous opinion, is a myth.
The method of the letter l
The method of the letter l

The amount of prenatal testosterone:

  • Scientists from South Korea put forward another hypothesis. The experiment was attended by more than 150 men who came to the operation in the medical center. The distance and the differences between the index and ring finger were measured.
  • Scientists have proven that men who have a ring finger are longer than the index, have a large member than those who have a smaller finger shorter. This is associated with perinatal testosterone, that is, the one that is released inside the embryo.
  • They believe that it is he who is responsible for the peculiar inclinations of the penis in the future. That is, the more testosterone is produced in the mother in the womb, the more the genital organ will be in an adult age.
  • But these data are still unverified, so they should not be perceived as a one hundred percent guarantee. In addition, Korean scientists have established that the increased level of testosterone inside the womb increases logical thinking. Such people get along better with technology and more advanced in the field of new technologies and computers than those who have a index finger longer than the ring.

Wrist length method:

  • There is an opinion according to which the size of the penis corresponds to the distance from the middle finger to the wrist. It should be borne in mind that basketball players are just different in very large palms.
  • Their fingers are very developed, but they do not have the largest penis, in relation to ordinary men who have nothing to do with sports. Therefore, such an assessment is also erroneous.
  • In some men, this distance can reach 27 cm, and there are practically no such penis. Therefore, this method of determining the size of a member is not entirely true.

What is the shape of a man’s fingers talking about?

It is also worth paying attention to the shape of the nails and the fingers themselves. The fact is that men whose knotted fingers thickened in the joints are quite pragmatic, always soberly assess the situation. It is difficult for such a chosen one to blow his head, he will always think a hundred times before making some decision, even if it concerns love. They do not make a decision in a burn, or under the influence of emotions. Therefore, such men are ideal for the family, although for many they may seem boring.

Men with perfectly straight, even fingers are idealists, and are quite emotional. Therefore, if you are not ready for Italian passions every day, try to bypass such men.

Man's hands
Man's hands

As you can see, in terms of the size of the palm, as well as the features of the structure of the fingers, we can say what a person is in love, in sex. For many, such ways to predict a person’s character will seem somewhat strange. But some people note a complete coincidence by these signs with the character, as well as the characteristics of a man’s attitude.

Video: What are the fingers of a man about?

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